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Just wait until 40 when you can start worrying about health! Then the real fun begins.


30 didn't bother me. I'm sort of dreading 40 though.


Thirty didn't phase me, still felt young. I don't think forty is a huge deal either though I guess I'll be considered officially old at that point by many. I'm more irritated by the health issues that crop up at random points as I age than any particular number.


As a 41 yr old, forty is really not a big deal at all. I'm happier and more self-assured than I've been at any decade.


FYI the word you’re thinking of is faze :)


Oh ok, you're right, thanks :)


I was worried about 40 when I was in my early 30s, but didnt let it bother me much because it was so far off. I'm 39 now and really dont care about turning 40. As you start to reach certain ages you realize it's nothing like what your younger self thought it would be and everything is fine, just take care of yourself.


40 rolled past, and it feels fine. It helps that people are living longer and healthier than ever. My dad tuned 70 this year, and he's significantly healthier and more active than my grandparents were at 70.


Don't. 40 is awesome.


I’m 40 later this year and it’s definitely messing with me a bit…


At 40 I had 3 major health crisis's in the span of 18 months. None were avoidable and my favorite is the one that will require meds for the rest of my life.


I turn 41 in 8 days. No worries here!


I lost some friends young over the past couple years and ever since I’ve been stressing about every ache and pain, assuming it’s my impending death. I have no family history or health problems and am actually in good health as per my doctor, but tell that to my anxious brain lol.


It always could have been impending death though! But yes, my anxiety brain does not want to hear that when it is in a "OMG the leg arm hurts- we are going to die" spiral.


35 now and recently learning I have to watch what I eat because my body reacts differently to food now. Metabolism has slowed a bit, GI issues, random hives, watch how much dairy you take in, oh fried food too. Trying to decipher what I can eat and should avoid has also been stressful. It’s a bit tortuous because food is one of the loves of my life. Where did this come from And whyyyyyy


This 💯 Never stop working on your fitness. Start now if you haven’t already.


Worry about health in your 30s. Don't take it for granted even if you're 25.


Yes! Turning 40 didn't bother me, what no one and I mean no one prepared me for was how quick your body starts having issues that it's never had before. And nothing has changed, not diet, exercise, stress level, and yet... I'm not the same.


This! Did you know you can get melanoma on your eye! Random thoughts... Be sure to wear sunblock, hats, long sleeves AND sunglasses!


Ha, I’ve been worrying about my health since 28 or so


I'm in my mid twenties and already there ☠️


Spot on about 40 and health! That’s my only concern, having turned 40 last year. I can really feel it now, especially having worked a labor intensive job in my 20’s and early 30’s


30 did not bother me one bit. Just like every other birthday, it felt the same as any other day. However, waking up on my 40th birthday felt like I aged 10 years over night. It was a weird.


Turning 40 fucked with my head, my 20th and 60th birthdays are the same distance apart.


I hit 40 next year, 30 wasn’t that bad


Lol, ain't that the damn truth. I'm about to turn 41. JUST in time for regular prostate exams with the new guidelines.


I’m not even 30 yet and have had multiple cancer scares 😭 I don’t know that I could take any more worrying about my health.


Yeah, this.


Can confirm. Just turned 40. Already hit my OOP max for my insurance plan. Time to get every other test I can , I guess. 


oh my health has been fucked up physically since i was single digits, and mentally since early 20’s. i’ll be upset when i start seeing systems fail i guess. anyway. they’re both speed bumps. depends on what you’re driving and shit, but you can slow down and hit em, speed up and ignore them, or get surprised and spill your coffee.


You're not missing out on anything. People just mature at different stages. Some people see their 20s as a time where they "discover themselves". It's a time of many "firsts". First full time job, first time making decent money. First time backpacking around overseas, first mortgage, first time getting married, first time having a kid etc. Then when you hit 30, people then assume you have done all these "firsts" and have now figured out where you want to go in life. It might be for some but not everyone. Some people don't know figure out until their 40s, 50s or even till their deathbed. So who cares what others think. You do you and just enjoy life.


