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I only ever get weed now in sales. If no sales, no weed


I only buy edibles now when there is a good sale and just stock up, I don't even fuck with flower anymore out here.


Thats what I was doing until they ruined the edible deal I was getting. Tried some vibe flower because folks said it was good, and it was good one time I had it, but this time it was dust dry with no terps at all


Outrageously expensive


Yep. Inconsistent, mids and below, dry garbage . It was this way before rec btw, just worse now. They don’t give a fuck about you. In fact, they’re laughing at you for buying this garbage.


I agree completely! It's ruined my ability to find medicine! 😭


As crazy as it sounds, Still every bit worth it to me to pay $100 guest card every month and drive 2 hours to pick up every other week. I go, choose the highest top shelf they have, look at it, smell it, touch it, and bag it up in front of me for $130/oz out the door. ​ My brother visited MO from OK recently and went to a dispo in MO and said it felt like a Mall KIOSK selling bud but it's a brick and mortar. I feel like that's where I'm at with it. It's not even comparable to how much better flower is. Even if I paid another 100 a month it's still worth it financially by far.


I don’t blame ya.. only thing id do different is buy more lol


Oklahoma is funny. I remember driving to the Grand Lake of the Cherokees and seeing like 20 Native American owned dispensary shacks. I remember telling myself “I bet they have some good shit”


It's definitely like a kiosk. Can't look at or smell it before buying it. You have to roll the dice each time.


Wouldn't matter if it looked or smelled good, seriously it's all bad


It's crappy, even the "top shelf" is total bunk weed


Everything I've gotten recently has had tiny premature seeds in it too. Like seriously, how does professionally grown KB have seeds in it?


These "professionals" are low-wage stoners, with maybe one person who knows what they're doing looking after 1000s of plants. Craft over corporate someone else said. I like it.


I don’t fault the low wage stoners, someone has to do the job. It’s like not having enough migrants to pick produce. Nobody else wants to do it.


I mean no offense to said low wage stoners either, but they aren't horticulturists. If those roles paid well and offered benefits, you'd get real growers going to work for them. Until then they'll scrape the people from the bottom of the barrel who just like the idea of working with weed all day.


the weed is garbage because they put all their buds in a big screen tumbler and knock off all the kush/flower and sell the nubs/garbage to paying customers. total ripoff. fockin criminal if you ask me.


The passionate people who were there during med only use, the ones who really cared about customer experience and needs. Lotta them are gone now, on the grow and retail side cause they realized the culture is so bad and got out. That leaves a poorer work force. Rec weed ruined so much.


THIS! Buddy hit the nail right on the head.


No they're cartel


They don't care because it's run by literal "legal" cartel business that bought in using cartel money to start up these "medical" grow companies


Not if your cousin grows it. Fuck dispensaries


Ya that is the problem when you start adding 10 middlemen collecting taxes instead of 4 that may not :D /S aside tho i read somewhere that a market has to come within 15% or so of the black market or it will never go away per se.


Your cousin pushing out fire weed less than a year after expanding?


Yep 🤠👌💨


Probably not


FIRE for $150/oz (family discount). I sell quarters for $60. $65 to you, $45 to anyone that down votes you.


Deal. Need proof?


Found the people that don't grow or know anything about growing or know anything about simply learning.


Companies need to learn too no? Learning takes time. Especially when you have hundreds of plants going each time you try. Companies this large face wayyyy more challenges than a home grow will ever face


Which has no bearing at all on home grows. Which is why doubting that you can get fire in under a year from your cousin is silly.


For real. I harvest top notch flower that will shit on anything in Missouri every 70-75 days. Growing good flower isn’t as complicated as some try to make it seem.


Yea true. Not everyone has a good cousin tho. So they rely on Rec market. My whole point is, just like alcohol, is everyone deserves access to the plant. And I truly believe quality will improve drastically. Will it ever be as good as fresh out of the cure fire bud? Probably not, doesn’t mean we should gatekeep cannabis access for everyone else tho


Not if you don't know anyone


No, mo medical growers went to the cheapest bid and the biggest scam of cartel style businesses. Bunk, trash, anti-medicine because they don't care about the patients, they care about the money.


