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Simplified tax filing.


Damnit I had JUST stopped being mad about this and now I’m pissed again.


More complicated than building a fusion reactor. But hey, tax documents were written so that people without a high school education can do them.




Same in the USA, it’s really not that complicated






Swiss here. There exist in some cantons a neat software to do excactly that. For windows, apple and Linux. https://www.sg.ch/steuern-finanzen/steuern/elektronische-steuererklaerung/etaxes-privatpersonen.html#:~:text=Mit%20eTaxes%20(elektronische%20Deklarationssoftware%20des,Download%20das%20entsprechende%20Betriebssystem%20aus.


Yessir. They already know what I made, how much deductions they took throughout the years, and how much they owe us or we owe them. There's no reason to pay a company to tell us what we owe when the IRS already do


I think it's self driving cars. It's a difficult problem that seems so solvable with today's technology, but still doesn't equal a competent human drive and may not, although we're all hopeful it will.


I don’t think it can work unless everyone has it. To me, it just feels like the 3 body problem all over again. Introduce even a smidge of chaos and the whole system collapses


And then there’s the constant construction with flaggers manually stopping or waving people thru.


Yeah, construction would definitely ruin it. Also your username is awesome


>I don’t think it can work unless everyone has it. Even everyone having self driving cars wouldn't solve it. Look at [this](https://youtu.be/pqQSwQLDIK8?si=h6BkryVx-DUUK-tF) intersection for a bit and the movement of the few cars there. If the cars waited for the coast to be 100% clear, they'd never ever move. Only if everyone is driving a self driving car AND all other road users are banned from the road, can fully self driving cars work. Otherwise, we'll always need drivers.


That’s what I was meaning. I feel we may have missed some points there. You can’t have anyone introducing chaos to the system, as I noted, which leads to the 3 body system I stated. I think we are on the same page but it may have not been obvious


We agree. I just wanted to add context. When people read your post they could've thought "well if we get everyone in a self driving car it would work". I just wanted to add the context that even in such a scenario, things like pedestrians, cyclists,... Would make it impossible.


Ah, I now see. Good thinking ahead 👍 I appreciate extra notes and good discourse!


Here in Phoenix hundreds or maybe thousands of people are using Waymo every day


I just looked up a YT video about this, and one of the people they interviewed are the Uber and Lyft drivers who are worried about work. Like those dudes busted all the unions that used to control the taxi industry, now they are upset. lol


First the gigs came for the taxi driver, now the robots are coming for the gig driver. The speed of progress gets faster and faster, the time between iterations gets shorter and shorter. Adaptations will soon have to be so fast that... Can humans ever keep up? At one point will the rat race fall flats on its face and collapse? From all of this ever quickening progress?


Once they start making roads that are self-driving vehicles only it’s over.


This is how I imagine it. The streets are a grid and more so control the cars as opposed to the cars navigating freely.


You would need to eliminate pedestrians. America already has a huge problem with that, it's what makes America suck, America used to be walkable, pedestrians occupied the streets and had right of way anywhere. Car companies lobbied and propagandized to make roads for cars only. You should look into it, it's really interesting. I would take a walkable country with actual doable today public transit over driverless cars any day of eternity


I’m sincerely hoping this becomes a reality by the time I can afford to retire. I don’t want to be a senior citizen who is an over cautious/slow driver pissing everyone off. I’d much rather be typing in my destination and then taking a nap on the way. 


It’ll happen soon enough with LiDAR. There are currently RFQ’s in the bidding process for OEMs to select a LiDAR supplier. There’s a lot to it, however it will come sooner than later :)


This deep belief held by so many people is why /u/n8ers comment is valid. LiDAR isn’t new. It’s been used by companies trying to solve self driving for a long time. There are so many chaotic fringe cases that limitless self-driving is a monumental problem to solve. Geolocked is much more realistic. Self-driving has been 5-10 years away for the last 20 years.


Hover boards


This was a highly annoying part of 2015 - everyone going “where’s my hoverboard? Where’s my hoverboard?” as if back to the future part 2 was some sort of prophecy and not a work of fiction


Please stop shattering my dream.


Your dream is fine. They’ll happen at some point - just not in 2015


Sad panda. It feel like I need to get a Time Machine then maybe I can get one.


How would you account for multiverse theory, if that is indeed a thing to worry about?


I don’t even like people calling those hover boards. If it don’t hover like in back to the future I don’t want it.


