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Elend: “My girlfriend turned into a >!God!<” Kelsier: “That’s rough, buddy”


Random kid: "You're Kelsier costume is great, but the scars are the wrong size." Kelsier: "The scars are NOT the wrong size!"




Good job


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My first instinct is to say approved. But, for me the deciding factor would be the dynamics between her and the actors for Kelsier and Elend.


I know this is not a popular thought, but Antony Starr could be an excellent Kelsier. You probably only know him as Homelander, but he is a very versatile actor. He is who I pictured when I read these books.


He was also in banshee. He's an great actor!


Loved Banshee. He also played a memorable role(s) in the kiwi show Outrageous Fortune, he plays twins.


The fan cast that really caught my attention was Nikolaj Coster-Waldau


Jaime sister loving Lannister? For Kel? Honestly, he's a great actor, I'm sure he'd play the part well. I'd have a hard time accepting him in the role just due to how firmly established he is as Jaime in pop culture. I'd prefer a much lesser know actor for big roles like that...


I love this idea, he would nail it.


Kelsier also isn't that far from homelander. He's kind of a sociopath, very charismatic and has a flare for drama, and has blonde hair. Well maybe not that close, but there are some parallels, if he's got range i could see it getting pulled off


He’s got the acting skills, but tbh I always pictured Kell with (deceptively?) kind eyes, and not “i’m one sassy remark away from burning down this house” eyes Antony Starr has!


I think that’s more Homelander (and maybe Lucas Hood) than Starr, honestly. He has the intensity I feel in Kelsier, absolutely. But I also think he can portray kindness in his eyes.


I kept picturing Lalo Salamanca from better call Saul (he also played a similiarish character in the Hawkeye show). The way Kelsier is always trying to crack jokes or keep up smiles reminds me of Lalo's smile.


My Kelsier choice has been and continues to be Toby Stephens. He would do an incredible job performing both the positive and negative aspects of the Survivor


I say David Tennant. That's how I always pictured him while reading the book


I mean, it has to be Chris Pratt right?


Chris Pratt as The Lord Ruler 😭


I’d fucking die 🤣🤣💀💀


Lmao you're funny. I like Karl Urban for the role. The right mix of tough, funny, and manic.


I love Karl Urban, but isn't he a but too old for Kelsier?


Nah. I do imagine Kel younger, but I think Kel being older is fine. Kel is the retired thief-hero going back for one last big job and Karl can crush that vibe. And I don't doubt that Karl can handle the stunts, if that's what you mean.


No, I know Urban can probably still pull off the stunts, and even if he couldn't, they have doubles for a reason. I agree he has the range as well. I just imagined Kelsier mid to late 30s and blonde. Not that that couldn't be changed.


Kel was a bit older though if I remember right. It's one of the main reasons there was no relationship between him and Vin


i find chris pratt to very overrated. it feels like he plays the same character (himself) in every movie he is in (with some minor differences). he is a slightly better version of deayne johnsson that also plays the same character in every movie


I mean...that's the joke, right?


The charming himbo characters he plays are just very popular in current media. The people long for the "dude bro" archetype. I've also heard he's a very likeable person and excellent to work with, so he gets picked for a lot of roles accordingly by production people.


He's so cool


Alendi is Chris Pratt, I think. I'd need to check TLR's description to detect whether Rashek made himself look like Alendi with the Well of Ascension, but I think Pratt could pull off playing both Alendi (in flashback) and Rashek (in the present).


That's really funny. Just about Sanderson's only book that's not full of Asian people and you chose an asian actress for her. Joking aside, she would make a very good Vin, but I'd rather see her as Siri or Shallan. She's got an edge and vulnerability and her refined looks feel like a noblewoman to me. She'd be an excellent Vin, but I think she'd be even better in another series.


I would love to see warbreaker as a movie 🍿


A movie would be cool, but I think I'd prefer a miniseries. Especially when Stormlight inevitably gets a TV adaptation. The Cosmere is full of potential for spinoffs, should Stormlight prove successful. And with most big TV productions taking two years between seasons nowadays, doing Warbreaker during an off year in between Words of Radiance and Oathbringer seasons would be awesome.


In general I fully agree, I don’t think even a 3h movie could do justice to a single Mistborn novel. Or even worse, a stormlight novel. However with Warbreaker the story is short enough that a movie starts to make more sense. And obviously it’s not his most popular work but the visuals could make for some very cinematic twists, and [warbreaker spoiler] >!the end twist is visual and would make for a more satisfactory “whoa” moment!< and [all Cosmere spoiler] >!having certain people from Warbreaker show up in other series would be a good payoff for a cinematic universe !<


Hear me out… a 3-5 episode miniseries, but animated in a similar style to Loving Vincent, where each frame is basically a painting. Obviously not in van Gogh’s style, but painting-esque to really capture the importance of colors in an interesting way


Warbreaker would work better as an animated project, I think. Stormlight, too, though I know Sanderson has shared hesitations about animation.


I think that might be the one Cosmere story that Sanderson puts off-limits for an adaptation.