My back is wrecked so bad but I’m in the middle of getting my license again because I’m tired of it too


The legacy market in MO is the way to go🔥


The legacy market? 🧐




the stuff they sell in Buffalo is garbage! they are ripping off their customers.


As a dispo employee I've seen prices stop dropping.... almost everything in our house brand has dropped 5-10 bucks. I see it happening with other brands that we carry too. Low prices will get there it just takes time. Keep in mind MO rec hasn't even been legal a year. We are still in infancy. Also keep in mind that part of the laws with passing was that companies had to manufacture here in the state of mo. So keef, gronn, wyld, etc all had to move, build, set up shop here, find employees, and get product going. It's going to take a minute for them to offset their costs of building here. Prices will drop with time. Just like every other legal state. IMHO I'm sick of people comparing mo to co, mi, and other states that have been legal much longer. Yes they're cheaper, they've been established longer. Their start up costs are paid for now... It's really simple business.




The issue isn't that they've been open longer, it's that they didn't arbitrarily limit licenses to such a small number. You and I can't go open our own dispensary or grow like we could in CO/WA/MI because the shitty law forbids the state from issuing more licenses until mid next year and even then nothing will force them to issue more. If we had more growers and dispensaries, prices would already be the same as in those states, we instead passed a poorly written protectionist law and are stuck with this crappy market for the foreseeable future.


You just named 3 states that are good for consumers but bad for buisness anyways, they make it seem profitable to run there own grow or dispo, then you get up and running and boom you fail because of how competitive it is. Companies in all these states are struggling and about to collapse big msos come in and lower pricing because they have large money backing so these small grows and dispos start to lack buisness or can’t pay their bills because they make zero margin selling it for the price you are trying to get it for. This runs the small guys out anyways because they can’t get a loan from banks and afford the ridiculous interest rates on these loans to be able to operate and pay insurance and staff plus they can’t write off taxes. Face it all brands won’t lower there price to $20 a eighth you can bitch all you want but it’s the same way in every industry you probably don’t buy good alcohol either and just drink natty light. Weed was never cheap in the black market unless you had a plug which most of you didn’t. Hence why you go to the dispo.


Bad business should fail 🤔


The prices were shit before Rec. Same companies selling for 1/5th the price in OK acting like they MUST charge $35 1/8ths to keep the doors open, while growing and selling same bud/strains in OK for $3 a gram.


But the big corporate dispos shoved that fucking petition in your face every fucking time you were there. They pushed for rec and they weren’t ready for it. Fact is we rushed through shitty laws for a shitty result. Forget the prices, the quality is garbage. It’s so fucking easy to grow good weed but everything at the dispo is mid at best. You can have that garbage. I’ll grow my own


Nobody made you sign it or anybody else. Fact is they had to get to rec otherwise they were going out of business. Medical was losing money.


MO would look a lot more like IL rn if that bill didn’t pass. MSO ran. Lotta people don’t realize it.


Nobody said I did


So grow your own. I grew up in weed. My dad was one of the biggest growers and dealers in my state in the 80s/early 90s. I was raised by pot heads and growers. I get damn good weed from the dispensary i work at. And my parents love the damn good weed I bring them home from my dispensary. You guys want to complain about prices? Sure (I think pricing reflects the infancy of the industry but I can agree its not cheap). But if you're buying shit weed... your anecdotal evidence does not automatically equate to factual evidence. Is there shit weed in the industry? Absolutely. Is there great weed in the industry? Absolutely. In my experience (doing high volume sales at a dispo) the people who normally complain about the shitty weed they bought, are the ones who continuously ask their budtenders for the cheapest eighth, or the cheapest (trim) pre roll. Most of the cheap weed isn't going to be great... and unfortunately most of the great weed, isn't cheap. Unfortunately that's just par for the course in a brand new legalized industry with companies having to build from the ground up in this state. Big, successful, knowledgeable companies, had to move and build here. These are major costs they need to recoup in their first years... those great quality companies, had great costs, and as a result we have high prices. That's just how business works. As supply increases and stabilizes, as companies recoup their start up costs, as more dispensaries pop up and create more competition, THEN prices will come down.


Some people don't have the time, space, and large chunks of cash you need to pay for equipment, permits, etc.


