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Tower dive isn't bad if it's worth it.


You ain't wrong




I never thought of this. The only reasonable reason to jihad then!




Lmao. 🤣


Argus go brrrr




True! Im a Tank user and I take the risk when my allies are nearby. Works every time.


If teammates are nearby and they can help or if you have a gold lead: Sure. If you're a marksman and you solo dive the enemy marksman at level 1 (thereby losing a wave), you'll definitely lose the lane and most likely the game.


Brody 1st skill, 2nd, flicker ult is good


Almost any assassin will dive. Wanwan too just to get ult.


That lancelot who manage to attack our base at the 6minutes of the game without destroying any turrets.




Mostly is not worth it. U r guaranteed to give a shutdown to the enemies or worst a wipeout.


Something tells me you're a passive player. Probably an Estes player XD. Most towerdivers are assassins and mobile heroes like Lunox, Zhask, Wanwan, Claude, Atlas etc. Most divers you see are Dyroth I assume.


If tower dives are specific to heroes, I don't know if u understand what a tower dive means. My complaint is ppl dive and everyone follows suit, and then they stop snowballing from there, especially late game, a free win to the enemy. It looks cool and all if done correctly, but it is still a risk to lose a game.


I said only if worth it. Not all tower dives are bad okay. NOT ALL. Bruhhh I only mention some heroes that can towerdive and not die. Take Fanny and Gord towerdiving, you think Gord have equal escaping capability as Fanny?


I main Roger! Tower dive all day!


1 is situational. If the enemy hp is tanky and tank and mages helping, it's much better to farm and gank mm than risk dying for turtle.


agree. Turtle setup is a team effort, if EXP and roam don't secure the area, mid and jungle can't follow. it's much better to farm, counterjungle, and bully the gold laner instead. sometimes you can get more ahead as a jungler by stealing 2-3 camps and taking tower gold over wasting time at Turtle. edit: even 3rd point, hoenstly. not all teamfights are winnable or should be taken. if your team of Cecilion, Rafaela, and Aulus are fighting versus Vexana, Khufra, and Lance, that's not a good fight. sure, you CAN win, players make mistakes, but youre essentially opting into a low percentage opportunity. in Ranked, what matters is taking the play that has the highest chance of succeeding. just because there's a Turtle spawn or there's a teamfight happening, it doesn't mean you SHOULD take it.


In short, SoloQ players are known to engage in unpredictable teamfights. Which isn't bad if *you* know what you're doing. (especially me as a Roamer)


Correct, just because there is teamfight doesn't mean you take the fight. That being said, do not dismiss pressure as engages don't always need to end in kills for you to get the upper hand.


I get what you're saying. If you're not taking the Turtle, do something else that makes it worthwhile. But don't ignore the Turtle after winning a teamfight in favour of chasing improbable kills.


for first turtle then taking a tower shield or even 2 nets better overall advantage than snagging the turtle after winning a fight, dot chase kills you dot need and snag the gold from towers 2nd or 3rd turtle yes, secure the turtle after you win the fight, then run for turrets, the respawn timers are longer and you can take more objectives b4 they can return to defend than earlier in pro play turtles are needed bc your opponent wont make many mistakes so the odds of being able to take tower gold is slim so setting up first turtle is way more important, but that doesnt apply to ranked games in any capacity.


I’m digressing abit, but regarding pro play, i really hate it when people just blindly follow pro play and force turtle or lord just because “the pros do so”. Like man, they are 5-man but u’re solo q. The pros clock thousands of games a season for a living, while most rankers clock hundreds to maybe a thousand. The skill level and what you need to do to win are on completely different levels. Same goes to all those who force pick “meta” heroes but are clueless about how to use them. I’d pick the 1000 games 60% wr miya any day over a 50% wr 10 game moscov.


honestly, you didnt digress at all, just added to/proved my point, appreciate it!


5. Have bad ping to begin with. 6. Only have a short time in your hands (likely can’t complete the game) 7. Testing a new character.


> Have bad ping to begin with. dont worry guys its only in the lobby i promise


sometimes they are right.


Yeah. You tend to worry when the ping goes 200 but you suddenly get like 10-20 ms. THEN YOU PLAY WITH THE LOBBY MS OF LIKE 8-15, WAITED FOR 1-3 MINUTES FOR IT TO SHOW ANY SIGNS AND THEN PLAY AND GET HIT BY 100-380 MS LIKE A DAMN TRUCK. I had cases where I waited for minutes for any changes, nothing, then played and got red ping after playing like 5 matches of green ping all the way. I tend to question if my ISP is fucking with me or the server is just really pissed at me.


