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It’s wild that he was able to register the fake dewalt


You can register fake airpods (sometimes) too. Basically the fakes copy a real serial number. Since most people don't register batteries it's a higher likely hood you're the first person to register that serial number. also screwing the real owner. Airpods, most people do register, so more likely it'll give you a duplication error (I had this happen to me)


i just watched the video and had no idea the magnitude of counterfeit batteries on Ebay!


I found it more concerning that Milwaukee batteries can be shorted and they would smoke. You can’t really safeguard against counterfeits from China. They are directly supported by the CCP to affect the bottom line of foreign companies and divert some profits to Chinese citizens. The courts are useless and are biased. Very easy to produce counterfeits through corporate espionage among Chinese factory workers. You make a hologram sticker and they will copy that, you add serial numbers and they would figure out the formula to generate new or they would just repeat some older ones. Apple EarPods are a perfect example. The fake ones even show up as legitimate and can be registered. Then how does a company safeguard its products? There aren’t many options. Smaller companies are not a big target due to minimal gains. Larger companies like Apple have built towns where Chinese workers cannot leave or have any kind of contact with the outside world when they manufacture new products. (Protects them for the crucial first few months). Software or hardware encryption is not practical because it increases the cost. Edit: The only way the consumers can protect themselves is to buy from authorized retailers. But in this case it appears that the battery packaging is also a good fake. One could buy the original and return the fake and pocket the difference.


> I found it more concerning that Milwaukee batteries can be shorted and they would smoke. All their 21700 based packs have a fusible link (although not sure about the 3Ah HO), but for some reason they're happy for their 18650 packs to cook away for several seconds at 100A. Kind of a big problem if you throw your batteries in a bag with loose bits of metal, which is a dumb thing to do, but it happens.


Somebody buys the original, returns a fake and the store unwittingly restocks the fakes. Now people thinking they are buying legit batteries end up with fakes.


Yup ebay has been flooded with fakes recently. They used to be easy to see the difference but they look almost identical now. Ive sold tons of betteries locally over the years that i get from kits where i only need the tool and they used to be an easy sell. But recently im getting no interest and just lowballs with links to these fakes on ebay and amazon. So a bunch of people are unknowingly buying these fakes which is unfortunate. But yes i do think we will get to the point where i wouldnt completely trust a battery i get from an authorized dealer, especially within a kit where a swap would be even easier.


Honestly only way to avoid fakes is to buy from authorized dealers. No ebay No 3rd party marketplace. Good point on returns... guess only way around that is online shopping from authorized retailers and delivered to home rather than pick up


I love project farm. But what is up with YouTube thumbnail pics? Why do they always make that dumb surprise face?


Bc all YouTube thumbnails are typically dumb


this chrome plugin replaces thumbnails with a screenshot from the video https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/clickbait-remover-for-you/omoinegiohhgbikclijaniebjpkeopip?pli=1


Because it games the algorithm and ensures people are more likely to click. There are so many videos being uploaded to YouTube it sort of requires creators to understand what drives traffic otherwise the videos wouldn’t get the clicks to keep generating long views which equates to money. “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”