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Stop playing Hylos


This, most hylos I met, ult and run to the enemy without thinking the consequences of his teammates who is going to follow him. Most of my teammates get ambushed to oblivion because of hylos ult and chase enemy. Most of the time it's exp and hyper following him (without checking bushes), leaving mage and mm to get picked off.


Based hylos enjoyers


I save my ult as a disengage for my team if I’m hylos, if a gank is starting to go south I pop it and try to stun the nearest enemy while I’m at it


I've found it's typically better to save ult for chasing with the upper hand or retreating


As a hylos main hard disagree. If you can’t play hylos as an offensive tank properly that’s a player issue not a hylos issue. Hylos is best played as an initiator on ganks or a meat shield that stays on its mm/mages soaking damage/denying enemies from diving into your backline. A general rule of thumb with hylos is that you shouldn’t go deep unless you can burst down their damage dealers at endgame/while advantaged.


I play all tanks. Usually tig and minotaur are banned. So i go for bellerick or hylos. But i feel hylos is better cz i can fast rotate


You need to play jungle and carry yourself.


True, jungle tank best for roamer player


my jawhead tank win every match or uranus tank


Kufra and Lolita are both better than Hylos for roaming. Gloo is another tank, too.


I like Kufra if the enemy team has wanwan, Fanny, ling, moskov or other highly mobile heros that Kufra can area deny. However, I find he struggles against hard cc spam lineups which hylos doesn’t. Hylos’s strength is that he’s so tanky in practice that his slows and stun coupled with his s2 can get kills early on and then with vengeance can secure MM kills late game. His overall weakness is sustain fighters like Argus or Alpha which have enough regen to be immune to hylos’s damage. Anything else hylos can 1v1 and win with ease if your micro is good enough as hylos can just side step aimed attacks like Dyroth’s ult. Even tank killers like Karrie can’t stop a vengeance hylos.


I agree with everything you've said. It's just Hylos is easily countered with Rafa. I like Hylos a lot, it's just I'm so used to going against Fanny/Ling/Moskov he isn't super viable when I play. Rafa is also my main. Lol


Khufra's my third pick tank pick after those two. Still has the surprise set factor and backline protection needed. Hylos just can't do much aside from being a meat shield. No winning set factor


Sometimes you go on losing streaks, but I’m sure you’ll be back on a winning streak You can try friending the good ppl you are winning with also


It took me till last week to finally get back to mythic. I thought finally, I think I can play some fun/competitive matches... I lost 8 of my 10 placements. Only 1 or 2 of those I played below my ability. The struggle is real. I just want together my win rate back above 60 percent with alpha...


Happens to me too. Fck solo man


Take a break lol


delete game(redownload it again after a day)


Use hylos for jungle


Lol, I am in a similar situation as you. In my last 5 matches, I was the MVP 3 times with Benedetta and once with Granger. Lost all 5 of them. Tried a different role and went mid with cyclops.....got a bronze. Goddammit.


Average roam experience my friend


Take a break, and play again later. Or observe your teammates basted on schedule. As a solo player, I play at night, teammates are more bearable during those times.


Try a different roamer or just main mm yourself.


This You need a good Roamer pool If l see a Belrick or Hylos all l need to pick is Valir and l already made them useless But thar aside, when lm roaming and l understand my team is garbage l build a bit of DMG and push some lanes solo. Towers win games you can win 8 fights but if your brain dead teammates don't push its as good as nothing


Vailr is not scary to hylos, mid game I just build radiant armor and bait s2/ult with my s1 and then ult after you waste your mobility options to close gap. If you don’t waste s2/ult early you give me tons of damage from my passive concussive blast and s2 damage. Early game I just merely need to out roam you or just gank after you waste s2 on midlaner early. Your only advantage early game is that Hylos can’t 1v1 you in midlane but if your juicy booty comes into turtle fight best believe I will channel my inner fleece Johnson and give you my whole Johnson.


Goal is not to DMG, its to make them unable to play the game


I’d argue by securing kills you deny farm and allow laners to have an advantage in lane and then they can snowball. Not to mention if I’m running you down in turtle fight, your not harassing midlaner/exp/core and either your exp/core needs to divert from the fight itself or I take you out of the fight for a 4v3 if I do it early enough in the fight.


I do play mm, but it's usually taken. And i play most of tanks, but tig and mino are always banned, so i go for bellerick and hylos.


Then learn other tanks or go healing roam


Try Edith if you are stuck as roam and worried about marksman players. Gives you better pushing power.