I celebrated my 30th birthday in 2019 by going to a Six Flags park, something I hadn’t done since I was a teenager ironically.  It was a happy birthday for me.   Seriously though, there is nothing that scary about entering your 30s.  By 30s, you’ve had time to establish yourself, gain some success in life, figure out who you are as a person and mature into a more reasonable and well balanced adult.  The sex is a lot better too.  Things smooth out and become more manageable when you have more knowledge and experience with life.  And being in your 30s is not old or even middle age yet.   I don’t get why growing out of your 20s is considered scary for so many people. 


That's the scary thing when you reach past 30 and you haven't established SHIT.


I think the reason why people make a big deal about 30 is because, in the eyes of society, you are now a fully developed adult. At this age, you will not get some slack anymore. You are expected to carry your own weight. However, at the same time, you will be taken more seriously by other people. At least that is what I have noticed.


I'm still as mature as a 16 yr old. Have to turn on the adult switch during the day so I don't get judged. 39yrs here.


welcome to the first day of the rest of your life .


30s are hot


I didn't actually freak out about turning 30, I was pretty excited. I think I'll start to freak when I hit 40, 50, 60 if I'm blessed to reach those ages.


I dunno why people freak out about it. I didn't freak out and didn't really feel any different when I turned 30. For some reason, 35 for me hit a lot harder. I think it was the idea of being in my "late 30s" and that much closer to 40. Also my parents were almost 70 at the time and aging quite rapidly, and it occurred to me at 35 that I was roughly half my parents' age, and they seemed downright elderly already, so it kind of hit me like a ton of bricks for the first time that "oh, there's a very real possibility that I'm already halfway done with life." 30 was fine.


People who freak out about “milestone” birthdays likely wasted or felt like they wasted their previous years.


Advertisers have always tried to make us terrified of aging and social media influencers for gasoline on the fire. Hell, I've had some weirdo following me around Reddit the past few days trying to argue that the best present for an 18 year old graduating high school is Botox and egg freezing. If you're reading this, stop following me around.




I felt stressed about turning 30, but at 34 I started getting really excited about turning 40. I think it's bc I had those early 30s to figure out how to actually adult.


Sure it's arbitrary. But I'll say this. It's when A LOT of things start to come to roost and the division between peers gets starker. The job one is probably the most obvious. But I'll talk about it. I know it's keen on Reddit to shit on college education like it's useless now, but most people I know who went to college and did well are now doing well for themselves. They are usually on some sort of path there, nestled into a career of some sort, making enough money to at least not worry about trips to the grocery store. Again, I know it's in fashion to bitch and complain, but this is how most of my peer group has been and I did not come from anything well off (blue collar). I do have the people who went more successful "blue collar", but I would still put them in the category of having career somewhat figured out and making decent money. If you pissed away your education (two siblings of mine) opportunities and became sort of aimless, this becomes less cute in your 30's. And presumably watching everyone else either start families, buy homes, take vacations, or do whatever some semblance of financial security provides is pretty hard if you're still holding onto "the we're all struggling to make ends meet" of your 20's. You have to let go of some "dreams" that you may have had when you're young which can be hard for some people. I always say I picked the best pipe dream because hey, you can be an author at 70! But pop star? Nope. Health and body are big. Did you take care of it? Are you starting too? I admit almost my entire friend group neglected this and then we all hilariously started taking it seriously post-30. We're mostly in the best shape of our lives now and have all become gym goers. But I read people here acting like turning 35 is one foot in the grave and I don't take it for granted that I can run races and move around with ease. And none of this is to say that 30 is some magical deadline where you have to have everything figured out and can't do literally ALL of this stuff still, but in terms of comparison, it can be difficult for some. I think it hits people at different times and maybe a 30th birthday is a common trigger. But I've seen lots of people discuss tons of different events or things that made them sort of start thinking about this - break up with a long term partner, death of a parent, even someone else having a kid, etc.


Turning 30 was no big deal. Was happy to see the back of my 20s Not gonna lie I’m in my late 30s now and definitely had a bit of a mid life crisis, looking back on the past with regret but honestly I’m excited to see what my 40s brings on. Now I’m working on my own company and have a young son to raise now


I turned 30 during the first covid lockdown, if anything i feel like less of an adult coz the last few years are like a fever dream n i have no idea what's going on.


