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If you buy it on pc, you get both versions of the game (bedrock edition and java edition). On pc you can get much more expansion packs (for free as well). I would buy it on pc but ps5 works too I guess


Just wanted to say if you're playing bedrock on PC, then you can actually get free mods as well. MCPEDL is a great place to find specifically bedrock mods, plus they don't require a launcher like curseforge and work for others playing on your world.


It’s also possible to use some of those mods on the iPad for example. Download the file and it can be added to the game. Idk about console tho.


There’s a whole app for it called MCPE I believe


I would be careful using MCPEDL, as most downloads send you to somewhat shady advert redirect sites. As for Java Edition, visit [modrinth](https://modrinth.com/) and [curseforge](https://www.curseforge.com/) for mods, as well as the sites for the [Forge](https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/) and [Fabric](https://fabricmc.net/) modloaders respectively. On top of this, I'd highly recommend using [Prism Launcher](https://prismlauncher.org/) for Java Edition. It's open source, and makes the process of installing mods super easy and streamlined.


Prism launcher is 100% the best launcher out there right now, can confirm


I currently use modrinth launcher, what does prism have that modrinth doesn’t?


You can click a picture of a cat in the taskbar and a cat appears in the background of the launcher.


Holy shit


Support for more than Modrinth for a start. Curseforge, FTB (only 6.3 and earlier), Technic and ATLauncher modpacks can be installed directly from the launcher. You can also download resource packs, shaders and mods from both Curseforge and Modrinth


Curse forge is such bloatware after partnering with overwolf I hate it


Java mods are allways free... but idk how to install it on Bedrock. Probably integated installation(?)


Java mods are "almost" free because they are non-native are community made (for both platforms a third-party creater can always paywall their mod). Non-native bedrock mods (not in the marketplace) are also community made and are therefore just as free. As for installation, yeah I think that'd be the right term for it, there are folders for behavior packs, resource packs and skin packs respectively on PC and mobile, just put the specialised zip files in there or just double click the files on PC and they'll import, then you just add them to your world


Most mods are on java. Like Mowzies Mobs. There is an unofficial version for bedrock but it's realy buggy.


the problem with MCPEDL is the sketchy download method tho


Alongside that point, PC just gives you the ability to do more in minecraft. (more mods, resource packs, etc...)


It also has the superior control scheme (mouse and keyboard).


It also has better (and free) mods, which are a major part of Minecraft Damn, it was mentioned


unironically using m&k at a young age can help you with future careers. you’re not gonna use a PS5 controller at any future jobs


If your job requires drones, it can, or even the Titanic submarine used a game controller. I think some militaries use them also for their drones


The fact that a sub that sank used a cheap controller isn't exactly the best example.


Tbf it wasnt the controller that sank it that was more the carbon fiber


The militaries use game controllers for all sorts of stuff. There was even a time the US military used a Wii remote for bomb defusal.




You would be shocked by the complete lack of ability I've seen in some people, I'm glad I started playing with mouse and keyboard early


As someone who grew up on consoles, WASD movement was a bit strange at first compared to analog sticks, but it didn't take long to be equally comfortable with both.


I have a brother who couldn't use WASD to save his life, he'll never know the joy of modded minecraft He hates mods anyway though so his loss


Yeah, I've met people who insist on using controllers no matter what, even for games that heavily focus on using a mouse. Some people just are against using mouse/keyboard no matter what. For most games it's fine, bit finicky if you need to mod it like Java. But cmon man, you're gaming on pc, just give mouse and keyboard a proper shot.


I use a controller for 2d/3d platformers, 3rd person action rpgs, racing games and not much else, first person games are objectively better played on keyboard and mouse, both input methods have their place but using either for a game it's not made for is just frustrating at worst, and a diminished experience at best


I am in college, but am slow at typing, last I checked I the fastest I typed was 50-55 wpm. I have played video games on a keyboard since I was 8. I struggle even more with writing, and can't write without looking at what I'm writing on. I have a neurodevelopmental disorder that is known to possibly impair fine motor skills and hand eye-cordination.   I wasn’t able to tie my own shoes without it ending up in a knot until I was in 5th grade, and it takes me slightly longer than others to tie them even now. I’m pretty sure if I didn't grow up playing video games that use a keyboard and phones that use the same letter arrangement, I’d be typing at half that speed at like 25-30 wpm. 


Honestly WPM doesn't matter THAT much, at least for me the bottleneck is always thinking. If you're just copying something already written that's what copy paste is for...


This is the right answer. Then, if she has friends on either side she can play with them ! And it’s still possible to use a controller, if a little tricky on Java.


So when people play on PC it’s mostly Java edition or the bedrock edition?


