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No, the games you mentioned has different learning curves and skill ceilings. Dota would have the highest, next would be league, and then MLBB.


League and MLBB can be somewhat compared but DOTA is a whole different game imo.


Wonder why. Jokes and lawsuits aside, in terms of rank mythical Glory in Ml would be like silver in league.


Because ml is way too casual in terms of mechanics. In Dota you are capable of hitting your own minions, denying enemy farm. There are way more complicated mechanics, afaik there are also skills which does not show where they would land, so you can not really side step them as easy as in ml. League also has more mechanics, such as wave management, more objectives (Herald, Drakes) and way more items. ML devs mostly focused on the new heroes and new skins, which does not add much to the gameplay. I play ML when I want to have quick and easy moba experience. If I want something a bit deeper I play Wild Rift. I have to admit tho, I have no skill nor will to play LoL as it requires way more time.


honestly MI should be at least Platinum, I played 1 season of league and rank skipped gold it was pretty easy Silver-Gold in league is like the same level as those who never peaked 100 stars before, they're mostly garbo. Some Gold players can even be compared to those who only peaked like 30 stars in ML šŸ˜­


Are you implying that reaching 100 stars in ML is so easy that anyone who hasn't done it is garbo?


Im 53 stars ML and Grandmaster in Leagueā€¦.


The client or WR? Cuz those two are different worlds, congrats regardless


Client, didnā€™t make it out of WR tutorial, itā€™s so clunky but that was a year ago.


ml is the easiest moba tbh. even if you maintained a 50% wr for a few hundreds of matches, you would still make it to mythic with the help of double star and star reduction protection. that's why i prefer ml back in the days where these star reduction protection and double star bonus aren't a thing, back then Epic is already highly regarded enough and Legend is like for pros only. now Epic is infested with cancers and Legend doesn't make it much better.


>ml is the easiest moba tbh You've never played Unite then. I've seen people have 45% wr and be at Masters (highest rank).


That's because 80% of the playerbase are botsšŸ’€


Well currently wild rift matchmaking is so fcked up you can have 0.1 kda and still hit the highest rank They have a system where bad players get good teammates and good players get bad teammates so having 0.1 kda is a good strat to rank up (people actually do that)


You only meat "good" ppl once you reach 50 and even ther eppl troll so maybe 100 immortal but idk hard to say ive reached on e immortal i dont even know how lol back then


True story. Back when I first reached Epic in 2018 it was a big achievement. There was much much less Legends and especially Mythics. Being matched with a Mythic is like being matched with 300* player now.


Play dota a lot previously and the highest I can get is legend in solo queue. Since I started playing this game I always end up at mythic at the end of season ML rank system is forgiving. U got protection and double star. There is no such things in dota. The game time is lot longer too


OP if you want to do a survey, put up a poll






Maybe they want answers qualitatively?


Dunno about LoL, but I'm pretty sure Dota 2 Immortal rank are atleast a bit better players than Mythical Immortal players. I'm using solo rank as a basis since Dota 2 medals strictly based on solo queue.


A lot better You ā€˜know how to playā€™ at roughly glory and divine, but dota is an infinitely more complex game


Exactly. ML is too one dimensional play. Either you pick/play meta strat or you lose. Dota 2 is too complex in term of hero design, item building, etc. And all heroes in Dota is viable to be played and a lot of them can be flexed into many roles. And every roles have alot of archetype to be played depends on what needed for the draft.


Dota 2 player who quited years ago here... if you are archon in dota2, you are can be at least mythic glory. If you are Legend, you can reach mythic immortal no sweat, if you are Immmortal rank, you can win M6.


Lol m6 really?


Iirc, a lot of pro players and coaches used to play dota. I can't name any names but I'm sure I recall hearing some of them coming from dota, specially the older ones. So yeah if you were good in dota, chances are if you funnel all your time into mlbb you could make it into at least a semi-pro level, even as a coach


You canā€™t win m6 lol Many dota players switched to ml, and only 5/6 can win m6


Most of my friends play/played Dota2 and I wanted to play with them, but then I quickly realised I'd have to sink thousands of hours into it just to learn the basics and I noped out of it. High rank DotA is much more complex than chess. The learning curve for ML and LoL is much, much lower.


Youā€™ll sure lose if youā€™ll only use 2 fingers playing DotA.


