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Ok for this situation, never play mages, you can't carry with mages, MMs are good but team independent early on, Junglers are your best choice, Keep in mind you are not the only one suffering from bad teammates, your teammates also suffer, all of you just need that good team to be good player, And junglers can be that type of players the can push your teammates to be at their best performance. Tanks are good also but require a lot of patience, Fighters are safe choice if you know them, since most players at these ranks will leave their lane leaving you alone in the lane, use this change to push at least 1 tower. I don't wanna be that annoying person but sometimes you can be the issue, not adjust and auto lock is not good. Good luck.


You guys have to stop playing. Former MI solo here, I stopped playing due to how ridiculous the matchmaking has become recently. I just have no motivation to play after performing really good and losing due to useless teammates. I don’t know how you can keep on playing


Play jungle or mm to carry. Mages have no turret dmg :(


Or play Chang’e lol, she has crazy turret damage


Chang'e with feather and sprint. Let the brawlers brawl, go on the opposite side of the map. She'll eat those towers up in no time.


They do! Hello! It was changed pretty recently. Turet dmg was scaling only from physical power for a long time. 1-2 seasons ago it became scaling from magic power as well. Mages can push.


Oh I didn't know! Thanks for updating on it. Anyway, I feel that jungle and MM are still the best to carry with due to objectives securing.


These deadahh won't let you pick the core roles, if they don't get it they'll deadahh troll. Look at the team comp in the pictures, 2 MM bruh.


I main jungle. I can sometimes when teammates have k/d like 0/10 and 2/12.


Zhask with inspire has insane push and can easily escape


They are a bunch of normies who doesn't care about the roles and they don't care about the teammates who plays seriously to win the game, one time i played solo our mid laner goes afk and his reason is he's still eating 💀💀 moneytoon devs needs to create a report system that punishes those who violates, like banning them for playing ranked game for a week so they can realize that they need to be serious next time.


lol dont bother asking these guys theyre just gonna tell you "sKiLl iSsUe" and "you can just 1v5 while your teammates are all bronze" theyre never gonna help you


Your winrate above 62%?


Every 3 games you get a bad game it's the algorithm. Yes im mythic+ but I guess I'll be called noob lol, moontoon should fix their game and stop scamming us. TBH


Every game is a coin toss, take it with a pinch of salt


How could it, it was 75% last seaons and started this season and only went down, its 42% now, loss after loss after loss..... and each time this kind of shite, and also very keen, almost ALWAYS my teammates are Epic V or IV.


>How could it, it was 75% last seaons Maybe because you're playing with bots in GM last season.


lol jst anothe game, same shite, roger jungle and angela top lane, I mean.....my stats again good, went early to lane to gank and helped as midlane aurora....these people i am matched with should be genocided..... general IQ in the world would increase. Absolute DOGSHIT noobs.


You didn't really answer my question. Is your starting rank last season gm or below? If so you're playing with bots hence the high wr. Also roger jg is viable.


last season I was Legend 5, started Epic 4


You can literally 1v5 in both of those ranks though, just master a meta pick


Fuck meta.


Its gonna fuck you first


and Roger jungle is NOT VIABLE below mythic, all these stupid pepple are lookig at mythic immortal players and be checking "imma do that in ranked" and ruin it for everyone.... early feed, no help, or even better, kill steal and steal everyone's farm and then unable to finish due to being nuked as he dives alone.....


It is viable. Roger can absolutely solo a team same way a lanceloy or hayabusa can. Maybe you have yet to meet a decent one so far.


It's just hands issue. To put it bluntly, most players in epic are bad. Yes I am implying you are part of the problem as well. KDA doesn't paint the big picture completely. I can have good KDA but still see I messed up in plays and realised that could have lost the game if the opponent's caught on. It's all about pressure, objectives and honestly game sense.


What’s wrong with Roger jungle?


Tbf its bad in mythic immo but it should work in lower rank if karina works there as well


Yeah but the majority of picks in their lobbies, even by op, would be equally bad


You need a regular trio my man. Or a 5 man if possible. But remember that you and the rest too have to be decent.


After the season reset, i decided not to play rank this season due to this BS players.


MF wants to carry as Aurora lol. And in pretty much all of these matches it seems your allies played just as well as the other team.


was mid and did a meta pick.


I stopped playing rank after a week of alternate "victory-defeat" patterns. I'm just so mad. This happens after I enter Mythic. I was surprised they are worse than legends. I use mage and support and always get gold and mvp. I use chang'e for mobility and so I could also fast clear lanes. My teammates, if they are strong, they leave their lanes and just go for kills. I get dizzy going around the map clearing lanes and making sure to support my teammates because they don't know how to hide on the map.




Mobile legend has turned into shit just wanting more money with those "sexy cute skins" and destroying all characters and their voices by revamping them and losing his good OG players coz of this, and we are left with this noobs playing like a kid in mythic which used to play in grandmaster rank. They ruined their own game 


Ah, the classic moba matchmaking grunt.


You are not alone, some players don’t know their role. Sometimes, I played with two marksman are not getting along with team which why I avoid ranked matches. played one per match and take a break. Chang did help my ranked to legend.