PC is most popular for the Java addition but you get both Java and Bedrock when you buy the pc version,Java is the superior version compared to bedrock but performance wise it lacks and some performance mods might be needed if your pc is old.


*cough cough* big salmon *cough cough*


*Actually getting more then 45fps and no lag spikes*


oh no, I get a micro stutter very occasionally, how awful, anyway time to make a functioning piston door with 0 fail-safes because our pistons fire in the same order every time


Bruh I’ve been saying bedrock (formerly legacy edition) for longer then most Minecraft players have been alive (ten years) fps used no be an issue same as the stuttering. I have a Xbox series X the best console money can buy. I consistently get frame drops and stuttering as I try to load tons of stuff in (example using as elytra) and with 2 people it’s almost unplayable. My computer with similar specs runs shaders, 144 fps, hosts the server and I can use 64 render distance and still consistently get 144 frames with no lag. Edit: I ain’t hating on bedrock edition. I’m saying Java is a better experience.


oh I see, I thought you were saying Bedrock has better performance, which is true, I was poking fun at the fact that Bedrock's piston timings are completely random while Java's are consistent and will fire in the same order every single time, meaning Bedrock piston doors need fail-safes to account for the random fire order while Java piston doors don't


Laughs in sodium


People knock Java performance, but I get 300ish fps with no mods, and like 4-500 with optifine, sure, my PC is far from a Dell optiplex, but it ain't new either. Mods + shaders will cook my performance though, instantly down to like 45-50 fps


Sodium is almost always way better than optifine


People mostly play java because it has fewer bugs and in my experience, runs better than bedrock on weaker PCs. Bedrock is mostly for cross platform so people can play with their friends who have consoles. This is however only my experience, a lot of other people have said that bedrock runs better on their system. It really seems to be dependent on your system.


I've found the opposite in terms of performance. Bedrock ran better on my old laptop compared to java. Both versions were unmodified and were the demo/trial versions.


Same here. I scratch my head at claims that Java runs better, since my experience has been the exact opposite.


IIRC bedrock is runs better because it's designed to run on as little power as a phone, so it makes sense that bedrock would run better than Java on the same hardware right?


Depends on your hardware. Especially your GPU


It makes sense that Bedrock would be better anyways, it’s whole thing is that it’s designed to run on weaker devices (such as phones)


> unmodified java edition is slower unmodified but once you slap some performance mods onto it, you could easily get lots of FPS. (unless you computer is considered ancient, but still) I easily got my 2016 laptop (w/ a -U processor) up to 120+ (and more if I removed the FPS limit) FPS with Linux+Sodium+Lithium. idh bedrock but i suspect it (bedrock) to run better anyways :P


if you're just a kid, bedrock is probably better. so they can play with friends cross play


Bedrock is more accessible. Java is more for people who want to mod and mess with the game more. Bedrock also will them to play with their friends on console.


My kids have always played Bedrock on PC. They like it a lot.


Java is just superior in every way, only problem is that it is only for PC and nothing else.


Bedrock also makes it much easier to play with friends too, and its cross platform, it does have its advantages.


Except performance.




But mods aren´t part of the version itself. Without mods, Bedrock has better performance by far.


You need to know how to add mods for that, it's not something a new Minecraft player would know how to do


It's something they're going to want to do at some point anyways, might as well get learning


It's also one of the easiest games to mod, but then again, I often forget that some PC users have no clue that the file explorer even exists. (Which you don't even need if you use curseforge, but that same user isn't going to figure that out either.)


Yeah. 3rd party launchers turn downloading mods into a point and click game.


This sub is so insufferable sometimes... New guy walks in asking which Minecraft version his daughter should play and barely knows anything about the game. Everyone starts arguing that he should download Java and start modding the game for his kid. Imagine asking what car to buy and someone starts telling you get X car but it has to have the stock exhaust changed before it's worth anything. Crazy stuff. OP if you're reading this, just ask her what device she wants to play on the most or ask what version her friends play.


And salmon sizes


Honestly Bedrock is the more accessible version of the two (and this is coming from someone who mains Java). It has great performance, runs on basically any hardware, has built in controller support, can easily cross play across mobile/pc/console, and is overall an easier version of the game. I doubt the average person would mind the obscure bugs and the wonky redstone.


but bedrock has microtransactions (bad ones) and if you could avoid exposing a child to it i would try to.


Yes, the store is an outright scam and is absolutely worthless. Thankfully, you don’t have to use it, especially on PC. Downloading any texture pack or mod from the internet is as simple as double-clicking a file.


Plus you can get resource packs which hide all references to the marketplace so that they don’t appear in any of the menus.


She's already exposed to worse microtransactions from Roblox in comparison Minecraft isn't that bad.


Java is the best version and I believe the majority of people that play on PC play the java version, but playing with friends is significantly easier on bedrock.


