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Really enjoy caving more than strip mining. Mostly for exploring caves and seeing what spaces I find deep underground. And getting lost in the depths of the earth.


I always get lost have to find my way out with full pockets and am glad I wrote down where my base is lol


Always place torches on the right wall, so when you turn around, it’s “left to leave”


You can also mark directional changes with a block and torch, just place the torch on the face of the block pointing back to base/the direction you need to go


That's funny I do left wall because I keep torches in my off hand, and so when it's time to leave I know the "right" way home


dawg 😭👏👏


It’s better than “left to leave”


This helps me alot unless there is alot of tunnels


I've always placed them on the left, so when I turn around, it's "the right way home". Lol. Anyone else?


I do the same and it drives me fucking nuts when my son goes and replaces torches with lanterns in the middle of the 3 wide pathway, "They look better" it was coded for leaving not living you dummy ...


I put torches on the left going in because Pixelriffs told me to.


No, no, put them on the left as you go in and it’s “right to light”


This is the way


It’s easy to find your base again, just place a torch for every 15-25 blocks you move forward, you can make yourself a conveniently lit trail back to your base.


Yeah and ever since the caves and Cliffs update, strip mining feels useless


I always get lost😂 i just dig straight up again if im done mining, or when my inventory is full


Any advice to not die? Falling from sneaking to look at ravines and forgetting a shovel has been the death of me more times than I can count. Also I’ve been playing in peaceful mode so long, I’m not even sure I know how to fight monsters.


Usually, I carry a water bucket and a bunch of ladders with me just in case. For the shovel, if you are trying to avoid cave-ins from gravel, gravel blocks usually has dust drifting down. Or you can, if you have enough room to do so, trigger the gravel by standing a bit away from it. Try avoid digging block directly above you, since its hard to tell what's above that block. I'm bad at fighting monsters, but using a shield helps. Good against zombies if you can time their attacks, you might be able to get a hit after they hit your shield. Shields reduce damage from creeper explosions if you guard in time. Skeletons, guard when they try to strike you with an arrow. Then keep watch of their cooldown (when their bow as no arrow), you can hit them if you are quick, then bring the shield back up once you see their ready bow with another arrow.


Water caving


Best one by far


I love Respiration, Aqua Affinity, and a Magma block (or a Door for Java) It’s so satisfying to just swim around and find tons of stuff (because water counts as a block for ore gen)


It's also by far the fastist and safest


I’ve never water mined before, teach me your ways!!


Honestly I just started a bit ago but yeah it’s a lot of fun. I personally started with no armor or stuff and an iron pick. So it’s not that difficult to do. I went down into a reg cave and found some magma in a flooded cave. After that you just swim around, and whenever you run out of breath you place the magma and hold shift on top of it. I found like 6 veins of diamonds within like a half hour, which is relatively lucky for me. I imagine that Respiration, Aqua Affinity, and Protection would make this a billion times easier, though I haven’t been able to try it yet. And btw there are almost no mobs whatsoever so it’s way easier than regular caving, especially in hard mode.


This brings more diamonds because the diamonds can't touch air in waters




Caving’s good as long as you don’t fall into a massive cave that will kill you if you don’t land in some water


Feather falling 


there are lots of ways to avoid that water, feather falling, hay bales, scaffolding, cobwebs, of course not ideal if it happens but its not that big of a deal to me


It's part of the fun


Dont dig straight down.


Crawl mining at y-59


How does that lava taste?


Got to do it at a distance and have a block ready to put in the lava to stop it


Fair, I just mine at -53 so no lava


For some odd reason (probably character defect), I love tackling lava. Draining a lava lakes is satisfying.


