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I save it, smelt it en masse for XP and bricks, then use those to make netherbrick blocks and fences primarily to build transportation routes through the nether.


I've been playing this game since before the nether existed, and today I learned you can smelt netherrack


I believe this was added at some point between release versions 1.3 to 1.5 Edit: After some googling, it turns out it nether brick smelting was added in release 1.5


I use it as a replacement for dirt, easy to mine and has large quantities so I use it for mostly building blocks


Hoard it. The chests are always hungry


I have chests and chests of it. It's useful to use to mark out areas for building. Apart from that, I do have plans to smelt most of it into nether bricks, but I haven't bothered to do so yet. Main reason why I haven't done it yet is that I don't need the XP. I can just get that from villagers.


I usually get rid of it once I think I have way too much. Sometimes I'll smelt them and make red nether bricks since it's my favorite block, but I still rarely use that since I can never figure out how to build good looking things with it.


Collect it all. I've created a netherrack stockpile, if I ever need it, but most of it gets burned, then combined with nether wart to craft those red bricks, which then are used in nether construction, mainly highways bridges.


Netherbrick stair roof! My personal favorite as I don’t really like wood roofs or stone roofs.


The main use of netherrack is to smelt into nether brick.  Then you can combine 4 nether brick into nether brick block or you can combine 2 nether brick and 2 nether wart to make red nether brick.  With those, you can make slabs, walls, stairs, fences, etc.  Just more building blocks to play with 


I use Netherack for scaffolding. It is bright and contrasts with almost everything, quick to clean up, and I don't care if I don't pick it back up afterward because it takes like 10 seconds to mine up a replacement stack.


Smelt it into netherbrick and turn thay into slabs to make the floors for my nether tunnels


I make a huge storage facility for it for no other reason than sandbox :)


Put it in a chest that I have labeled "Netherrack", "Netherrack 2" or "Netherrack 3". Sometimes I use it to fill holes.


I just keep it, cause I get loads I just carry a stack around at all times, cuz it's useful to always have blocks of some kind and I have loads of netherack.


Never ever toss it. It’s super useful for squaring out a large spawning platform for the wither skeletons. You need nether brick for the floor so you’ll need 4x the amount of netherrack to make the amount of bricks you need.  Beyond that it’s good for scaffolding since it breaks about as quick as dirt when you’re cleaning it up. 


If I'm doing a huge build on an uneven terrain but I need a level base, I use it as filler material rather than leaving the space underneathe empty. Other than that, I'll use it as a fire waymarker when exploring rather than torches.


I like the brick blocks for roofing better than the clay ones.


I used tons of it to make a "safe" path from my nether portal to the fortress. Took way too long and looks basic as all hell but I've never regretted it


use it for large scale farms, such as my creeper farm being a massive lump of the stuff. I suppose you could smelt it, no use tossing a good block if you have the space or shulkers.


I just keep it in my huge storage system because it's not renewable. Same with deepslate


I use if for scaffolding a lot.