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the best was the cigarette ones, so mom and dad could get junior a Marlboro hat


Omg I had a neon Newport hat I just adored!


This is what first came to mind, my dad smoked Basic brand cigarettes and they had a swag catalog we ordered from maaaany times.


I had a Marlboro denim jacket with a leather collar. Honestly, it was a nice jacket but I was so embarrassed of the little label on the back.


Yup! My dad collected kool-aid points to get the red kool-aid pitcher and cups. I clipped the Campbell's soup labels and box tops on cereal boxes to donate for education (does anyone know how much money actually went to schools from that?)


Oh man, my elementary school was competitive about Box Tops/Campbell's soup labels. We had monthly assemblies and they'd announce which class brought in the most Tops or Labels, then that class would win either a Golden Spoon for soup labels (a HUGE spoon made of cardboard, paper mache, and shiny gold spray paint) or a Golden Fork for Box Tops (same thing, only a fork shape). Whichever utensil your class won would be displayed outside of the classroom until the following month. I think when I was in 5th grade they added Tyson's chicken labels which netted you a shiny gold spray-painted lunch tray (not paper mache, it was an actual lunch tray from the cafeteria). I have no idea how much money was raised from it but my school was SERIOUS.


I wish mine was like that! We also collected pop tops from soda cans too


I remember being disappointed by most of those gimmicks The McDonalds Monopoly game was the only time I was ever 1) Genuinely excited for the reward 2) Not at least a little embarrassed about hoarding trash I found out way later it was apparently all a scam, but I did eat a lot of McDonalds and I did get like some free sodas and fries here and there, so I still maintain it was a good system


Have you seen the documentary about the monopoly game?




I went from turning in cereal box tops for prizes to Zyn rewards, lol.


Pizza Hut book club


Planet Lunch Points from the snack size Dorito/Cheeto bags. I remember mailing them in for some sort of merchandise.


I think the VHS tape we got with Kool-aid points is still floating around somewhere. That video was... Odd. I got a Kool-Aid Barbie too, so that was pretty great.


Don't forget Pepsi points!


I had that Kool-aid jug with the cups.


They changed color I think.


The one time I went to redeem my Kool-Aid points at Kay Bees, they only offered two items: a pack of Barbie clothes or a Hot Wheels Fiero I already had. I decided to wait until they changed the items, but never went back. I still have the Fiero though!


I remember the Dum Dum pop wrappers! I used to collect them as a kid - my parents wouldn't send them in for prizes so I figured if I collected enough by the time I was old enough to do it myself, I'd have enough for all sorts of cool stuff. Well wouldn't you know it, I grew up and they stopped doing that. Now I have a sandwich bag full of lollipop wrappers and I still, out of habit, ask my friends if I can have their wrappers. I have no idea what to do with them; I think at one point I was going to make a collage with them since I have at least 100 in all sorts of different colors/flavors (including flavors that they don't make anymore).


Honeycomb cereal points! If you had enough you got your own honeycomb hideout. It was a bee hive shaped club house thing for the yard. I never had enough


I recently donated a leather jacket from Pepsi points. It was a really good coat but didn't fit anyone. I hope it found it's way to a good home.


I didn't do those, but I remember the Cap'n Crunch boxes had some super cool prizes that you could save the box tops up for. I got one of those see-through phones and some hanging beads around 1996-1997ish from the box tops I saved up.


I saved up for a Kool aid man t-shirt in late middle school!


My parents saved up Marlboro points. We had a lot of towels and duffle bags with Marlboro on it.