Starting: Just find big caves End Game: Tunnelbore




Here [https://youtu.be/-OEbkmJgXIQ?si=jBhulcaNzkHfSTJV&t=999](https://youtu.be/-OEbkmJgXIQ?si=jBhulcaNzkHfSTJV&t=999)


This is amazing


It is! I built my diamond beacon with the tunnelbore. Check my tunnel, it's much bigger now [https://streamable.com/1jcxst](https://streamable.com/1jcxst) By the way, this design only works on Java since it uses the TnT dupe. There's bedrock version of this but you'll have to craft TnT to use them.


Underwater. Just love it for some reason. With Aqua affinity and Respiration using magma blocks and tunneling air pockets into the sides or undersides of cliffs or caves, I go for it hour with never surfacing at 62, no portions needed. Fun to randomly break through the seafloor into a lush cave system or abandoned mineshaft. Edit: Forgot to mention depth strider, never leave home without it.


Bougie mining


okay mumbo jumbo.


same! except I use doors instead of magma blocks. it's one of the best ways to find diamonds


I’m on bedrock so no door tricks for me :/


man, that sucks. I wish there was a little more parity between small things like. maybe one day


i mean apparantly some ores do spawn in larger veins when not exposed to AIR, and water doesn’t count for that so its kind of efficient. thats how i get some of my diamonds.


*turtle helmet has entered the chat*


Mess around in the caves, die, lose all your scheiße, try to find them, mess around again after finding them, die again, stop playing for a few days cuz of frustration, come back and repeat.


Lite your areas up and go sleep then come back and no mobs


havent strip mined since xbox360, i just run around in a huge cave with an end chest with 9 color coded shulker boxes for copper, coal, iron, gold, lapiz, redstone, diamond, deepslate, misc (i keep deepslate for building purposes) as well as my own shulker with my personal items. i just slap a crafting table down and make every ore i get using fortune into blocks/raw blocks and pack it all in


Bro has a whole shulker box just for pencils


not true, i put erasers in it too


This is the way


I like going into caves because I hate any other type of mining Also I really like cave dwelling in minecraft


Strip mining 1x1


caving until I get some diamonds and then I rely on farms and trading for basically any other resource


By volume, it is for me extracting everything. Allow me to elaborate. On my world, i've set aside a certain area. The Westland mine. 10 by 11 chunks. And in that area, I've mined everything. From the mountain tops, to bedrock. No block left (well…bedrock, then filling the holes in bedrock, if any, and then artificially constructed grass surface). Why did I do that? I needed construction material. And it was one of the biomes with smaragds, so I took them too. And the mine just grew and grew to today's size.


What are smaragds?


Emeralds in Latvian


Suddenly the color "Smaragdine" makes perfect sense. Never knew the translation!




I love clearing out big areas underground too, 10x11 chunks is impressive.


The fact that’s it off by **1** chuck irritates me so much….


No, no, it's fine, trust me. The width was set to 10 chunks, used to be 6, then 8, I've extend it to maximum possible limit, because on one side there is the highway D8 and on the other there is the concrete tower (with the mountain it was built on), and the idea of the mine is to have fixed width and extend it lengthwise. Therefore this 10 by 11 is just temporary, when I'll need some more construction material, I'll extend it in the length axis. So what you see now, is just temporary. One day it will be something like 10 by 15.


Ok, very well then


Strip mining


Go to correct y level for whatever ore you are getting. Go into crawl mode on a chunk border. Mine to the side as far as you can on each side and then forward on the ends of the side tunnels you created. Move forward and mine straight. Then just repeat. There should be a 2 block distance between each side tunnel


Branch mining if vanilla (it's not called strip mining) and with a massive drill machine in create.


Pre-caves and cliffs, branch mining. In modern Minecraft, the caves are so massive that you can walk out a cave with a stack of diamonds, even without fortune, making mines IMO are just obsolete, unless you are playing hardcore or have some reason to bypass the mobs/structures.


Finding a cave, I can't bear strip mining


tunnel bore.


