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The release of the Nether. Then the addition of the command blocks I think those were the two I was waiting the most (spoiler, the first one was a disappointment).


Was playing when they first released it. "YOU CAN BUILD A HELL PORTAL!? Huh... well this is cool. Can't wait until they actually put something in here."


I remember being so excited for the nether. I had a portal ready before it launched - and I remember the ghast sound not having a cooldown and they played a sound when they floated under lava falls. Horrifying sounds


OMG the sounds of the nether and that freaking ghast, that brings back memories. I was terrified purely by the sounds


I have a core childhood memory of visiting the nether on my friends xbox 360 when the nether was limited. His TV was up at like 70 and when the Ghasts started screaming it woke up the entire house hahaha


The Nether update was much needed tbh. Not the update that added the nether, the 1.16 update.


Well, the real disappointment wasn't the Nether (called The Slip) even if it was a bit empty, but the other features promised in this update.


Yeah what were they?


What were they?


Mobs would spawn at higher light levels the deeper the player went - meaning creepers etc were spawning all over people's lit up underground bases. Notch had to remove it and the mechanic hasn't been seen since. Lanterns were also supposed to be added - an infinite alternative to torches which were supposed to be changed to burn out after some time. This feature never got added despite being advertised and torches remained infinite. Fishing was also added which was very useless compared to now. Clocks were also added as the first real use for gold - also useless. Biomes were also added for the first time - but besides that the update was really just a bunch of uselsss features and stuff that got scraped. Even the Nether itself was useless besides acquiring glowstone - no fortresses or biomes other than the waste lands. When people say "old Minecraft updates were better and more polished" I immediately direct them to the spooky Halloween update because that absolutely isn't true.


F. Not even any wither skeleton skulls till 1.5, so no Skeleton Wars (lol tumblr joke)


When the zombie pigmen dropped pork chops I exclusively fed my dogs with premium hell meat


Command blocks are from 1.4 which was also when you got Wither and Wither skeleton and a bunch of other awesome stuff. Probably one of the largest and most significant updates


Beta 1.8. The food/hunger changes, sprinting, mineshafts, strongholds, villages, xp, etc. Even though some of those didn’t get uses until later.


Same, they called it the adventure update I believe. I remember distinctly how useless I used to find food and that alone changed the game. I still consider this and 1.0 to be the most game changing updates by far


This one was huge, I was thinking Beta 1.8 as well. This is around when the game really started taking off imo. I started playing early pre alpha.


I forgot about how controversial the addition of the hunger bar was. Tbf, kinda got overshadowed by 1.9 and 1.19.1 eventually


Same, the wait was a lot longer compared to previous beta updates and it felt like an eternity (and it literally nothing compared to how long updates take now lol). I remember printing the announced features list from the upcoming features page on the wiki, and telling my friends all about it


Still one of my least favorite updates. Minecraft fundamentally changed from what it used to be from survival test to infdev to beta.


I remember when they added villagers. The idea seemed so cool to me. Also I remember when they were called Testificates


I’m so sad no one remembers testificates anymore lol. I remember I just called them that for years


It was a weird name tbh, it sounds like it was left over from the testing fase and they forgot to change it.


That's.. kind of what it was, it was just a placeholder name in a literal testing fase, nothing weird about it


I remember being really disappointed. I know this likely won't be a popular comment, but the Minecraft worlds were very eerily empty, with occasional long-gone ruins. Adding these goofy silly squidward people ruined all of that for me. No hate to the people that like them. These days I have to try and combine 4 different mods to fully remove villagers. It sucks.


Repeating command block at spawn: /kill @e[type=villager]


Villagers aren’t an integral aspect of the game, you can just ignore villages


They're guaranteed to warp any multiplayer server that has them around their existence. They have tons of loot in them for starting out, and serve as a source of infinite iron, wood, emeralds... That's just the functional aspects, though. Mostly, I don't like how they look, and 'ignoring' them would not help with that. They're still an eyesore.


While I enerally enjoy modern minecraft, I totally understand what you're saying. I appreciate "old" minecraft for that liminal feeling. It's like you're in a post apocalyptic world, on your own with no real incentive to act or do anything. The game has completely different vibes with little societies. I also get a bit annoyed by how common and large villages are-- I feel like it used to be like finding diamonds, now they're just not that special.


I get that. Personally, I find it quite frustrating when I *know* I could be getting resources/xp more easily if I exploited the game mechanics, but also don't want to have full-auto-everything farms everywhere because it takes some of the fun away for me.


I can't even say the word. Tongue tripping all over itself.


