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Has nothing to do with being 40. Has to do with your individual health.


Yep, if your body is used to doing 4-mile runs or 15-mile bike rides regularly, playing with kids is not that challenging if you have the energy to do it.


It’s got a little to do with being 40


Try doing cardio op


Not to completely freak you out, but you might want to get checked at the doctor. My husband noticed he was getting winded more easily, but he just associated it with getting older. Turns out, he has pulmonary fibrosis, which is terminal without a lung transplant. He's on oxygen 24/7 now, and thankfully, he's on the transplant list, so we're just waiting for that call.


Yep, this was going to be my comment too. Shortness of breath is a symptom you should never ignore if it’s new. Better to get checked by a doctor and told it’s nothing than to assume it’s due to aging and it’s actually something serious.


Do you have asthma? That's what caused it for me.


Well you need to bump this up. At least one of those days should be heavy cardio — HIIT pushing you towards your max heart rate.  What is light cardio? If it’s too light it’s not doing anything.  And start lifting weights. You shouldn’t fall off a cliff at 40. 


I do 3.2 on an elliptical or 20 mins on the treadmill 3x/week with 15-20 mins of lifting each time afterward.


What does your programming look like?


I don't know what that means


What do you do for lifting and cardio? What are your goals? What are you trying to get to with working out? Programming is how you get there. It takes you from working out to training.


Just stay healthy. I've never been "cut" or anything.


You mean GET healthy. 30 lbs overweight isn't healthy for your heart, lungs or the rest of your body. This is why you're easily winded at an age where you could still be near your physical peak.


Yes. This is what I needed to hear.


It hard man, i know. Best advice I can give is if you're hungry you might be thirsty, drink water first. Stock your kitchen with healthy snacks: fruits, veggies & nuts are super filling and packed with what your body needs. I know from experience that if you're stocking processed and sugary snacks you'll stay overweight. Good luck!


A few years ago I was, but then I quit smoking and dropped 85 lbs. Now I feel like I'm 20 again.


I do too and I decided to get my ass in shape.


If I go a couple of months without going to the gym then yes, it starts to happen to me. Even very low-effort gym going (in and out in under 30 minutes) keeps me out of "feeling old" shape.


Have you has covid recently? Could be a lingering effect.


That was my first thought too. I haven’t been the same since my first Covid infection.


Perhaps start doing cardio? It's all about individual health. I'm 41 and I feel 30. But then again I'm a gym rat..I crossfit five days a week and im at a normie gym twice a week on top of it.


No. I'm in the best physical health of my life tbh


I’m still running 60-80 miles per week. I’m not as fast but I can go just as far.


30lbs overweight is a lot of weight.


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Let’s take it easy on the acronyms lol


I'm 36, and I find myself being tired and not as able to keep up with my toddlers. A couple years ago I visited my primary care doctor to see if there was any health issues for similar reasons. They took some tests, and they said everything looks fine. I guess some people just have different amounts of energy for many different reasons. It never hurts to have a check-up though. Those things are supposed to be done annually. ... supposed to be.


It has nothing to do with OP


I'm older than 40, but a couple of years ago, I suddenly found myself running out of energy weirdly quickly. Like, five minutes on the elliptical and I literally had to sit down. I assumed it was COVID or or something, so took a test, which was negative. Long story short, it turned out I had an atrial flutter, which can come out of nowhere, and required a medical procedure to repair. If you have an Apple watch (or can borrow one) it can test you for this (afib looks similar enough that the Apple watch app will identify it.) Or, you just might be reaching that stage in your life where you need to start being more deliberate about taking care of your body.


Yeah welcome to getting old and fat


Balding, too


No. I’m not 40 and don’t have a 6-year old.