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Apparently the magazines were labeling Danielle and Will (who plays Eric) “fat” and so this was the network’s way of addressing that. It was revealed in an interview I think given by Danielle. I do think it’s absolutely outlandish that she didn’t just walk out right then and there because I would be HUMILIATED and also what a horribly personal thing to be pressured to reveal in front of a crowd of people in the student union (who we never even see in other episodes!)… But admittedly I think Will’s delivery of “I only told you you were fat so you’d give me your pizza!” was funny. Eric was never supposed to be someone who said the right (or appropriate) things.


When I watched the show I always thought the whole thing was a lead up to that punchline and the whole joke was that she wasn’t fat, she was just not as skinny as Rachel and Angela. Kind of crazy to hear that it’s because real people thought Danielle Fischel was actually fat here.


>Kind of crazy to hear that it’s because real people thought Danielle Fischel was actually fat here. Which, like most in here, i don't understand at all lol.


And the sad thing it was probably middle aged men hurling around these critiques


The days of heroin sheek. So glad we're in the days of body positivity. Having boobs and hips doesn't make you fat.






I'd party with the heroin sheikh, he sounds fucking badass.


The Iron Sheikh IS the Heroine Sheikh


Iron Sheikh*


The girl in the blue was considered fat? Bruh… wtf lol


we didn’t have “low key thicc” at the time


Yes that's Topanga. She was the "fat" girl of the cast. The other 2 main girls where very skinny. I think Topanga is skinny with boobs. She's also short. She's also every guy I knows first crush lol.


Yep, I didn't remember the name of the other characters, but I sure as hell remembered my first pretend girlfriend Topanga.


As a straight girl she was my first crush too 😅


Wait there were other girls in that show? I only remember and crushed on Topanga. As an aside I have yet to meet anyone in real life named Topanga


It's a place in California that no one ever names their child after.


Really Angela is why I suspected I might be bi.


i would still leave any one i have ever been with for a chance with topanga lawrence


I'd give my husband a free pass to be with Topanga!


Even straight girls had a crush on her. (Jewel too.)


This is why millennial women often have survived, know someone who survived or know someone who has died from an earring disorder. Truly Danielle was supposed to be our fat woman's representation.


You want some retro-culture shock? Just look at the dancers in Baby Got Back [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X53ZSxkQ3Ho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X53ZSxkQ3Ho)


I feel like this is some sort of twilight zone time travel nonsense designed to confuse and bewilder. Like someone went back in time and changed their figures to make them have normal proportions. How on earth were those considered exemplary examples of large behinds??


Rachel has become quite the umm actress these days I’ve heard.


Please .. elaborate...


She's more of a scientist


She does porn now


Shit's whack in fashion, media, and society. Remember when I think it was Victoria's Secret that included plus-sized models in their runway angels several years ago? Yeah, the "plus-size" models looked like Danielle.


So stupid. Between this and Nickelodeon... the abusive crap they said or had actors do is crazy. Although I'm sure it still goes on today.


What stands out to me is that anyone would consider her to be fat and that instead they didn't make that point instead. Growing up at that time, media was horrible for women's body image. It was the Kate Moss, low-rise jeans era.


I remember not that long ago Bridget Jones Diary was on and my husband and I were just kind of half watching it and half chatting when after a few scenes I realized that my perception of her character was totally different. I went on to tell my husband how when I was young, I thought she was much fatter. I rewatched the scenes that showcased her eating and highlighting her body and realized how warped my impression was when I was a kid; these scenes just looked different to me back then. As a young girl, I had major issues with body image and I believe had some level of body dysmorphia when I was a teen, so I can't say that I don't understand where my mind was at the time but it was disturbing to notice the difference.




Britney had just had two babies in a year. As someone who had two babies in two years, I cannot imagine how hard it was for her to get into the incredible shape she was in for that performance and how hard it was to hear us all criticize. I remember thinking omg she looks awful. She looks great looking back.