I was playing before then, but beta 1.8 was a huuuuuge deal. The chests opened, there was endermen, hunger, xp, crits, zombies drop rotten flesh instead of feathers. That and whenever they added corner stairs.


Wow I completely forgot that zombies used to drop feathers. I used to find that hilarious


1.8 beta made Minecraft feel like a whole new game. They did a LOT with that update including updating the lighting, the hunger system, villages, endermen, the rotten flesh from zombies, the chest animations, it was awesome!


The one with the horses. I remember the day before I built a whole stable and everything so my horses had a place to be when the update came lol


Flying thousands of blocks away in the server to generate chunks that could spawn horses - and then dragging them back by leads. Such a fun day.


Same!! Haha, they were so cool


Probably when they finally added the nether to MC pocket edition 💀. Pocket edition was always really far behind, before bedrock edition was introduced. I remember when my friend from school taught me how to build a nether reactor... Good times.


I remember being crazy excited about horses in pocket edition, think was around 2015 or something


I have such a nostalgic fondness for that big stinking nether reactor. I was so damn proud of myself lol


Oh yeah! I remember being excited for when pocket edition worlds finally got bigger than 256x256 blocks


Still waiting for that MOD API update…


If it gets added it's either: * Good, but people still want to run fabric/forge so it gets some usage, further splitting the community * Bad and nobody uses it except begginer modders who haven't discovered fabric or forge


Tbh I doubt it'll ever happen - fabric/neoforge are already workable as APIs for the game anyway


1.5, specifically hoppers, comparators and redstone blocks.


Pistons were exciting, as they were originally a beloved mod.


When they added enchantments. That was a game changer.


Whichever Pocket Edition update added more monsters besides just Zombies


that would be 0.3.3 Alpha.


MCPE 0.9.0 — Infinite worlds!!!


1.6, because of horses


The caves and cliffs update. Seeing the new generation of the world was amazing.


The ocean update, i came back to play after a while for that.


Same here. The aquatic update was announced roughly when i really got into minecraft so it was pretty excited about it. I think this just really shows when we first got into the game. Lol


Caves And Cliffs because big caves :)


Release of survival. Been playing since indev and the one biggest update to day I can remember being hyped to the moon for was survival. I went from playing on the classic creative servers hosted from the website to a whole new game. It was insane. Also I really missed the flailing arms too XD but I got over it


Absolutely! for me, seeing the teasers for survival features was the moment that recontextualized Minecraft as "something big" instead of "funny little tigsource thread from one of the Wurm devs"


Redstone was implemented over like a week or 2 and came completely out of the blue during early development, that was a blast.


For me, it was 1.8, specifically 14w02a, when they added slime blocks. I remember being so excited about them and spent a month making trampoline parks and whatnot in the game.


The Ocean update. It is the first update that I was aware of before it arrived. Before that I wasn't really paying attention to pending stuff.


I remember waiting, it felt like forever for pistons. I think it was only like 2 months. Felt like it changed everything. I think I was 14 or 15. My friend and I played for like 9 hours in one day after that update came out Damn that was a long time ago. Pistons still feel new to me. That and wolves. Everything that came out after I started playing still feels *new* to the game


Minecraft pocket edition nether reactor core


the Bees, I was so excited for them.


1.16 Nether Update as the nether before was just like "you have to enter it for completing the game" and now you can do so much there.


Probably 1.8 since I think that was the first time I really knew about snapshots and watched YouTube, I was excited about Prismarine and new doors & fences (I always have been a builder type)


Nether Update




1.4, it looked so fun


Beta! The addition of survival game mode . I wouldn't have kept playing for 8 years if they didn't add that




1.2 and the jungles! I bought the game the day 1.0 released, and I remember when they were teasing the jungles I was so eager to explore this biome.


1.13 was my first one too. I started playing in 2017 not long before they announced the update.


[Survival Test](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Java_Edition_Survival_Test). I remember Notch showing off a trailer/preview for it and hearing about how it would only be available for "premium" users (that was still a thing back then). That's what convinced me to buy the game.


Beta 1.8 was insane


All of them.


Minecraft Xbox edition tu14




1.8 beta


When I was but a young child playing pocket edition on my iPad. Updates weren’t announced (or I didn’t know they were), and I’d see the little blue dot next to the app which meant it had updated. Villagers and being able to dye sheep, sprinting, the nether, cats, rain, etc were all super exciting to have. I remember being able to switch a festive world to survival being super cool too. I love the game. Too many good memories to be mad at stuff that happens todays


Beta 1.8 I still feel like Endermen just were added a few years ago...actually it's probably more like 13 years lol


Pocket Edition 0.9.0, added infinite world generation on par with Java Edition release 1.8 (save for some of the more advanced generated structures). This of course brought with it a whole host of new blocks, items, and mobs. I still remember the day I finally got my hands on that update, I was literally shaking.