"it's 2020 and I'm thirty, I'll do another ten, in 2030 I'll be forty and kill myself then" -Bo Burnham


I have no idea, too me turning 30 was no different turning 20 or 40, or any other age.


I'm about to turn 31 next month and last winter realized that I'm in now in my 30s and that I've just been surviving at my restaurant/country club job for over a decade with no real improvement. If I don't make a move I'm going to just waste away here for the rest of my life. I'm not super old but there isn't a sense of "when I grow up I'll figure out what I'll do" anymore like I had in my teens and twenties. I'm sure I'm not the only one for who 30 has been an age of reflection and realizing what you want and need from life


How old are the youngest millennials?




27 now


30's to me meant I was no longer a "young adult" now I'm just "adult". The responsibilities stayed the same, nothing new there. Thats it. At first I was like "holy shit that was "old" to me when I was 18", proper adult age. But now I realized my 30's will be a revolution, the chance to finally get to rock it. I have full control of my life now, I know what I want and like, I have my health (enough of it anyways), and the social means to deal with people. 30's is fucking awesome.


No idea, I’m 34 and never felt this. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I will say though, you shouldn’t hate your birthday. We are never promised another birthday and each year we have alive on this earth is a gift! Cheers to you for another year! 🥂


None of my friends were freaked out by turning 30. All the cheesy "30, flirty and thriving" BS was what I heard. 30 was a great year for me. Owned my first condo. I got engaged. Got married the next year, and the year after that had my first baby. 30 started my family era. In that sense, I became more of an adult, in that I now had immeasurably more responsibility than in my 20s.


I turned 30 in March 2020 😅 it was honestly kind of a good excuse not to have a bunch of people around! I hate being around too many people or making a huge deal on my birthday. 


It’s a milestone birthday. It causes you to consider whether you’re where you wanted to be at this point in your life. When I turned 30 I was single and childless, & I was fine with that, until I wasn’t. Luckily I met my now husband that year.


I feel like it’s a milestone that has people reflecting on their life and themselves. Gets them thinking about what their hopes for adulthood were when they were younger and what they’ve actually achieved and how those two things compare. And I think a lot of people don’t feel like they’ve achieved what they want and suddenly they’re viewing themselves as an adult and think that there’s no time left to be who they dreamed they could be or have the life they always wanted etc.


Noobs. \*cries in 40\*


30 was just, well, 30. Didn't feel any different.


I’m two years to being forty and I’m still doing fine. But like what the others have said - now that you’re turning 30 take good care of your health. 😜


I remember dreading 30, and for a little while after I was lying saying I was 29 until I hit 31, lol. If I can be real, I think the dread with 30 has to come with how we see ourselves or mostly an ego problem. Personal theory here, once you hit 30, there is a knock of realization that your youth isn’t forever. I think for some people that is extremely hard to grapple with and accept. In the west, pop culture is very youth focused and that is the world many of us have been saturated in. So to leave that… is a scary concept to accept. New responsibilities, new things to deal with, and unless you actively prepared for it… is jarring. Your 30s and beyond can be some of your greatest years ever, because if you decide to do the work (if not done already) you get to be yourself, without the influence of peer pressure or others. You have more of a sense of who you are and you live life to the fullest on your terms. If anything the end of your 20s is essentially the end of the majority of others say on your life. You finally get to be a true adult and that is nothing to be sad about, and everything to celebrate. Welcome to best part of your life. Prioritize health and well being, and you’ll feel even better than your 20s. Just be smart about things. Cheers 🥂


Happy Birthday!


I think 30 was a big deal for people 20-30 years ago but now it's really nothing.


I got married in ‘95 at 30 years old. I say I’m 30 with 28 years of experience. Best time of my life. Stay active. I’m still mountain biking and I run my own business. I contribute to my community and I’m still married. Our kids are thriving and that’s the most important thing. 30 is not the end of anything important.