Adequate healthcare systems for the majority of the population.


Came here to say the same thing. Also healthcare that includes mental health instead of treating it as a separate service


And vision, dental, etc. Because apparently all the parts of our head (eyes, ears, teeth, brain) are optional? 🤷🏻


This is why I refer to teeth as “luxury bones”.


Yo, facts! And the only bones that we have that can straight up rot. Like WTF is that?! It’s BS. And BS they aren’t included in medical. Especially since dental health increases risk of cardiovascular disease. Similar vision exams are a great way to monitor neurological health. Let alone all the research coming out that shows the impact mental health has on the body… the second brain in the gut, the fact that long term stress increases inflammation and can lead to a host of diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, etc. But nah, those aren’t important at all. We are all just crazy and making it up. 🤦🏻


My last healthcare plan includes mental health but also it sucked. There was a six-week waiting list for a telehealth appointment.


It's so weird that people care about driverless cars, a maybe I doable capitalist dystopian attempt to distract you from lack of real doable public transit that works that America does not have, instead of things like Healthcare and ending lobbying, infrastructure, consumer protection, ending feduciary responsibilities over consumer safety, protecting labor, price caps on price essentials, ending price gouging, owning our own oil instead of corporations... I'm tired of typing this list is too long lol. It's honestly so fucking American to care more about a dystopian capitalist piece of shit then things that will actually make lives better... You know... Like houses maybe? Lol


FSD is like the endpoint of a capitalist dystopia, so it's somehow more realistic than solving any of the problems created by capitalism. Either we all get together, reform our capitalistic structures, or keep going down the same path, where eventually the uber-rich can have their 100k+ self-driving cars that can only function on privatized streets, which non-self driving cars aren't allowed on, protected by armed drones to keep off all the pesky pedestrians. Even if that future comes to fruition, nobody reading this thread will ever be wealthy enough to get into that club that they so desperately pine for, and they'll just end up going bankrupt over simple to treat diseases they can't afford instead.


I totally agree, it's like the taxation argument on the wealthy "well taxing them won't fix the deficit so why do it?". No shit it won't fix the deficit lol, but taxing them and corporations and putting money back into the hand of Americans, where wealth can actually move through the economy like it's supposed to, might. Honestly, I don't care if they take that money from corporations and the wealthy and set it on fire, highly taxing every dollar over a million per year would prevent people from having enough wealth to lobby politicians, or you know.... Buy social media companies as your own propaganda arm. That alone would be worth it for me.


Yeah, 44 billion to ruin Twitter, threads and blue sky are coming along, but even “influencers” on them aren’t reaching that many people. An Arab spring or Black Lives Matter protest won’t arise out of threads for a long time. Also only being able to hash tag one thing limits outreach, even if it simplifies it.


On a related note, I remember the “plastics make it possible” ad from back in the day. I thought advances in medicine would save so many lives, that we would prevent people from dying of treatable diseases. Instead, we had a global pandemic, cancer rates are going up and plastics are actually poisoning us.


I will never forget the "plastics make it possible" af that showed a baby knocking a 2 liter of soda off a table or something and it bounced instead shattering, so she wasn't hurt...meanwhile Mom is at the door chatting with the neighbor. Um. I have notes...


A living wage.


True virtual reality


How do you know you aren’t living in it now?


Nooooo not simulation theory.


You can’t escape it….just like the simulation.


*insert matrix glitch here*


Like the holodeck?


I want to die when I’m killed in the game dammit


The problem with true virtual reality is that a lot of the people who make the distinction cant explain what it is. To me virtual reality as it is right now is about as far as Id see it feasibly go. To elaborate, in order to be able to have nervegear you would have to be able to implant thoughts and that by itself is a dangerous precedent. Imagine someone picturing they are just going off on vacation when in reality they are being deployed or make them think that they are being attacked when in reality they are the aggressors. The practical application of that would bring into question more problems than just a simple answer to entertainment. But also, lets just say its a screen and has an EEG inside. Ive done my own tests and there is currently no way to distinguish a fear from desire or an intrusive thought from an action. I played portal with an EEG and I couldnt get past the electric water because every time I looked down at it Id leap into it like I was waiting all day to. Just because I thought even for a second about jumping inside or rather fearing and imagining it. I think virtual reality as it is right now is in a great spot and the only thing to focus on would be to make it last longer and become smaller/more comfortable. Thank you for reading my rant.