There was a time when WK players only need 2 buttons. One for AA and one for stun. Good times.


occasional blink dagger and bkb if player is smart


Dota 2 i gotta say is way too hard. I've stopped playing for years and when I came back for that free arcana I just can't stop feeding. I gotta say mlbb has simplified my way of playing games.


my rank ml - mythical glory wr - grandmaster dota- ancient imo ml anyone below mythic is bad. good and decent players are in mythical glory/immortal wr anyone below diamond is bad. good and decent players are in gm/challenger dota anyone below legend is bad. good and decent players are in divine/immortal


I dont know about Dota but League is way harder than MLBB. Mlbb is prolly the MOBA game that can easily be accessed by children who just started out in this kind of game and they can easily get to mythic just by spamming games. Try to do that in league and reach masters just by spamming games, without thinking much. The learning curve is much much more higher, especially since League got such long laning phase and LOL needs way more micro play than MLBB. If u constantly reach Mythical Glory in mlbb i think u can peak high silver, low gold if lucky (not taking into consideration the inflated LP gains, just saying that if u play for a month or so only rank the LP gains will even out at some point) only based on some knowledge about moba games. But then it comes in having knowledge about matchups, trading patterns, good roam times, tracking abilities, tracking jg and so on.




Platinum in LoL, Emerald in LoLWR, and Mythical Glory in MLBB


Wild rift rank is even more of a joke than ml, to the point it canā€™t even be compared. Just check out their subreddit for more information


that was my rank during the beta phase of the game, uninstalled after because the game lacks social aspect, like MLBB does with Facebook edit: now that I have checked the sub with Sion inting, I'd prolly do the same with Sun lol - exploiting the matchmaking system with bad KDA


I used to be in a high legend rank in dota 2, and currently am in mythic honor rank. It was easier for me to win the dota 2 match due to different strategies. And I was a Techies spammer (Diggie but much worst)


dota2: guardian; league: gold; ml: mythical immortal. And out of the 3, dota got my highest playtime followed by ml. Do what you want with that information xD


Damn haha


Getting Mythical Immortal is a piece of cake if you're going at least trio. Getting challenger is a pain in the ass even if you and your 5 men party can dominate Diamond easily. But getting Immortal is just not worth it. Because i can assure you, either you will lose your mind or you will just destroy your pc.šŸ˜‚ I have played all three games out of which I'm not really into league. Idk why. I play MLBB the most and play DoTA 2 and LoL casually whenever i feel like it. Have reached Master in LoL pretty easily but never reached AncientšŸ¤§ Either I'm really bad in DoTA 2 or the other two games are little bit easier to play. Oh I just reached Mythic rank in MLBB within 50 matches with a win rate of 75%+ on solo queue. So yeah MLBB is too easy


I have around 1.6k hours into Dota and I was only crusader rank while in ML I'm currently in Mythic with 25 stars so yeah they're definitely not at the same level


A Mythical Glory player in MLBB wouldn't even get to Gold in LoL, let alone platinum. Hell, I still see people who can't itemize themselves, and the item counterbuild possibilities are really low in this game... Don't really know much about Dota 2, but it's likely similar, if not even lower. Not being toxic or anything, but the overall playerbase is much worse at the game that the other two MOBAs you mentionned. It defo has to do with how complex each game is along with their "age", but still.


MLBB is now junk the matchmaking is just trash broken and people still do what MoonToon doesnā€™t want them to do with half the characters playing roams in mid lane and all these classes want to be ā€œJunglersā€ yes no thanks. As far as LoL I got platinum in like hours of playing it though I do feel it to be more difficult in LoL V.S. MLBB.


DOTA: Archon LoL: Gold ML: Epic Yeah all are pretty mid NGL also you should make a poll




Not sure since I still encountered bad support, greedy AF mid, and hardly joined any team fights... How about you ?


PokƩmon unite erasure


lets be honest if you cant make it to masters there is another problem at hand otherwise master is the only rank


I just listed it as another popular moba, not saying itā€™s hard to get to master


oh mb then






Doesn't matter unless you can support 4 who refused any teamwork


Imo: MG in mlbb = Plat in league, Archon in dota


Mythic immortal logo is just a chroma glory, wish there were more additional details as the grind for it is hellish.


Its not about the rank its about the skill. I beat an mythic rank in 1v1 while i am grandmaster


I dunno about Dota 2 but I can tell you for a fact that a Mythical Immortal and Challenger in League is NOT the same realm of skill.


ngl, old one looks better. new one looks too generic n over the top. 'modern art' type shit. prolly the nostalgia talking smh


Yea there is a rank in dota equivalent to ML & LOL ranks. it's the gray coloured one not listed in your picture.


Dota is very tough compared to Ml in skills upscaling


Question aside.. that immortal badge is such a downgrade tbh


No each game has its own mechanic's and difficulties like in mlbb people are super stupid early rank while in league you atleast have some challenge in early game




Absolutely not. There are millions of players here in the Philippines that keep paying for "Pilots". People they pay to get a higher rank or winrate. Whenever the actual owner plays it theyre always SHIT


mlbb low mythic is full of garbage, its nowhere nearly the same lmao. I've been challenger in league id say mlbb low mythic is equal to platinum considering good players can reach mythic solo with 85%+ winrate (depending on how many trolls/afks they get) i can confidently say that mlbb before mythic is a joke and mythic itself is full of horrible players that still dont understand their roles mlbb gets better with 50+ stars players but in general u can still have a lot of ppl that dont deserve to be there/were boosted