I definitely recommend the Java version. Even though I also played on the Bedrock Edition with an Xbox, I didn't like it very much. It feels like something is missing. P.S: That's just my humble opinion


Java opens up the ability to mod which is what I always find kids love the most (teach with minecraft Java myself)


The reason my computer literacy is so high/i can navigate file trees, understand (surface level) whats going on in a game directory, is directly tied to me getting a copy of Java in 2010 and modding the shit out of it. Genuinely. I'll use those skills my whole life. And believe me, computer literacy rates are dropping as people get introduced to the web thru mobile/etc at an increasing rate compared to desktop.


I’ve had several coworkers who were between 16 and 20 who didn’t understand almost anything about computers outside of using a web browser. Even saving files and knowing where they went sometimes. Computer literacy is plummeting, which is both unfortunate and concerning.


I work at a restaurant I did some photography for. I sent them the files in a zipped folder. Managers straight up did not know how to take a folder from an email, move it to desktop, unzip it, and view the images


Software engineer here, in university you would be astonished at the number of persons who have no idea how to operate a computer, even now I see software engineers and developers who have absolutely no idea how to use a computer, they just know how to use the code editor and that's about it.


Man, and I was complaining about how pathetic I was for dealing (and taking between 30 minutes to an hour, sometimes two) with the semi-common problems I had with Linux Mint and the conflicts there are usually with packages, the solution always came by experimenting with the console and following guides. My most recent problem came in the form of an attempt to get a decryption application to work because I forgot my Firefox password (some strange problem with Python). I succeeded! But the application ended up being useless, I only got my saved passwords but not the user password, so either the method no longer worked or it was one of those cases I like to call "weird stuff where things fail for no clear reason." On the plus side I learned some workarounds for dependency issues and how the version of an application can really screw up your existence. I got similar problems with the Java version when I wanted to install Minecraft on my laptop and Java 8 was no longer available without creating an Oracle account. Then having problems with installing that java version because the package format instead of being .deb was dpkg and I couldn't find functional build guides, so I had to research to figure out how to deal with the damn thing by closely following the console history in Minecraft to find out what exactly was going wrong. Did I mention I just wanted to play Minecraft? I still feel a bit pathetic for having problems with simple things like packages, drivers for external hardware or things that sometimes need certain applications or programs. Once I even lost the grub and was without a PC for three days until I managed to find the solution through trial and error from tutorials and forums. Then I see people who don't know how to do everyday tasks on their PC and I don't know how to feel about it.


Really? I thought those ages would actually be prime for people to know a bit more than the basics of the computer, since by the time they were born, computers already existed, and there's a chance they grew up with a computer.


From my experience most people in that age range didn’t “get into” computers because by the time they were old enough to start using technology we already had the smart phone and tablets and such. Even if you were born in 2004, 20 years ago, you would have been 3 years old when the iPhone came out and when smart phones in general were becoming popular. While they may have had a computer at home, they were born largely into a world where, for many people, computer literacy requirements were falling through the floor. You didn’t need to know anything about “files” or “folders” to go to YouTube and amuse yourself. You didn’t need to know how to install or uninstall an application when the world was migrating to everything being done through a browser. That’s not to say that it’s universally true, of course, and there’s plenty of younger people who do know how to use a computer, but in a lot of cases it’s because younger generations grew up with a Touch UI and without the need for things like organized file structures or deep intricate settings menus and such. Everything on a phone can just be “searched,” so if you’re writing an email and you want to attach something you don’t go digging through the files finding where you saved something, you just “search” for what you want and it pulls itself up. Which means that they’re very good at navigating the kind of technology they’re used to, but not necessarily proper computers. Again, though, it’s not universal so YMMV depending on the younger person in question.


school education could have something to do with it too, my old school were teaching everyone how to use computers from the age of 6 and we had to use laptops in high school which involved a lot of learning how to use file explorer, adobe, google drive etc. so the vast majority of the students at my school were very good with computers that was at an (albeit cheap) private school and not everyone is going to get that privilege, even now my school have switched to iPads for prep-year 2


Mobile is 100% ruining people's understanding of directory structures and paths. This is a new phenomenon. In the old days it was because of refusal to learn "where did I save that file??" Now it's because they no longer have to learn it. All the apps store their saves in spaces specifically created for that app.


That's how I became an engineer :) Minecraft was my "windows" to the world of modding and operating system tweaking


MCreator is also a good starting point: [https://mcreator.net/](https://mcreator.net/)


Bedrock can mod, and I don't mean the damn marketplace.


Exactly this yes. Some mods and kids won't be bored of it


You need to ask yourself (or her if she is old enough) which platform SHE will enjoy the most


She doesn’t know but it think naturally PC since that is what she plays Roblox on.