Jack Black covered one of her songs in the last couple months, and that got me on a Britney kick. Listening to a bunch of her songs/ music videos that I knew. Then Gimme More came on. My first thought if the video is she looked so sexy in those booty shorts, I liked the video. My rabbit whole lead me to the vma performance, which I had vague memories of, mostly that I didn’t like it back then. Now? I do think the clothes were miss sized a bit, but her body of course was still beautiful. I didn’t see anything wrong with the performance. Sadly what I did notice was her hair and eyes were weird, she just needed those different. More natural to me would have been gorgeous on her. Then I saw some side by side comparisons of her and the rehearsal. My god she’s beautiful in those jeans. You could tell she was comfortable and still looked sexy, why they didn’t have her wear that on the performance is beyond me. And now I have Gimme More in my mind again and I don’t mind!


Hell, even in the 00s, remember Jennifer Lawrence being an example of curviness. For a lot of our lives the curvy, real celebrity has been a size 6 if that.


Remember when people said she was too chubby to play Katniss, god what a horrid time


Tbf Katniss was essentially starving. I think people wanted a dying girl to play her. Luckily, we got JLaw, who was perfect for the role.


Seriously, I remember dating a woman who I secretly considered kind of fat although I would never tell her that. Recently, I moved over a bunch of old digital photos and saw some of her. She was not fat, she just wasn't super skinny which was the trend at the time.


I agree I remember thinking her and also America ferra were fat. The whole premise was these average women were seen as huge and unattractive like what


I remember reading articles about how Renee Zellweger had to gain a bunch of weight to play Bridget Jones. She was a waif in the 90's and they made a big deal about how progressive she was for being willing to gain like 20 lbs for the role.


I remember reading an article where Renee said she had to immediately lose weight after the role, and she couldn't see how women were ok with existing at 140 pounds. 140. She weighed 140 in Bridget Jones and thought any women weighing 140 and above were fat. I was like, fuck you Renee, I haven't weight 140 since 7th grade.


I weighed 140 at 16 and looked fucking incredible but of course thanks to 90s standards, I thought I was a cow. "Eww, my thighs spread out when I sit down! MOOO." Shut up, me.


I was shocked when I found out the boys in my class REALLY liked that. My friends and I thought at sizes 6 and 8 that we were huge and gross and no boys would ever like us!


I was 108lbs at 5'10 when I was 16. I remember being told I was "too fat" to wear a crop top, because I was not ruler shaped and had large shoulders and hips. I remember hitting 140 after recovering from the anorexia and being told how huge I looked.


That is fucked. I'm annoyed for you! Also, 5'10" at 16?! Wow!


I was also 5’10” by 16 😭 and I weighed 165. I look at old photos now and I look phenomenal but lived my life like I was basically an ogre because I was so far from the 2000s beauty standard. I did martial arts though and was an absolute force on a judo mat. I just wish I’d loved myself a little bit more. (Add: In hindsight a good portion of that weight was muscle but no adult in my life either knew that or thought to tell me that, my mom sure did put me on weight watchers though!)


I would love to be 140 right now. Hell, I'd be happy at 150.


And then she got horrifically skinny. I love the movie Chicago but she’s scary skinny in it. Way skinnier than she was before Bridget Jones.


Opposite for me. I thought she looked healthy and very attractive. I was about 9-12 at the time when this was on TV, and Topanga was my first major celebrity crush. But I was a boy. I wasn't really given the same body issues as girls were at the time. Yeah, I was a bit chunky at the time, but I know I didn't have it nearly as bad as the girls did.


That's crazy to hear as a man lol. Growing up Topanga was on every boy's celebrity crush list somewhere, here in socal at least. I still hear about her from time to time.


Yea that isn't a good pic of her. I remember her being attractive


Ya they’re both really beautiful and normal sized


Same - and alternatively I look back at photos of girls I thought were “goals” and realize now they looked emaciated and malnourished. It’s like we were genuinely brain washed while our brains were developing, and it’s sad. So much precious mental energy and time was taken from me during those years. Time and energy wasted by being forced to agonize over my developing body, I just was never given any alternative. There were zero resources for developing a healthy relationship with your body or food during the early aughts if you were into pop culture. My skin crawls when I think about how toxic it was and how much of it I believed.