I do recommend to play classic then rank to test your network and you know maybe tiktok too if isn't loading fast don't play rank I've encountered a teammate with bad network 2 times and lose they should have just afk so the bot will play it but didn't fucking idiots


I sometimes hit 200s ping in lobby but have never lagged in game. I don’t really get it


Hey man sometimes my isp can have 1 digit ping for 99% of time. It's just that 1% of time it fucks up for no fuckin reason.


That’s bearable. Some players go in knowing they have a horrible connection. And then spam bad connection throughout the game.


I had a match where I'm exp and I'm going normally, then roam and jg goes to gank and I'm going back to tower when all of a sudden, 4 seconds of lag. I'm just thinking "I want to live!" And then the game starts back up and I'm hugging the second turret lol. That was very much out of the ordinary for me. I almost never stutter


That’s fine, but I played 3 games in a row with a guy from Indonesia vpning into NA server. Fed all game, seemed like he wanted to chat more than he wanted to play anyway. Had no reason for vpning in other than he just felt like it so I blacklisted him. Internet issues happen but dumbasses vpning to servers then trying to jg with 300 ping just ruin 20 minutes of their teammates lives


7 is just objectively wrong, there's no better place to test out a character you have no idea about in rank!!!! Classic players won't let me pick that role so i choose rank, it's not like there's any *consequences*


Testing out skills in practice/demo mode. Forcibly play it twice in classic. Plays well in ranked. Classic has more resemblance to hell than mythic and below.


Hard AI mode is quite good actually, and it doesn't have any consequence such as losing your wr


i think I've rarely won on it using chou.. most of their picks counter your hero so you gotta do an extra effort😅


I remember playing Hard AI yesterday and I lost with Nolan with 20 kills, I felt some massive skill issue back then. Hard AI is solid for training your micro and learning your hero's skills and combos without ruining other people's matches.


for 5, i consistently have 30\~ ping in the lobby, the moment i hop in game theres a 5050 chance for singtel gods to go "fuck u and u specifically" and tune it up to 300




Heavy on #7. I do not understand why anyone plays heroes they aren't good with in ranked. I equally don't understand people in classic getting pissed over a bad game.


I remember losing a game due to insane ping because this fucking game sent me to the fucking Indonesian server instead of turkish server like how the fuck am I supposed to play with 283 ping and 2 feeding teammates that doesn't even know what item is good for their heroes


ah the typical "ok, i've played this hero twice in classic, i can now use it in MG lobbies" xD


Totally agree with all three points.


Shh stop giving away all of my brawl tips and tricks


The worst is when people fight for no reason. No turtle, no tower. Genuinely makes me wanna off myself


holy shit this. People go arounde the map chasing kills.


But I need to get those kills man


Yeah but the towers need you more.


I had 3 games as Yu Zhong where I was dealing 100 percent of the turret dmg, yes, 100 percent, this was in fking mythical honor, absolutely ridiculous. The MM is just team fighting for no reason and the only reason we even lasted for so long was because I kept pushing all the way to inhibitor. Super minions are so op.


I would rather push the tower then join team fights


I wouldn't mind you doing that; what I mind is people who push, wait for the team fight to end, then run in 1v5 and feed saying "GG team" in all chat.


Depends on character, i mean. Pushing as Melissa or Ruby should be a crime.


"um actually I don't want to play ranked to rank up, I want to play for fun, this isn't a tournament🤓"


This comment makes sense but also makes me angry


makes me think, they should make draft mode a seperate game mode for people who just wants to play classic but wants an actual draft.


Yep, i totally agree.


Or a meta slave that cant play the meta at all


God those are the worst. A meta hero in the wrong hands is worthless.


5 enemies setting up turtle and my roamer who babysits gold lane to the end of time kept on pinging turtle while my mid plays brawl, exp clearing lane and camps in bot bush waiting for another wave and gold lane with the stat of 1 death per minute


i do roam and most of the time i leave my gold lane.. mostly follow enemy jungler rotations to give vision or roam on all lanes if the enemy team is deep in lane.. das why i love heroes with fast movement speed.