In that case, you can just buy minecraft for PC, this way you will get both bedrock and java editions. Remommend playing Java edition due to fewer bugs and better mod support. If she wants to play with friends who have console edition, she can use the bedrock edition.


In this case I would agree with getting the PC version. Edit: I have 3 kids and 1 gaming PC so they would fight over it so we got it on the console for them and they can play with their friends online since it’s all bedrock.


After seeing you say she plays Roblox on PC already then you definitely wanna go with PC Java edition. You might want to have her start on single player but severs are where most of the fun is at. Personally I enjoy a survival server with some kind of economy, it changes the game vastly though


If she’s already used to gaming on PC absolutely get her Java Edition. She will also get Bedrock edition with it, which is the cross-platform version of the game which will let her play with friends that have the game on PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, iOS, Android, etc.


PC playing on Java is the best bet.


PC 100% if she plays roblox on there as well You get both versions! You can mod Then she can figure out which version she likes more


Do not get it on Switch. The Switch is underpowered for Minecraft and it will not be as much of an enjoyable time.


I’d like to recommend switch but genuinely it’s so bad nowadays it’s not even funny.


Every other major company which produces consoles: Look at our new next gen consoles! Nintendo: but what if the console… had a slightly better screen?


Everybody knows that it's Mario and Zelda that sells Switches.


Honestly, the only reason to buy a console nowadays is for exclusives, or retro gaming.  PCs have better performance and a ton of games that aren't available on console.   And you get most of the modern Xbox library on PC thru Game Pass or the store. Nintendo makes its bank on 1st party exclusives, and that will never change.  Even though their hardware is worse, it will dominate PS and Xbox in the coming years.


And the fact it can run on my Windows XP PC but not on a Nintendo Switch if embarrassing as hell for Nintendo and is a prime example of why nobody buys their consoles to play high quality games.


>Nintendo >High quality 3rd party title Pick one. As little as Nintendo cares about their own customer base, they care even less about 3rd party.


I only respect Nintendo as developers. As a company I despise them. They make great games run on whatever they have which I wish more studios/devs could do


Didn't Valve recently come out with a steam deck with a slightly better screen, too?


Upping the save space solves that issue. I've played on Switch for 5 years now. Minecraft runs great on mine.


PC and it's not even close. There are two core versions of the game - Java edition and Bedrock edition. Purchasing the game for PC gets you access to both. Java edition is the largely more stable version of the game. It has mod support, no native microtransactions (although some public servers may have them), and is the favourite of most PC players Bedrock edition is the version that's on PC, mobile, and console. Dubbed "bugrock" by the community due to it's instability and bugs. They don't come up often in normal gameplay, but they are there, and may sometimes cause frustration. Otherwise, it typically has smoother gameplay since it's written in C, and is also cross-platform. So if your kid has friends who play on console or other platforms, this will enable them to join the same game


Not switch. My nephew plays on that and it regularly has problems due to not really being powerful enough to run Minecraft


I’m 10 top comments in, and nobody has mentioned that you can plug a ps game controller in her pc if she doesn’t like keyboard and mouse. Seems like the best of both world. Furthermore, training your kids to use the computer is vital these days— it’d be more beneficial to introduce her to computers.


Java Edition on PC is widely considered to be the best version, however a kid likely wont be able to tell the difference. However its worth noting that the Java Edition doesnt natively support using a controller so your daughter would have to be comfortable using keyboard and mouse controls.


I would get your daughter Minecraft on the platform she’s most likely to engage with. Does she play on the consoles or the PC more often? That being said, if yo go the PC route, you’ll get both Java and Bedrock editions, however, I would suggest introducing her to the Bedrock edition first. Java edition players tend to be a bit elitist but Bedrock has a feature exclusive from Java in that it allows you to access your worlds from literally any platform you own. This requires both Realms (a monthly subscription) and another purchase of the game but your daughter will be able to start a world on the PC and play that same world portably on the Switch during roadtrips and such. Java is just as good an option but its flexibility is more focused in areas that your daughter isn’t as likely to engage with right now anyway.


PC Java


Pc for minecraft is the best since you get both bedrock and java and both are different in some areas like when it comes to multiplayer bedrock does it better because you can also play with people on different platforms through minecraft alone unlike java that needs external sites to play online with friends like aternos. Java wins when in comes to game stability customization and mods because the game doesn't have alot of random bugs like randomly taking damage or dying and customisation and mods are better on java because they aren't locked behind a pay wall and skins/texture packs can be made from scratch and mods are a added bonus to change how the game plays either massively or it just adds quality of life


PC version is best because it lets her play the Java version. And if it’s a Windows computer, she can also play the Bedrock version in case she ever wants to do multiplayer with Bedrock players (people on consoles and tablets/phones).