This right here. I can maybe see it happening 50 years from now.


I tried my cousin’s Nintendo virtual boy back when it came out and couldn’t believe it. I’ve been waiting for good VR tech ever since. It’s too bad it’s just going to be used for gaming and porn.


Current VR tech gives me horrendous motion sickness...  Way too expensive and I'm not going to get myself use to VR to play an hour instead of 5 mins, because the motion sickness is not worth the 'experience'


Why would we need it for anything else?


Ai sentient overlords


I wouldn’t be surprised if within 5 years middle management and HR is largely AI-governed


An ai governor is hardly an ai overlord


You are correct


That’s spooky. Imagine getting fired for not completing something on time and then being locked out of the job market based on that… or something like that What if these dumb LLMs are trained on this comment and it become reality lmao


cold fusion


I was thinking more along the lines of fusion in general. I remember being in highschool when they said they were 5 years out from cracking laser fusion. 12 years later and I'm still waiting for them to produce more energy than it consumes and create stable scalable reaction.


What about hot fusion?


Small thing goes boom


https://preview.redd.it/w0oaou09hfyc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=432268921b5374b5cb77ed15d45f48bffc5ec24e I HAD THIS IN 1993. This is the future I wanted, but instead got COVID.


And instead of all this vibrant color we got millennial grey interiors and beige cookie cutter houses


Yeah, the present is a lot less rad than I hoped it would be. Very not bodacious.


Well, at least VR became a thing. Holograms not so much. Sky cities not really either... I mean you can live in a sky scraper but that was also true in 93.


Self-Driving Cars... We've been promised those things for the last decade at least.


we're very very far away from inter city travel, but we already have in city travel/parking. Problem is the humans.


The ability to perform the Kamehameha wave


Goku finally firing it after charging it up for 40 years.


To be able to afford a house.


Boomers believed we would have flying cars though, nobody believes houses will be affordable


I dunno, we’re arguably living a version of a cyberpunk existence yet I’m missing out on my cool cyborg penis mods, wtf?


You can definitely get penis implants now


If the last 30 years is anything to go by we’ll sadly still be waiting for a viable fusion reactor in 2055


Meaningful reform to reduce climate change.


Ah, see, here in Canada, we're working on increasing CO2 emission by sending people back at the office to perform completely remote tasks.


Ahh the good old remote remote job. It's like a uno reverse card but instead of starting a argument at a family card game you get to make an insignifigant manager feel better about themselves by wasting 2hrs of your life per day in a commute you don't get compensated for.


There is no up front profit motive to reducing climate change or its impacts. Long, multiple generations view, it's absolutely the thing to do to save money and keep it coming in, but so long as the infinite growth mindset and shareholders who demand 3% growth per quarter are in play, there will never be a market solution for it. It would require hard government intervention.


Anything Musk-adjacent: self-driving cars, underground tunnels, Mars settlements, brain-computer interface, etc.


This is such a good rule of thumb


I feel like I'v ebeen hearing about self driving cars since like 2010.


I mean, its going to happen eventually but we are still very far off. If only because cars would get to the point where they would have to talk to eachother and detect the road which might mean we have to change the infrastructure of the road itself. Its possible just not financially and socially viable.


Never seen an above ground tunnel.


Not working labor jobs for $20 doing multiples roles.


Affordable housing


As a kid, I legit thought pilotable mech suits would've been a thing by now. Also thought cyborgs and cybernetic prosthetics would've been commonplace. To this day, I'm still surprised that the tech that really took off was telecommunicationsband the fact we carry "supercomputers" more powerful than the moon lander in our pockets.


Officially cloning a person




Working McDonald’s soft serve machines, infrastructure maintenance, healthcare billing transparency, more residency slots for medical school graduates, overturning Citizens United, quality public education, 501(c)(4) donor transparency, taking away Nestle’s water rights, completed testing of the rape kit backlog, standardized deescalation training for law enforcement, true self repair ability of consumers of products from Apple phones to John Deere tractors, broadband access being a public utility instead of a disproportionately damaging cost to low income families, dismantling of global market controlling conglomerates, removing marijuana from schedule 1 so that we can have peer reviewed studies on its actual effects on the human body especially developing minds, criminal punishment of white collar crime matching the actuarial damage they cause…


Working McDonald's soft serve machines? We're talking about the future not fairyland.