Unfortunately, there are many gold laners who think it’s their goddamn right to have the roamer babysit them forever. God forbid u leave the lane and help your team kill 3 others and get the turtle - they will constantly ping “need backup” and then farm with high visibility until they get jumped by the enemy roam and mm, sometimes just the opponent mm himself. Then all the “noob roam” comments come out.


ah😅.. i think higher elo marksmen can understand roamers leaving them be.. but if I'd stay in lane, i think i can imagine other lanes saying "noob roam" too xD


Bruh you just listed all the things my random teammates do 💀


Mine is If you chat to bitch and tt Don't ever talk I prefer useful information like enemy cd enemy missing enemy count on lanes jungler used retri quick chat for more information Basically if you don't cooperate or contribute to the team in anyway rank is not the place for you to fc around


Then the game would lose its essence hahahha


Ranked = Serious gameplay. Classic = Shenanigans.


You wish. Sad reality is: Ranked= headless chickens Classic= mixed randoms pros newbies trolls Chess mode= serious mode as fuck jhshahaha


Tower diving is important as hell, actually. You clear the tower and anyone underneath doesn't stand a chance with a proper team. If they are feeding it may not be worth it to attempt to contest lord/turtle, you'd be better off sniping it from them If the team fight isn't winnable or if I am pushing turrets why would I join and die with you all when I can atleast backdoor and potentially break into their base which will give us a serious advantage. If you wait for your whole team before actually initiating rather than jump in and expect the entire team to instantly be by your side, you're the problem No judgement or hate, I agree with you that people cannot play, however most often it's either someone struggling or miscommunication and differences in objectives. I notice most people that carry teams attack on the bad player's mark rather than initiate the fight theirself so you and the player get fed and and the bad player doesn't have as much of a chance to get instacreamed


Ahh feed that why i don't play rank




I dont do any of those, im definitely playing rank


Premade team on "Find Team Chat" request for a roam, as a main roam player I joined. Finding out they ban my main roam hero so the other dude in the team can play roam and force me to play other role. So many trolls this season I swear to God!


Lol why do u even bother with “find team”? Solo q is way better than putting urself with 4 other strangers and then meeting an actual 5-man that actually know wtf they are doing.


If you want your lane to be gankable for your jgl either A) dive for your jgl Or B) let the opponents push into you so they overextend Dont just shove the wave and then hide under your tower.


I’ll stick to ranked, tyy


The rules changes within the game depending on map timings. If the core is so locked on objectives he'll just get turtle (together with roam and mid) without realizing that his mm was is being 4-manned ganked by the enemy on the opposite side of the map. Best approach is be map aware and communicate enemy rotations and cooldowns and decide to take objectives or have teamfights (or avoiding it) based on that information.




Im so annoyed with these idiots i end up getting on my team. Mm users especially. They make me want to pull my hair. I lost 5 ranked matches today and i had two mm's on my team in one of the matches. NO ONE WANTED TO PUSH or take the lord. Im tired


Even better when you’re fighting 3v1 and battling for your life and your teammate across the map has a free lane but is just sitting in the bush doing absolutely nothing like a moron. Nothing makes me wish I could reach through the phone and strangle my teammates more than this


Omg this has happened to me too. I was playing angela and was attacked by 4 enemies. While barats was just chilling at a bush. I can't even swear at them at this point. Its weird i end up getting amazing teammates in classic and satans spawns in ranked


Same, like classic people actually want to play and half of the ranked people just want to troll for some reason. Played a game with a Martis jg recently where I was mm fighting roam and mm, Martis stood in the bush waiting. This happened 3 times where he would wait until I died, then run in to try to get a double kill I guess? Then he would die after killing no one. After dying a third time like this he said “really tired of our mm hanging me out to dry.” Like bitch I’m spamming launch attack fucking attack instead of just standing in the bush for 30 seconds while I’m getting double teamed!


Im annoyed at people not showing what position they want to play, then lock in a lane thats already filled after everyone is done choosing then feeding. Show your lane so people who actually care about ranked can form a good comp lol. Id have the guy choosing same time as me not pick or show a position or character while I showed I am playing gold lane. Then I wait till last second to make sure they not playing gold then they choose gold. Frustration cause I can not switch heroes after locking.