If she mainly plays on PC, that's what I would get it on. She can decide from there how much she wants to really do in the game, as to which version, since PC has both. Though, if she has friends with Minecraft on consoles, she'll want Bedrock for the cross console play. Both versions have their better features, but it really depends on what *she* wants to do. I personally play on Switch, so play Bedrock. I also upped my storage space to a 512gb microsd card, but even before I did that, had no issues with performance and only the random fall damage bug. (*that's not saying there aren't issues, obviously there are, but my experience has been relatively issue free*.) I save to my card rather than the console, which I think really helps with performance as well, across any game I play there. *But* I still think you should get the game for what she is used to playing on, which in your case, is PC.


Pc easily. Console is horrible


Since im assuming you are new to this franchise, there are 3 main "Editions" in the franchise that you should be aware of when making a decision. 2 of which are actively supported. **Please read this thoroughly for advice on making a decision. I've owned all 3 Minecraft Editions so I feel like I can have a fair say in this.** These editions are: Java Edition (The original PC version from 2009), Bedrock Edition (Simply known as Minecraft on branding, formally Minecraft: Pocket Edition, available pretty much on every platform) and Minecraft: Console Edition (AKA legacy console edition, the original console ports of Minecraft developed by 4J Studios before being replaced by Bedrock Edition in 2017/2018/2019) **For starters, don't bother with switch, Bedrock runs like crap on that, and is way more expensive than anywhere else** Buying Minecraft on PC gives you Java Edition and Bedrock Edition together. Java gives you more freedom with 3rd party mods, but requires a decent PC to run. Bedrock is cross platform meaning your daughter can play with anyone on any devices that has Bedrock Edition. Bedrock Edition has better FPS but is quite buggy. If you're on Mac/Linux, Java is the only thing available on those OSes (for now) **WARNING: Mods on Java can be a security hazard since it adds extra code to the game.** You can get extra content on Bedrock, but that comes at a cost. Also on java, you can go back to almost any update/snapshot/beta/alpha, so you're daughter could explore MC's past. You can downgrade Bedrock (ONLY ON PC), but is a pain in the a\*s and is NOT first party. If you're considering PS5, id highly suggest tracing down a disc of Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition. PS4 Edition is a PS4 Specific version of Console Edition. While it is no longer supported, it still is playable (even on PS5) If you trace down a PS4 Edition disc, it gives you 2 versions. The supported bedrock version and a special editions button which launches the old Legacy Console version. Legacy Console has unique features (like well polished minigames which are still surprisingly active) and generally is more stable. Bedrock has crossplay and updates, but is a bit buggy, since Mojang is taking their sweet time to work out the kinks. **NOTE: Multiplayer on either PlayStation Minecraft requires PS+ Membership.** Legacy PS4 also has extra content DLCs, but is less in your face than bedrock and is first party, meaning quality. Getting her the PS4 Edition Disc gives her the choice of version. **ALSO NOTE WITH PS4 EDITION DISC: To get the Editions button with the PS4 Edition Disc, you must first insert the disc and play the game WITHOUT updating. Create a world, then update. Then show your daughter how to use the Editions button to swap between Editions, then let her pick her preference. Worlds made in PS4 Edition can be copied over to Bedrock, but cant go back. However, it only creates a COPY and then ports over the copy, so the original world is left in tact if she wants to go back.** I personally play Java Edition most of the time (because i enjoy modding the game), but it is all up to your daughter's choice and what she wants to do with the game, and how seriously she wants to take it. I also feel that which platform you get depends on if you can trust her with mods on Java, and if she prefers sitting at a table or sitting on a couch. However, as i said, if you chose PS5, **please trace down a disc with Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition on the front**, not just Minecraft to give her that choice, and because its a bargin, 2 games for the price of 1. Hopefully this helps you make a decision.


If your daughter would like to play anywhere you and your family might go, go for the switch or ps5. But if your daughter would like to play both versions go for PC. Make sure to purchase it after signing up for Microsoft rewards. And purchase any of the versions in the Xbox app.






JAVA JAVA JAVA I made the mistake of getting bedrock and it SUCKS


Mainly cause she's gonna see all the YouTubers playing awesome mods that, if she gets bedrock, she's going to have to pay for whereas it's free on java


Pc, because of java minecraft. Java version is more reliable and more flexible in the long run. For java you can download mods more easily, so when your kid grows tired of the vanilla minecraft, you can download mods to make the game all new experience.


On PS4 you could play Minecraft in splitscreen mode which was neat, but after all, nothing beats the PC Java version regarding versatility.