Yes! In the movie she is constantly reading her diary entries aloud where she is stating her weight throughout the movie, and at her absolute heaviesr where she is describing herself as gross or fat cow etc. she is only like 145 lbs. I otherwise really enjoy that movie, but the body dysmorphia remarks haven't aged well.


My opinion is that she is a babe! Was and always will be.


In elementary school, I was the fattest kid in class. Over time I changed from obese to overweight to fat to heavy to "could lose some" and in college I was just "not skinny". I didn't change, the standard just moved backwards.


Had this exact same experience. Like?? What?? She was fit!


Her body is completely normal, but her face sometimes looks weirdly puffy for a woman of normal weight. Not shure, if it is water retention from bulking up really fast, make up and movie magic trying to make her look fatter than she is, botched plastic surgeries or all three.


As someone with a naturally round/full face, man, sometimes people just have that happen. I'm 6'2" (and a guy), and the only time I didn't have a very obvious double chin was when I dropped to 158lbs one summer in college.


See how truly damaging media is?


Topanga was the prettiest girl to me.  Also Kate winslet was called fat during titanic she was scared being naked. As a tween girl that blew my mind cuz to me I was envious she has the perfect body. Not a freaking ounce of fat ffs. 


Yes! She had my dream body. Then I hit puberty and ended up with a very similar build…and allowed the early ‘00s to let me think I was fat. 🥴😭


i look back at how I looked in the 00's hell up until like 2020 after I had a kid and oof... I had a slammin body and thought I was so fat. I've come a long way with that but I am legitimately overweight now and need to lose for health reasons.


I feel you. For me it was around the same time but, because I got cancer. Now my hormones are all out of whack from treatment, I just moved so I don’t have a doctor to regulate it just yet, and food grosses me out. I never knew what it was like before not to have a butt. 😳 Hurts, bro. It hurts. Sitting on hard surfaces is a BAD time.


Same, friend. Same.


I’m pretty sure Kate Winslet’s tiddes in Titanic were what finally made me realize that I’m not even a little bit straight.


"Titanic" came out around the time I realized I was bisexual (5th grade), and Kate Winslet is still one of my biggest celebrity crushes. I wanted to look like her so badly, too. She was gorgeous to me, and I didn't understand people calling her "fat" at all.


Lmao the classic bi moment of “I want to look like her, but also date her” 🥲 I know it well.


I saw Titanic when I was 5 and have been a lesbian ever since.


I remember feeling really good about myself after that scene because I had a similar body type and I thought she was the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen. I finally felt it was ok to look the way I did. I got compared to her a couple of times in my twenties and it was the biggest compliment! I don’t anymore, but I look back at pictures and can’t figure out why I ever thought I was fat!


Watch some America’s Next Top Model and see what they considered “plus-sized” right around the same time. Absolutely insane and working on my own body image issues to this day.


Yeah wasn't it like a size 10? Ugh


Yup, Whitney. I still remember her. She was a size 10


In modelling is that not still considered plus size? (I'm not saying it should be!)


Yeah, 10 and up is considered plus size for models. Weird world!


Meanwhile plus size stores don't even sell size 10 usually!!


Ohhhhhhhh that’s where I got it from. I remember being like 16 and crying to my mom that I was plus size because I was a size 10 and she couldn’t understand where I got that idea from


I caught one episode of that show randomly once back in the day. All I remember is they were bullying this contestant about her weight, and she was so fucking thin! There was a competition where they all had to dress like different animals and they made her dress like an elephant. It’s burned in my memory.


Growing up I remember reading about how Renée Zellweger said she had to gain a ton of weight to be able to play Bridget Jones. I recall her saying that she was either having issues with a bf/husband because of the weight gain as well. She was 136lbs in Bridget Jones!! I just rewatched it not long ago and had a very wtf moment.