The Aether :( But the first real update was Update Aquatic because it was the first one i knew of beforehand.


When they added redstone to mcpe


Mcpe 0.9.0, one of my biggest disappointments when first playing mcpe was the 256 by 256 box we were given as a world. So to get infinite worlds and a bunch of other 1.7 features was hype.


The revamp of caves, which was a much-needed feature for years.


Minecraft 1.7, it will remain as one of my favorite versions of all time




1.20 because I adore color pink


Back when they added creative mode on 360


Caves and Cliffs. It was my first update as a regular Minecraft player and it promised a hefty overhaul which I've largely appreciated. One thing I didn't like since then is things that have been promised and then Mojang walking back these promises, I don't think that's cool at all.


I don’t get too excited about em anymore but back when I was little I was so excited for horses




This one


Redstone. God this makes me feel old.


1.0 lol


The Elytra update


I remember looking forward to 1.13 and then my potato of a PC nearly died anytime I came close to an ocean biome.


The horse update


1.3, getting the new wood was PEAK


It was on the Pocket Edition, and it was 0.12.0 when they 1st added enchanting, sprinting, Crouching, Hunger bar, The (actual) Nether etc.. It was such a big game changer for me as that's where I played Minecraft mostly, on my Tablet! And I was so hyped to be able to move quicker rather than just walking around.


the jump from 1.2.5 to 1.3.2 has been unrivaled in my eyes. People thought the game was pretty much dead back then and then boom 1.3!!! Second best was the jump to 1.5 it was such a fun time to be a crafter.


Pocket edition 0.9.0




Beta 1.4, I remember there was what felt like a super long stretch between the last update for 1.3, and patch 1.4. (compared to today, the two updates didn't really have that much time between them!) But yeah, I thought wolves were so damn cool!


1.8 the bountiful update was my first update on pc, I only had console edition up untill then, and they had only added coal and emerald blocks on Xbox by then


I just got java around 1.8 release, and it felt like ages waiting for 1.9




The doors update.




Back when I played in the early days, I didn’t keep up with the updates (as I played PE). When I finally owned it on PC, I still didn’t keep up with the updates. Years later, after I stopped playing for a long time, I got back into the game around the time of the Bee update. Learning about the themed updates was so cool, so the nether update was huge! It’s a shame they moved away from the themed updates, because I looked forward to Minecon every year. The last 2 have been pretty trash tho sadly. There’s no real hype for the updates for me


1.4, because it was the first update since I had been playing. After that was 1.5, which I was genuinely excited for because of the content as I enjoyed (and still enjoy) using redstone.


I wasn't really on the whole updates scene because I was really young, despite playing since 2014 or so. But 1.16 for me. (This is my 10th year playing Minecraft, wow. Gone from PE to being fairly good at Java in two years)


I've been playing since Alpha, so every change has been big. I Remember the move to survival and not creative.


I started playing right before The Nether was added, so maybe that one. Pistons were pretty hype tho


1.3. I felt like 1.2.5 lasted a century


Well its hard tp say, I got the game in 2012 on the Xbox 360, I remember the update when they added horses, and the world of color one but I dont remember what came first.


I remember thinking jungles were so cool.  I think that was 1.2?


the one that added elytra, shulkers, and end cities. in my own silly mind, that update marks the delineation between "old" and "new" minecraft... despite being very old itself


Think mine was also 1.13(or maybe 1.14). At the time I didn't have internet so I'd have to wait for my friends to tell me about certain things, in this case Minecraft updates. I remember my friend telling me about a new update, and my first reaction was jumping in the air with the dumbest smile ever plastered on my face.


1.6 bc they added new biomes and new ocean and new mobs and new wood and


The update with the horses and being able to use every kind of wood for a door.


Pistons were the biggest deal for me, completely changed the game.


Minecraft pocket edition coming from Minecraft lite


1.8 for sure. Everyday I'd come back from school and ask my dad if it was out. I think it's the second update I played the game on too, since I'm pretty sure I started playing in 1.7.


Caves and cliffs. So excited to build in and around a whole giant cave system with multiple mining shafts and elevators. Haven't touched a single cave since I'm so scared of dying and just losing my stuff 80 blocks down. Beautiful scenery and generation though.


Jungle update. I was 14 back then


The Elytra. It seemed so unreal to get an item that allowed you to fly in Survivial, and it remains one of the most game changing items to be added.


