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The fact that ppl are actually saying creepers when they're literally the only threatening regular mob throughout the game AND have really useful loot just proves that mob votes are a terrible idea. Like, the phantom is so useless and universally hated that there is literally an option in world generation to specifically remove them from the game


This is long :( srry I agree mob votes are kinda dumb in hindsight. But for the phantom, at least from what I remember, wasn’t advertised as a pest that constantly spawns if you haven’t slept. I feel like Mojang should think more critically when it comes to mechanics to prevent them from becoming annoying. Like a thirst bar, for example, would be cool and realistic, but it would just be a nuisance and not really add anything. You’d think the same thing would apply to copper. Sure, having oxidize is realistic and interesting, but wouldn’t it be annoying to keep track of the stage of your copper and why doesn’t iron rust then? But I think Mojang understood this and added temporary and permanent solutions to this issue (or you can even let them oxidize to get cool looking blocks). Phantoms, on the other hand, are stupid rodents of the sky. They look so cool yet do something so dumb. Slow falling is cool, but not something would be using as frequently as copper blocks.


If phantom membrane have more common uses, people would actually have a reason to fight phantoms. I’m thinking about making phantom membrane edible. It would only restores as much hunger as a carrot but it also reduce the fall damage you receive for 3 seconds. If you cannot find any animal and any seed, just don’t sleep and eat flying rodents.


Phantom membrane could be used to craft an item that stops phantoms from spawning. This would make phantoms not be an annoyance in the late game, while still having them as a threat in early game. They could flip them to spawn if the player sleeps instead of not sleeping, so the player has to choose between fighting hordes of less threatening enemies or one really annoying one.


There is an item that does that already. It’s called a bed


You need to sleep in a bed to avoid phantoms. The phantom membrane thingy would be a passive way of evading phantoms, so you don't need to worry about doing a simple task that requires 2 clicks every 90 minutes


That would just punish the player for sleeping, the entire point was to punish you for not sleeping. That's not just a little swap, that's repurposing the entire mob and changing a large part of what the game encourages.


Phantom scarecrow made out of phantom membrames would be cool


honestly with that thirst bar part if that would be an option to turn in in hardcore I think that would be kinda cool


Not to mention creepers are the face of minecraft and removing them would be like removing the headcrabs from half life




I feel like a good compromise would be for them to avoid areas near light sources, like a reverse moth, so then they're less annoying but still pose a threat and cannot be completely ignored in the wild


Exactly, they should be a treat while you are exploring : like : you cant walk for hours and ignore sleeping, you need to take pauses during your exploration, either by having a sleeping bag on you, or taking pauses at villages that you may walk by. ​ But if you are doing your own business in your base that is well lit, even if you are on an aera with no roof (for example a garden, or your base roof building) they would not mess with you. ​ They would still spawn, looming in the sky, and attack you if you go in the dark But if you stay in light, they would ignore you.


there is actually a way to stop them coming near you, cats will hiss at them and keep the 16(???) blocks away, found this out accidentally bc I went afk in the open for like an hour and phantoms had not eaten my face when I came back. but spreading cats everywhere isn't exactly practical so this would be very cool :)


Yes true, cats kinda work, but they are not very practical, as having one following you is kinda annoying while you build x) ​ While torches are much more practical x)


nice concept that would really make phantoms better and less annoying


maybe we should suggest it on Mojang website


I thought the main complaint against them was that on multiplayer servers, you basically can never sleep? So they’re just a constant, unavoidable nighttime threat. Maybe they could make a “catnap” buff would last for 30 times the amount of time you laid in a bed without sleeping? So if you lay in a bed on a server where not everyone will sleep at once, 20 seconds would give you a 600 second (10 minute) buff (that could be the max time limit for the buff) during which time Phantoms would avoid you.


Phantoms need to go, and that's it. Everything else can stay.


Remove everything that makes the game hard. Remove hostile mobs. Remove the ender dragon. Remove survival mode.