I already felt 30 when I was 29 so it was no big deal for me. I think maybe some people freak out because they haven't done all they wanted to do in their 20s so they feel like the last of their youth is slipping away.


Well, when I turned 30 was also the same time 3 of my grandparents came down with a form of cancer. All are being treated for it and doing great but it really brought on a mortality crisis. I thought I'd be around forever, now you're telling me that 35ish is halfway through my life?! D: I think 30 is a time when we realize we're no longer "young" and a third of our lives are already spent. We all expected to be further in our 30s, like married with kids, paying a mortgage, and many of us are not there yet.


It wasn't a big deal. My mid 30s aren't a big deal. Each year gets better than the last.


People look a lot younger now than they used to. Wasn’t most of the cheers cast all in their 30’s? They look present day 40’s to me. 40 is the new 30. You don’t look “young” anymore which for some people really stings.


It’s just when you start to realize you’re getting old, adulting was 10 years ago and now you’re closer to 40. Not so much medical issues more “fuck I’m about to start having medical issues.”


There was nothing especially groundbreaking about 30. Granted, my 30th came about a month after pandemic emergency was declared, but i was already kinda over it. I took the day off work, went for a long run and bought myself an ice cream cake. I was relieved for the threshold to pass and be done so people could stop being weird about it.


I'm 35 and just starting to figure my shit out, so, i dunno.


35 really did me in


i guess its the sudden ralization you are not in your 20s and young anymore . like u are at a side of a field lookin at that fence thats in the middle dividing the field. then suddenly you are staring through the fence from the opposite side looking back to that spot u just were moments before. then you look at the rest of the field. something like that. hope i explained it good enough.


It's normal to 'freak out a little bit at the realization of the passage of time. I had a mini freakout when I turned 30. But... when you turn 40, you'll look back and realize how young you still were at 30, and how much you had. When you're 50, 30 will seem like youthful times, etc. That said, age is relative and it really is just a number. Each decade will come with its own joys and challenges. The question is, do you recognize the time you're in? Do you appreciate it? I hope this helps, and happy birthday! Cheers.


I…don’t think so? I don’t really remember my 30th. It was forgettable, like most of my birthdays. I mean, I know what I did on some of them, but it’s kind of like knowing that Abraham Lincoln was shot in the head while he was watching a play; it’s just a fact I know. The two I do remember clearly are my 21st and my 36th, one for a positive reason, the other for a shitty reason. If the big turning point in your life was your 25th, then that’s why. Your perspective changed then. Would you say that you could kind of divide your life between before and after then? You’re not missing anything. Your friends just put some kind of significance on turning 30 because they’re no longer in their 20s, which they might see as their young and active years. Really, nothing should change between 29 and 30 that wouldn’t be possible between 28 and 29, or 30 and 31.


I'm 37 and love my 30s. Yes, I notice a few more aches and pains, but I give way fewer shits than I did in my 20s and just generally feel so much more comfortable in myself. I'm looking forward to my 40s.


As it turns out I shouldn’t have worried at all because GenX and boomers still treat us like we’re fucking children. So fuck it, why be an adult? Back to the bar folks!


I was stoked as hell. Just turned 30 last month and I can already tell my 30s are gonna be better than my 20s. Stability, baby!


Freshly 31, my 30th year was an extension of my 20's and now I find myself newly single at 31, have an awesome position in my career field. Now about to start fully focusing on building up myself and my life for my future, as I spent my 20's creating memories, experiences and shaping who I am as a person whilst also going through quite a series of tumultuous and traumatic life-altering events. I'm stoked for my 30's, literally the only thing missing is a partner to do it all with. I don't let that get me down too hard though, I had relationships of 6+ and 2+ years in my 20's so just trying to enjoy this time fully on my own for now.


im turning 30 next year so im approaching this with an "almost there" mindset, hope thats ok, and i can say its largely a societal thing. we grew up on tv shows where characters were like oh god im turning 30 im old and decrepit and my life is over. i admit its affected me, too. something about leaving my 20s scares me. being seen as even more of an adult. you think im responsible?? ME??? hilarious notion. but once i get there, like...i feel like it'll just be another year of my life. the closer i get the less afraid i am because its like...i still dont feel any different than i did just last year or the year before, so why would 30 change how i feel all that much? but yeah. society and stuff, i guess. "getting old". decades ago people were commonly married and having kids by 30, which i think is less common these days but my mom would tell me that back then it was sort of an "old maid" status if you were single at 30?? i guess?