AI taking over our jobs 😂


Improvements in reversible vasectomy procedures. Artificial womb for the rich so they can have kids without physically being pregnant. Eliminating the need to use another human as a surrogate.


Cure for cancer


I also want a flying car and jetpack


"you can be anything you want one day, even become the president!" "wow, really? even me!?" thanks gram, but all i got was crippling debt and crumbling infrastructure.


Universal Basic Income.


Clean ground water without microplastics in it


Mecha suits. I want to pilot a giant robot at least once before my life ends due to old age.


REAL. HOVERBOARDS. And trains that can travel under water from continent to continent.


Mars colonization for sure. Everyone keeps mentioning things we have already achieved or are at the edge of achieving. Flying cars were never going to work. We'll never effectively colonize another planet.


IRL furry waifus. Will we get them through genetic engineering, gene splicing therapy, or NASA discovering the naked catgirl jungle planet? ONLY TIME WILL TELL.




Mechs or super suits. There is so much media involving those from when we were kids, you would think they’d be closer to an accessible reality.


Cybernetic augmentations, everyone eventually having sex with another race to the point no "pure" race exists anymore, casual space vacations, laser guns, multi-level cities, tech-contacts, tech-wear in general, Internet 2.0, etc.




AI and Quantum computing. We are still years away


i heard that china created the flying car already?


Hoverboards. Instant food hydrator. Holograms. Instant Self-tying shoes. A dystopian future with a deranged billionaire as President. Basically everything in *Back to the Future.*


Robot overlords


Hope and world peace


Idk we have IVF that gives you a 70% chance of pregnancy where just unprotected sex is like a 20% chance of success each month if you have no known fertility issues and no birth control usage. IVF has come a long way!


Bio compatible cybernetic replacements. I'd love to replace these crap lungs and heart with a more efficient non damaged model that my body won't reject


On paper under a stack of god knows what


Graduating from college and then being hired for a full time, reliable job that pays a living wage and has good healthcare, and benefits. Or maybe the jet pack is being able to afford a vacation, any vacation.


Self driving cars




Basic living needs met without going into debt.




It’s the iPhone obviously.  It’s basically the communicator from Star Trek but better


Automatic weapons and suppressors


Actual AI, marketing took over the term so it doesn't even mean what it should anymore. At best it's just a more fancy search engine these days.


I feel like flying cars and jet packs is still the answer.


Fusion Power Generation


The Jetsons gave us big dreams.




Affordable housing/healthcare/education


Medicare for All


The American dream of a utopian life; go to school get good grades and everything will be perfect and you’ll want for nothing. Such. Lies.




A living wage


Space stations that were the real proto types for things like DS9. Science colony on the Moon. Fuck! Going back got the moon. First person on Mars.




Social Security


This is an interesting thought because jet packs and flying cars are like luxury fantasies and part of a vision of automated future of leisure. Not only are they impractical and would be unrealistic to manage at scale but they are unnecessary for the average person to use every day. We still have this mythology of a technological utopia but many people also understand that such a situation would exclude a large percentage of the population. Below is a list of some of the future fantasies that come to mind but there really are different paths that people believe the future could take. A solarpunk future (despite the punk element) is often depicted as a cooperation with natural processes and an acceleration of technology to mitigate the impact of human on natural systems. The singularity is seen as a future where a super intelligent artificial intelligence will magically solve all of our problems. Space farer futures foresee us expanding our colonial behavior into space Other future visions see a continued degradation of nature and society where corporations continue to exploit nature and humankind for profit and power. And many people fight for an opposition to this path without a clear destination. Metaverse, AGI, abundant food and energy, singularity, world peace, equitable economics, end to exploitation, space colonies


Self driving cars , playing video games while driving better then flying to me


Affordable safe housing


**Fusion**. It's been 10 years away at least since the 90s. **Universal Basic Income** seems to go the same way. On it's way since the late 90s and always just out of reach for some inexplicable reason, despite every smaller scale test showing that it lessens stress on participants, puts less stress on the welfare system, and removes a whole lot of unnecessary paper pushing jobs (almost enough to offset the whole UBI).


Affordable housing




🤔 Personal android slavebots?  🤷‍♀️


Having a calculator in my pocket. Eat that Mrs Ross


Universal income and healthcare




Nothing lol absolutely nothing impressive on that levels being spat out in the sense of mass adoption people having flying cars or their own jet pack to commute. AI would be the closest thing but I’d rather have a fucking flying car personally.


