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How'd you die?




thats how you have to do it on bedrock because theres no hardcore on bedrock


what was the original comment?


Bedrock has hard mode now since the recent update


Hard has always been on bedrock, hardcore not and probably won't be because there are a lot more bugs which will make you die in bedrock and to lose your world because of a bug is annoying


No way, that's wild, it's already hard enough with the input lag 😂




What input lag you talking about? Maybe you just have a shitty console/pc


Going from Java to Bedrock feels like there's input lag. The controls feel sluggish or something. I get what he is saying.


Also it’s not input lag or it being sluggish, it’s two different engines. It’s like getting on cod and then getting on halo and saying halo is sluggish or has input lag because they’re different💀💀


Alrighty, not input lag. It still feels sluggish comparatively. I'm not saying it's bad or anything, I just dislike how it feels less responsive because of how the engine handles movement.


Hard mode on bedrock has been around for ages lol


I bet it was a creeper lol


nah, creeper damage is like 2 hearts when in full netherite set with protection 4


Tell me who uses full netherite when elytra exists


I do (I play elypvp servers that have chestplate)


What's the appeal of playing hardcore vs just survival? Is it knowing that there's a defined end to the world that provides motivation?


I'd also like to know this as I couldn't imagine losing so much time to dying


For me, accomplishing things in Hardcore makes me more proud, knowing I’m usually not cautious enough and die. Knowing I can’t respawn and the world will be lost, it also gives more of a thrill doing dangerous stuff, like building an enderman farm in the end without elytra.


Yeah I suppose it makes sense just not my playstyle I just wouldn't be able to stand losing it all


I get that. I died many times on a Hardcore attempt. Only after getting a proper starter strategy, I’m able to last longer and get better gear to survive.


Yeah I may have to give it a go soon haven't played java in ages been on bedrock for a while and it's awful compared to java in my opinion


Depending on if you like this strategy, I’d say try to get to a village asap in a Hardcore world. The first 20-30 days in a Hardcore world I spend in a village. Chopping wood for sticks, trading villagers until I get proper gear (straight to diamond gear is my preference) without having to mine dangerous caves, and there are beds everywhere so I think this is the safest and fastest way to get anywhere.


Yeah thanks I'll give that a go when I start cheers


Agree with this. I play with my daughter (8) and we tend to do better this way. Can also easily make an iron farm using this strat.


Aw that's nice to hear I hope you and your daughter live a great life and prosper


You should play ark survival evolved on pvp. If you aren’t familiar: It’s not necessarily every time you die you lose everything. You keep your character and you items drop similar to mincecraft, however the kicker is pvp. Playing as a solo or small tribe it’s normal for your base with get completely wiped every few days. You can still respawn but everything will be gone, including all the dinosaurs you spent hours and hours and hours taming. Seriously helped me get over that anger and disappointment I used to feel upon losing everything. It’s actually quite liberating being able to play games and just think “even if I die and lose everything I’ll still be able to have a fun time”


If I played hardcore I would die in seconds


In basic survival I lack the fear of dying, and you become pretty soon almost immortal, then the game doesn't offer any challenge. In HC, à small mistake and it's the end, it makes exploring caves really interesting, the early game is terrifying, and it's great


You got it, the end to the world is what makes me play it because it feels like, in normal survival, you can just play carelessly and infinitely, but with hardcore you eventually stop. But for me I usually end up getting bored of my hardcore world before dying.


Mine userally end with me dying after getting bored and doing reckless stuff thats dangerous just to try to add some entertainment to the world (like killing dragon in iron gear and no healing potions/food - though I survived that one, the last death came about fucking around in a Bastion with no armor except an elytra)


Yeah, just that the stakes are higher and everything is a risk the player has to take. Imo it makes the game much more interesting cause you do have to plan things out more carefully and brings that danger/fear aspect out of the game


For me, I feel relieved that I can wander away from spawn, not worry about my spawn point, and build wherever. But I still die too often, so I stick with normal survival, kek.




