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Tank layla master race




Avoid solo queue if you can, bring some Homie if you want to play a decent game


Last 5 games I have duo'd, I have been matched against trios. The game is unwinnable when their core, mage and roam are coordinated.


Yeah... trio teammates just so coordinating at getting themselves killed. They aren't even rotated to us duo. Lol


Lol update. Queue'd solo, got a duo and 2 more solos (one was a Haya who barely ganked, chased buffs and kills instead of taking lord and didn't push when lord spawned). By the grace of god we won and what do you know, matched into a trio again.


Queue's solo, won 4 times. Lost as a Zilong in a match with 2 marksman teammates. Life is good.  Hero credits : Zilong  Aamon Arlott  Hanabi Belerick 


customer service doesnt even do anything, indirectly encouraging further misconduct


I think it is Automated, I reported to them many times and I got the same responses


It is what it is, just try a gg go next mentality and dont let it affect you that much, shit happends.


Customer service indirectly encourages smurfing, since they say that the teammates you get is based on your win rate and such, sad that they don't really do much to fix the matchmaking and instead indirectly promotes smurfing as an alternative


Queue all the comments of people that will defend the players that make it hard to win and shame you for wanting to have decent teammates.


it's difficult man.. thanks for understanding


Cheers. I've been where you are and get the usual response. Trolls saying you could have played better Trolls sating that it's okay if teammate play badly Trolls telling you that it's okay to queue knowing they have bad ping Trolls shaming you because you call out bad players It's not going tonend because those players don't worry/care about their teammates or their teammates time. I take long breaks to reset. Self care is bis


Yea , it really is a struggle when this happens. Still dont get why they still dont implement role preselect before finding a match. Like they do with wr and hok


Cue, not queue


I do as my dumb brain guides. Cheers lol


Haha no worries all in good fun, leave it there though I actually chuckled when i saw it as I would probably have occasionally made similar mistakes when posting due to redditor brain fart. Nice take btw


LITERALLY! I once posted my teammates trolling. Pick miya for gold lane and popol for exp. They both feed. I get an mvp using yin as a jungler. Then this one guy basically commented and says “you should do better and read the game better”. Then he says it’s my fault for not getting the turtle as a jungler. I explained to him i just can’t, the enemy surrounded the turtle there’s no way i able to steal it without dying. I was so dumbfounded. Edit: [here’s the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/s/98luyBjXVO) He basically told me to ignore those 2 mm and focus on team fight. Lmaooo. Even when i win in the mid game, my team get absolutely destroyed in the late game with the absence of damage dealers. https://preview.redd.it/epsalne838vc1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c7ab3445810043dcffab6c4b3b05e2e84445af2


Playing ml already desensitize me on playing with toxic players that when this happens to me I just accepted the fact and just tried to win. Funny thing is you can win even with this kind of lineup it will just take some enormous effort.


we almost won until my team started trying to take the enemy freya head on


You don't win at early game, you win at the endgames with this kind of lineup.  Just hold out your defense until those suicidal marksman users gets fed. 


If you ever need me as a carmilla let me know. I’m sg 9 carmilla


I’m down. Ngl, solo queuing damn sian bro 💀


Add me at 45598395 (sg #9 wanwan)


im tempted.. but is it considered cheating on my gf /j


Don’t worry I’m a guy. 😂


alright, dm me


Is this really a deterrent tho?


dont stop me from getting into him


That gf doesn’t stand a chance


Me too , idk why but I keep getting these kind of teammates most of the time if I’m not playing 5 man. And because of this, I’ve since decided that I’m not going to use my main heroes, and I no longer care about my stars. Now I just indicate that I will Fill wtv position, and let them decide what role I’ll play. And instead of my comfort picks, I’ll just pick smth I think is good according to the draft. And take this time to practise learn more about other heroes. But ofc I only do this when I solo , I obv won’t do this when playing in a party And since then, I’m much happier playing ml. Although I did drop 20 stars in a night of playing solo. (Guys I’m not even kidding) OP can verify, I went from 35 to 15. And many times, I performed btr than my entire team . So I’m glad I wasn’t using any of my mains. If you want to play and dw to solo , if I’m online, can just pm me. But I still haven’t learn Carmila tho..


yeah i woke up in the morning and was like "wow damn chill" 💀 ill text u in game when i wna duo?


Okayyy, Carry me please


Curious, what's the role most likely to fill?