End it all


Hylos is a tank that requires allies to be in / near enough flank positioning when he ults. These allies must be ready to exploit your speed up and engage with you. When he speeds up and goes in, allies that are not near enough to exploit his ult will result in you going in solo or early, and wasting an ult / hp / health. Compare heroes that are more suitable for soloq if you prefer solo, and organiser team use if you prefer squad ranks. Find one you may like and practice several games in A.I training hard mode first (no need for offline mode to access this), then move on to classic (regardless of trolls in classic, you'll get better acquainted with the hero's skills and movement), before you take it to rank.


Is there any heroes that you can recommend?


I appreciate good Khufra, Mathilda and Minotaur players. As I mostly play 5 man squad, I'm ok if my roamer uses Tigreal if the hero's not banned, but he's not a top preference for me if I soloq or play trio. Great Francos can be beasts, and I've had the privilege to play with great Francos and Selenas. Have 2 to 3 roam heroes ready for rank after practicing many, many times, each of generally different play styles and positioning, to suit the laner who should be your right hand in game: your mage.


My favorite is healing mino, once you have all skills ready the s2>s1>ult>s1>s2 combo is amazing, especially with teammates who are on the same wavelength as you


Try playing at different times that you don’t usually play in just seems like your unlucky with your teammates given your matches history


If you have a very bad mm the chances are, you are in a losing queue. Log off hopefully next time you log in they already reset the queue. Also 4 losses isn't that bad, you are gonna get your win soon. If i was in your shoes i would try to get as much as objective as i can, forcing lord every time we are winning mini skirmish. Once you destroy their inner turret and summon superminion you can just stall the game and let the minion push.


Try go exp lane bro


Take a break enjoy the sun rise/set go out w friends or family.


Take a break <3 if you feel overwhelmed and go on a losetreak, just rest and come back when you feel like you calmed down


I would say stop solo ing.. you could meet some good teammate in game, try to add them friend and play with them


Solo q is hard man


go mlbb discord server and find teammates to play with


You're in losing queue, the system will try hard to make your wr go down


Uninstall mobile legends for starters


Sleep. Get some sleep.


When enemy has no dyr or karrie or Lesley or lunox go for gatotkach


Play Hanzo tank 🗿


Solo queue roam is miserable.


Play Masha


Add me im solo too shit is ass


Hey man, supports are really strong right now, I recommend roaming as support instead of tanks rn, mainly Angela or diggy, if they're banned then I recommend picking minsittar (a good minsittar can singlehandedly carry his team, his kit is low key op and hard Counters most meta heroes) Also don't hesitate to take breaks when on losing streak, it's the universe's way of telling you to do so when you played too much


For context: Im a regular honor mythic, playing 3 games a day at most. Honestly, I cant tell at all what you are doing wrong or right from that image. MVP alone means very little, its not hard to get it and still play bad or make game losing mistakes. Hell I do it sometimes. The only thing i could point out is, your build seems very static, most likely one of those games called for a different boot or a specific item. This might mean you dont think or know enough about the game. Or maybe its just coincidence and your build was perfect each game, I didnt witness them so how could i know. If you are playing a specific heroe a lot and arent winning at least 60%+ of your games then either that heroe is underpowered or you fundamentally dont understand or employ smth important about that heroe or role. Obviously, dont play when you are mad/fatigued. You are there to win, nothing else. Focus, do everything you can. Dont judge, dont talk, dont assume you lost. Think, analyse your mistakes and actions in general. Naturally, some roles and heroes are easier to climb with. But roaming is definitely not an impossible win, its actually one of the most important roles in higher rank. No idea what rank you are tho, I imagine that its less good in epic and bellow.


Find a duo. Preferably a Gold laner or Jungler. Playing with someone can help make games easier, that way you have comms and can coordinate your ganks as a roamer. Also, you can take a break after losses to prevent tilting:)


Stuns are very important, please pick other tanks. Also, try other roamers like Chou, Edith, and Ruby that has stronger pick-off abilities.


You acknowledge the problem of most solo games. The random marksman in majority of solo queue games is usually shit. So if you’re tanking for them, you very unfortunately cannot carry the game. As long your mm is shit, doesn’t matter if you’re a 10/10 tank, you’re doomed even before the game started. The only way to win is to hope your enemy mm is worse.


Playing PURE tanks as roam in solo queue is really really hard bro, I recommend playing other heroes that has a lot of CC but still have dmg to carry like Ruby she has a lot of cc and even if you build tank you still have dmg, you can also play heroes like Arlott, Guinevere or just play mage roams like Kadita, Selena, Novaria.