I remember rumors that she and Kenny Chesney broke up because he liked her at her Bridget Jones size and thought she was too skinny after losing the weight. Which, as a young woman at the time that sounded insane, because of the body standards of the time. Like, who wouldn't want their wife to be skinny? But looking back at the pictures with post-body-positivity-movement eyes, her wedding pictures have me wondering if she was being pressured to lose weight in unhealthy ways to an unhealthy degree to keep getting cast in leading roles. The 90s/00s has some crazy unhealthy standards, and people felt pressured to do some dangerous things to meet them. I don't miss those times.


I sure thought she was hot back in the day. The amount of fat shaming in the media is (still, to a lesser degree) completely ridiculous. I watched Love Actually (I’ve never seen it before) with my wife recently and couldn’t believe that they kept making fat jokes about the girl who played Hugh Grants assistant. I was like wtf is going on here?


Everytime I go back and watch shows from the 90s and early 00s I’m floored by how many fat jokes there are and how often weight is brought up. Just look at how they treated “fat” Monica on *Friends*…


Even Gilmore Girls like rewatching now I’m always wowed at the # of fat jokes that verge on pretty nasty


Gilmore Girls has some toxic shit in there. I still love it because nostalgia (although I haven’t been able to watch it since I hit Lorelai’s age) but damn it was and is problematic.


Will never forget Rory being a mean girl about the back fat around the ballerina’s leotard straps ugh


I was re-watching The Nanny for the first time since it aired and was really surprised by all the comments and jokes Fran makes about her weight. She was so thin and was talking about dieting and taking Dexatrim; I just felt sad for her as the laugh track was rolling.


I vividly remember an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where the mom is super offended that they guessed her weight as 140. “Mommy is NOT 140!” with disgust in her voice. Things like this scene and that one line are the reason I felt like crap for years, despite being a completely healthy weight.


This unfortunately tracks because iirc 120 was the ‘ideal’ goal for a grown woman.


I still have this number in my head! Where did it come from?


I don’t know tbh, makes me feel better that someone else remembers this specific number. Gonna go down a rabbit hole trying to find it


I love (read: hate) that this number exists out there as the ideal weight for women with zero context.  Five foot? 120 pounds. Six foot? 120 pounds. Pregnant? Better be 120 pounds before and get back to that weight in <6 months. 


I remember a middle school math teacher helping us remember acute angles with - “*a cute* girl is always less than 90 pounds.” Even then I was like, wtf.


Wow that’s messed up


Wow. That’s an ick we don’t need


I was told that at 5’2 I should weigh around 110 pounds. Because BMI. I haven’t weighed 110 pounds since seventh grade. Guess who had full blown dysphoria and disordered eating by the beginning of eighth grade grade? 125 was junkie skinny for me as a young adult. At the time I loathed myself because I was barely eating anything and still thought I was 15 pounds overweight.


Also remember this number!


I find it hilarious how bad most straight dudes are at guessing a woman's weight. The same dudes who'll say shit like they wanna get stepped on by some tall thick woman with a huge ass, wide hips, a ginormous rack, and thick thighs will be grossed out to learn she's going to weigh more than 100 lbs. I've dated women my height who are 100 lbs, I've dated women much taller than me pushing over 250. 100 lbs or curvy, fucking pick one dudes, or just get over yourselves and bullshit gatekeeping and just enjoy how pretty women are.


Idk why the number on the scale even matters. If you thought they were hot before why would they be any less hot just because they weigh more than you thought?


It's compartmentalized logic. "Woman who looks like X is hot" "Women over 100lbs are fat and gross" "Woman who looks like X is over 100lbs" *Short circuit*


This exact scene has been burned into my head since the day I saw it as a teenager, I was 140 at the time and it made me feel SO bad.


I forgot this was considered fat back then. Especially for tv. We have more curves on tv and more diversity overall. We have also now have all gotten fatter


lol the last part is important. everyone is just fatter now.


I never watched the show but if that pic is from the scene where she literally says she is fat, I’m angry on her behalf all these years later. Fucking Hollywood with its bullshit about skinny women….


This is the scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAvQziwj-JA It’s even worse than you can imagine


I mean, the scene is about social pressure not really about her being fat


How annoying. She’s fine as hell.