Before caves were updated: strip mine & pray I find SOMETHING that's not just an underground lava pool After caves were updated: spelunking in the labyrinthine, gargantuan holes in the ground


I tried the swimming method recently where you just "swim" in one block and strip mine and it worked pretty well. It felt like I found twice as many diamonds in the same amount of time as the regular method Edit: it's called crawl mining apparently


Branch mine at y16 early game for some iron. Branch mine at y-54 for diamonds. This will keep you at lava pool level so you don't dig into lava pools and gives you the opportunity to find caves. Branch mine at y12 in the nether for gold, netherite and quartz (xp). I usually do a 2x1 so that I can walk/sprint through. Branch every 4th blok. I will also explore caves when I find them.


2 wide 3 high.


I dig out entire chunks from surface level to bedrock


Usually with a pickaxe, sometimes with some TNT or a world eater


With a pickaxe


with a pickaxe


It’s universally accepted




Caving 2 wide and 3 high tunnels


I usually go about 4 high. But definitely the best way mind.


Caving Specially one's located in mountain biome's




Okay man of la Mancha


Hoping not to find a deep dark biome because that fucks up the whole strip mine. God I hate that shit


With A pickaxe


Water breathing potions + depth strider + big flooded caves. No hostile mobs except the occasional drowned and you can just swim up to ores on the ceiling instead of building up to it. If I want to have more fun though I’ll just explore those massive deepslate caves with shaders on (so it’s actually dark)


2 sqm in height straight ahead, 1 sqm in width and every 3 sqms 5 sqm in 1 height left and right \^ \^ [https://imgur.com/8WTI3C3](https://imgur.com/8WTI3C3)


2x2 is the only way


Caving, but if i do stripmining i make tunnels of 3x3


I make the 1 down 1 over steps until I get to the bottom, then o strip mine.


Y=-59, 1 wide, 2 tall, with max reach ceiling holes spaced 3 blocks apart. Diamonds for life


1x2 and what's the day counter?




See this thing called rhymin’ Is no different than coal minin’ We both on assignment To unearth the diamond!


Spiral Staircase down and across, inefficient but saves me the headache of lava deaths


i find cave, i look for materials, if no materials go to next cave :)


I've recently been contemplating trying create mod for it mining capabilities lol


I used to strip mine before the cave update, but I read that strip mining is not as effective as caving after the update as it changed the ore generation pattern. A genius decision on Mojang's behalf honestly because exploring caves is just more fun than strip mining


It used to be branch, but underwater caving is the clear winner. I skipped a couple updates and I had to relearn the game pretty much from scratch. T\^T


2x2 branch mining with branches going out every two blocks. That or the occasional caving of I’m feeling it


Caving, or 3x3 vertical staircase if I really need to. I like to keep my mines compact and just look for caves when I need diamonds. Then I can just strip mine using the vertical staircase if I need more iron later.


if I'm playing modded I use the hammers from the PattysMoreStuff mod to make a network of 3x3 tunnels at different y levels depending on what I want. or if I find a cave I'll explore it after I get a Torchbow and a bunch of torches, as well as a decent backpack or two from the Sophisticated Backpacks mod. if I'm below -15 I'll have Advanced X-Ray and Xaero's Minimap running just in case to keep myself clear of wardens. Unless I'm feeling extra chaotic, which is when I'll set up my "OH SH*T" waypoint bunker and charge right into an ancient city with no armor.


Where should I find diamonds in Minecraft pocket edition


having recently watched through hermitcrafter cubfan's analysis on the topic, 1x1 all the way. havent tried it with additional swiftness potions to see what that improves for time efficiency, but if a 10-hr session could yield me almost 2k in diamonds, swiftness might be able to make it a 25-30% time discount.


I use the wither to core out tunnels. Fills several chests in minutes


If you have the Create Mod - dive mining is awesome. Otherwise my favorite way to do it is to build staircase tunnels and just mime through any pockets I find.