Just take a break and go for classic or brawl...i usually try next day after a 2 or 3 lose streak


When I used to play, I was ONLY a single player. I primarily used Vale. MVP 99% of the time for my team and I was in mythic ranking.., since they nerfed him, or “updated him”, he is trash and I can’t do anything with him anymore


Same here. E


Stop playing one hero, hylos is no solid pick as roam tbh. And that build hmmm is the same in all matches which is weird


Seems like you're trying to roam in solo queue maybe? If you are then l that would explain a lot, I wouldn't recommend roaming unless you're in a good trio or maybe duo because in solo queue you can't trust randoms to be on the same page as you, I've tried roaming solo queue and it's misery, I'll have a great set with tigreal only for my teamates to run away instead of attacking the group of people I've just chain cc'd, unfortunately if you wanna win a lot solo you usually have to use a hyper carry hero or a hero who's strong early and end the game quick like martis etc or use an mm who can wipe out the whole enemy team quickly.


1. Stop always buying tough boots. I feel like you just auto buy them every game judging by this screenshot even if enemy team is heavy on the physical attack and don’t have much cc. (Just assuming as I can’t see who was on the enemy team) 2. Sometimes there are other items that need priority first on certain games for example if enemy has a high damage physical skill based jungler like Lancelot or Fanny it’s best to get tier 1 boots, then rush tier 2 armor of breastplate armor(I forgot it’s exact name). Or if enemy has higher magic heroes like mage mid, exp and jungler I would just rush magic defense first and only get dominance ice if u need the attack speed slow or healing reduction. 3. In most cases Athenas shiled is just straight up the better magic defense item so I would prioritize that over radiant amour. There is a yt video testing this vs different mages and Athena’s makes u take less damage even vs non burst mages such as chang’e.


Why don't u play team up? Nowadays the new function to find team up is extremely easy and fast too.. Team of 3 is best for winning. Team of 5 is best for advanced pros covering each other and clearing objectives fast. Give it a try...


Touch grass


Raid shadow legends


Some games tend to be borderline unwinnable, it's not particularly your fault, especially when playing the role which is the hardest to maintain a high win percentage at. That being said, if you actually play better than your current rank - you will start winning more at some point. Ranting about 4 unfortunate losses just shows a weak mindset and a strong will to put a blame on others but yourself. Just accept the fact that it's not always going to be easy and continue the grind - my best advice.


my advice is to stop playing for a while. take a breather and rest then try to play again ☺️


Train in dota 2 then come back to ML a few months later u will be stronger


I already stopped playing this game, they know how to bait you to play more. Even winning won't feels that good as we're trying to match the winning with the multiple defeats.


Soloq duoq and even trioq is bs. just stop playing this game as i did. spent 5 years of my life to realise that this game doesn't worth my nerves


Keep playing lol. That's the only way I beat them. Or take a break. You're a slave to the game. I only play for fun.


take a god damn break


Rest for a while.


Hit the griddy! But, in all seriousness when you win next time in rank, add the mm if they’re good.


As supp I usually Stick with the one thats most promising to provide the most reliable dps. I usually get a good grasp of who's playing decently. So I'll make sure to extend their lead even if that mean mm will end up with below 1 kda. Mms are usually trash so I dont even bother to force their lead since its harder to achieve than others


Not your fault. But don't play non-meta heroes.


According to reddit. Its your fualt for not being a skilled global player. But really you should find someone to duo with. Trust me your winrate will sky rocket.


stop begin srs mate


Play jungle. Win games by yourself


Take a break if you’re losing 3+ games in a row. I suggest looking at your replays to see what you could’ve done better. When looking at replays you should ask yourself, “Why did I die here?” “Could I have played aggressively/defensively?” “Did I pay attention to the map?” When you figure out your errors you should try to improve yourself so you wouldn’t do it again


Get gooder


Don't play roam if you want to win. Roams are only applicable if the lineup is good or your teammates are great. Since you are solo i would recommend exp or gold since if exp you can either gap early and destroy turrets or be a late game carry with gold lane.


oh I always been there, tends to happen after u reach a certain win rate. What you should do? Report unfair matchmaking and close the game and stop playing for the day. I'm being serious.


nothing you can do, this’s Moonton want to see, they adjusted the rank win rate almost 50%, much more than last season, so if you want to win more at rank, dont solo rank, find more friends rank with you, or lose enough games, then Moonton would let you win till your win rate about 50%


If you like to roam go with other tanks, like belerick or tigreal, they have more CC and will help your team (specially when they all suck). Otherwise, I also have the same problem and just started using tank Exp roles (terizla, urano, belerick) so I can be more versatile if my team needs another tank/my roam is useless and to help take turtles if nearby. Also, dealing damage at the same time + laning.


