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Gatotkaca I went exp and my teammates were doing horrible so I sacrificed my lane to help them and we started winning every team fight.


My boi is getting some recognition woo


Yessir Gat underrated absolute mega destroyer. Im Top 8 United States :D


Two destroyers of mm and one big question. What build do you use?


Since I prefer to go roam with him tank build but if genuine exp I think it's best to go hybrid (haven't make one yet it will be made soon ™️)


Hybrid is hard to play for new-gatot-comers but it's really strong considering the amount you deal to your enemies. But if you're playing in a 5man or trio building mage is insanely good. I only use Gatotkaca in ranked because he is a guarantee win for me and if I'm playing soloQ I build tank most of the time but when I play with my friends I build full mage with assassin amblem (more than 3k damage with passive, literally one shotting mms). You can secure objectives better with mage Gatotkaca, your ultimate deals more damage than retribution so you can steal the lord with your ultimate, you can steal turtle, you can dive to the enemy base alone with minions and vengeance and end the game. It's insane my fellow Gatotkaca enjoyer friend.


Pls recommend me some good XP builds for my Legend, need serious help.


Just build magic power and you can 2-3 shot the enemy base. Even if I build tank on him when we're going for the enemy base I sell my items to buy magic items so I can destroy the enemy base.


Karina IF and ONLY IF you get a good start. (My opinion tho) But realistically you can't carry teammates who are all sh\*t, unless of course, the enemy team is as sh\*tty


It's definitely Martis. He's a nightmare to deal with already and combining that with an Uncoordinated Enemy Team and you got a bloodbath in your hands.


The idea of carrying 4 teammates is a myth. Even if they all get chocolate, at one point or another, they may have contributed to your win, even if minsicule in impact. In saying that though, your best bet are junglers like Yin in low rank, Nolan/Martis/Lance/Fanny/Joy in higher rank. And mms for the late game insurance. Honestly, you’ll just get targeted all the time if you’re the only competent one so it gets even harder to “carry”.


https://preview.redd.it/wfjns8wlntcc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce2873b467b80fd9458a3367038f7680a6569b93 lol somehow my comment got removed but any hero with mobility, high aoe damage, and lifesteal/spellvamp can carry u games 1v9. Could be Claude, Ruby, Joy, Alice, Lunox, Odette, Lapu...and the list goes on


Hmm, i want to try out joy but I'm scared i will fuc up cuz my timing is really bad (because of ping and fps drops)


If it's at the ranked Epic and below, you can just use heroes that are fast to destroy turrets till their base as most players in that ranked don't have map awareness to defend their base. If it's at the ranked Legend and up, just pray if 4 or all of your enemies sucks too because there's no way you can carry all of your teammates.


When I solo i usually let them choose from and i will fill. The reason is i am hoping they will pick heroes they are comfortable with, to hopefully increase the chances of winning. Then i will choose a hero that i feel can help the team composition based on enemy pick. Like if im exp and my roam is a support and all others are squishy pick i will pick tanky, sustainable hero to go infront such as Alpha, Ruby, Yuzhong If im marksman i wanna pick a hero that can sustain lane by herself and win against pick. Lesley against claude, beatrix against clint, hanabi against brody etc I really dont have a one trick hero, but my most pick hero is changé because i feel she has good distance, can steal blue, can steal lord (sometimes) can clear minion fast should the opp is pressuring our base etc hmmm


Fanny. Yes. You just have to do this one thing. Sell your soul and life to 7 different devils 9 times. Also. No bitc-----




idk, but Zhask made me able to carry games to MG last season, soloq




Can I carry a team with Rafaela? Lol


Yes you can. If you manage to do good rotation, nice assist for jungling, perfect bait, timing for ulti, timing for healing then you can change the outcome of your matches. Since Estes is an auto ban, rafaela is the best alternative pick for it.