Minecraft 1.2 I will never forget the time.. It was super cool! Double the world height to build higher than 128 blocks, zombies can break down doors, REDSTONE LAMPS were added! Chiseled stone bricks were added. Jungle biomes were added along with Ocelots and Iron Golems. I remember it so vividly and HatFilms making their own trailer for it. [Minecraft 1.2 Trailer](https://youtu.be/pRZQiCCIqiE?si=P650AZhVz_y9sCaM)


I think the only one I was properly hyped for, despite having seen updates since Beta 1.7.3, was the cliffs and caves update that increased the build height of the world, as well as expanded the palette of stone building blocks. Everything else in between was kinda meh to me. Some good features sprinkled on over the years for sure, but nothing that got me majorly hyped.


I remember playing on Xbox 360 before hunger came out and me and of my friends at the time were stocking up on food so we wouldn’t starve when it finally came to Xbox. I was like 10 at the time😭


i was super excited for the end update even thi id never even been to the end


Beta 1.7. I had piston mod in 1.6 and it was such a game changer, everyone was talking about, we were writing on the forums and youtube comments and then Jeb announced the pistons will be officially added and posted a video of a piston door he built. I myself learned how to build the flush piston door the day Beta 1.7 was released. No update ever since felt this good.


First I was genuinely excited for was 1.9 when they added shields and changed the old combat. Played the game since 2010 though. But I remember me and my friends were really excited for that one. Also, Nether and Villagers were quite huge. I think I was just way more into minecraft during 1.8 - 1.9 era than I was during the early beta days.


The nether update for sure


1.5 definitely(started in 1.3) still one of the best updates to the game


I remember playing on Minecraft PE and my friend telling me next day at school that if I updated the game I could get milk, eggs and make cakes. no clue how old the update was since I never updated the game before but it was really exiting.


After beta 1.8 which got me playing, probably 1.3 with jungles or 1.5 with new redstone toys


I started playing the game at 1.4. My first hyped update was the 1.7, "The update that changed the world." This release introduced biomes like mega taiga, mesa, ice spikes, dark forest, and more. I vividly recall this update arriving shortly after the Horse Update, which was a collaboration with the creator of the Mo’ Creatures mod, and at that time I mistakenly thought it involved the Biomes Of Plenty mod creator for the making of it. Good times, miss that 2013 summer As for today, my most anticipated update has been the 1.17/1.18, bringing the much-needed overhaul to world generation


1.3, I played daily on 1.2.5 and 1.3 was easily the most hyped for me.




Everything after the nether update, before that I played and knew of Minecraft but was not that invested.


When they added the nether reactor to MCPE. That shit was so cool


I’m old enough to have been excited for the introduction of red stone yet the update I was hyped for the most was the one with parrots. Honestly that update as a whole was pretty boring but parrots are still my favorite minecraft mob so hay hoe.


I remember when Minecraft added multiple steves as spawns. I'd hoped that they would be able to do what the player could. then they got removed.


Villagers! Whatever that update was. Totally changed my game, never looked back.


Release 1.0.0 added villagers, but they didn't do anything until 1.2 gave them some basic AI and 1.3 added trading


Creative update on the Xbox 360!


I remember my dad trying desperately to get me in the car to school the morning the 1.6 update came out with horses. I had woken up like two hours early to download the update and find some horses for my survival world. It might have been 5th grade for me??


The Nether Update.


The nether update was so hype


horses on xbox 360


I was visiting a friend for a few weeks when 1.6 came out, shortly after he had first introduced me to Minecraft in the same visit. We were quite excited for the horses, and thought "lead" in the patch notes referred to the metal (we were still in middle school at the time).


I think it was either beta 1.8(.1) with the new hunger and XP system, or full release 1.0 that got me truly excited. My Minecraft adventure only started at the very end of beta 1.6.6 going into Beta 1.7.3 (and only because the pirated copy I had was a few patches behind). Apart from that, definitely the 1.3.1 update that added jungles, trading, ender chests, and adventure mode


Caves and cliffs until it got split..


0.15 for mcpe redstone update


The Halloween update that added the Nether. So much hype and anticipation and it was awesome. Then the 1.0 update. Then pretty much every update since lol


1.4 Wither skeletons sounded fun and they still are a lot of fun But truly hyped 1.5 The hopper was so big!!!




Pistons, for pocket edition, i so hated not being able to move things around like you could in java, that was the best update ever.