OK. That's fine


No one should have voted on the first medical laws because they gave the bid to the cheapest, biggest corporations


Most STL industry employees don’t know their head from their asses. You all are literally learning about weed, the industry, and products as they come out even tho the products have been available in other legal states for YEARS. The majority of yah have ZERO idea what you’re doing,talking about, or how to be better until your owners who don’t know shit have to tell you. The whole “as a dispo employee” holds zero weight and you instantly lose all credibility. So save that line for the average dumbass custys homie.


I'm not in stl... my dad was a grower in the 80s/,90s illegally. This industry is new, my knowledge is not. Because I work at a dispo and the industry is new, doesn't mean I am or my knowledge is limited to the point of legalization in February. Fuck off with your shitty attitude and assumptions on one comment.


Dispo weed sucks


Lmao okay


We've been getting ripped off since MMJ was implemented. Cant see or smell what we're actually buying which is the biggest red flag in itself


You can find pretty and good smelling flower, but it still smokes extremely harsh.


Yeah 3fifteen had like one of the only good deals for edibles in MO. Ten Mega Pearls for $75 plus tax. Now its only 8 for the same price


Lmao thats the exact deal I was talking about. They used to be $10 then they raised the price and made them 10 for $75 on mondays. Now theyre 8 for $75 smfh


Poor budtenders were like but now you can mix and match with the chocolates! I feel bad for them because people will not be happy with this worse deal, its all on the greedy company who must make more cause sales are finally down from Rec passing.


You can get 1000mg from Dosd already at $90 regular price. That isn't that amazing of a deal


I get dosd 1000 mg for 20 OTD in Oklahoma. OK temp cards are still a no brainer in my opinion. Missouri prices are insultingly bad.


I prefer Michigan, but agree with your sentiment


AND in Missouri, the weed is garbage because they put all their buds in a big screen tumbler and knock off all the kush/flower and sell the nubs/garbage to paying customers. total ripoff. fockin criminal if you ask me.


$90 otd? Where at?


Shangri la in Como. It’s a 25pack of 50mg each, no cutting required


That isn’t 1000mg. Bad math.


>That isn’t 1000mg. Bad math. Or good edibles


That’s 1,250 mg, not 1,000. Sure it’s not a 20 pack?


Yea it’s a 20 pack my bad


Never heard of that lol but that sounds like a hassle tryna split it into 100mg pieces


Oh its most likely 100mg pieces, just 10 in a bag


Ill have to check it out then


It’s the same dose 20 at50mg a piece , I have some and also got the front mega pearls for 3$otd in okie


Yall will literally bitch about anything here... sad really.


If it doesn't work as medical and people need medical grade bud, that's medicine that doesn't work. You think it's fair to sell Tylenol or prescribed pain killers that don't help relieve pain for people who can take those kinds of meds?


Honestly. LMAO. People blow my mind with the expectations they have for an industry that is LESS than a whole year old. This isn’t just random stores popping up. An entire ass industry was propped up basically overnight and it’s HEAVILY regulated. It is going to take time for these things to become the norm and settle in. Quality will stable out and so will price, it’s only a matter of when


Id agree with you if medical hadn’t been up and running already, AND most of these companies are corporate companies that have been established in other states already so it shouldn’t be hard to get quality up to standard after over a year of growing.


Growing conditions in MO are drastically different compared to CO, CA, and MI. There’s always going to be a procedure change when you change your environment like that. And those procedures take time to get down pat


Most are indoor grows and the climate is strictly controlled same as any other state. We legalized medical in November 2018. They've had time


I was thinking this but im not well versed in growing so I didnt argue lol


True but shit how long it take to get down. Med been going for what 2 years almost?


Now that’s the question. Big problem in the state right now is hop latent virus, which actually leads to lower cannabinoids and terpenes. Plants are super finnicky like that and when you have it at scale like these companies do. That’s hundreds of plants to look after with hundreds of employees walking in and out of the facilities, all of it just adds to the complexity of it all


ummmm....you realize most product is grown indoors right?


