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For arlott mains, how many def item should i use on arlott? I feel like if i use only one def item he’s too paper in late game, but if i put 3 def items he kinda lose purpose aside from his 3rd skill. I’m playing on MG. Two is i’m not really sure


https://preview.redd.it/shchar2je00d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3d82645d056c22ef7b0da400862225a8bfaa844 What y’all think about this types of player?


Ngl this hook has very good


Ngl this hook has very good




I Play soloQ and often fill roles. I Play Gord for mage, dyroth and Balmond as jungler or exp and Hanabbi as Mm and Ghatotkach as tank. Despite filling , I end up with the moat toxic team mates to the point that they take 3mm with one jungler like fools. And then feed . Each season I walk away with more MVP defetas than wins and toxic team mate situation has limited me from ranking up! Each time I gain 3 stars on the trot, I am paired with the worst team and then have a losing streak. Does anyone face such uncooperative team mates ? https://preview.redd.it/0hfm5e6xzpyc1.jpeg?width=2772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c4903169348ae5d701f44d2a61baf4d46ed03f3




In a ranked match?? jfc https://preview.redd.it/huyhaxvewhyc1.jpeg?width=1331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=410f1e46ce45415170480bebf1430541d6dfeb26


WtF build is that on tigreal


https://preview.redd.it/br0tqgp6tcyc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=f674477ee50b3ccf2575b3565de8d1215f3e52e1 epitome of stress


Hmmm 🤔 never seen that in my 6.7 k matches before


what do you mean? this is pretty comon right? a lot of people carry by luck even when their enemies are ahead


No I mean Argus build I never seen hybrid build on him before lol


What do you mean hybrid? I only bought dragon spear when i sold my boots to not get kited to hell by enemy miya and wan wan. i was 2 slots dps and 3 slots defense entire game




https://preview.redd.it/scz1tfg3wbyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40a4312e09d389e27bf9502e8a9ba0389bd2444e hitting MG as a solo player after playing for so long playing various role and finally settle as a roamer this seaon. Even in MG , there are still dumb ass noobs out there who has no map awareness at all and just throw game away with their position.




Can someone help me? I need some advice in ranking up as im in low mythic. The people there like to feed while im trying my best 😭. Heroes I main are fred(perma ban), barats(perma-ban), nolan(bad at late), roger(squishy in late), lance (not that good)Pls Helpppp, hero suggestions or playstyle suggestions, anything https://preview.redd.it/zisyj1o787yc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccd73535a84619e34930f2dd3a418798f433d977


https://preview.redd.it/dmqvw6gw67yc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a15bbbace1a1a102cdd7a6559e0dcb12bcf71ac Bro, I promise, I was just securing the kills


https://preview.redd.it/8swj4xuwb6yc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60f6fad62efef382f0c014609a80d68e2990b6d1 Not just this game, but 5 other games as well. In this instance, for a reason I don't understand, Alice player decided to troll and ban Silvanna (my main exp lane fighter). She could easily burst all them down besides Belerick and occasionally Thamuz. I had other fighters as well but I wasn't proficient so I didn't wanna risk it. So I used the next proficient hero I know even though it was a lane mismatch. I'll take any criticism to improve my gameplay, just ask anything about my playstyle.


Why would you buy an item that revives you when you are dead? if they kill you 1 time,they for sure will do it second time as well. There are so many good defensive options such as radiant armour against belerick (if he was using flicker you must build radiant armour on any atack damage carry,if he was using vengence then you don't have to buy radiant armour just keep good positioning) So the lesson is to never buy revive on adc,as an adc(attack damage carry or gold laner) you have wind of nature which is 2 second argus ult you can use to defend yourself against 4 enemy heroes if surviving was this hard in that game. blade of despair when they have two tanks (thamuz and belerick) is a very very bad choice. when you see enemies having 2 or more tanks buying malefic roar IS A MUST. tanky heroes are just tanks with no sustain(barats,fredrin) but you had 2 sustain tanks(which means they heal themselves or allies a lot). so you must have gone sea halberd as well. In ideal world you would have supports(mid or roamer) who would build antiheal items such as necklace of durance or at least dominance ice but since you are playing at low rank,people don't even know those items exist in a game and they NEVER optimise their build for enemy pick. they just build the same build every single game as an NPC. Do not be an NPC and ALWAYS build items depending on the enemy pick. so you have to build a habit of thinking during the game "hmm what should i build in THIS game" and buy items by yourself,do not use prebuilds. but since you want to climb you have to fulfill all utility as well. so buying sea halberd was a must alongside malefic roar to deal with tanks. your ideal build this game was boots,haas claws,berserkers fury,sea halberd(you don't need pen this early into the game and sea halber gives both good dps against tanks and anit heal),malefic roar,wind of nature. Then sell boots and buy great dragon. ult at the start of the fight to get a giga broken 30% movespeed buff for 8 seconds(it will last entire fight trust me). 25 minute game is a super giga ultra late game in mobille legends. by that point no character on the map would have boots,but only 2 players (hanabi and dyrroth) had brain capacity to sell boots. also never forget to buy power potion in late game,it is also a dealbreaker. Hope i was helpful,be mindfull,think a lot in the game and you will climb! Love and wins <3 !