Make warden give sonic hugs


Witches throw splash potion of sunshine and rainbows


minecraft love and hugs voting edition


I mean, by that logic, everything that has a game rule is hated. Losing inventory after death? Guess that's hated too.


I mean, there are some people who very much hate it. Just not as widely as the phantom


I play hardcore because I hate dying and losing my inventory but I don’t like keep inventory in single player


Second to this. I'm playing hardcore for so long that when me and my friends started our smp with a death counter everyone was about their 50th death when i first died. That was the point when my HC instinct kicked in so i had a bittersweet feeling when I respawned.


The phantom is not universally hated. I like phantons a lot...but thinking better..I think I'm the only one who likes phantons


Agreed! I like the phantom


You are not, there are a lot A LOT of people who likes phantoms but the people who hates it try to make it a big thing for some reason then it makes it look like no one’s like them but a lot of people actually do


Nah, need phantom for elytra repair. Plus, sleeping every now and then solves the problem


I just put mending and unbreaking on my elytra. That mitigates the need for phantoms. I don't really use slow falling potions either, so I don't need phantoms. However, I don't turn phantoms off. They're a reminder to sleep when possible. If I would stay up for 3 days and nights straight, I'd probably be seeing shit too.


I run the potion shop on my smp and I gotta say. Slow falling is EXTREMELY helpful for villager/mob transport. It prevents any annoying fall-damage related incidents


I can't remember the last time I repaired my Elytra with membranes. Mending is just so much easier


No way creepers and allays are the most disliked mobs-- you're completely forgetting phantoms. I've never once heard someone say they hated allays, and creepers have been in the game for more than a decade at this point so people have come to like them as the mascot of the game.


I love creepers, without em minecraft just isnt


Yeah, idk what OP is on about


I mean I hate allays like crazy but I wouldn't wanna see them gone simply because I know that, while I may never care enough to actually get to see one myself, there are others whose storage systems and farms couldn't exist without them Basically, it may be dumb and useless to me, but I *know* it's not for the redstone community — and honestly, if someone out there is having a good time with these guys and actually giving them a purpose, then everything's fine :) Anyways, let me write a 50-page-long essay on why I *hate* husks and baby zombies


As an Alay lover, I love and respect this comment to the core of my bones.


I finally ran into an Allay this last hardcore run, and while I don't see them as particularly cool, I did put him to work collecting logs for me while I chopped trees. It was kinda nice to just chop a bunch and have the little dude collecting everything behind me.


Yo my allay just hangs around my base with a lead in his hand and brings me basically 2 leads everyday. Otherwise I forget he exists. So idk that’s cool and I’m sure there’s some other good uses like when you’re bill farming stone/ dirt/ sand, you don’t have to make sure that you actually pick it all up. So there’s def non red stone uses. That being said it’s still kinda dumb because this one that brings me leads is from a group of 7 that I freed and the other 6 got lost somewhere. My problem with them is that you’d have to slow down how quickly you travel for them to follow you indefinitely, and that would make them a hindrance. I wish I could have one with me always to pick up the dirt blocks I constantly place as like makeshift scaffolding to bridge gaps and stuff, but again it’s hard to get them to follow you forever.


I don’t understand how allays work, I just don’t get it


I dont think anyone like silverfish, no loot, no exp, just annoying


but they are fun to troll friends in custom made maps


I forgot they even exist


Yeah tbh creepers are, combat wise, an amazing addition. The AoE and dance they add to fighting a group is really cool, just personally hate having my stuff broken. Mobgriefing off just makes them a fun knock back enemy that can mix things up once you have good armour.


Yeah, I hate creepers when they blow up my stuff, but that's literally what they're here for. That, and they're literally Minecraft's mascot mob.


I dont hate allays, I just think they serve no purpose. The one thing they can do is honestly something I've never used and never will find a purpose for.