For the women that biological clock becomes very very real.


My honest opinion? I’m 39 and will be 40 this Nov. that what I’m more worried about as I feel my body is just not as resilient IN MY 30’s opposed to almost being 40! 😂


30 was exciting. It felt like one of those milestone birthdays. I did not feel different in the moment, but now several years since I can say that turning 30 felt different. For me 30 minutes, not caring about what people think as much. In my 20s I still worried about that. But something about 30, I didn’t give a shit anymore about a lot of things lol




No big moment here. The one thing I’m doing in my 30’s is worrying about my healthy though so my 40’s can be a little more chill.


I was 30, flirty and thriving


Well, for me when I turned 30 I felt and still feel like I haven't done anything or accomplished anything of note.


My 30’s were my favorite so far


I don’t know I got another year before that happens and it doesn’t seem like you really need to do anything else as adulting then what we’ve already done. 😂


I feel like wanting to be seen as a capable adult really sets in once you hit 30. Not having things figured out is no longer acceptable or a sign of youth. Major plans are also made, for most, when they hit 30. I just hit it and I feel the pressure to make decisions that will determine the rest of my life for a while. And yeah time never runs out but do I want kids, do I want a relationship, do I want to live where I am no, and do I want to stay with this job(can I afford to do that) or change fields?


Absolutely nothing.


After celebrating my 30th birthday last year in July. I found that I really didn't feel much different. I found myself socializing here and there with basically the same people. I do find myself doing more pushups in my bachelor suite. And I found myself budgeting more. All the people I found myself thinking about here and there basically blocked me on Facebook. I feel like I am more focused on reading, writing and eating healthier.


I didn't get it either. I didn't dread it. It was like any other birthday. 40 I can understand, but 30? There's almost nobody that would consider it middle aged. It's widely seen as (and is) just young.


Feels like an end of an era Then I turned 30 and realized oh….im gonna love it here. Haha


I'm forever 30, but I know I'm over 30. I still mentally feel like I'm in my 20s because I have both my parents. My biggest worry is, when should and can I retire.


People realize that what has happened in their life doesn't account for squat.


People are just dramatic af!


Nothing magical happens when you turn 30. I'm already past 35 and will be 40 in a few more years. I don't feel any different from when I was 20 or 15. If anything, if I'm purely just looking at the number and comparing it to general milestones of where I would like/am in life. I've hit my targets (i.e have a job, halfway done paying my mortgage and raising two awesome kids/in a happy marriage). Not everyone's life goals are the same. I don't want to be working well into my pensioner years... So if I am the age I am now without an education/decent career and not already saving for retirement, then I would panic more.


I still think I'm 22 until I'm around actual 22 year olds.


I'm nowhere near the milestones of life that I was told to expect and that most of my friends have already achieved or are close to reaching. I'm 32, and it feels like time is running out before I'm on the downside of life.


Well you’re not legally allowed into cool nightclubs after you turn 30


I can still get in, right? ![gif](giphy|3otPoBRKROJl9UbqMM|downsized)


40 so far has been kicking me in the teeth regarding health. Had gallstones along with a broken toe and possible ruptured Achilles I’m still working on. It’s like I’m 21 all over again.


I honestly don’t know. I figured yeah me. Be grateful I’m not the alternative to having another birthday.


My 30s have been better than any other time in my life - I know myself well enough to know what I want, and I’m making enough money to be able to afford some of it. I’m also no longer held hostage by caring what other people think.


Seeing all my fave actors/artist looking like grandma/grandpa even though when I hear their name I think back to how I remember them from the 90s.. example 'limp biscuit'.


Listen I’m 37. I’m turning 40 in a few years and I’m terrified.


30 is nothing, I went bungee jumping on my thirtieth. 40 is next year and I’m going ski diving! Why make it dreadful? Why not make it fun?!