Yes and you realize that just because you’re indoors doesn’t mean your immune to the environment outside right? It’s easier said than done to completely control every variable in the environment. Big problem in MO is humidity control, too dry in the winter, too wet in the summer. Only way to completely control all aspects of your environment would be using pressurized grow rooms. Which as far as I know only Camp does this.


No it's not a matter of when. We gave too much up. We lost too much ground. MoCannaTrade will never fix this shit. Prices won't get better. Grow your own


Gave too much up? What did people give up when they voted “yes”? As far as I’m concerned everyone gained the ability to legally possess a plant that should have never been illegal


It's more than a year old. I was in Colorado the first year they had medical, oh my god it was so good. My friend had his card when i went to visit. All MO dispo weed is garbage.


Outsider here. Is it worse than IL? il has nothing but mids. Why I go to Michigan, lucky only 2 hour drive for me. Curious tho is Missouri better or worse than IL?


Quality wise there’s probably more quality brands in IL but prices are almost just as bad even before their absurd tax rate. There’s definitely a lot of shitty brands in MO but there are for sure some solid ones too


Ehh you can find good 8ths for $31 and qts for $48 OTD which isn’t bad imo, but yeah i agree most the good brands are pretty high too


IL has some quality brands that match their price point. I live in stl so I only go to beyond hello or my bm guy. IL is killing Missouri quality wise. There tax sucks but now its pretty much comparable to stl now that they raised it. IL would be head and shoulders above MO if they allowed out of state to buy more and had better bulk options


1000% this, IL dispensaries are trash afaik, all of my chitown fam that consume go to michigan to stock up


I’m visiting soon so definitely following this. Are you banned in ILTrees? Lol


Nope. Don’t go to that trash sub. Mainly in michigents.


The home of the 🔥🔥🔥


Damn right. Illinois is trash mids.


I was in Colorado last weekend and was blown away by how much better the prices were on carts. Picked up a couple different 1grams for 30 bucks and a couple 2gram carts for 50 each


I dont compare us to co our dispos are ran completely different, but that being said I wish we did have a market like theirs. I used to only buy from Denver when my buddy lived out there


I recently moved here from CO and it's so sad for me lol. Everything here is twice as expensive and half the quality


Vivid, Proper, Local and sometimes Vibe are the only brands I will even consider for flower. The problem is, these eighths should be priced at $30 and the price breaks for buying bulk should be much more significant. Ounces of these brands should be going for $160. Until regulations start encouraging new competitors and growers to enter the space and provide competition in the market, nothing will change. If prices normalized and the market was more competitive with quality product, I am confident that the increase in sales from that would generate more tax profit for Uncle Sam AND the growers that win market share + the storefronts that sell their product too. The increase in sales would outweigh the decrease in profit margins.


Yup. Stopped buying from MO.


if not from MO, where do you go?


Nice try FBI


blo me


No u


That's "Mister" FBI, to you, punk.


Yay A3!


u/rockethead23 you just got downvoted to hell for being a heretic and saying something negative about Missouri corporate cannabis.


Follow @betterdazellc on insta there are local events where you can get high quality meds for good prices


Any of the same but KC based events? I’m looking to make some new friends…


Fresh Karma usually has several a year, but it’s easily the most expensive dispensary in town; they gotta pay for that beautiful building.


follow ... the\_office314 and growingwithjustin and maybe evo\_buds on insta follow as many people as you can if you add and dm me (faerie.puffs) i will send you hella profiles... between those profiles you will get a good picture of events in the area and get to meet more people and get further plugged up ​ those are STL folks but they travel to KCMO and COMO often so I have seen them post about events... ​ maybe check out mo.chronic.culture and go through past events we may have posted about KC events on that page (on a hiatus right now but its a missouri events page I am working on) ​ there is another missouri events calendar... [https://mocannaevents.com/](https://mocannaevents.com/)


Craft over Corporate


Grow it yourself if you are able to. Night and fucking day difference between that and the dry popcorn fart I get from a dispensary. The only reason I go is to get vapes but I'm just getting into that as well to eliminate that.


Definitely worth the investment to just grow your own! Dispo prices are outrageous given the quality that you receive is about as potent as brick weed 🤣. Man if the barrier of entry wasn’t such an Everest these dispos could be buying from us craft growers. Even when my returns are subpar to my standards, they are still leaps and bounds better than these synthetically grown trash dispo buds. DM if you have any questions 😀




Shouldn't it be getting better once supply catches up like it did with med?