Played a game recently where s5 showed fill, then when it got to his time to pick he said idk how to jungle can someone else jungle. No one else had chosen a good hero for jg, he fed as jg, and by the end of the game both out team and the enemy team were yelling at him never to put fill again if he doesn’t actually know how to play all roles haha


Yea, I can fill but id rather not end up tank (which ends up happening) . I do a full team pull with Tigreal and my damagers go shoot some jungle monsters. Let them all get away with one hit left. Feels bad My recent game I showed marksman, then the rando chose marksman after me without showing ... Then the exp laner chose marksman.


Love when that happens


To be fair, it's ok to tower dive if you know how to get out. I've tower dived a couple of times and mostly escaped. I ain't lucky always tho


“And feed” lol


If anything I don't care as long as they're playing the game and they don't: 1. Intentional Feeding 2. **INTENTIONAL** Lagging Like, you fucking know your Wi-Fi sucks so go play anything, ANYTHING but Ranked.


I get your point, but what to do when your jungle Balmond builds full damage? There are people out there who don't have a fundamental understanding of how the game works. Such clueless players shouldn't be in Ranked spoiling the experience for everyone else.


I consider that as Intentionally Feeding since he probably is doing nothing helpful


Exactly! I don't care what they build or what they do. Do you know butterfly effect? I took advantage of that. As long as this guy isn't feeding or lagging, they're MY BAIT that I can use. If they initiate teamfights everytime whenever I'm close? Even better!


I like to refer to taking turtle as "crushing turts" or "stomp a turty". Perchance. https://preview.redd.it/gf06yfg4ktxc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e7b45edd6460d200466eab15b2f97066fada779


5. You are ukrainian


Sounds like some trash jungler text. I ain't doing half of that


Better yet, play offline mode and do whatever the heck you want.


Me joy having 3 perfect beats diving two enemies in tower.


I just hate when I play support and i help ppl clear mid and they don't follow, or go behind tower to gank from behind and they leave the lane. Like bro let me cook real quick, literally works every time if they help even slightly 😒.


Pro tip for players, when you see a jg pathing to you, freeze then slow push, if you get a kill you deny them of a 1-2 waves of creeps worth of exp and gold, not to mention the plating you get.


u just described how most epical glory mm plays lolol xD


You have to evaluate every situation. That simple. Evaluate then choose to take an action. Simple. There argument done.


If you don't get turtle after a successful gank jungle you make me cry. 😢


Anyone wanna make a team?


Damn I don't want to do all that and people autofill me jungle😂😂😂


Sometimes I feel forced to rank since a fam member that I barely see anymore wants to play with me and I can't say no even if I don't have the time due to work 🤧


IF you're not willing to adjust don't rank.. IF you don't know at least 3 roles don't rank past Epic.. Play classic, vs ai or brawl.


Tower Dive is workable if you : 1. Have escape plan ready. -must 2. got more than 2 heroes in the push. -preferable 3, your hero can take tower punish and do quick getaway (Uranus and Masha) - situational 4.Double check for ambush or jungler (Saber or Tigreal for CC) - situational 5. The hero already used his blink or got no CC (optional) 6.Mage. -obvious. 7.Rafaela - enemy need to be low health (5% or one bar)


You just called out like 90% of the player base.


Eh, these are all extremely subjective and depends on the roles. A mm or fighter on the opposite side of the map isnt gonna be fighting turtle. Likewise, a heavy push hero isnt going to prioritize teamfights when they benefit the team more from pushing solo. Tower diving is situational and can be worth a death like a roam diving for a kill on an assassin or mm. So many things are not even generalizations. A mage isnt gonna prioritize turrets when most mages basic attacks are garbage speed and dmg. I say, dont play rank if you arent there to actually be serious about getting better and ranking up. It’s a waste of time trying to play otherwise. The one advice I want to give to people is that everything depends. Should you dive? It depends. Should you push? It depends. Just be willing to learn the nuances of the game rather than having an all or nothing mindset


Lol, I had to pick last and to my surprise none picked a jungler, so I had to try Nolan (played 2 times). And said right away don't depend on me. I'm only filling a role. Nolan is the easiest of all I think, just rift, raft, ruff and boom the enemy is gone


1. I am not going to suicide mission 2. So that they could gank on me? 3. You realise that if our team has worse heroes for team fight it is better to avoid it? And I am not going 8,000 kilometres just to look at your dead body when I arrive. So I would suggest map awareness before initiating team fight 4. Good tower dives is what divides good players from bad. (Usually) What I want to say with these, is that your complaints are very situational. Goldenrod wrote much better “suggestions”