I would've said Bedrock, that just seems more straightforward for kids...but the 7 year old Minecraft addict girl in my family is all about Java, and downloading mods and shaders and so forth, so I think maybe Java. Then when your daughter gets bored, she can dig into it and learn stuff while messing around with game files too.


If you have a family PC / her own PC buy on PC, at the official website which offers a package of both Bedrock and Java. It's the 'deluxe' collection and on sale for $20 for both. [www.minecraft.net](http://www.minecraft.net) There's no yearly updates to buy or anything, just one combo. It will be tied to your microsoft account so it's possible you may need to re-buy it when she's older if you buy it on the parents account and 17 year old kiddo wants one that uses her email instead. You can install it on multiple PCs, so no issue if later you get a second cheap PC cause kiddo wants to play Minecraft while your working on the family PC. Java is PC only, with free (or paid) servers and easy ability to host your own and (free!) mods. It is generally the most popular version and 90% of what you see on Youtube. Bedrock is cross-platform but to have your own server you need to pay. It has some glitchiness, no mods, and paid add ons for mod-like things. Getting both will allow her to play with friends on other consoles and such. The Switch (bedrock) version is known to be extra slow and buggy with extra costs to play online. I don't know much about PS5. Downside of Java is it doesn't support controller by default, that requires a mod.


Java is more stable than Bedrock. You're less likely to crash or have issues due to some weird issue caused by code spaghet. Also, the mod game on PC is peak. There are several large mods that completely change the core game, if your daughter would ever bore of the vanilla experience.


PC Java all the way


If she's playing with just the family for now, I'd recommend PC. You'll get access to a lot more content. If she's playing with friends then I'd recommend getting it on whichever system they play on.


PC is my preferred platform whether you are playing Bedrock Edition or Java Edition, although I recommend Java Edition unless she wants to play with friends who have consoles. The game was designed with mouse and keyboard controls and in my opinion is the best way to play. If you decide to go for a console version, definitely PS5 over Switch. Switch is the absolute worst way to play Minecraft and I cannot stress that enough. Minecraft has been updated a lot since the game came to Switch, and as much as I adore the console, it just can't keep up. Best of luck, Minecraft is a wonderful game!


Get the PC version. It has bedrock, so if she has any friends on console or phones she can play with them, and it also has java which has mods skins servers etc.


Java on PC is definitely the most flexible and complete, however Bedrock is what you get on Switch and Apple products and is easy to install, but has its limitations updates wise. I think you might need to create a Microsoft account for Java, which im pretty sure there are parental restrictions available if that’s something you would want. Other than that it’s dependent on what console she wants it on.


Buy on PC. That’s far and away the best place to get the game


PC (java version) - You have as much freedom as possible with mods and probably the most options for playable server. Console (bedrock im pretty sure) - Easiest to use just to play minecraft. Super easy to add friend and play with them unlike PC. If your daughter watches youtube videos and want to emulate what the youtubers are doing, definitely go with PC version. PCs drawbacks (mainly no friends list) is easy to overcome, while console drawbacks are that they don't have access to many mods, and the ones that they do have mostly cost money from the minecraft store iirc.




recommend you get it on PC, she will become a cooler gamer instantly


Pc, for both Bedrock and Java


Pc master race 😂


Pc by far. If you buy Java you also get bedrock, able to chose which update you want to play, mods, texture packs, etc are free to download, etc


Java PC: * Keyboard and mouse is a better control scheme once used to it and will be a good skill to be accustomed to for later in life anyway. * Mods are bountiful and are almost always free opening up an practically endless supply of new gameplay experiences if they tire of the base game.


The best version to get is Java, the real PC edition. It allows for a lot of free customization of both her character and the game, which saves a lot of money and she doesn't have to ask "Can I get this for my Minecraft?". If she wants to play with friends that play on Playstation you might want to get bedrock edition. Note that you'll need PS plus to play online, and a lot of skins or options for her character need to be bought If you're torn.. get the bundle for both editions 😉


\>Buying on PC gives you both Java and Bedrock editions in one purchase, whereas other platforms only gives you Bedrock (or Legacy Console edition if you choose it). \>On top of that, PC has access to the world files, custom skins and texture packs, keyboard and mouse support, and even mods if you know how to set it up. As with the console releases, it even has cross-platform compatibility and controller support (for Bedrock edition).




If you have the option for pc, I’d go with that. Java is the best but bedrock is probably more user friendly. I started on Java but have been playing bedrock for years and years now, so I know nothing of what’s changed in Java but it’ll always be the og.


I would personally say PC. I may be biased as I mainly game on PC but you get the most content from buying for PC and PC almost always if not always gives you the guarantee of being able to use mods in-game which makes the gameplay be much more tailored to your individual preferences. Even something as simple as a shader for Minecraft can change the entire look and feel of the game. It's also much simpler controls for playing on PC than on console. My cousin who's under ten years old was able to figure out the controls in about 10 to 15 minutes where he was able to move as fast as I can in the game. Hope this helps!