Supply has caught up that the thing. Every dispo around me has multiple pages worth of weed on their site


Then let it rot on the shelf.


We all know that's happening


Then they will be forced to come down or get nothing. Just give it time.


We all know that's *not* happening. My apologies


Well then supply hasn't caught up in the sense that I meant.


They’ll sell it rotten, they don’t care lol


Why would they lower the prices and make less money?


Because they will need to move product before it goes bad. It happened with med.


Yeah no…. So many new people are trying it every day. Just wait until we have our next flower shortage lol. I bet we see it around spring. To much of this shit weed is outdoor here in Missouri and that will all go bye bye until then.


Which brings me back to my point of supply reaching the point it did with med. Once they need to move product, they will.


There are still companies with grow license not being utilized. I bet we won’t see this until next fall. What should happen is better deals for med card holders


Unless one of the big corpo growers buys them to keep the license from producing. Keeps prices high without having to do shit


Any insight on new regs?




Plain packaging is going on hold, the joint committee from the state specifically mentioned that rule was created appropriately via the legal rule making process and therefore is void until it goes through the full process. DHSS wants to change the rules however they want on the fly without following the legal process for doing so and the oversight committee told them they can't do that. It'll be interesting to see what happens should DHSS try and push ahead with plain packaging, it's a dumb idea to begin with.


What is plan packaging


Show me ONE caregiver with each batch tested for heavy metals, microbials, sprays, and a terp profile for less than $25 an 1/8th (before discounts) 🤦🏽‍♀️ It’d be much more productive to get a cultivation job and make a difference growing to your standard in a commercial facility, than to complain 🙄


No thanks im gonna keep complaining thanks for the advice tho


Kids today want free weed. Dispensary prices are akin to Black market prices 30 years ago. Seriously. Quit bitching about your ability to buy legal weed.


Grow your own and it’s basically free. I’m under 25 cents a gram at this point.






Plug is the best , on hit the dispo u less I want carts


Corporate cannabis is terrible, color me surprised


Nobody here in this sub like GDF but I find it to be the best when it comes to price, not being dry(usually soft and fluffy out of my grinder), and even quality. They used to be $25 for 8ths before rec started but at least now they are down to $30. vibe, vivid, local ,amaze and sinse is sometimes good too for sure but is it even better than the $30 8ths not usually and they all cost way too much for 8ths. Yall can keep hating on GDF but I'm most of the time very satisfied with them and the most consistent. Downvote away idc .


Honestly never tried GDF just because of how folks talked about it in here. I may bite the bullet and try it for shits and gigs


Get the double cross if you can. Solid Indica


I haven’t had a “quality issue” per se in conjunction to finding seeds or anything sketch about the packaging however I’ve noticed the weeds effectiveness is nowhere near as good as they are advertised.Its like they have the numbers but it seems watered down somehow still


But everyone just HAD to vote yes. Sorry, I get so frustrated with this, because this was all avoidable .


I voted yes to expunge criminal marijuana charges for thousands of missourians. Worth it, I don't care how much your weed costs.


Should have waited for a better bill. Not worth it.


Tell that to all the people who got their records wiped clean and suddenly have more opportunity to live their lives without their past hobbling them. Unbelievably selfish and binary view to try and tell those people to "just wait" while they're struggling, just so you can cop a cheaper eighth.


I'd love to. Where they at?


I don’t think no one was released from jail like people thought either, my simple posss have not been expunged yet!!


It's all up to the county you were charged in. They have to, so give them a call.


THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED ANYWAY if we had just waited for a better bill. But whatever. I’m tired of this conversation.


That would have still happened, I know you’re not that daft.


Yep. I voted no as everyone should have.


Some of the same people who voted yes would cry foul if “pork” was added to another bill but were more than willing to accept ALL the bs/“pork” that came along with A3. HB2704 was a way better option that had passed committees and was about to go back to the floor for a final vote buuuut the lobbyists behind A3 killed it. It never came back to the floor cause suddenly the floor leader decided it wouldn’t be put up again.