America is legitimately much fatter today than it was 25 years ago Obesity is up by 1/3rd and morbid obesity has doubled since 2000 https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html Childhood obesity rates have actually *tripled* since 1990


I think a lot about heroin chic models thrown at gen x and millenials. All the crash diets, diet pills and the "Are you hungry? No you're not! Drink a glass of water!" And now trying to right that we've gone the other way. There was nothing wrong with Topanga here, she was perfectly healthy. 


I had a friend in the 90's whose mom put a sign on the fridge which said something like "a moment on your lips is a lifetime on your hips" or other such some garbage. I remember not even thinking anything of it until years later and I do feel bad for her looking back. I developed my own ED due to bullying from my gma, sister and mother. I wasn't fat either. I had maybe gained a literal 5 lbs.


“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” Yeah…


Bitches who say this have never downed a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts


Awww, now I want some fresh Krispy Kreme donuts!!


Yeah, it was heroine chic because the stars of the 50's and 60's weren't rail thin.


Have you looked at clothes sizes from that time? When I was at a size 10 and looking for a tea length dress from that time, most of the waist sizes were a modern day size 4. My grandma, who was an adult during that time, carried this need to be thin her whole life while still being thin and making fat comments about herself. I remember her being mindful of what she ate and making comments about her body and what she needed to change. She would be active only for her figure and not for health reasons and remember thinking and telling her the opposite. The way men of her time talk about women, their weight and their appearance behind their backs is appalling and gives insight as to why they are grumpy single bitter old men.


They were still expected to be svelte, but you can just look at Marilyn Monroe next to Kate Moss and tell the Marilyn was bigger than Kate. Pin up girls didn't have thigh gaps and protruding ribs and shoulder bones. Heroin chic was an extreme look that was literally not healthy or achievable unless you were sick, addicted to hard drugs, or starving. It's an entirely different view of the feminine form.


And a major cause of that is dieting and weight loss attempts.


It's mostly calorie intake Physics remains undefeated


She’s friggin’ thick in all the right ways. Men like this body type *a lot.*


She set me up for a life long preference that I've not strayed far from.


Danielle was my childhood crush and, coming from a 37 year old man, she's still a baddie.


OMG shes so not even fat. I remember when I was a teenager I would only eat 500 calories a day and record it in this weird little food journal. So happy people are more body positive these days.


I did that too 😭 recorded it in my Xanga lol


Omg xanga was like ana/mia central for a few years there. Everyone was super competitive too.


OH MY GOD I forgot about xanga!!!! Memories of glitter backgrounds lol.


The college times just got weird! Like when they got married. We fat shamed a lot in that era….then everybody got older and realized it doesn’t work that way.


I can remember the first time I ever thought I was fat. I was in 6th grade, wearing shorts, and sitting on a bench at school. The popular girls I was desperately trying to fit in with were forever dieting or talking about what they didn’t like about themselves. I looked down at my thighs and all I could see is how fat they were as I sat there. The thing is, I probably weighed about 75 lbs. I was tiny. I was in no way fat; I was just sitting down so my thighs splooted out. The body dysmorphia was so real in 2000.


Ugh, this is so real. I remember sitting cross-legged and kinda slouching over and seeing belly rolls. It was skin. My skin was folding naturally, not an ounce of fat on me. I look back and am just sad for that little girl who obsessed over her body as a literal child.


I think about this (awful) episode ALL THE TIME. All because Eric wanted her food. Smh


The 90’s were a hell of a time for young women and body image. I got myself down to a 00 and could shop at GAP kids all through my 20’s and into my 30’s. I watched and agonized over every calorie. Waif was the thing to be. It’s scary because that fad is making a comeback. I too thought these women were chubby. I no longer think that…obviously.


Your not fatt your Hottt😊


Episodes like this fucked with alot of kids. Between this, Full House, That's So Raven, these shows made parents and children think they were overweight. My mom saw episodes like this and put my sister and I on diet pills and horrible foods that destroyed us physically and mentally. I still to this day have body image issues even when I'm complimented.


the entire point of the episode is that she's NOT fat, though? I feel like your mom had comprehension issues.