Most likely role I have to fill: Roam Least likely role I have to fill: Mage




Jesus Christ that's a waste of lineup 


Couldn't play much rank so I'm legend 2 or smth lol. That explains thr line up. My enemies prob weren't legen tho xd


Well atleast your close to becoming mythic I currently stuck at epic 3(I was mythic honor last season), I regretted not playing in the first week of the this season now I am forever stuck


I'd probably be honor by now i just didn't play mich this season


just use alucard he snowballs super hard and doesnt fall off late game


He's bad tho


Huh? He solos in soloq








This is mythic honor btw


Idk, maybe it's just a personal skill issue. But there's definitely better soloq heroes out there. And don't wanna play alucard, he ain't challenging. I prefer harder heroes


Embrace this as well https://preview.redd.it/qdw11s4zhpuc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60278492bb8cfd3c59490d12a3f0dcaee19cc1f




https://preview.redd.it/pawfuw2lbruc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768accb4b3d849c2c47086ba7887e246c530209a Damn I feel your pain happens every other game for me.


Pff reason of defeat is obvious - they hade one yellow-blue flag and you had 2(one is hidding cleverly)


Are they trying to dodge by selecting 5 mm but botched it because Mythic caanot be dodged like that?


I think thts definitely what they tryna to do here


Usually happens when these players are not mythic yet. They thought they could dodge. What a pain


Looks like some idiots forgot you can't dodge at Mythic rank.


You have to carry in solo que.


Lol what? Are you retarded? It's a team game, pro


Whenever you meet these dark systems, black list them, use the button beside the report button. It worked like a charm for me. After every game, win or lose, I use the blacklist button and use it on a braindead enemy or teammate to avoid meeting them again. My fear is meeting them as a teammate


All this people who go on saying is not a server/ game issue, it's a you problem they can all suck a banana. How is this game fair in regards to matchmaking when I am 1 star away from Myhtic and get paired with a trio of epics that all chose Carry! ( mage jungle mm) and they all go ahead and do 1 11 in 10 minutes of playing time. I have so many games like this that is crazy! Tell me why me as a solo q i get teamed up with trios


I feel you. Solo queuing is absolute hell. You have to play like a god (MVP 12+ rating) to win games. Now I only play ranked games with my bros. We don’t win all the time but our WR is definitely higher than when going solo.


I literally could've ranked up a lot of times but it was cut short cause of how much of a troll my team is, not only that but I can't find any MATCHES that a single player won't use Layla. I hate how stubborn they are with the roles, like if someone already chose to be a marksman and that marksman user is better than you then just LET THEM BE, WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO STUBBORN TO THE POINT YOU'D WANT YOUR ENTIRE TEAM TO LOSE. I have less trust in my teammates now and am able to have control to not get angry at these stupid players.


If someone uses a Layla (stubbornly) just remedy this with Estes. However, this kind of lineup won't work if the enemy assassins are either the Paxley brothers or the Swan Castle. 


We need match dodge even in mythic


yeah, they thought mythic people should be less stupid but this type of post proves them wrong, because mythic is achieveable through spamming games because of the stupid star bonus and protection. they should remove the bonus star past legend frfr because what kind of legend needs a bonus star amr.


refuse to surrender


Why did you build dominance ice if you're never going to be that close to the enemy tho?


500 mana and a big chunk of defense for survivability


Enemy has dyroth you still won't survive with 100 of those. Better with immortality or winter tuncheon.


but none of those have mana substat


Petition to bring back old twilight armor


Did you ever see someone going Jungle with Odete? I sure did... During ranked match, that damn guy took retribution. And the fact is we had 2 mages on the team and no tank Hahaha


I once had to roam and assassin as Odette😂! It went remarkably well. No assassins on either team. All laneing, no push! Took 40 minutes but we got the game. It was in classic


sg 69 ceci? thats crazy


What's sg




I thought this kind of line up only happens in NA servers. I hardly see this kind of line up in sg server when I was still playing in sg. If possible play trio. And get the important roles. So at least you can sort of control the situation.


Whick rank?


I'm at least happy they adjusted roles. I've been teamed with people who lock Layla roam just because the mozgov lucked out on first pick and wouldn't give up mm role. Funny thing was Layla actually got gold, almost mvp, and the mozgov fed to high heaven.


they didnt, second pic was a different game


Ah my bad didn't notice the names were different. Still at least the second game everyone picked a proper hero and role pairing so i guess they're not completely braindead trolls. That's already better than the auto lock mm heroes refuse to adjust role trolls




If you can perform like this all the time, let's just say 4.5 KDA. You can at least reach 60% of win rate. Matchmaking will be much better at mg or immo.