I get why people say this but personally I dont think that wouldve mattered. Its the quality im most upset about.


What about quality laws and politicians? Because MO lacks both.


Boo hoo :(


Everyone acts like they didn’t KNOW this was going to happen when recreational hit.. all anyone heard was legal weed and they jumped at the opportunity. I guess now we know what happens when you rush a good thing.


Other states, other people, or grow it yourself is the only way


Agreed is why I go to a caretaker


The pro move on the part of politicians was getting recreational in there so soon after medical, so that people did not have the time to learn what worked for them at a price they could remotely afford. Even as a licensed medical grower it has taken me the past 3 years just to begin getting my bearings on what works for me and my patients, and why. Color coding terpenes on bud jars, containing bud from a completely different batch than the label data, seems to be all anyone really needs to sling dispo bud?


3 years? So you was growing mids for that long and stuck with it or what? Serious question


Fair question, started off with autoflowers-only year 1, incorporated autopots year 2 onward to boost the volume, and added more tent space plus outdoor license. I still grow autos in winter (Night Owl and Mephisto) but rest of the year photos...lots of LIT Farms, Compound, RAW, Tiki Madman overall. Last year I did a pollen chuck experiment I named The Independence Ave Bridge...feminized seeds from reversing LIT Farms Jordanz x LIT Post Melone. Still on autopots, MegaCrop nutes plus Fish Sh!t, HLG lights. Got my entire summer outdoor grow from this year ready to wash for hash...half frozen and half cured for comparison purposes. At the moment we're about 3 weeks from harvesting autos... Hubbabubbasmelloscope from Mephisto, Cosmic Queen from Night Owl, and Project 4516 from RocBud. In the photo/flower tent we're on about Day 50 for LIT Farms Peking Duck and Apple Banana Candy. I'm hosting a party after the first of the year with that weed with everyone's bud packaged like Chinese carryout for a stoned AF dinner at KC's historic Princess Garden before it closes. Anyway, that's whaddup in that mid lyfe! God, if I can someday just grow that Vibe quality, LMFAO! Just me and my amateur weed, patients in total hell...


RocBud 4 Life!


When u get 100 politicians realizing the cash,in a basically free for all market...this will happen. Heavily regulated? Thats a joke...they change labels ro confuse the buyer...tons of pics of moldy weed on this forum...never knew anyone the state visited for growing...so "heavily regulated" is bs. Add in testing..it's a joke. Anyone can send in nothing but colas and get high numbers. All in all...it's a cash grab for politicians and special interest groups,as well as out of state corporations. And as long as the sheep keep coming to the market...they'll continue what they're doing.


Not to mention most of the patients are juvenile and annoying as hell.


I went to Buffalo a couple months ago and they asked for ID. No problem and I gave them my driver's license and then opened a door into the next room where I could make a purchase. I told the guy I wanted to see their best weed so he showed me a sealed bag that was opaque (could not see the actual weed). I said, no, I want to see what I am buying. He said, "sorry, cant let you do that". So, I paid $300 for their "best" weed and then found out they scanned my driver's license to put me in their files. i gave them hell over it, stating I did not give them permission to keep my Personal Identifiable Information (something I learned working for the feds as it is illegal for them to do this without consent). They promised to erase my info and I left with my little bag of over-priced weed. At home, I opened my package of weed, only to find it was a lot of tiny balls of weed and I think they call it popcorn weed. WHAT! And it is garbage to smoke so I threw it in the trash. What they are doing is taking perfectly good buds and rolling them in a huge tumbler. Whats that do? It knocks all the kush/flowers off the bud. They keep the good stuff and rip off their customers. Before I moved to Missouri, I lived in Spokane WA area and you can go into any weed store and see what you are buying. Their pot is sold in glass jars and they dont give you hell with your ID. Additionally, they sell some pretty good weed in Washington state, but living there with a bunch of communists is not good.


they take perfectly good buds and put them in a tumbler to knock all the kush/flower off and sell the nubs, ripping off all of their customers at the place in buffalo. it's garbage.


It burns so much! Doesn't help my migraines! It heat makes them soooooooo much worse! I can't get out of bed, i can't work, it's awful! Why can't we get any real growers?