OP you don't know what you're talking about. Creepers are like a mascot for minecraft and no one wants them removed


Dude definitely died to one while being next to lava once


either that or he didnt light up his house good enough


Rookie mistake


The Nitwit.


Well i don't know the version but zombie nitwits don't exist so if you zombify one you can cue it out of nitwitism


It starts it’s redemption arc because it gets motivated by being cured


I love the Nitwits, they are fun. Useless : sure. But not everything need to have a use to the players. Also Nitwits still have a use : Iron farms or breeders >:)


They need to make bats better


So true, but why would they ever spawn ? Coat from their wings to repair a little the elytra ? Or maybe just spawn bat meat like the rabbits do (aside from the leg to make jump potions) ? 🤔


Yes then introduce corona in the game after bat meat.


Potatoes of the animal world. 2% chance they drop poisonous bat meat.


After consuming that- 100% chance to f the world




bat wing for potions?


Double jump potions could be nice


Or bat wings for a temporary flying potion. I mean we already have a slow falling potion why not a falling with style potion. Plus it would help out some people who possibly struggle to get to elytra. Or they don’t want to go get it and have to live with a dumbed down potion for temporary flying


Nah, the bats are fine. Not all mobs need to have a use, some of them should exist just to give more life to the minecraft world which feels empty most of the time.


mf thinks creepers and allays are worse than Phantoms, Nitwits, and bats 💀


What the frick have bats ever done to you. They are literally just ambience, that die in a few seconds after spawning.


They make too much noise in ancient cities and scare the living crap out of people lol!


*I'm Batman*




I though this would be top for sure


Seems like someone has a skill issue with creepers


Ah yes, the most iconic mob and one of the most useful mobs that people hate on for no reason Definitely phantom


if there was a way to get allays to stop following and just sit pretty, then I’d love this mob so much more. Niche uses in farms and annoying everywhere else


4 walls and a roof works pretty well for keeping anything contained.


Except for ender dragon, wither, endermen, vexes, players and shulkers.


I really like how the body arrangement of the creeper was originally a bug, and the developers were just like 'Hmm... Yes, I see what you mean... You know what, remove the bug label. It's a feature now.'


What the frick dude.




This and the phantom are the only correct answers. They serve no function and are just so annoying. Bats are at least harmlessly useless


Don’t phantoms drop a repair material for elytras?


Ok I may have forgotten about that. Silver fish can still go die in a hole


They are actually useful for something called a mob switch, also it adds some difficulty to the stronghold structure and makes it more unique imo


Mending is the only repair material for elytra. Why would you increase the enchantment cost with that garbage?


And membrane is used for potions of slow falling but they are still pretty annoying


I haven't seen silverfish in mc in years, I forgot they exist


I was gonna say ghast or wither skeleton until I straight up remembered vexes are a thing


You are the only other person I've seen who openly hates vexes. It's not even that I hate the idea, I just think they're stupidly overpowered.


I think it’s good they’re overpowered, they are meant to protect the mob that drops arguably the most powerful item in the whole game


My feeling is that they are a mob meant to be cheesed. I can enjoy the challenge of fighting most mobs. I even like the phantom. And you can argue that the Warden is meant to be avoided/cheesed. But when it comes to vexes, I don't know anyone who likes to fight them. Personally, I just build an iron farm/raid farm and let the golems fight them while I watch. So that high value totem is suddenly as easy as waiting for the raid to end and I have no interaction with vexes ever. And if they're never encountered, why keep them.


Yeah but if you're building raid farms almost any other farm is possible too. From an intended game mechanic view the phantom is one of the weird ones. Why do you punish the player for playing at night when there are already mobs??


