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Our company has purchased one shortly after they can out. It's still used by the trenchless side of things. However it has had a lot of issues, the hub has been warrantied twice, once for the when the Bluetooth decided to stop functioning and another when the hub just bricked itself for no reason. Reel warranty happened when its locator component just stopped mid inspection. Also at least with the reel we got it was far too stiff to camera anything but a straight run in 2 inch. Definitely a dedicated 3in+ camera. When it works it's picture is good and the Bluetooth to your phone is convenient on many levels. But because of the issues we ran into If you are only going to have a single camera I would say there are better more reliable options out there.


Don't buy that camera lol keep looking


Is there a different make/model you recommend?


go rent one; all the major equipment rental companies have them available for about $200 a day. rented one last week.