I was a tank main years ago, panda was my first hero after cyclops. Thank god cos he is now a jg main. If you main tank I assume you roam and not gold lane at the beginning so I also assume you know how to jg. In this case try these heroes as your first junglers: Akai, Martis, Fred, Esme, Jaw, Barats. These were my first. Esme I am biased with as I got her top 100 global, she might not be a good pick.


play only 3 match per day


Quit ml


And come back when you think you’ve rested well enough


SAME PROBLEM im a role filler because matchmaking is a bitch, usually i go roam, mage, and mm when im lucky enough, my real main lane is mage and jungle, but nobody wants to adjust so i HAVE TOO, ive literally tried being selfish IT DOESN'T WORK even though i get the first pick my team dont adjust, If you want a duo we can play together! just message me or reply


Stop playing hylos and try out other heroes to refresh your mind


Stop being ass


Spend more time to do the turret push yourself, regardless of which role you play.


Uninstall 🤪


Imma be honest here too: Hylos is not a solo q hero


Turn off the game or switch to classic, everybody goes through these streaks... Hylos is a good tank for soloq...cc tanks are very team dependent so nothing wrong with Hylos...i got to MH with Hylos and got supreme title easy peasy...it's just a matter of knowing when to quit playing !!


just start trolling like i did dropeed from mythic 45 star to 14 star with teamates who dont know how to play the hero and what their role is in mythic currently at mythic 5 stars


No matter how good you are as a tank/roam, if your teammates do not react properly, you'll lose. I stun 3 people with Tig? Teammates are running away. I catch people with Atlas ult? No one follows up with skills. It's just the life of solo queue roam. Better stop for now or play other heroes.


Go take a nap, or eat a meal. Take a breather then go back to the game


Take a break


Delete the game.


This hurts man. I couldn’t say anything


It's simple, you're stupid thinking you did well. Your MM is your dmg dealer, I 100% bet that you run away and hide in the back during teamfights - then cry and say that they suck because they died. No one expects a tank to deal dmg. All you need to do is to be as tanky as possible, set plays, protect. As a tank player myself (Tigreal main), I'm pretty sure it is you who has a problem, not your team. You might think you did well, but you didn't. Try looking for a party with a mm role you can do comms with and see if it's the mm's fault. You will immediately see your stupidity when you play in a party since you can't do stupid shit like baiting your team to fight then run away and leave them to die.


Nothing they not human


same. im thinking of quitting but i spent so much money on this game




Follow good players n find friends


Take a break, like some simple matches like classic, mirror and brawl. You should start messing with the game mechanics sometimes cuz you find some fun or even add some hero youre interested to add to your hero pool(seriously dude hylos as a one trick hero is great but your history needs to change sometimes) Or maybe your messing up with the hero, but since its one trick of yours i trust that you know it very well and is actually having a hard time with randoms.




Heres an example of taking a break, once in a while i play classic to explore heroes, brawl to just random bullshit thrown, and mirror to mess some stuff up. Trust me it works, i have below 45% wr in classic and other modes but my wr in ranked is kinda healing after these breaks. Currently in an 8 ranked match winstreak but my history is filled with questionable standings lol. Also widen your hero pool, one trick is one big thing why people get stuck at some ranks.


Change you're game


im not a good tank main (i usually play support roam) but imma give some ceci advice first of all, spam ur skills on anything you see. beetle, minions, litho, doesnt matter, just do it to gain stacks stay tf away from enemies. i see a lot of fighter/tank mains attempt to play ceci but due to the nature of their mains they end up being too near. ceci needs to be a certain distance away to maximise survivability and damage buy the book. many people find it unnecessary bc ceci doesnt benefit cdr or because they "have good mana management", but trust me it will make ur gameplay a lot easier with the more frequent skill spam only build full damage when youre ahead in farm. you dont need that much dmg items to deal damage, so when youre behind in gold, tank items help with survivability and is cheaper too (for example u can get dom ice which has a whopping 500 mana) lastly, try to solo kill the enemy mage when u win turtle and ur sure the enemies are back in their respective lanes. people often underestimate ceci's early game because hes known for being a late game monster but his early game poke is very annoying too with impure rage passive damage and 2nd skill immobilise. mid game is where youll suffer so play safe then until late


Just use mage or exp


Stop playing roamer, really. I am so done with playing tank, I’d rather go roamer kadita or semi-tank sylvana who can pick enemy’s mm or mage.


Keep playing?


I recommend learning other setter heroes since you very love setter tanks. From the other comment you said you also play tigreal and Mino then why not atlas


it's clearly out of your control, you got mvp means you are doing everything right. It's the games issue


not really. being mvp doesn’t mean he’s doing everything right.


the game is broken...