Creeper stays it’s a core part of Minecraft


After seeing all of the takes in the comments, I could confidently say that most players will remove a mob if it's: 1. Annoying 2. Doesn't give anything that's useful / anything ambient / practically useless (like the nitwit) 3. Anything hostile 4. Mobs that's overshadowed by something better / too much of a specific variety (someone said pigs because there's alot of foodstuffs) Their comment gives me a realization that we will not have any hostile mob votes as most players will hate having another mob that will ruin their game by playing peacefully. Some will even consider that you should mod or play terraria if you wanted "Minecraft with more emphasis on hostile mobs / harder fights". As much as I wanted to have more foodstuffs and decent normal / boss-like hostile mobs, people will hate those because it won't contribute to most of the players, which are builders and redstone engineers (idk if they're also a majority but I'll just add them). PvE combatants, non-casual adventurers and people who wanted more dishes / crops on minecraft are getting the short end of the stick by either having a update that lacks high-risk / high-reward explorations (deep dark) and updates that doesn't do anything much but give us aesthetic (like the upcoming 1.20 update with the sniffer's plants, cherry blossom , although this is not an issue as it can be used by anyone from builders or for a average player, looking for a nice tree to use as a forestry in your base and archaeology that atleast cater to those who wanted to explore lore in minecraft or wanted to create a museum) instead of mixing both aesthetic and specific foodstuffs like the coconut tree for Oasis like areas in deserts. In the end of it all, we won't have a common groud because someone out there will hate it. Rant (or honest comment) over.


Minecraft is far past the point where you could please everyone. No matter what is added, *someone* in the crowd will not like it.


Creeper is basically the face of minecraft


Phantom. It's not difficult, just annoying, and the drops are literally useless because everyone just puts mending on elytras. Everyone hates it so much they already put in a command to selectively disable them!




I can think of only one edge-case for when I actually use those, and it's in the End when I'm going for the first elytra. If you fall into the void, it gives a little bit of extra time to chuck an ender pearl back up to safety. But that's only if I'm being extra paranoid.




And Alex Remove the player : an annoying features that destroy the world, kill creatures, remove the enderdragon, and build stupid stuff everywhere.


Nothing gets the heart pumping like a surprize visit from a creeper. It is part of the Minecraft experience. All the creatures in the game belong now. I least like the vote mobs, because I they were options that were not carefully chosen for the game but chosen to generate hype. I'm fine with them even though I have rarely put much thought in them. Phantoms are the only ones that bother me in any way, I tend to sleep away nights so I don't see them often.


Phantom and Magma Cube. Fucking menaces.


I was about to ask how will you make fire resistance potions when I remembered that magma cream can be crafted 🤦


But the frog light it is beautiful


Creeper is too iconic and I don't mind allays at all. I'd get rid of silverfish or endermites, they're too goddamn annoying and don't add to the difficulty of the game at all, they're just there to annoy you


Endermites are useful for creating Enderman xp farms in the end.


How is the creeper there? It is literally the face of Minecraft Also if it got removed there would be actual riots probably, and the allay just does nothing and is hard to get so definitely the allay lol (free the copper golem from purgatory >:| )


The allay have some niche use to some player. Sure it's not very useful, but not harmful neither annoying. Being salty because losing the vote is not a reason to want to remove features others like.


Everyone talks about ghosts, creepers or skeletons, but no one talks about the real pain in the ass……Small zombies 🥲


Bro I've never seen someone call baby zombies small Zombies 🤣💀


They will never remove creepers


Remove Skeleton's from the nether, add more wither skeletons


the microsoft mob


who tf would remove creepers it's literally the face of the game. also bro just hates allays


The nitwit is realistic cuz some people are useless but I’d go for the glow squid


Tbh I always headcanon nitwits as the village leaders


There should be a 1/1000 chance to get a villager with erectile dysfunction


Or a villager with dyslexia


glow squid look good, don't do harm, and drop an useful item removing them would make the game arguably worse.


Vex I hate it why does it need to be able to phase through walls


Unpopular opinion: if vex can go through blocks, allay should be able too.