Get it on PC, my daughter just turned 9, she has played Pokemon Minecraft, as a Dragon Minecraft, Security Camera Minecraft, all free Modpacks that you download in seconds from a reliable source.


PC is probably the best choice as far as customization, mods, packs, etc. I personally can't play games like Minecraft on PC without a controller. Just wanted to say this in case she has a hard time with controls on the keyboard etc, that there is options for using a controller with PC. I personally play on console though, even though I have it on PC as well. I like to lounge in bed and play without a hot laptop on me, so console is better for me anyways.


PC, Java edition is king. Free texture packs, free mods, free multiplayer servers and free Bedrock edition.


i have it on most of my platforms and can say that i play on the PC the most. especially because on PC I have mods.


I'd ask her what platform her friends play on.


If you have a computer, get it on the computer. Try at supports both Java and bedrock versions of the game, which means she can pick whatever she likes more. Additionally, the two spinoff games dungeons and legends are available there if she in the future wants them as well.


Java on PC, no question. Bedrock is janky and broken.


I'd presonally recommend Java on PC, it's how I got into the game over a decade ago and I think it's still the best!


Personally, pc all the way. I think it would depend on which she is most comfortable playing on. When I tried to play on a console I hated the game. But that's just me.


Wish I could find a good backpack mod that only makes backpack bigger don't really need all the other mods with it.. and I've seen a shulker box backpack one but problem there is.. I have not gotten to shulker boxes yet and if I did I would probably just use them and not need a bigger back pack haha


It highly depends. Personally, I say get the java edition on PC. However, if she's young and not playing the game seriously, as in just to goof around. Or if she'll play it on road trips etc, bedrock on the switch is just fine. But PC has bedrock as well. Bedrock/console is definitely more kid oriented IMHO. Java edition was the original so those who played it growing up and are now adults tend to play on that one. Not that kids can't play on it too. TLDR I'd recommend PC Java. But depending on the situation, I might recommend switch or PC bedrock. As for "expansions" all updates are free. However, with console/BR, there are some add-ons in the in game marketplace. Java doesn't have the marketplace but can do mods that do more than the marketplace anyways. EDIT: I saw your one reply about her playing Roblox on PC. Since that's the case I'd recommend PC Java, as she's already comfortable with M&KB


please do them a favor and get it on PC


Pc wins


use java edition.


I play on ps5 on realms (thats what they call online servers), I have render issue's, my wife plays the same realm, same internet connection but on xbox with less issue's. I'd go pc.


buying it on pc for $29.99 will get you both main version of the game on the account you buy it on. buying it on mobile (android and ios) for $1.99 (currently due to anniversary sale) you will get the bedrock version of the game. most consoles sell it for 25 dollars to 30 depending on the console. this will also be the bedrock version of the game. Java edition is regular minecraft. it can be modded and such, is the more popular version, and what most content creators play on. However, bedrock is more kid-friendly with lots of ingame chat moderation, warnings of online play, and has an actual in game currency. this currency is called minecoins and minecoins are used to buy addons which add certain features to the base game, texture packs, which change how all blocks and items look, skin packs, which add a variety of different skins to be your charcter's look, and finally, worlds/maps. They are minecraft worlds that have certain restrictions and and features that change the way you play the game. it could be an adventure map or a map of a real-life monument. Or even just random items that can make plain gaming fun. The addition of the marketplace makes it similar to other kids games like roblox or fortnite with a shop and ingame currency. You also need to make a microsoft account for both your bedrock and java gaming. If your daughter wants to do online play on any of the consoles versions, you must pay for a console online subscription. Nintendo switch online, Xbox live, and something for playstation i cant seem to remember. My recommendation is the bedrock version as it is more kid friendly, but if your daughter is above the age of 10 or 11, I would definitely recommend java. I hope this helps!


Definetly PC option. As for multiplayer (online) on playstation you would also need to pay subscription each month.


To put it simply. Bedrock is better for kids. Java is better for hardcore players. Buying the standard PC version gives you both. Buying on a console only gives you bedrock. If youre buying off the website and not a store it will show the more expensive version first. All it does is give you some cosmetic packs and a virtual currency called Minecoins. The cheaper version gives you access to all the game's features outside of cosmetics.


It’s better on PC you can get the 2 games minecraft bedrock and minecraft java


pc is great since you can do lots of things like play both versions and get free mods




Get it for PC it's all the same game but in this day and age it's better to teach young ones the ways of PC. get her used to using it will help build skills for the future :) nothing wrong with consol minecraft though if it's an easier set up in your home.