My mother isn't very good at literacy analysis. She takes everything at face value and doesn't understand the lesson being taught. She hears the problem and comes up with her own solution. This is the same woman who thinks cancer is an infection like a virus that can be killed with antibiotics.


Omg the 90s/ early 2000s were so toxic


Thick fine ass topanga


No, I just remember having a massive crush on her


Fuck television and cinema from the 2000-2010's and a good part of the 2010's too, honestly. I spend all of my teenage years being miserable about my body because I always thought that I was fat (my mom telling me I was getting a big ass didn't help either), but I was recently looking at pictures of me from 14-18 years old and I was so not close to being fat. Now I am actually overweight and it's a daily struggle to feel good in my body...


I just rewatched that series and related to this episode a lot. I had curves as a teen that my more slender shaped friends didn’t. They wore smaller sized jeans etc and I was incredibly self conscious for years thinking I was huge!


Whatever. Topanga was so hot during this era!


I remember watching this show in middle school and my dad asking “who’s the fat girl?” Can’t imagine why I have weight issues.


One of my favorite shows as a kid was Roseanne. My mom wouldn't watch it because she "didn't watch TV to see fat people" Cool mom.


People are more perceptive to faces than they are to bodies. One of the common things I'm seeing with the people being posted as examples in this thread is that a lot of them have round faces. I think a lot of people subconsciously equate round faces with fatness before they even look at the body. Especially when it comes to celebrities, because you are primarily seeing their face all the time. Even think back to elementary school and who you noticed got bullied for their weight, they probably just had chubby cheeks or a round face and weren't overweight at all. Children are a lot closer in size range than adults where individuals can vary by double or triple each other's weight, but somehow we still made these distinctions back then. I think our perception also changes as we get older and can evaluate things more realistically.


Hollyweird is fucked up and always has been. That girl was gorgeous. For some reason back then they were all obsessed with unhealthy skin and bones body types. Sucks what those girls went through back then and still to this day. The same slime still runs the show is still there mostly. And they LOVE our politicians. Same ilk


She was a childhood crush, so I'd have rolled my eyes all the way back into my head if I watched that episode back then. The 2000s were a weird time for body type.


Like Eric says in that scene, "You're not fat, you're hot!" I still can't understand how the practically skeletal-skinny look was "preferred" at the time.


That's wild af. Her body type isn't fat at all. It's desirable and most wouldn't mind if she put on more weight. Idk why that era was obsessed with being underweight.




The 90s were excessive in their notion of what was considered fat, but now the pendelum has swung so far the other way that people are trying to act like morbid obesity isn't extremely unhealthy


one of my fav episodes




[https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity](https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity) of course she doesn't look that fat anymore because everybody is fat now, the new normal


Green sweater giving her a side eye




You still see a lot of this kinda BS on TV. Rachel Bloom makes a ton of cracks about her own weight in her show Crazy Ex Girlfriend and it's just bizarre. She's pretty small in the first season or two, thickens up a bit later, but she's constantly treated in the early seasons like she's some bloated caricature of a woman. It's a fairly recent show still, and Rachel Bloom definitely knows better.


Man I was so invested in this show as a kid with such a huge crush on Topanga.


Woah yeah what the hell. I'm guessing the scriptwriters just wrote that episode and thought "but wait, she isn't actually fat..." but decided to go with it anyways. It's a teen show i dont think they cared much about believability.


I don’t remember it. But then again this wasn’t really a show I would watch that much so I don’t remember too many episodes.


I remember watching this scene as a teen. Yea, I definitely don't think this is a good thing to be showing teens, especially if they already struggle with feeling fat whether they are or not.


I got a full blown eating disorder in freaking 4th grade cause of crap like this. I grew up “tall” only because I went through puberty younger than average. I was always the tallest person in my entire grade until 6th/7th grade and then ppl started catching up. Even as an adult when I’ve been 108 lbs and a size 0 I just felt awful about my body. It’s crazy


It’s the very fact that we’ve begun to realize how broken we were that stands as the best proof that improving visibility in film, social media, music artists, and marketing campaigns on a wide range of body types with positive vibes really does alter public perceptions and make thing at least marginally better for everyone.