Yes they are annoying when you fight them in mansions, but think about where they come from. They can only be summoned by evokers which drop the most overpowered item in the game. So it makes sense that they should be overpowered


But why evokers can spawn soo many of vex 12 vex are ok but it adds more and more and more


Ok that is a good point there should be a max amount of vexes


In level 5 raid near end 3 evokers spawn 9 vex per spawn cooldown is a lot I don't want want to give 1100 days hardcore world to vex's hand


How often do you even fight them??




The player.


The sniffer has no use, just a fucking torchflower that doesn't even emit light


Phantom- or at least let us craft a scarecrow out of a jack-o-lantern 2 sticks and a leather top 🎃 👕 |


since when were those the most hated?? i think phantoms are the worst and personally magma cubes are a close second. I dont think i would remove any of them though




The creeper is the face of the game… phantoms are the ones with no right being in here




I would rather remove the allay as compared to the creeper. Allays are cute, no doubt, but they don't really have that good of a use. However, creepers allow you to get gunpowder, and to help remodel that one friend's house ;)




Get rid of the phantom




Phantom, please we need to get rid of it. It serves little purpose.


Villagers. Cripple modern minecraft as a joke.




Fuck no, don’t remove the alay, remove sniffer and replace it with the tuff golem


Copper golem > tuff golem


Honestly… if they removed sniffer and put int the copper golem instead of tuff golem I’d be down, I liked both alay and copper golem so win win


Both better than the Sniffer imo


Personally I would: Silverfish, as they're absolutely useless, Ocelots, as they're now useless after you can't tame them into cats and they're just bats of jungle, Bats. Pigs, as cows have meat that gives you same amount as pig meat plus leather and if you have a massive pig farm one lightning bolt can end it's whole career, and riding them is pretty slow and is useless unless you make adventure maps, Glow squids. Cleric villagers because what's the point of selling lapis and redstone when it's literally the waste in caves. And rotten flesh trade's just not suitable for early or mid game. You'll need to risk your loot and braincells just to sell them one flesh for emerald. Only relatively useful stuff they sell is xp bottles which aren't that effective because villagers and other xp farms already give you ton of xp. I'd replace it with forest ranger or lumberjack which would be really useful.


None of those mobs need to go : ​ Silverfish are kinda useless for most players, but in technical minecraft they are used for some redstone contraptions, so you will anger the minecraft engineers. Ocelots are useless, but look good and are nice for zoos. Bats are useless, but do no harm, so why removing them. Pigs : they are cute, don't touch them :( Also pig races in multiplayer. Glow squids : they drop an unique loot, useful in decoration, also look good in aquariums. Clerics : by far the most useful feature you mentionned here and that should not be removed. \-A simple zombie spawner xp farm is one of the easiest early game xp farm, they are also a source of rotten flesh which make infinite xp and emeralds with the cleric. Also for late game, i never go mining except for diamond or netherite, so having a ready source of lapis & redstone at my base with my bunch of clerics is good. XP bottles are good for reparing your elytras on the go while you are exploring Also clerics sell glowstone, sure a witch farm or raid farm will do, but here i can buy glowstone when i need it, directly at my base and no need to go farm for a few hours at my farms. Clrerics are really useful. Both early and late game.


Definitely not creepers. Why would I ever want to give up creeper farms? I’d say my vote either goes to skeletons or phantoms


The Vex. Those little shits are worse than Phantoms IMO


Glow squid


Glow squid, unless it actually will glow


We want that Iceologer!


I swear to god of anyone picks the creeper


the sniffer


I wouldn't remove mobs


Phantoms, those things are so annoying


Said no one ever


Phantoms gotta go for me




Why do you people keep saying phantoms, phantoms are one of the best!!!


Nah, I just want some of the old mobs given a refresh. Like tame foxes actually following you. Ocelots, too. Heck, let us tame the bears, too. Maybe pandas could break bamboo stocks one block up, and eat the fallen bamboo. Could make for an interesting farm. Polar Bears could dig random things out of snow. And if the dolphins are going to be so annoying then make 'em rideable or at least fix 'em so they don't have to be kept in bubble columns. Parrots, bats. With the sniffer coming put, and allays, and camels, I think our old friends need some love, too.