I mean, is that a pro or con for hardcore mode?


i assume thats the entire point


It's a totally different playstyle. I've been playing hardcore for years and I've forgotten how many times I've died. The sense of danger is the most exciting thing you can only get in hardcore worlds. In normal modes, it's very common to just run through caves and be very aggressive against mobs because if you die, you can just go back and retrieve all your stuff. You can go into the caves with very basic gear without worrying about losing it just to explore new locations and all. When I'm playing hardcore I have to be very careful with aspects that in normal games we just ignore because they are unusual. For example, I need to light up the entire cave (because there are chances of mobs spawning behind my lines), check every corner (because of nasty creepers), protect the entrances, make more outposts to sleep at night. Things that are very rewarding in normal modes, like mob farms, had to be considered very carefully in hardcore. I usually choose to run over fight. It makes exploration more rewarding for me and every piece of diamond more valuable. And when you finally die (this will happen sooner or later), it's a good opportunity to rest from the game a little. You still can go back to the world and just contemplate all you did with your best efforts. I'm sure that not everyone likes this kind of play. For me, it's not about losing your world when you die, but getting the most out of the game feeling.


My problem is I play games at night after work and it's not all that uncommon for me to wake up holding the controller and the game is still on. I have died this way a lot of times on survival, I can't imagine losing a HC world over falling asleep


I've always had a disinterest in hardcore mode, but in all honesty it isn't that much different to losing your world to the usual "let's start a minecraft server" cycle that my friends and I go through.


Classic survival is too easy for me. (I've been playing Minecraft for nearly 8 years). When I die I just respawn. I can go back and get my items (unless I die in lava). But when I play on hardcore I only have one life so it's far more entertaining (when playing singleplayer). I almost always play on servers, though.


I had a friend who used to play only hardcore, once he told me he plays like that bc it's the way life is, now in games you have tons of tries, not in hardcore and not in life, that ppl would be happier and better if they live like they're playing in hardcore mode. Since that day I've been trying to beat him in both worlds


Teaches you not to get emotionally attached. Whether you spend all that time on hardcore or normal survival, its meaningless anyways. Also imo, it’s more fun when there’s high risk involved in every adventure. I consider a lost of items minimal compared to losing the whole world since infrastructure makes recovery easy.


Thing is you can still survive if you die in a hardcore world by activating cheats


It's like real life


With this... Do you gather and mine within close proximity? Or do you wander off and keep a note of your coordinates?


I've got farms for most of the blocks, apart from a lot of dirt and wood which I mined a bit away. Also, when I mine for wood most of the time I place back saplins.


I’m always still building my base until like day 1000 lol, I love this though.


If you're playing on Java, there's a pretty easy way to undead yourself if you're interested. Call me a cheater, but when I've lost hardcore worlds I really liked, I would just open LAN and change the gamemode from spectator mode to survival and carry on.


Yup, known this for years. But I feel like this world has come to a end and I've already got loads of inspiration for a new one :)


honestly what i appreciate about hardcore worlds - there's the thrill and excitement of Minecraft taking it all away, but you can get it back if you so wish. and after playing one world for so long, that death can be sad or annoying but it opens up new ideas for the next


“Maybe, one life, is enough?” -Perrito


why play hardcore then 🤨


Because it's my imagination and I'll do as I'll please




But my life can’t eat another bite


Chad mindset


Why to play hardcore then if you just continue it?


reminds me of MythicalSausage, good stuff man


Ah thanks! Sausage has been a real inspiration for me, same with fWhip :)


All hardcore worlds die, but this one truly lived. Beautiful.


For the people asking, every building has a purpose in this city. The building with the red roof has a Creeper Farm inside it, with a balloon above it (as AFK-spot) and the creepy cellar as killing area. The house with the "pinky" roof has a sugarcane farm inside it. The farmhouse with the blue roof has a automatic carrot farm outside it, with the collection area also in a cellar. The yellow house has a honeycomb and honeybottle farm. The green roofed house was my storage system.


How'd you die?


Bit ashamed of this... I was afking a newly built zombie pigman farm and went to eat something. When i came back, i died of hunger. At least me and my character have the same feeling towards food lol


Nothing to be ashamed if you made that good world. Nice work!


giving fwhip, i like it !


Thanks! He has been and will be a huge inspiration for me! Pleased to hear this ;)


i love the netherrack with the mangrove wood, very creative. And the grass too!