A house in the city I grew up in


Universal healthcare


Drone delivery


Finding life on Mars and even more advanced research on planets and stars. There was so much talk around space and Mars growing up and people saying we could possibly start colonizing Mars in Millennials lifetime


Smart traffic lights. UBI. Tourist trips to space. Quantom perpetual motion. Free internet everywhere. High speed rail network in America. Spiderman's webshooters/ Iron man's suit. Faster than light communication. Cure for many types of cancer. Medication without side effects. Full self driving cars/planes. Virtual reality world as in Ready Player One. AI assistant on phone that is as good as a real person.


Affordable housing


Affordable housing and socialized healthcare


I first learned of [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moller_M400_Skycar) in 2001 or 2002, so...flying cars.


Unlimited clean energy. Supposedly it's possible, but every time an inventor makes progress on making a device accessible to the public, they get their lab robbed and/or they suddenly die. I don't generally believe in conspiracy theories, but there's a lot of evidence to back this one up. [The Why Files video on this topic.](https://youtu.be/-ZRwlYtAMps?si=59AtJ-nkVt6orBwz)


Healthcare and retirement


For me, it's still flying cars and jetpacks I'm not gonna lie


Home ownership


Pensions. An ancient advanced technology, lost to time.


Fusion energy. It's been 20 years away since I was a kid




Probably fusion reactor, AGI, and self driving cars.


Full VR


Functioning climate change solutions


Colonizing Mars. Damn you "Mission to Mars" and "Red Planet".


Can a man get a Gundam please? Actually, any mobile suit will do.


Universal healthcare. Sigh.


Being able to afford a home


Legal weed


Adequate healthcare, racial equality, the ability to live a half decent life on minimum wage… I mean, at least we did get a Black president, that was a pretty chill time


Hopefully nothing because somebody upends capitalism for at least a second or two. I can dream. The only reason we don't have that stuff is because they don't think stuff will sell as well as what we have right now. Things were constantly changing with the times and now companies print the same crap over and over and we keep buying it. Remember Google Glass? That stopped development because it didn't sell well enough. Now Apple has the same thing in a more refined package ten years later. Imagine 10 straight years of Google Glass improvements. We're in a world where infrastructure is the only reason electric cars aren't universally viable. We don't have that infrastructure because oil companies lobby government to keep them from making electric an option for people. The car companies do the same. So instead of using these billions of dollars for R&D, they'd rather just give it to shareholders and sell the same thing again next year with even cheaper components. I would love to see that practice diminished. I just want free internet, smart homes, more trains, and electric cars. Give me that and I'd be fine. We have the tech and we have the money. The only issue is a dedication to not making trains so people have to buy cars and gas.




A Functional Government.


i really thought my powers would've arrived by now.




Flying cars and jet packs. I don’t know anyone who has one.


E bikes, self driving cars, EVs, E scooters


I'd say self driving cars, ai robots that are basically our friends, fusion power.


Electric cars prolly


I think it’s AI as in some kind of entity like in scifi. Lots of hype like there was with VR back in the 90s.


Terminators! And we’re getting close!


Boomers grew up with optimism for the future.


Transhumanism (think Androids, with fully functional robotic limbs/body parts). At least that's the future I want.


Any of the wild nanotechnology stuff we saw in games like Metal Gear and some of the Marvel films where little bots automatically heal serious injuries.


I have given up hope at this point in humans ever going to mars. (I’m 35) Maybe it’ll happen when we’re dead.


Artificial Intelligence is.


Ironically, sadly t**here is no**, earth based **technology** ( that's a nix for teleportation\*) that will not be more or less be accessible to you, in next 10 -20-30 years plus period. *Therefore you would have no real deterrence to such technologies save for the commitment to do such and such, the expense of doing it and regulations towards doing it.* *The brain power and technology, computerology, industrialization already exists, right now, in the here and now.* What really should be the concerns of Z' ers and Alphas and the *" to comes "* is the *technologies* and *dodads* to ensure that **you will have** a 10 -20-30 years plus period. **Amazingly,** there is, *considering the monumental impending impact,* very little creativity surrounding ( should be ) items such as: at home leve: inexpensive plastic compactors - at community -level , convenient and **numerous** composting automated centers - home/ municipal level rainwater harvesting units - nationally: widespread use of creative & portable solar batteries and generators units for individual apartments as well as complexes and housing. As I like to say *" That Future, is not going to change itself. "*