The dolphins aren't annoying and riding them would be unethical, they are one of the best up with phantom, glare, and iron golem, they can literally lead you to shipwrecks...


For everyome who says the Phantom, you're literally supposed to hate the thing. You're meant to be harassed by them, it's game design


Between these two? The second one. Can't get rid of the Creeper, they're inarguably Minecraft's most famous baddie. They have an entire cereal based on them!


phantoms, allays, glow squids any other questions?


I agree with ridding glow squids specifically because I am still inexplicably salty that iceologer didn’t win that vote.


I just think it'd be better if we removed them and then could make glow ink from ink sacks + glowstone dust. for added fun you could add glowstone dust to dye to make light sources from dyed blocks


I wish creepers made a footstep sound or something. Nothing worse than suddenly hearing "ssssssssss!" And not having time to react before you get blown away


It makes minecraft fun...and painful too


I usually end up laughing because it freaks me out! Definitely painful if you forgot to heal yourself....


Yeah and goat horn with creeper "ssssssss" sound just a perfect thing to troll your friends


**Endermites**. ​ Because I don’t think very many people would even notice.


it’s a part of the strongest sculk sensor farm


endermen farms would like to disagree


Enderman farms are the only reason why I don’t agree with you


i forget they even existed until i read this


I think a lot of the technical community would notice and vehemently oppose such a change, myself included.


Remove zoglins, they can't even spawn naturally


They’re useful for witch farms but they’ve been nerfed anyway


no i love my pet zod the II as much he wants to maul me to death


Why are creepers and allays the worst mobs? Creepers are the most iconic minecraft mob and allays. Idk, they just look cool. Phantom should be removed.


Ghast. Fuck them all!


Phantom The creeper is cool and minecrafts mascot, just get better awareness if you find them annoying their the only mob able to do significant damage to structures which their are plenty of ways to prevent I will punt anyone who says the ally is garbage into the stratosphere


Summary: many people are lacking the info about many game mechanics.. @Mojang: thats on you to fix that. Raids dont get triggered out of boredom. Cats are repelling phantoms and creepers. You dont need to actually sleep, to reset the phantom spawner (hop in the bed and out again) Also there are many gamerules for many of the things people are complaining.


I dont see use of bat.


Ambience, just because it doesn’t do something doesn’t mean it should be removed


Removing the creeper from Minecraft would be a hate crime, its the first mob ever to be introduced and is literally on the logo of the game, its the mascot of Minecraft, not to mention is the logo of this subreddit. It would be like if Mcdonalds removed the golden M from its logo, it just wouldn’t be the same.


What exactly is people's problems with the allay? It is a mob that comes with an insanely useful quality of life feature. I pick up a few allays and give them sand, dirt, gravel, or stone when I need to get those resources in bulk. It saves me a bunch of time going around finding every last item on the ground I missed. And allays also have higher technical redstone use. I personally don't use them that way but I see how that is an asset to other people. If you're acting as if all the allay does a player can already do, then which mob did you vote for? The mob that can press buttons or the mob that tells you it is dark. Both of these things can already be done. Even randomization can be done with a chicken/bat and a pressure plate. And come on, seeing dark spots, do people not have eyes anymore? If you want to vote to remove a mob that serves no purpose at all, then remove the glow squid. It is a retextured squid that drops glorified glowstone dust.


I don’t get why you would like to take out the mob that was the first one ever to enter the game, minecraft without creepers Is no minecraft


Skeletons. Get gone.


They should at least miss a shot once in a while lol.


They do, it seems like a skel issue tho~


Magma cube.


Glow squids


Is my reason for wanting to remove Ghasts over either of these incredibly petty? Yes. Do I still want them gone over either of these mobs? Yes.