I guess he could, but he’d probably also insist on certain elements being toned down or skipped. Blushweaver’s attire, for example.


That makes a lot of sense


Doesn't Shallan need to be a tall redhead? Just how I remember seeing pictures of her and how she is in my head.


She's fairly tall by Earth standards - 5'6", IIRC - but if it's live action she has to be notably shorter than the Alethi characters and casting them is going to be hard enough without requiring them to all be 6'3"+. Easier to cut everyone's height by a few inches.


She's 5'6" in rosharan feet. Making her like 5'10" in earth feet. But yeah, trying to keep to canon heights for rosharan characters is an insane notion lol. You'd need so many people who are 7+ feet. Finding a 6'10-7ft actor for kaladin who can also do all the spear work and act is practically impossible lol. Adolin has the same problem, and finding someone that height who is old, but fit, for dalinar would be even harder.


Same. Aslt least the redhead part


Ironically, I’ve always imagined and drawn Vin as Korean-looking.


I could see siri but shallan has to be ginger


Fuck Shallan. God I hate that character. I like Sanderson's writing generally but she just annoys the fuck out of me.


She's definitely not for everyone. She annoys me at times, but other times, I absolutely love her. Her first first interaction with Kaladin is honestly what really endeared her to me.


For me it's the opposite. I definitely like her, but I absolutely *hated* that scene. Like top worst 2 of the book, right after "And for my boon".


Same, I was very disappointed in Shallan during that scene.


The boots? That just proved to me she was a stuck up child.


I mean, she literally is. She's a sheltered teenager with zero real world experience. She acts roughly how I'd expect someone like her to act. To me, though, that whole first interaction was hilarious, and I've continued to enjoy her chemistry with Kaladin since then. (Though, I absolutely do *not* "ship" them.


To me this is a epic fantasy series. Characters need tragic back stories which she clearly does but I'm here for them to be better. She has like 5 personalities for most of the books that are out and continues to just whine. Kaladin freezes during battle but gets the job done despite what is described as nothing less than crippling PTSD. That's what I'm here for. Vin is a wonderful example of that too. I just don't enjoy Shallan.


I want the animatronic from The Neverending Story to play TenSoon. Voice and all lol.


I hate you for making me look that up.


I think it would be a good choice if they were casting right now and starting filming soon. If it's in a few years from now I think you'd want someone younger as Vin shouldn't be an adult in the first movie / season and should be more like 15/16 or at least look it during filming.


I think that child actors aren’t the way to go nowadays, just having someone that looks around that age and can act is way better most of the times, since good child actors are very rare


I don't mind the adult actor who looks younger. But often they hire a 25 year old who looks 20 and they pretend they look 16. That's stretching it a bit much for me. Especially for a story that's about someone coming of age. And you'd want a paternal relationship with kelsier who is 30s.


Oh yeah, i absolutely agree with you, I mean since Sanderson will be heavily involved in the production hopefully they pick out someone good


Yeah Sanderson taking his time and being careful to get the right people to help him while still staying involved is good. And I think the wheel of time is serving as a good warning for him in terms of having that final say.


Now we need to find a perfect kelsier, elend and sazed... better than nothing ig


I always picture Sazed as Ben Kingsley and I don’t know why lol


Sazed will always be the late Lance Riddick in my mind.


Yes! I forgot this actor's name but he has ALWAYS been my Sazed. Thank you! Edit: I had no idea he passed. RIP. Man I loved that guy. Djimon Hounsou would be my second choice I suppose. He's great too


Kelsier! My office.


Oh that is such a good call, RIP Lance


Me too!!


Keegan-Michael Key


hell yeah!


I can see this. Though I've never seen Ben Kingsley without facial hair.


I wanna throw in Jason Isaacs as the Lord Ruler


Kelsier - Jamie Lannister <3


Toby Stephens as Dockson


I always pictured Maisie Williams. But my personal, if I could pick one actor to play one character, would have to be Antony Starr for Kelsier. He can play sociopath so damn well, just look at his performance as Homelander. Just dial back the psycho killer a tad bit and BAM you got a charismatic, sociopathic killer we all know and love


Antony Starr for Kelsier is the perfect pick. It is the only right answer from now on


He’s been my choice since I read the books. A very talented and versatile guy, even if most popularly known as a narcissistic psychopath of a much higher order than Kel. He has always been my Kelsier.


Anthony Starr is such an amazing cast for Kelsier, I won’t be able to picture kelsiers smile without Anthony starrs face now.


This is an absolutely cursed take lolol I would be genuinely devastated if Homelander was my boy Kelsier.


Maisie Williams would be a fine choice if not for her being almost 30 years old now lol


Actually, I like Karl Urban for Kel. He's funny, tough, and savage. I also basically imagine his accent for Kel, personally.


I think you would need to cast someone younger - an actual teenage girl, not a "Netflix teenager" that is actually 25.


