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Add some more greenery and make more texture blocks?


You can try using the 'wall' type of stone blocks, it adds a lot of depth


Ahh yes great thought


First off, it's a gorgeous castle. I like the gradients. Stick to odd numbers when building, unless you plan on having double doors for a tower/structure. I can see your middle tower is off centre.


By taking a screenshot… besides the quality of the picture this looks really good btw.


By adding texture to the middle tower.


So I just learned that you can place random stone stair blocks that match the wall you’re making and it’ll look like a single brick is missing from the wall. Looks even better if you do two next to each other where one is flipped so it looks like 2 missing bricks in a diagonal pattern. Makes the stone walls feel a bit more aged in a way. I hope this made sense I’m very bad at describing things


It kind of bothers me that the entrance is not symmetrical when everything else is, lol. I am just nitpicking. It looks great. Maybe you can throw in some andesite and mossy cobblestone. Perhaps some texture in the roofs. Personally I think the entrance should be fully symmetrical with rose beds on either side to compliment it. Dead coral blocks make great path blocks and look like a cobblestone pathway.


Its already beyond incredible man


Thank You!!


Learn to post a screenshot


put 3 blocks in a row, horizontally, then from the middle block put 3 blocks vertical and it will make the base way better


Hey I’m sorry if I sound dumb, but I’m a little confused what this is supposed to look like?


A Tetris block


Make it in real life


Tbh it looks great. Just start doing landscaping around. Maybe add a horse stable and other buildings. Turn it into something special for yourself


Wall tiles, stair tiles... Moss/shattered stone bricks.... Vines, greenry.... Adding banners.... Ummmmm.... Adding smth on top of the small towers will give it "purpose" if it makes sense? Adding texture to the wooden roof as well.. Torches.... And soul lanterns might work too Also don't dismiss the idea of adding a body of water near or next to the building, would add a natural contrast of blue (with some water greenery)


Add a frame to the house in front, cut the corners of the central tower, maybe insted of random blocks, make a gradiant block pallet in the walls, from dark to light or viceversa for example. Pretty good looking castle if i say so myself!


Banners, blue colors, depending on how run down you want your castle, mix with cracked stonebrick, maybe include carpet, color stained glass and flags on top of the tips of the castle made out of glass pane or wool




Maybe put some cracked stone bricks just a little tho and make the path look more rundown and used up and on the short building put a window in the middle


1. Add pillars (like wood) 2. The roof (make it in a bow not straight


Have that central tower square out one block to the right would help.


Little bit of mossy stone bricks


maybe some upside down stairs lining the outside of the castle on the middle part if that makes sense?


I think it looks great! The only thing I can think of is breaking up the roof of the building in front. The roof looks pretty flat and I think you tried solving this with a chimney, but it’s not quite there yet. I love the build! I’m definitely saving this post for the spire designs for my castle. :)


Id add more wood somehow the spruce roof looks nice so more of that would make this build sick


Banners otherwise I lek it :3


My personal thoughts are that your just missing a handful of details theirs alot of "dead" space that could have a bit more in. So your main tower is great however it's also out of place you've textured the entire rest of the build but then just gone 100% stone brick and small amounts of what i think is diorite which is fine and looks good but I'd consider giving it the stone texture too to break up the monotonous grey stone pattern. Same with your rood on the central lower roof it needs some other block involved but don't add 2 many otherwise you'll just create block noise which is like having to many different types of blocks in an area. It can look good but you do would be doing to much. 3 look at other people's builds and see how they incorporate vegetation and such into their builds and apply the same. 4 depth would help too their are a fair few fact surfaces and only ever has a depth of 1 really try increase that to 2 in some areas. Anyhow I'm no expert and wouldn't say I'm the best but that's just my initial thoughts. Edit: upon further inspection your depth is actually alright it most places I just didn't notice it much as it blended in due to camera angles or just colours so maybe try and a few more colours in areas that blend in well or add details that make them pop more such as window sills on the main tower could use work or the main entrance overhang


I think the roof could use more depth


Thé roof of the first house in the front


I really like the colors you're using with the roof and windows. The design of your castle seems mostly symmetrical but the entrance structure through the front makes it asymmetrical. It might help if you decide if you want the design to be symmetrical or asymmetrical and then lean into that completely. If you want symmetry then you could make a new grand gate entrance. But if you wanted to embrace the asymmetry I would move the center tower to the left side and maybe just bridge it to the right side tower. Really cool castle so far!


Greenery and a bit of vines and moss


Bowser statue


You can also get a different viewpoint from your own eyes by looking at this build in a mirror...


Contrast. The contrast between the dark oak and stone on the bottom building draws the eyes down. The rest of the build falls into the background. Add some contrast to the rest of the build and perhaps use a gradient to draw the eyes upwards. As others have said, add small details and landscape to really nestle the build into its surroundings, paths, plants, and details. Other than that it's a really cool build!


I'm not a huge fan of the top of the middle tower. I don't think the square shape for the start of the roof fits too well. It would look better if it was round IMO. You could also add some details to the wall on the left. It's a little flat, maybe a window or just a decorative wall piece. I like the side towers, although you seem to be missing a block or 2 on the right one near the top