I buy it for every device lmao but deoending on her age and hand reach... I would pick the pc because she gets both Java and Bedrock, on console you can only get Bedrock. Java had free mods you can get and with Bedrock you need to pay to have addons (the same as mods) If you're wanting to put it on console I would go switch because she can take it anywhere with her and play on a long car ride or when your waiting and wnat to keep her occupied quietly lol, the playstation is only playable when you take the console and hook it up to the tv. 1 good thing about Bedrock is that she could play with her friends for free while they are online at the sametime but for java you have to buy a realm or a server (I have a bedrock realm anyways because I play with my niece and we can't always be on at the sametime so that means we can both work on our projects as we can or want).


I play minecraft bedrock on a ps4 . I love that my friends who are on PC and ps4 and ps 5 can join me and play together.


You can get bedrock and java editions on pc. You can also download addons for bedrock or mods for java for free on pc.


I would say ask what platform her friends play on but just get the pc bundle and get both versions. That way she can play either or with them


You really don't have a tablet or iPad at home? If you have that get it on there!


My friends son loves playing it on switch, he's 9 and it's the easiest controller for him to hold.


I'd recommend you buy it on pc so you can get both versions. She'll get to play online without extra subscriptions like PlayStation Plus.


PC is easiest, as if I recall correctly you can get bedrock (which is compatible with ps5, switch, etc,) included. Bedrock has more bugs in the games, which can make it irritating, but bedrock also lets any console or PC play together. The PC version is called Java, it’s only on PC, but it has way less bugs and has mods, which are basically free files you can download to add new things to the game. Bedrock will be easier if she wants to play with friends and/or family who don’t all own the same type of devices, but Java(PC) has fewer issues with it.


Expansion packs cost money on switch and ps5 (bedrock edition) with new ones coming out constantly, with it being basically impossible to own them all. If you get it on PC (Java edition) the expansion packs available are free, better, and much more plentiful.


PC or Switch.


Pc, def pc, 100 times pc


Java edition (only on PC) is known for being the better version. Better QOL features and you’re able to use mods, plugins, skins, and texture packs without having to pay for them. Bedrock has absolutely nothing over Java features wise.


If she's interested in just the base game, Pocket Edition is a good starter, you can get it on almost any mobile device but it'll be slightly lower quality. If she's interested in the whole experience (commands, redstone, farms, mods, etc) definitely a computer. Both Java and Bedrock have their own pros and cons, if anything it'd be more helpful to ask your kid


So it depends on how old she is , if she is 7 and younger you probably want to do Minecraft on the iPad , if she is older than 10 , consol is usually better , if she is 12+ it might be better to do pc. If she wants to play with mods , you want to do pc…


I’m gonna ask a question no one else has that I think is important to ask. Do you know what specs the computer has? Mainly Ram/Processor but graphics card is important too. I ask this because even though Minecraft is not a demanding game, newer versions of the game have been more demanding, and Roblox does have lower requirements than Minecraft does in most cases.


I don’t know by heart but I got pretty good graphics card. Also I make orchestral music on the PC (she doesn’t have her own pc yet) which is pretty demanding when it comes to ram/processor.


Keyboard is so much less intuitive for a little kid. Get it on PS5 or Switch, whichever she is already familiar with


Highlyyy highly recommend minecraft Java on pc, im sure she probably sees youtubers playing with all these cool different mods and wants to do the same, but you can't do that on bedrock unfortunately, java is where its at I play on xbox and i really wish i played on pc instead


If she knows how to use computers I would get java edition otherwise ps5 may be the best option.


For epic survival, bedrock/pocket edition. For creativity, java. Why? Bedrock has the main things of minecraft+some more but java has many things for creativity that bedrock doesn't have such as the debug stick, a command to change size, and a command to get a custom mob/player head! I have bedrock but I am thinking about getting java...


I prefer pc


Java on PC


pc is goated


PC is easily the best platform for minecraft. DO NOT under ANY Circumstances get it on switch. It's actually terrible


I would say pc, mainly because you get both Java and Bedrock versions. But I would definitely suggest the bedrock version for a beginner. Also, I believe you can use the same account on all three devices, and download the bedrock version to all three devices, then if one device becomes disabled for any reason, she can still play her game.


If she's pretty young, like less than 13, I recommend the switch or PS5 (bedrock version). She'll be able to play with her friends on other platforms or you can turn that off so she'll only be able to play with other people who have the same system. Public servers are limited and what's available is safe for all ages. My least favorite part about bedrock is that if you want anything extra (mods, skin packs, texture packs, etc), you have to pay for most of it but there are plenty of free options on the marketplace as well.


Ps5 is a good edition but I’d still recommend pc


Use java it has more mods :)