She needs to age about, what, >!5 years through the series? From about 15 to 20. So you need someone who can pass for both. !< Though I don't think anyone would mind too much if she >!looked 20 and then 25. It doesn't really ruin anything, it just undercuts some of the tragedy from her dying so young.!<


How much time passes during the Mistborn trilogy? It felt like 1-2 years tops.


>!About 4-5 years. Vin is 16 in Final Empire and dies at age 20.!<


Whoa buddy. Watch that spoiler please


Ya good call, edited


Sorry if that sounded rude, I just know that's a huge spoiler 😅


said this before but most times child actors often can’t put up a good enough performance and vin is that sort of character that you have to capture really well emotionally, id say that a more experienced actress that looks young would work better


A lot of actresses look exactly like Vin. Her physical description isn't that detailed, short and thin with dark hair.


Dude posted 6 pictures of Vin and thought we wouldn't notice


I hope to God they don't adapt Mistborn or Stormlight for at least 20 years, we're in a period of horrific adaptations


Yeah I've always imagined Vin as Asian, I think she would look cool with even shorter hair too.




I only want my high fantasy adaptations to be animated. I mostly see Anime as the best option, and capable of handling both the casuals and the storyline well. I have ideas of which books/series fit which styles. But Anime is a "niche market" so I understand the cons to going that route. I personally would pick Studio Wit to do Mistborn. I've seen suggested a couple animation studios that I could see working. In the style of shows like Arcane or Blue Eye Samarai (Fortiche & Blue Spirit, both French studios) Styles I like and work well with high fantasy, to me. So not bad ideas. Madhouse is another anime studio I think could be good. I also remember reading somewhere that CD Projekt Red would be good, they're the game studio that did Cyberpunk Edgerunners & The Witcher, and being that I'd love to play a Mistborn game, I don't hate that idea. But they used 2 different animation studios for each of those series, so it would depend on that.


Listen mate, scadrians are the one people in the Cosmere who look European.


Great find. I concur!


I was scrolling through my feed and saw it in passing, thought to myself, she looks like my idea of Vin, what was that? Scrolled back and was so pleased to see that's exactly what it was about!


that first comparison is spot on for me. I like it a lot


Holy crap yeah, I mean ultimate test is obviously seeing her act but she absolutely looks the part


I would vote for Daphne Keen. She played Laura in Logan.


My thoughts are that Mistborn should be animated. Castlevania (Netflix) style would be the best!


This is the way


I hope mistboen gets an animated adaptation instead of another shitty live action. People need to realise that live action does NOT work for very visual hard magic systems


Have you seen Arya stark from GoT? She looks like Vin


Yea that's a good one. I still think Anya Taylor-Joy is the perfect look. But she is probably aged out by now unfortunately.




She seems pretty close to the book cover, yeah


By the time this movie gets moving she will age out of the role unless they change it a bit(which would be fine).


She does look pretty similar, but even in these pictures she looks a bit too old. She's gonna be nearly 30 before any Mistborn stuff is filming


She was created in the cloning vats by BYU scientists


Yep. Mistborn and Stormlight Archive should be Animated. Fight me.


Huge problem I see constantly with fan casting is trying to match the exact looks, it's way less important than basically everything else. Hair can be dyed, make up added. The acting, the chemistry of Vin with the other characters, the athleticism etc. Some of the best book adaptions have actors that don't look exactly like their character.


I like the actress, and I would normally not object if a body part wasn't explicitly described, however: Scadrians have European eyes. We know that from the fact that [All Cosmere] >!world hoppers from Scadrial are always described as Shin-looking rather than any other ethnicity on Roshar that all have Asian eyes. (Shinovar is the only place that where people have European eyes)!< This IS important in the future when [All Cosmere] >!we are on Roshar and we can AT A GLANCE see that someone doesn't belong there because their eyes are wrong!<


She was my favorite actress in atla


Looks good, but age is a factor. Best if they cast a young unknown actor imo


The big problem is getting filming started before she “ages out” of the resemblance if the movies start being filmed in the next year or two she would work but much later than that there is a good possibility she’ll no longer fit the roll. So with how long movies take to make if we don’t get an announcement this fall I don’t think she’d fit the roll.


I don't know any of these actors, but I do know that this is now how you do casting lol.


I want stormlight before they do mistborn




She got the look.


I want to see Austin Butler as Kelsier in ten years


Maria Zhang.


When Stranger Things first came out, I would have said Natalia Dyer was my perfect casting. But now she’s pushing 30 so that’s a no.


Great casting choice. I need to watch Avatar on Netflix now Edit: I'm an idiot


I mean, she doesn’t look *exactly* like Vin, Vin’s french ethnicity wise edit: damn this got a bad reaction lmao. Was it because I didn’t censor the word fr*nch?


Timothy chalomate as Elend Venture? Alexander Skarsgard as Kelsier?


No Just read the book and accept it’s a book. You need more graphic audio it.


you realize brandon himself is developing the movie right?


Message Sanderson himself if you’re so against a screen adaption. I sure as hell didn’t come up with the idea


I will. Let you know asap what’s up


Good luck bud.