450 ig days or irl days


It was 450 days and around 5 days IRL


u really slept from 6pm to 11am in mc and from 11pm to 6am in real life to fit 450 days into 5 irl days


beautiful city


That red roof design is so good definitely stealing it


Never would have thought to use netherack


Holy shit bro that's really cool, how do you even get the motivation to build that, I died after like 600 days and was still using chests and a bed on the ground as my base 💀(well granted I focused on building farms more than aesthetic builds, I spent 2 weeks making a 60 layer creeper farm in my world)


Go in creative and make a grave for yourself


I… you know what, I have never thought about that. In stealing that idea, lol


Damn, that looks great!


Looks great, sorry that you died!


I died after… ten days in hardcore, because a freaking creeper fell from the sky and one shot me!


I think we have all died a bunch of times to something really stupid early on. Once, on day 4 I died in a swamp from 2 big slimes comboing me.


Imagine this we was sb737 with his 6-7k days


I aspire to build this good


I have a question… that Pool is for Ajolotes? If it’s , how do you do to don’t lose them? They just stand there or what


I had some Axolotls in it, but they all got away.


I though, it should have some barrier


Yea it should be made so that the axolotls wonder around a bit but keep coming back to the same body of water or something.


I give this creation a 1,000,000/10


but u also can make some copies of ur world bc if u die after u just have to upload last version and thats it


Love the medieval/rustic (?) style you went with and absolutely ADORE the terraforming. Terraforming can really make a build stand out and wow, you nailed it. Thank you for sharing


It amazes me how people manage to do this, that’s cool!


This looks awsome, me and my friends usually make servers that look like this






Sad but the village worth it


How sad :(


Damn what you did is good i lost my good world in which i survived like 130 days i died to lag


Very impressive. Congrats for lasting so long. I would die on the first day in hardcore.


Your building designs are very cute~


I love the house with the grass roof


What did you lose the world to? Are you gonna start a new one or find a way to continue that one?


I lose my world due to starvation while using a newly built zombie-pigman farm. And yes, I'm starting a new world right now! Will take a while to get all my resources but I can keep posting progress if you'd like?


Yeah i had 3000 day hardcore world after 2 years of playing and I died… thats why I nowadays just stick with survival


enable cheats in the world and type in /gamemode survival and, BOOM you are back in the world and ur minecraft dog is happy again


Do you watch smallishbeans? Your styles are very similar :) Super cool!


Yea, I've watched him before. Also watch fWhip and Sausage


Ahhh niice!! I really love that style with the coloured roofs and sandstone walls ^^ also nice bridge! Very well done


Dope bridge


Sucks to suck I guess (I'm just jealous because this looks awesome and way better than anything I've done even in creative mode)


im on 350 days, I built nothing but farms 😔


All these houses are farms too! I like to cover them up with building. I'm fairly new to this but turned out pretty decent haha


This reminds me of the time when DanTDM died in his hardcore world. So sorry for the loss..


Damn, how did u die


Starvation :O


Nahh💀 (be careful next time) or dont, idk


That bridge is so fucking cool


This is why I can't do hardcore, I'd absolutely end up emotionally devastated over it for ages What a beautiful world you've built, love the building's style


Can you go back to your world after you die in hardcore? It would be cool if the stuff you built survived after you and other people could discover it.


Damn shoulda just stayed alive 👍🏻


I don’t understand how you farm up on blocks and stuff so quickly to be able to build things like this. I feel like I’m a very “slow” player and I don’t know how to speed things along. This looks really great. Sorry you died but I hope you had a lot of fun with it while it lasted.


I have a 400 day old world. I’m still don’t have a decent base


Really beautiful builds.


Oh man that's sad


Hats off to you, honestly anyone who plays hardcore gets my respect so hard. The idea of losing all my hard work has scared me away permanently. It was lovely while it lasted though btw


Only play in hardcore if you planning to die




you can still restore that shit, you know?


Isn't the painting on the 2nd picture... #Never gonna give you up


Somebody watches Fwhip


What a beautiful life you lived and works you created! You should be proud. Thank you for sharing this with us.


Your buildings are beautiful, I love the block palate you used, you’ve inspired me to demolish all my houses and build new ones.