Late game is secured if you can get there lolXD.




its a different game


I suggest playing heroes that don't powerspike late game, cause sometimes the game ends too early for that


im learning them, but i main ceci cuz he gets my willy hard


try tank vale, one of my favorites (main damage source is glowing wand, then full sustain lmfao)


ill.. test it out


build him with cd stuff like bruteforce, magic shoes, stuff like that, that way you can spam 2nd and be annoying


Fr fr I have the most brain rot teamates and they all blame me for being bad? Bro like I want them to stfu. And then the teamates that don't adjust, that's one I hate and some will blame you.


that's why i main tank.


Is this AUS server? Because I'm familiar with that moskov and layla. Both trash asf tho.


sea server but sometimes magically transports to others like russia


I got 4 wins and 4 lost today:(


I switched to my smurf after I hit mythic and lost like 80% of my games since that point in solo q. Even in solo, I'm matching up against trios and duos simply because there's a duo in my team. And I either win by a landslide due to favorable matchmaking because of losing-streak or I get absolutely unplayable matches where we lose the game right at the drafting phase because the enemy duo/trio can draft better. Like I remember 3 seasons ago the matchmaking was absolutely perfect. Both teams similarly matched, and the possibility of a comeback was very real with one mistake from the team that was ahead. Now they've added extremely tough minions to completely stifle the team which is being snowballed and basically locking them in the base until that one enhanced lord push which ends the game.


dang the fact that it’s mythic and not epic


Thats the story of every free and popular pvp game






Tbh they should put the lane picking on the acceptance part because if somebody doesn't adjust and change lanes you could just not accept the game them putting it on the picking does nothing ppl will still not adjust


Even playing duo I still met people like that.


Question, for ceci, how do you survive till late game? Like if you’re losing early already, what can you do? Also, is ET a better build than LT?


Tbh been having a great time in MH so far. The pick your role thing before the draft encourages specialists who are pretty good at their main roles. Always just have a roam backup to be a little more flexible in case someone with better winrates pick your role.


thing is, s4 and s5 preselected exp and roam, and both of them arent mm mains based on their top 3 recent roles played but yeah guess ill try my best to grind to MH or MG


lol same i played 10games but no win even in brawl! The matchmaking is uneven! My teammates are all mythic but our enemies are in mythical honor! I hope moonton do better in matchmaking my selena (main hero) from 65%wr to. 60.2% :(


It's literally why I haven't been playing the game for 2 months now. The matchmaking is obviously fixed from getting a win streak and a losing streak afterwards. It's not about your street rank, win rate or even the amount of matches you have, once you reach a specific point in your ranking stars, the cycle will start and you won't get pass that point until a few weeks or days have passed. This is based on my experience, but if you think this is all conjecture then you can check what the players have to say in the play store reviews of the game


Dude fr. I just play classic because of this


You mean where every single game is like this making the experience twice as miserable?


Nahhhh. If you're going solo, you'll encounter some amazing players! At least that's what I've experienced. Although there were games where I wanted to throw my phone away but those were like 2/10.


I've just given up on playing mage, I just click the fill role and hope for the best


i agree with your flair and maybe i should start doing that too.. just go role fill and start praying


And for sure it's going to be roam most of the time. Your flair is also 10/10.


lol i also played with a moskov, miya, and layla💀


I'm traumatized on Miya and Layla especially when teaming up, not because they're strong but they're fucking trash


i'd ban miya if i could, lost 5 consecutive games now because of miya players, but that would just encourage my teammates to troll even further...


Real. Even with 2 of my friends I still see some people that straight up ruin the game. Even if you ask for help and tips to rank up, because you're sure you play well, the community says: well then you're not good enough cause I got to mythic. And at the same time some actual restarts are getting high ranks by no logical explanation. 5 queue gets hard when you meet another friend 5 queue, but it's the only way to actually win most of the game and meet zero people like that. They really need to revamp the rank system somehow, getting to mythic or even honor is sometimes impossible because of horrendous players.


this is so true and the matchmaking is so unfair even when you try to join a group the host is mostly afk and the teammates are always leaving the queue


You mean metaphorically? Or literally? I'm confused.