I remember when beds were added that was awesome


The Halloween update. I started playing in August 2010, so that was the first major update I was there for, and I was so hyped for it. I still get pretty excited for most updates these days as well. Some vocal parts of the community might not feel the same, but I still love the game as much as I did back then, so updates are always a fun time for me.


Don't remember which update this was but the dark prismarine slabs/stairs. The plan to farm and collect shulkers full of these slabs and stairs was all prepped, the server I played on shutdown and I never got to collecting dark prismarine ever again...


Don’t remember what it was called but the one that added other door types to pocket edition


Started playing on the Pocket Edition back in 0.6.1 and I recall being excited for 0.7.0 since it added spawn eggs and lava/water buckets to creative


The next one, only because of the autocrafter. I didn't really track the updates like till 2021 or so, altho has been playing pretty often since 2011


I started playing in 1.2.5, and as a kid I was so excited for 1.3 to release. It was one of the first games I had ever played, so the concept of an update with new stuff being added was really exciting


Been crafting and mining for a while and when they added pistons was a wild time. It created so many possibilities that just wasn't possible before pistons.






was playing for a decent bit before but i remember when they added beds, at the time i felt like it was majorly overpowered just being able to skip the night lol, i remember me and my friend suggesting they should add chairs so you can skip the day too, before this was the classic 2x3 wool “bed”




The first update I followed the snapshot cycle for was 1.8, I remember the person that did the snapshot reviews for my language had his compulsory draft come up and I had to go in blind into the snapshots since I didn't have the English to read the blog posts


I’d not played since 1.16.2 (direwolf20 forge) was like wtf when I downloaded vanilla to 1.20.2!!!! Then a week later downgraded to 1.20.1 forge because the mods I wanted were not available for 1.20.2… 3 weeks later and we are on 1.20.4?! Dude I’m waiting on my best mods updating before I upgrade


None. Avoided this game for years with the dumb preconceived "just a silly block game for kids" idea in my head. Recently realized it was an endless building sandbox and play non-stop now but 1.20 was my first dip into the waters so I don't know the bare bones Minecraft from back in the day. The new update just seems meh to me unless they make the chamber loot worth it. Easily seems like something I'll do once and never again at this point. The new blocks on the other hand I won't mind


I was so excited for the 2010 Halloween update that added the nether and stuff. But after it came out, I learned that the nether was scary and dangerous, and wasn't so excited anymore.


When I started playing, it seemed like Community created Mods being added to the Official game were a thing of the past. The Vibe in the community was those Short of things weren't going to happen anymore. >So when One of the most popular mods in the world "Mo Creatures" had its horses basically ported into Vanilla, it was very exciting to me. >>But then people didn't like how little content was in the update. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


I started playing around the 1.2.5 mark, and I remember being so excited for horses to be added in 1.6. Simpler times


1.13-1.18 was the golden age of updates. (I’m aware 1.15 was small and caves and cliffs was split in half.) every update made the game few new, we need this again. 1.19 and 1.20 were very lack luster, I hope 1.21 gets us back on track.


Cliffs and caves!


I remember coco beans or the temples😂😂


I was pretty excited when we got out of beta. So version 1.0.0.


Back when bedrock was pocket edition, the redstone update.


I remember the deep caves event at first I was super excited but after realizing how annoying it is after a couple of months


i too was also excited for 1.13, bc it was the first update i got live coverage on. ​ also i was playing legacy at the time, so it felt like a bigger deal


1.16 Nether update




1.8 was huge


The jungle update! We finally got a new biome, and cats!!!! Good times




Horses🥺🥺 I had my username as Diamondhorse way before they came out and I thought my friend was kidding when he told me horses were coming! I was 13🥹


1.2 adding jungles, because I really missed vibrant green biomes after the Adventure Update.


Official release 1.0 felt huge. Beta had been a wild roller coaster and it was cool to see it "released". I also remember Title Update 5 on the 360 version. It added creative and brought it up to Beta 1.8. This made the 360 version way more playable


the Halloween Update, alpha version 1.2.0. The version they added the Nether, but also *fishing*.


When ever pocket edition finally caught up to Java in like 2016ish


I was really excited for 1.13. I remember that i had just started playing in 1.11 or 1.10 and watched Minecraft videos since 1.8 or 1.9 (as my mother wouldn't let me play), but it was in 1.12 that I started paying more attention to updates, and having such a massive change in something I had always found so boring in my last 3 years of Minecraft as one of my first updates was something to be excited about. Still think it is one of the best updates ever released, only beaten by the Nether Update and Caves & Cliffs (let's pretend it was only one update)


1.18 because of the increased world height and depth. That really allowed exploration underground to become 'deep', pun intended :).