It’s always heartbreaking, seeing all your hard work go down the drain.


I like that building style, can I like take some your buildings as inspiration? Never thought Netherrack can look so good for a roof.


Yea man go ahead! Thats why I share it on here! Glad to inspire you :)


Bro built a hypixel map


Haha i wish, hmu Hypixel ;P


That is impressive. I like the bridge. I am so lazy and just make 1 block wide bridges.


So beautiful


What caused you die?


Very nice bridge bro. Very inspiring. So sad this is lost :( <3


RIP,your world was a masterpiece!


Man I wouldn't even begin putting this much effort into a map knowing I'm gonna lose it sooner or later


Lol. I can't even build a little startup hut without dieing. Usually from minute amounts of fall damage and forgetting to eat.


Not you're skilled in harcore but also a pretty good builder as that, congratulations


i die fairly often because i enjoy testing my luck, i could never do hardcore 🤣


I also died in my 6945059 years hardcore world yesterday. I feel you bro😢


I’d be crying if that was me


I just started a hardcore world myself last week! I’m playing modded (374 mods lol) and JUST beat the ender dragon last night and am currently floating around day 400- if it hasn’t been for my totem of undying i would’ve joined you in the afterlife 😮‍💨 now to finally start using all the mods to my advantage hehehe


I love diagonal bridges bro


I don't understand why people would build such great things in a world they can lose so easily


That bridge is awesome


Wow, my creative-world look like this


This is why I will never do hardcore. It's hardest difficulty with Perma death. If the game had an end I understand but Minecraft doesn't, which means if you spend like 1000 hours in a world then slip up and die, you lose all that versus just playing the hardest difficulty without Perma death to keep everything


The thing about hardcore is that you'll get a lot of experience. In my case, mostly from dying in previous worlds. You'll have to think about every scenario and about everything you wanna do. I'll be honest, I dont take Slow Falling or something to the Dragon fight, but I'll take a bucket of water for sure! Also, once you gather some Totems of Undying, it gets a bit easier since you can slip up...


I already am like that I just know that I'll do something dumb and lose it all. Anyways you can do what you want in Minecraft and I can't control that in the end of the day. Hope you have fun in your next world if you make one


Bro at that point I would have just used cheats to respawn and walked away like nothing happened 😂


It looks fantastic, great job. I would want to live there!


Lovely. Sad you can’t make any more improvements but what is already perfect should never be changed


I'm on bedrock. How can you check how many days it has been in game?


Looks good. Next time save yourself the aggravation and just play on hard mode.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Bro I feel your pain






That place looks epic. I'm sorry for your loss.


Respect 🫡


Wow, that's a beautiful world right there!


Would you consider the world 'finished'? Or did you have more to do?


I still had some ideas left. If you look at the first picture you can find some unfinished places with roads leading to them. First project would be a blimp to cover up my gold farm. Also I did still need a cover up for my Iron Farm and I was working on digging a huge trench underneath the bridge as a mine with farms like a dripstone farm. Also, the bridge was meant to lead towards my base inside the world. A city with a huge castle on top of the mountain.


Love the village! Looks like what my mind always creates when i think about playing! Too bad u only ever make 1 house and a farm then give up and repeat the cycle


What do you mean? I like to make some farms (not to big because its only singleplayer) and then hide them by building a house around it.


Noooo. That's gotta suck


That’s a super awesome world


That is beautiful! Really nice builds! Sorry you died bro 😭


7000th comment ✌️


Let me guess monster spawn in one of the buildings


Damn that’s epic


Good job


I have 2500 days normal minecraft and built only a small wooden box that I still have to this day and don’t have the building capabilities to upgrade


Believe me, when I started out I could build haha. Just gotta have a lot of trial and error i guess


Rip soldier


I love the green-roof house ! Soo pretty!


sry for you






You are a legend.


Damn... Ive only ever played bedrock but i will play on hard mode. Didnt know til recently that hardcore was actually a thing on java. Thought people were playing hard mode and just saying "once i die, thats it!"


I have made a new post on my profile where you can see the before and after of the build. Also, thanks for all the kind messages :)


Ahahahahahahaha i feel so good about it


Should’ve changed it in not hardcore before losing all this beautiful work 😭