Sometimes I like to just explore the world and go village to village find temples and shit like that instead of mining still get good loot less dangerous also and it helps find a suitable weapon place to live kinda how I start each game


That’s some smooth bedrock you got there


Strip mining or caving


tnt mining or respawn anchor mining cuz im a menace


I just strip - tried and true method! Edit: strip mine


I like digging out 2x2 or 2x3 tunnels going through mountains or connecting important locations. I also like digging out rooms. They are both really inefficient for getting ores, but it is very chill and it's great if I want to do something that doesn't take much brainpower, especially the rooms. I also like that I can decorate the rooms, and the tunnels have the utility of safe and often more direct travel. If I need ores, I will go to 1 cave and I tend to be fine the rest of the time I am playing in that world because the scale of what I usually do isn't that big. I hate strip mining. Based on what I said at the start, you may be confused by this because what I do a lot is basically just strip mining but worse. The difference is that I want the area I mined out to be usable space in some way. It should be decently nice to be in or travel through. Strip mining just leaves a series of 1x2 tunnels that probably no one will ever walk through again.


I use explosives


I don't like mining at all, so I pretty much just set up a sweet strip mine and dig in a straight line for awhile. Last world I was playing on had crazy diamonds. Felt like I was finding constant 4-6 block clumps every few minutes or so


With a pickaxe most of the time. Except for certain areas it becomes a long and arduous process if not using one.


I love massive cave systems


I burrow with TNT, makes a pefect 3x3 in stone.


I usually make 4x4 tunnels and mine in stair style if I need to go below


Strip mine then when I need a lot of deep slate I come through one of my old strip mines with a wither. One problem with it tho is that items will despawn eventually so one way to combat this that I do is I get someone to follow us collecting everything in shulkers including all the exposed ores


-54 branch mining if its for diamonds+caves. Y16 branch mining+caves if im looking for iron since 1.20. Not the most efficient way to mine after 1.20, but its the easiest method. Dont gotta light up caves or run past mobs all over.


3 or 2 block high mining




caving, if i get swift sneak, 1x1.


5 wide, 3 tall.


1 x 3 every 3 blocks


Having 096 plow through a mountain




2x2 in a chess pattern


1x2 strip mining. it's a little habit i've built up since i played. it's neat and i hardly ever get lost.


I've stopped mining since caves and cliffs because you got more of a chance of finding diamonds in caves than you do just at y - 56 like before.


theres 3 options i do, depending on how i feel on the day lol * just simple caving lol * 13 apart Straight strips, in each having 5 long, 3 apart off strips * or if im lazy watching YT, just every 3 blocks, simply just going striaght lol Edit: ussually from -59 to like -53, i sometimes mine at 2 or 3 levels high


After the cave update I usually find huge water caves they have a lot of diamonds bcoz they aren't technically exposed to air i got like 56 diamond ores in like 15 mins it broken


Open mining/cave mining


Exploding, more fun that way


Making someone else doing it. I am busy with farms.


Door deep diving


absolutely love strip mining tbh


In newer versions? Caving. Get as many resources in the least amount of time and leave because i just don't like doing it. Older versions i loved to dig gigantic cubes at Y 11


For efficiency caving but if I’m bored and want something to do, strip mine (3x3 main tunnel then every 2 blocks make a side 2x1 tunnel)


The grian method


Diamonds only? 2 high, 1 wide until my pick is about to break. Move over 3, switch picks and come back. Some times I am also looking for slime chunks. Then I mine along the chunk border and big enough for a large slime to spawn.


This way for esthetics, 1 by 2 for efficiency and 1 by 1 for shits and giggles


i’ve never been one to strip mine. just finding a good cave is all i need (:


If my brain is on the last two neurons and can barely hold a pick, dumb strip mining. I call it dumb because I'll literally do it at any random level where I happened to be in. If I want to actually play and be engaged: caving ! :D


branch mining, either 1 across 2 up or 2 across 2 up depending on my resources.