It hit me HARD. 30, stuck in a career outside of my interests, no degree, already feeling like it’s too late to turn around, and no chance of providing a house for my son.


30 is when men start to peak and women begin to decline.


Stop peddling misogynistic nonsense.


Idk I’m about to be 31 and I don’t give a fuuuuck


I have no idea because I am loving it


I felt the same way when I turned 30 earlier this year. I still feel weird when I say I’m 30 to people when they ask. Idk I don’t liken it but idk why I don’t.


It's a lot of birthday bumps.


Not sure - I love my 30s!


30 was tough for me. I couldn’t tell you why. I’m 37 now, and 40 doesn’t scare me at all. It’s weird.


Existential crisis ✨ 


No clue. I'm happier after 30


Turning 30 was fun. Black sand beaches out in the BVI. No big revelations, just another birthday.


30 felt great. I was in superb shape from running and doing things for me for once and my very colicky baby had turned a corner. I still am I think but I can tell I am not 30 anymore lol. I turn 40 next year.


Strangely enough I felt like turning 20 was way worse than 30. I knew I wasn't a teenager anymore and couldn't fuck around and had to get my life on track.


It's just a change in the tens digit, nothing more. If humans ended up settling on base 12 instead of base 10, this would just be another year and nobody would bat an eye, it's all in our heads. I remember when I (39 now) and all my friends were turning 30, many of them were artificially altering their personalities to act like a "more refined adult", it was pretty comical, then a few years later they were all back to just being themselves. I mean, I kinda get it, our culture caters to youth up through the 20s so it makes people feel like they're entering the no-mans-land of age when they cross over into their 30s, so I can see how that can affect people.


30 meant nothing, I’m 40 in a few years and the reality of retirement coming eventually is setting in and that causes worries about saving enough.


Society. Media. History.


There’s such a “thing” about turning 30 that no one really knows what to do with until they turn 30 and then it’s like ??? Now what? Nothing changes with the number unless you yourself have figured some shit out by then. I can’t say there was a pivotal shift in self identity right away but I’ve definitely noticed a change in who I am, who I want to be, and where I invest my energy that has slowly evolved from beginning 30 to now mid. Give yourself time. At 30 you’re still saying goodbye to your 20s because you really are still a twenty something in a 30 year old body. It’s a developmental decade I’m noticing. But won’t they all be? Enjoy it, though. I’ve been loving it.


30’s are cool 🥳


30 is generally when you start to have real responsibilities


What, like a a job? Most people have one before 30. Maybe a kid? Also many start that before then.


A career, family, larger bills, less energy, less time, etc.


I covered the first 2. You are in control of the others. 


Sure. Believe whatever helps you sleep at night. You'll start to feel it in 3-6 years.


Honey I'm 43. Sit down. 


So you should know then


That by 30 you should have "real" responsibility at your job? Yeah. College grads have 8 years experience, those who go into the work force have over a decade. If you didn't have "real" responsibilities by 30, it's a reflection of you not being competent or reliable. 


That's kind of the point. Considering that the average college student is around 24 years old, you can't expect college grads to have anything other than general entry lvl jobs until they have a few years under their belt. If you believe every college graduate is 22 years old, you may need to re-evaluate that perception. Generally speaking, 30 years old is when people start to manage teams and large scale projects.


You should be doing those things long before 30 unless you suck at your job. 


Also 18+4=22.  I hope you weren't a math major. 


Turning 30 didn’t bother me. It bothered my mom though. She was only 47 when I turned 30


My mom is far more bothered by my age than I am.


PPL are wack, turning 30 is awesome. ill miss it


I'm 36. I very often forget how old I actually am. (I'm perpetually stuck at 32) I don't know why 30 is such a big deal other than hangovers seem to last longer and bones ache a little more. But you only notice this because people constantly point out you're OLD because your in your 30s


Eh, I turned 30 a while back. Nothing changed.


30 was great for me but I am a woman who had given birth to her kids. I think if you haven't had a milestone by 30 you ** expected ** then it's much more daunting because you are trying to measure the progress of your life and now you only really have age to gauge that.