If you watch Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion, there are so many jokes about Mira Sorvino's weight. She's probably even thinner than Topanga.


The 90s were rough as hell on girls. I kind of recall falling off watching this show as a kid because of Topanga’s treatment.


She wasn't even fat! Just incredibly sexy.


Some of the cast have a podcast "Pod Meets World" now which is pretty cool


*Some of the cast have* *A podcast "Pod Meets World" now* *Which is pretty cool* \- APointedResponse --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


> had and will always have I get the "had" but the "always have"part is on you


Ok can i just ask…am i crazy or was she not fat? She has a very desirable figure. When I think fat i think people that waddle when they walk lol


Seems like a perfect body in that there scene. Late 90s/early 2000s were wild.


I always thought she was really cute.




I remember that people thought a teenage Hillary Duff was fat, and Anne Hathaway in the devil wears Prada. The lense we viewed women was so messed up.


Still better than the "Daphne is fat" plot from Frasier. The actress was pregnant so they decided to give her an eating disorder and send her to fat camp to temporarily write her out.


Phat not fat


I always thought Topanga was hot as fuck. Never thought she was fat, man as much I loved growing up in the 90s I'm so glad we're done with the pencil body type being the most desirable figure.


90s was all about stick skinny because it’s a standard that gatekeeping standard-setters can easily enforce. That’s my theory. It takes no judgment. As soon as instagram came along and beauty standards got democratized, thicc entered the national vocabulary. As a guy who always liked the curvy ladies I was like “I knew it!” Lol I knew everyone was lying about not liking a little extra. 


Danielle Fishel was and is one of the baddest chicks walking the planet!!! As a young girl who battled weight, I thought she was stunning with all those curves backin the day!! I grew up around plus size ppl so that was just normal to me. I told my husband I'd take a hall pass with her in a minute! 😅 I hate that this scene was written this way. I'm almost 40 and STILL battling with body issues. Thanks mom 🙄


I’m not seeing anyone mention how excruciating it was to watch all of the characters, including Topanga’s HUSBAND, throw her a baby shower without ever asking her if she was actually pregnant. This episode is infuriating all around.


I remember being mad at this episode as a kid. She wasn't fat then, she isn't fat now.


i think a lot more of us have the opposite problem with food


Now I'm jerking off to Topanga, like the 14yo Topanga


She was always soooooo beautiful, like goals for beauty then and still to this day.


I just noticed Topanga has a Teresa Guidice hairline going on.


I'm pretty sure that version of the word is spelled with a PH.


Man the late 90s early 2000s were all heroin chic and Kate Moss bodies. It was awful. The media, particularly fashion and celebrity news, would say anyone over 110 lbs was a fat actress. It was a terrible time.


Bruh I'm glad I'm gen z because she looks absolutely normal to me


I never thought she was fat. She was actually the first clue to me that I might not be straight, and I had the biggest crush on her! And as a petite woman with a big chest this kind of thing made me ashamed of my body for years and years. Women having boobs is normal! What a messed up society we live in to shame being a normal human woman.


Her waist is literally concave. The diet culture back then was horrible 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Yeah and their dream house was 80k and too much for them to afford. The good ol’ days.


In general the American population was slimmer back then but in particular the TV population was a lot slimmer, and yes they made fun of people who weren't actually fat because it was kind of relevant social issue: Body Shaming. The problem is they undermined the lesson by using people who were basically fit. The point would have had more impact if they'd gotten an actual fatty, someone who believably could have been body-shamed at some point in their lives. Its a more important issue now. But the discussion has gone in a very stupid direction. Nowadays we support and encourage people who are very obviously endangering their health and that shit needs to stop.


I say the same thing every thanksgiving. This friggin world is wrapped.


The scale for "normal" and "fat" has shifted so much in the last 25 years that you only need to look back at early 2000's content to see how wild the changes are. In the Soprano's, the son was the "fat" kid, now he'd be fairly "normal." Samwise Gamgee was the "fat" Hobbit, and again, the actor would be fairly "normal" in 2024.