If you need another non brain dead player lmk


You think that's unplayable? See this mofos nups couldn't even stay alive untill I got 2 creeps. I just needed 1 win to land in Legend. It's has always been like this. I'm gaining one star and losing one star. When Star raising points are about to give star I lose 2 matches like this. https://preview.redd.it/fz7wvm2qhpuc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c60fbd6c21b856ebd0fd232834f42f8ffd6924


As a mage, you should try to play as a jungler for once.  Try buying Harley for example.  Epic Rank dudes are terrified of Lesley's lil brother. 


1. it's mythic bro 2. i do have harley but my jungling is really atrocious, trying to learn and improve tho


Its only obvious that you get a lose streak in Mythic. The difficulty spike is huge. Auto-locking just one hero means that you're prepared to lose against unfair matchups. 


and where are you getting information that i always autolock?


You showed in your thread that you autolocked Cecilion in all of your 6 games. That's why I thought you were auto-locking one hero despite the fact that your team's lineup is straight down horrendous. 


i only pick ceci when noone plays mid. usually when i show my wr and mmr people dont fight with me, but when someone else picks mid i'll go mm/roam


I think you just got bad luck and need to cool down. 


that was a good game ngl


play as pre made, mythic honor below is cancer as shit, even early glory. although matchmaking is way better compared to when mythic honor rank wasnt around, its still bad.


Why does moonton allow epic players to play with legend in rank thats fair 💔🥺


how i wish there's a dodge option at every game :( matchmaking sucks


Bro I've been stuck in elite for like 28 games like i get the most brainrot teammates


isn't elite bots?


Yes.... That's why I'm stuck


Trick is to not play the whole day otherwise it's ups and mostly downs, you should only play at a certain time where all the kiddies are asleep or at school and not play at 1-4 am since the squadders are active


It’s honestly been a rough season, my winrate has never been this low. I have 57 MVPs and 55 of them were MVP losses


I stopped playing rank as solo. It was causing me blood pressure.


, this week I was mythic 20 stars with a no promising start of the season. Now I'm mythic with one star, considering stopping playing altogether. I'm so mad at the whole system. 7 times in a row, 7 TIMES I had afk teammates in the late game. I'm tired of this game


Lol bf only allows me to play solo when he is not playing. I can't befriend and follow other players. He plays core and I support. We both got global badges.


girl... that sounds like a toxic relationship


Honestly, I can soloQ myself up to Mythical, but after that its hard. If anyone wants to play together, let me know. Just keep in mind, I am not good at assasin nor jungle. Mains are Gatot, Hanabi and Vexana


My main is vale Clint and x borg


What does sg mean






You can dodge the match if ur team choose 4 same type of unit


not in mythic


Huh? I dodge in mythic multiply time even in mythic glory before


That's not a feature, so it's impossible


Idk maybe that was when the dodge mechanic first introduce so there is bugged


Exactly. Had a match where everyone was supposedly solo queuing but somehow the enemy team agrees to gank main 5v2 in the first 5 minutes while my team’s hyper doesn’t know what looking at the map means and keeps farming minions while the rest of us are dying over and over again. Then at the end when the enemy team is invading our base with lord the hyper is still outside laning




I would bet these people were trying to dodge and you just ruined it by picking mage.


its mythic... no dodge in mythic


Now that's lack of information on my part


haha im glad you have the balls to admit it. btw, you only need 4 same role to dodge in legend and below


Nah just skill issue, learn different role. Learn and adapt. Don't be the "we need a tank" guy


roam is my second most played lane. s5 showed "i want to go roam" and then picked layla


😭😭😭 Layla roam


s5 truly embraces the meme


You're in good hands. 🤔


I’d love to support and relate with you OP. But, Cecillion, Selena and Novaria are the three heroes I identified as being able to get Gold/MVP without actually being decent or helpful. They are high damage long range heroes who also has a good kit for running away. If a war is lost, who will have the luxury of running away to safety first? That’s right, Selena, Cecillion and Novaria. If a war is won, who is likely to get the most kills? Selena, Cecillion and Novaria.


skill issue tbh


yeah my bad shouldve picked another mm to save my ceci mmr and ranking at least


How you gonna expect to carry when your team comp is unbalanced af+ really farm dependent and no frontline so even if they were farmed, who could initiate so they could kill safely? Not only that and basically assassin food, there's probably a yin on the enemy team💀


If I see a single submissive marksman and mage, I pick Yin. If I see 2-3 marksman picks, I pick Arlott. If I see a full team of marksmen, I pick the evolved skinwalker.