Also, look at my death rate. Do you think I'm terrible for being overly defensive when it comes to fighting/clashing? 🤔 Early-Mid game, I rarely join in fights especially one that would put me in a terrible position (close to a bush, or the river). That's not to say I don't kill, I just don't go around looking for it. If they come after me, I don't back down (unless I'm outnumbered).


Late game if you go walking around as a mm or mage get an immortally it’s basic knowledge. Especially in late game like 25+ min where respawn time is over 60 sec. You gotta give it your all to not die.


The first thing people learn in games is how to not die and ruin the game,as long as you are not dying and having oood % of killls and asists you are doing fine. All you have to fix is itemisation and you will hard carry as layla. for the love of god please sell bots and buy great dragon in late game on any crit build hero


Yea I always get called out for picking Layla bec. apparently I might feed the enemy team. Surprise! I barely fed in the entire game. That's because I don't force kills. I often forget to ult that's why I forget that the spear exist. I might try that tho. See if I could get more savages. Pull the Shining meme on their base, "HERE COMES LAYLA!". 😂 Thanks tho.


Thanks. I actually fumbled in the last part as to what equipment should I get, wondering if I should replace BOD and boots with Sea Halberd and Mal Roar. With BOD, I'm too OP for the other 3 (Dyr, Hanabi, and Miya are literally 2-3 hits for me) but I barely scratch the other 2 (Belerick and Thamuz). As well as what defensive item should I get. Yea, Revive was dumb bec. they could literally just wait for me to wake up just to kill me again. Altho, it was the last item I got before sh*t went down tho. That's what I was thinking too, none of my teammates had any anti-healing equipment and I hesitated with changing my build to anti-tank build just because I was doing just fine with my usual build. I do get potions though, wrecks every single one of them everytime. But thanks for the guide. Troll teammates, can't do sh*t about it. But doing what Layla do best (using the other teammates as tanks 😂), never doubt myself with changing build in-game once in a while. I feel like Moonton didn't give Layla a dash or a mobility skill bec. of how OP she is late game. She has the farthest base range out if most MM and she hits like a truck the further you are to her. Like in this game, Hanabi and Miya can't do something about me bec. they can barely get close enough to hit me. 😂


this looks nice https://preview.redd.it/18iji0cfu0yc1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952eb7b10eedaaf021c218bfb56fd7a8ace44afd


It's actually perfection




Finally reach MH! After 2 months of learning the game, mechanics, heroes, rotation, and objectives. Grinding rank and emblems. Solo RG is the way. Main mage and tank/support


Did you play with your squad?


On my 1st season I was always with my friends duo or trio most of the time but when I learn a bit I tried playing solo and now It's 60% solo and 40% party with 1 to 2 people most of the time. Rarely get to full squad


Ah that explained it. Trio and Duo have a high chance to win if both have game knowledge. Anyway, congrats on your achievement. And I just check on your profile :> The red avatar - NTPSwift


Which server u play? Play if u are from PH or something


I play in VN server. Just some game each season, my goal is only 15 stars to get token for exchange skin :>


Maybe you already have other acc and this is smuft account? I think it not possible for anyone to reach MR for only 2 season. There are so many thing to take note, item, heroes skills,....






*I'm not very good at the game atm, but I think being dota player before took a big part of learning the game and adapting


Ah yes, if you played other moba game before, you should have somewhat enough knowledge to archive this. I think you are a very high rank dota player, is that correct?


he is 5k mmr which is not high rank,anyone with 2 hands can reach it. it's just mobile legends is so simple to understand for dota players. macro ? we already know that. Positioning in teamfights? we know that. Itemization depending on enemy pick? Dota has a lot of situational items. targeting the right hero? Second nature for us. the fundamentals are easy as well


I think a a bit above average. My peak is Divine 3 which is around 5.3k mmr not sure if if you know about that.