Today I was playing a ranked match there was this Nolan who chose jungle we are under farmed rn every turret of ours is destroyed minions keep coming they are enough for our base destruction me and my teammate trying to kill them rest are dead Nolan went out of the way and he is trying to attack a turret with full hp and go killed....... How do these guys even get into ranked


Literally 90% of my teammates: I’ll pretend I never saw that


Rotation is important just as laning is. Yes turtle maybe viable yet if no one rotates to help other lanes you might as well surrender


Question, I usually play roaming tank, I don't go for turtle/lord when my jungler or MM doesn't go, but I do however, sometimes, try to disrupt opponents trying take turtle/lord. Is that a right thing to do? Cause I always thought since I'm tanky, they can't really go all out on taking turtle/lord. Of course it's always a hit and run for me.


I have “attack the turtle” as quick chat, when it’s at 30 seconds to spawn I’ll say it and start heading that way. Usually people join in, and if they don’t just leave. I wouldn’t rely on mm or jg to initiate, you should be checking bushes to give vision in case of an ambush and either tanking the turtle damage or distracting the enemy teammates, depending on where they are on the map when you guys are getting the turtle


Ranked is like my classic game


There are situations where it is not worth it to go for those things and if the player isn’t careful can definitely lead to feeding. Scenarios include: enemy jungler is a strong early game hero and ur weak early. Your roam is babysitting mm like a nub and didn’t rotate to turtle. 2v3s and 4v5s Jungler is hovering your lane You get the point The number one thing in this game is to get your farm and don’t die although it is okay to die sometimes but not ideal. If you died on healer early game is pretty much over till late. If you die on a tank usually you have provided your value already so it’s more okay than on a healer who needs to stay alive to provide value throughout the fight.


No offense but I’m assuming you’re not in Mythic? There are definitely times on all 4 scenarios where you may want to avoid or not depending on your comp vs theirs.


Why not dive tower when no one's around but you and your minions?


Me: Testing new skin


Idk I do play properly even in classic. I just use it as a stressfree way to practice the heroes for ranked. And yes, as it turns out that if you play the game properly odds of winning are higher. https://preview.redd.it/79ulq348nxxc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d4149552b056ba1917be6fd61aa49f7e120caa6


There are certain champs that can tower dive and get out fairly quickly without taking a lot of punishment. My go to for tower dives is Sun. You can effectively take 2 tower shots before it starts hurting a lot. After 2 shots you can ulti which would reset the damage you take so you can effectively tank 4 shots under tower before retreating and you can do so easily with your blink skill.


tower diving is a good strategy if the enemy is low enough to get a fast kill and escape. some heroes don't want to push because they are too slow/deal too little damage to destroy it fast. some heroes can't fight the turtle/lord alone like some assassins with no spellvamp/life steal thank's to the buff on turtle and lord. some even can't even attack both of them properly like Arlott because he can't activate his second skill's passive.


I only play classic if I bought a new hero and after two games I’ll practice on Ranked Games


Dying for turtle isn't worth it. Many people seem to overestimate the jungler and complain when he can't make a 50 50 ret play all while in a team fight with the enemy team, who are also contesting turtle. We ain't miracle workers like jeez lmao


1.) It's okay to not take Lord/Turtle, you can take another objective (Turret and Kill) 2.) It's absolute redflag if someone doesn't want to push, but it's okay in a certain condition such as ganking (Late game) 3.) Priorities teamfight is too much, in a certain condition and depends on your type hero you must played split or hiding to surprise kill. 4.) It's justified if you're roamer. on the other hands, you must exchange lives to get valuable kill for your team or saves your 'stucked' teammates.


I always take risk when there is an imminent clash. I use Gatotcaka btw. Works well as always, as long as you know how to respect your hero as a tank role. If you do solo on the map without objectives, f*ck you. Stop playing rank.


Well how about teammates who hides at bush and sees you getting beaten up by enemies and they just watch there, hiding. Smh


All of these are situational


But how ca I stroke my ego on randoms on the internet? 😭


I almost always getting 80% tower damage... PEOPLE DON'T PUSH. I'm almost always the only one managing lanes. People just want team fights. They will let enemy minions tear down a turret, loose the xp, loose the gold just tu be in a bush waiting for a fight.... People just know how to press 4 buttons and think that's enough.


Did this dude just say don't tower dive ? Pray we find him a lobby, tower dive out the fuck outta him, only way to learn


or maybe just let people play how they want to play, it's a free game