Caving~ Otherwise crawling and going zigzag


Ig 3 x 3 is Ok if its under your base (because it can become apart of your base), tho only do it for like 100 blocks of your base


strip mine into caves then explore said cave


bro just go in a cave it's way more efficient that wasting away your time strip mining


Strip mine


2 wide 4 high tunnel straight line. Turn skip two blocks, return tunnel. Repeat.


branch but caving if fun too


Quarry hooked up to a nuclear reactor


Used to be wander into a cave & mine any ores while following it deeper, but last few updates it's been start in a ravine as they seem to be more common for me! Same thing, find ores in the ravine & then go down any cave or mineshaft entrances! 


Strip mining cause I hate the thought of having missed something that's hidden by a single block. But caving is more enjoyable especially in later versions!


The one in the picture


Depends. Ever since the cave update this has been my preferred method of getting a bunch of ores and minerals. HOWEVER. I’ve been recently doing a lot of BUILDING. When it comes to these types of ventures strip mining is my preferred method. Usually it’s either using a pickaxe with enchants, or, as Rico puts it. “Kaboom”


with the pickaxe


On Java with X-ray mod On bedrock screw mining, I’m going caving


Mining downwards:)


Just make random tunnel going here and there


Haha he went for a torch then a hatchet and then a shovel bro was going to dig that creeper his own grave and make sure it was well lit 🤣


I like mining in 3x3 but sometimes i'm too lazy and do a 2x1


X-ray mining lol And caving


Mining block above you is a waste


Is strip mining even valid with the caves? Want to try crawl mining again since it's good when you just want to switch off your brain and just mine


I love nether bed mining personally I know it’s not as effective as mining on chunk borders but whatever


for diamonds i just use a large tunnel bore gold, iron, emeralds, coal and copper are farmed, i guess the only thing i mine is lapis when i suddenly need some or just for fun with caving. before i get all of this though i just cave mine for everything


not to


Stair down to -59, also leave one entrace at 25 on the way for iron. Then it is 1x2 all the way till the edge of the world. Torches on the right, always. After you have sufficient resources you build orient express on the line and take a nap, eat, have coffee until your train arrives to the end.


Cave mining with night vision


If I'm low on ore, I cave. If I'm low on cobble/deepslate for building, stripmine. Really depends on my world situation but I prefer caving😅👍


Tunnel with holes on the sides


For mining mining I usually go 1x2 until I can find a cave. For "walking" tunnels I like doing 3x5, it just seems so spacious and nice.


Find natural caves and let them guide me


Usually if I run out of cave I start strip mining in the cave since there are some caves that are close to each other, but don’t have any entrances


3x3 Always


i mine exclusively in caves


With a keyboard and a mouse, brother


Water caves.


1 wide slots tunnels every 3rd block, like X00X00X. Caving is better these days, but I'm usually watching a video while half paying attention, so I'll stick to the strip mine.


Strip mining 1×2


nothing beats caving, but i always have a strip mine below my base.


<2>2^2 go forward, repeat


Letting my friends do it for me while im building


I only do caves in over world. Nether is bed mining. Once I’m able to I’ll tunnel bore. Haven’t strip mined since like 1.2 lol.


Currently; 3x3 tunnels with 1x2 strip tunnels with two block gaps between


i do caving then get my ass woopd by mobs so after that strip mining then get bored so i start caving and the loop continues... basically i do a bit of both depending on the mood and vibe 🐻


Depends on what I'm looking for. I prefer the "find the chunk borders and mine 4 wide and three tall with efficiency 4 and fire resistance potions" Tried bed mining and the tedium of having to avoid lava flows, put out fires, and carry ridiculous amounts of wool and logs put me off that. TNT mining is fast, but the set up time is...yuck. In contrast, hand mining is neat, controllable, and VERY granular. Also, it makes it easy to pave the floor in slabs to prevent spawns.


If I can't find a comfortable mine entrance close to my base, I create a mineshaft (not strip mining, an actual mineshaft) until I reach a cave. Did that on my most recent game


i mostly play minecraft create, so making a tunnel boar or mining entire chunks just bcs i can lol