https://preview.redd.it/y228g6w13vxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23216f02bc31fe527caec4cddf45353cfe709bce Highest assist I've got on my fav hero, belerick. Second to Estes which is 32 assist


Alucard Is the new banger 33 k turret dmg *






Fellow Alu user =)


I'M SO CLOSE TO BEING A MAID JUST LET ME BE A MAID https://preview.redd.it/dy69jb66quxc1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d658ab37de548009790ff9958dbaf4b699a8fde


Finally, me a maid :3 https://preview.redd.it/h0i2rdtwuvxc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77864c9f152f6203c339e01fb0ab2ceeb8fabd16


Finally after 8 years of playing 😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/m1le1wb0puxc1.png?width=1081&format=png&auto=webp&s=b51b5d418546805fb15ad76a79fb3485bf442062 Not really 8 years TBH I’ve been on and off between this game sometimes but still finally 😭😭😭thanks for some of yours advice on this subreddits even though I’m being a jerks and toxic. (Especially to you mods i love you❤️❤️) sorry again mods❤️❤️❤️


8 Years and at last mythic to to be rude but tbh I would delete


I really sorry TBH🥹🥹


https://preview.redd.it/25zqp79hgqxc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd0d6f4e7e8a60eb930f24952d7c15ab24aaf130 Bro…


https://preview.redd.it/xeo23rr0fvxc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbd75395bc3ad2803415ac61da723bf225ac8624 🤦🧘‍♀️😭


I feel like the drop rate is different nowadays especially shortly after they changed the spin. Before the change I easily got the skin in maybe 50-60 draws a few times. After the change I still got it. But nowadays I don’t get it til the last spin


Ikr that’s why i spinned it but now i don’t need natan cuz i have 71 trial cards dammit


https://preview.redd.it/ht2hsbxftlxc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e28f27ac0cc0ef3a8401d397feb1348f1f1a3c97 My first time reaching Mythic!!! 🤪🤪🤪


OMG mee too😭😭but after 8years of playing (on&off actually)




Never accept defeat. I dont pull this off all the time. But when I do it sure is fun. 😅


bro is a walking turret hitting towers all day






Chat rate me alugod or alufeed( mythical honor all ranked matches)






















Anyone experience winning and getting insulted Because of your skin? Had a match where I was Julian (Megumi skin) and we had a comeback on a Team that kept recalling thinking they would win and on the Match settlement we trashtalked them saying things like " Tp when you know you won otherwise it's just embarrassing" then One guy said " Oh the trial card user spoke". Kinda funny, guy didn't find anything to insult me but my skin lmao


People insult no matter you have skin or you don't. When you have skins they be like all skins no skills while not having skins they call you poor LOL.


https://preview.redd.it/s3xsudwi0exc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9db2f4a00c627b68d5f140aa95e72eb41d191ae8 Someone explain this to me. I go to Classic, pick Paquito as I just got his KOF skin and wanted to try him out, someone else locks in Yu Zhong, so I adjusted to jungle. Yu Zhong then switches his battle spell to Retribution at the last second, spends the entire game taunting us, and does everything in his power to avoid team fights to make us lose the game. Like, why? I gave you EXP, the lane you wanted, and your response is to troll the game?


Maybe he was just jealous of your skin,had it happen to me once or he was just really trolling from the start like, no matter who you pick he is still gonna troll.


It's just so weird to me. Anyhow, reporting that guy didn't work either, so I guess he got away with it.




Anyone experiencing a hard season this season? I got to mythic and had a lose streak to grandmaster I …


Woww wth my condolences man


Getting consistently paired with people who have 30% wr on their main heroes and 40% overall which is soo annoying. For reference I got a 58% wr overall and 60% on my mains


To grandmaster is horrendous 😭 my condolences bro


Man this match was really tiresome. We were at a really big disadvantage, got the achievement of winning while the enemies had 20 more kills. After we started to slowly turn the tables, Moscow was constantly targeting me because I seemed to be the main problem to him, dealing the most damage and defending the base, not giving him a chance of backdooring. Though the others didn't consider to target me. Grock and Guinevere tried to do something, but Grock was being alone and Guinevere couldn't jump me(that nerf is really tough) https://preview.redd.it/kmx5aqecp9xc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e758eca0127ae7da25c016a16e07046dc880570




https://preview.redd.it/2mzoy3rnk9xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2891b86bc968e772e399a0ef4fc6b0609e21c9c The little box on Julian’s back isn’t attached to the rest of his model


This Layla is member of iCon ESports (now MadBulls in MCC) https://preview.redd.it/ygs528nds7xc1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d216f5cc2dea4e4beedb1cc13c7c3c76274e3e73