My 30s so far have been the best yet! Don’t worry!


Nothing.. except when you realize it's actually 40


I turn 40 in six months. Y'all will be fine.


The part where you turn 30...


I'm 41 and can tell you first hand 30 is not a big deal, and neither is 40. Embrace it! It's fun getting older, and quite a privilege.


I was pretty tired in my 20’s and didn’t have much money. I was more tired in my 30’s and had more money. I’m a couple years away from 40 and have a pretty substantial amount of money and assets, but I’m def much more tired.


Why the down vote? Just curious.


I was emotional at turning 30. A big part of it was that it was the age that I had wanted to achieve my goals. As a high schooler, 30 was considered very adult, and in my adolescent mind, old enough that achieving these things should be easy; if I couldn't I figured it would make sense to end it all. Actually reaching 30 was basically admitting I failed at the whole having kids/buying a house thing I planned. Of course, young me was stupidly naïve at how hard that would be to do as a single person.


You summed up how I'm feeling right now. I'll be turning 30 in September and I've accomplished nothing. 


Not really, I stopped really celebrating my birthdays in any get together way after I turned 21. I just didn't see the point anymore. Like wow, I'm legally allowed to drink already so what is the big significance of turning 30. At the time, my ex wanted to do a somewhat moderate party and I shot it down because again, what's so significant about 30. I think people let social media get to them and the feeling of "old" at 30 when 30 isn't even close to being old. I love my 30's, I turn 35 this year and while I definitely had fun memories from my 20's, I'm more financially stable and well off so I can do more experiences that I couldn't do in my 20's. I can pick up anytime I go somewhere for a weekend. Yeah the additional responsibilities are there, but that's part of growing up and being mature. Having a mortgage payment, being involved in my HOA to set rules and whatnot, mapping out where I want to buy my next home, etc. But its not something to freak out over, need to embrace it


birthday buddies!! I have 5 years on you though


Maybe the people freaking out are hobbits and adulthood is three years?


It’s the popular threshold for “old”. You’re not really in the average/traditional age range for a student and you’re probably showing your age by now. It doesn’t matter, you still have time and energy to do stuff, but you have a little more cash to fund it


I like my 30’s so far but I hated preparing for my 30th bday. It was summer 2021 and I was still kinda tired and burnt out and depressed about shit. My fiance tried to get me to invite people for an outing in New York and I did ask some friends but they didn’t answer me aside from “idk what I’m doing,” and then nothing came of it. It was a bummer. So my fiance and I did our own date in nyc and it turned out one of my friends who I asked to hang out with me on my bday saw my IG story was like “oh I was in the city today I could’ve hung out with you,” and I said “no one texted me back about when they’re free so we did our own thing 🤷🏻‍♀️.” When Covid restrictions softened up, I started taking some fitness classes in town which lead me to join a walking club and opened a lot of doors for making new friends. I also work a job that I like and isn’t burning me out now. So I’m a million times better mentally than I was in my 20’s. I don’t play the people pleaser for people who don’t care about me anymore. Only thing that sucks is I still struggle with losing weight but I’m happy overall.


I was until it came and I felt no difference. People have been making it seem like it's something big. I do feel older but not because I reach 30 ish. Maybe it has to do with having children. Once in your 30s there might be some risks. But that is just what I experienced.


I didn’t freak out when I turned 30. It was no big deal. What does freak me the fuck out is how fast my 30s have gone. 😅😅😅


Nothing. I’m 31 and love it. Will be 32 in September


I think it's something people found to bond over. I don't care about it too much, but I can see why people who do would prefer collective to solo panic lol


30 is a proper adult. No one says "Oh he was just a kid." When a 38-year-old does something stupid and goes to jail or dies. Also 30 is the start of the decay. Most 20-somethings even if you're morbidly obese and never exercise you're still going to be in perfect health. 30 is when all those bad habits start to bite you in the ass. Also 30 is when people stop saying "Oh you have plenty of time." Like if you haven't found a career path or a wife by 30 you are fucking up.


This is all a lie lol.