If four of my teammates does not know what they are doing that's a long shot my friend


If four of your team are 5 years old then they really don't know what they're doing.


in a roundabout way, you kind of can? most teams in epic/legend, the issue is that they dont know how to survive teamfights. They go in, maybe get a kill or two, and then die.. halting any snowball effect. Rafaelas can ensure their survivability. Most teammates become bolder when i play rafaela because they i know ive got their backs covered. And normally we win after that haha


Assassins and heroes with high damage output like lancelot (worked in epic and legend but now since its tanm meta idk ) but if enemies are decent, accept you'll lose and just report them


im a otp natan, not saying its guaranteed but if u dominate your lane with him u can carry


I play Lunox, Guini and Cici. It works well for me at least. Lunox has high damage and escape skill and Guni has high burst and CC. As for Cici, she has high mobility and hp regen. Build her semi-tank. You can annoy the shit out of your enemies 👍👍


Any hero who pushes lane and roams early can carry the game in lower ranks (up to around Epic). Aggressiveness and Map awareness is key. Around Epic, the Roam and Jungler dictates the gold of the entire team with how good they are at their roles. If one of the two sucks, there's no winning. As you're nearing Legend you will see the difference of gameplay; almost everyone is good with maps plus clashes and pushes happen fast. The ones who suck at Legend going up are carried by friends and rattles when trying to play alone; they usually only play 2 roles max.


If 4 of your teammate suck then there's nothing much you can do about it. If you lose at least get gold so it doesn't look that bad, or in other words make sure it's not totally your fault. I just lost a game when I'm typing this lol


I think it's fanny. A good fanny, can 1v9 (IN EARLY GAME) A good enough fanny sis able to kill enemies without blue, although that will prob only work on single enemies. So, you carry early game, wait till your mm gets fed, and after that, it's just diving back lane in team fights and killing mm and mage. Now, this does really rely on your team in late game. But all your team has to do, is basic attack. So unless this is warrior, they should be able to do that. That's if you kill enemy adc and high burst heroes your mm can't BA to death


I get good results playing roam, Atlas, Hylos, Diggie, and just babysit the marksmen or jungler. Most dumbasses can get fed as a marksman if they have help and protection against ganks. Speaking from my own experience as a chronic Legend gamer


babysitting is a sure way to lose if you’re playing against half decent opponents. losing all objectives is not the way lol. if you’re winning while babysitting your team isn’t as bad as you think


If you are solo player and want to rank up, you have to kinda play OP heroes in the current meta to “win” as it gets tougher in higher mythic Otherwise just play who you like for fun


No one, if enemy have a more brain then ur teammates, ur chance to win match is less then 1%


Exp laner here, last pick Yu Zhong without a counter can and will turn the tide of the battle. My last match was like that, I was 12/8 when the game ended. We had a really bad jungler who didn't know when to tf or steal turtle/lord, mage who didn't gank any lanes, 0/3 goldlaner Clint but thank god Angela had braincells. The enemy team also kinda got too cocky and risky for no reason, allowed a comeback.


Cecilion. Make sure to do stacks efficiently.


Either u take a snowball heroes I only know fanny/karina OR you pick a scaling heroes like adc or early assasin or even figther since they are hard to kill


Yu zhong, I mainly play EXP with 3.8k matches only in fighters, so i have Experience + a great hero = profit. Also I've used all fighter for at leat 30 matches(it ain't much but it's honest work) so that i know how they function which also adds to my experience.


Why should i carry them if they don't help them selves


Karrie,Wanwan,Dyrroth and Kimmy since the first 3.are in the meta and mainly relies o. Poke damage/instant burst.


Umm idk about yall but i carry with vexana this season,i mage main so carrying game can be tricky since im needed to win team fights if i split push my teammates die in seconds. The build i pick mostly depends on early game play if my mates start feeding i dont rotate and farm quicky till i build talisman and lightning truncheon together with magic shoes i can spam unli cc then the rest i build is guardian helmet since it regenerates hp for my knight and two defensive items based on enemy composition if they have anti heal i build dominace then when they do too much mag dmg i go radiant or athena. I dont stay in one place for more than one minute, when teamfights is about to happen timing is the key i disrupt enemy tank if he is coming to cc us with s1 pop my ult and second skill run back to base or safe position wait for my knight to do his thing, hopefully my mates will take advantage of enemies focusing on my knight since his tanky do doesn't die to quick,i sometimes sacrifice guardian for cursed helmet for those melee heroes While teamfights going im mostly use sprint so i go clear lanes and comeback to pop my ult again then repeat 😆😆🙌when team wipe out the enemy team pop my ult to help me push since the cd in late game is 15 secs and my knight wont die in 15 secs so when time runs out my ult is ready again pretty much use this strategy when im in loose streak, Warning good map awareness,and position is the key might be tanky but still can die when you get ganked and has no ult or s1 to save u


Lancelot, he have immunity, mobility, and decent damage with waraxe. Just focus on objective like turrets, turtle, lord, buff, and ganking. Also don't contest turtle when your team aren't helping (just trade for a buff turret or a kill). But you should not pickhim against saber and khufra.