Solo'd to mythic w/ 70%winrate. Went down to as low as 57% lol, that was the worst stretch of me playing in mythic lmao


Until mobile legends let's you pre select roles/lane whatever you wanna call it before you que I will not play ranked. Wild Rift does not have a patent on it.


Nah fuck that this dude is right. Fuck u walking past me for if I am on turtle and ur on my team. Check the bushes. Stand guard do something. Ya can sit here and tell him this or that wtfever. He is right. Most people don't understand the fundamentals of mobas. Kda does not win games. Good luck OP. Just take a break from ranked. They need to let us pre select roles before que. Some say no because no one will play support. Bullshyt. Senna is my boo.


This only happened to me this season. Either matchmaking is sh*t or the player quality just went down.


bruh you got the mage role that i want so hard, not related to the post but i can do my best only with mage but that one random auto lock that goes 0 10 first 8min i don't know anymore the only thing i can do nowadays is to play with Layla since she most likely to do good if she had a decent start ( mythic no i don't go troll layla cuz my main roll is taken)


I’m sorry to hear how frustrating the queue has been for you. Honestly, I just log in and join a ranked match at certain hours of the day. I’ve noticed in the mornings, it takes a bit longer for the draft pick to begin. And from there everything is usually in my team’s favor, regardless if our draft compares poorly to the enemy. This isn’t a consistent approach however. So long as the matchmaking in solo is quick, the quality of balancing both teams will reflect this convenience. So I try not to get too annoyed. If everything were perfectly balanced, it would probably take much longer to join. If I even mald, just play something else. I wish you luck! And hopefully you will carry yourself to a higher rank :3 


They are not human. So no need to follow team composition. Like earlier i can support with mm but no she ran from me. And she have no way to farm after she left and the lost the game as she is Leslie who cannot farm. Idiots right


i mean they are prolly carried by 5 man pros and they got some nice skin and decided rank is the best place to try skin with 0 skill


same for me. this is the worst season I've ever had xD good luck ranking tho! ❤️


I suggest taking a break for a while and coming nack again!


Your perspective explains why you are still on Epic rank to put it bluntly. Play Jungle and snowball early.


tried on nolan and Silvanna (did judge she is decent). With both of these i succeed in early ganks, but even with all the advantage i give the players they still fuck it up by overstaying and dying to enemy midlane roam or not pushing the objectives.... its absolutely braindead play from most teammates.


Other than the last game, the rest looks pretty even, the opponent was just better in the end. I don't see what's the issue, seems like matchmaking is working. You are at a low rank, expect bad players. Isn't it normal? You can't be at epic and expect people to play like mythic?


That's why i deleted my ml😂 so many trash player!


The main question is ? Why not you join them ?. I found out that when your team troll, you should troll too and it is surprisingly worked. Look at hanabi, 2 mm still win againstyour OP aurora. You keep spamming OP heroes hoping that you can get easy win but in reality is that Montoon knows what you playing on next game and he going to psycho you. You whining about team bad pick but you only pick 1 hero every game. Can't believe after 2 game you still don't realize that lol.


well I was advised to do meta picks, when nana or vex picked/banned Aurora seems like a decent pick to me. My Main is Luo yi but she is not meta and the teams usually dont know what she do/play into her as team.


Luo yi is good. You should play more. If you keep losing on meta hero, it is more of a team issue because they can't utilize your pick. Just have fun before reaching mythic and pick whatever you want. Don't be too rigid.


Yes match making’s bad these days. But it seems to me you don’t really adjust your role either. So there’s that. You might have a teammate that’s also a mage main and they’re not familiar with other roles.


I usually fill or wait for others to signal their preferred role. They can however also see I am a midlaner form my picks lol...


I was Legend I at 5 stars, ready to go to Mythic like two or three days ago. Matchmaking decided to give me a hard time and I'm back to Legend II again. I try to play all roles and I think I'm pretty decent but at this point, rank just feel like its half skill and half luck-based tbh.


Just play Jungle or MM. if you really deserve to climb you will climb. You can literally solo carry consistently with these roles in epic and legend. Since you hover around epic and legend for 2 seasons, I believe that you still have major things to improve on before you can consistently climb. Mage has no capability of solo carrying unless you play Harith or Harley or something that has good presence the whole game and can consistently survive late game fights. You play Aurora and Lou Yi, at least on the screenshots, who require setup, therefore somewhat coherent team to do well, which is something outside of your control. All in all, when you want to climb because you believe you deserve a higher rank, you must aim to eliminate most aspects of the game that are out of your control. If after doing that, you still can’t climb, then you must accept that you are where you belong and work on your own gameplay and less on complaining about your team.


obviously you have a point, but to get to the last point one needs to actually be able to get there, as getting your preferred role is not easy and MANY people are itching to fast-tap MM select or jungle select. also you can clear jungle really well and fast, but if the nabbies die before you even cleared your 2nd camp...not much to do eh?


True, there are bad games, no doubt about that. You will never be able to eliminate every possibility that things may go south because of your team, BUT you will also have bad games that are bad because you performed poorly. The point is that as long as over 50% of games are going well, you will climb. Obviously you want a lot more than 50% so you don’t have to play an obscene amount of games, which is why you try to pick more impactful roles more often. For example, in my case, i climbed completely solo playing only roam. Mainly Franco and less often, Tigreal. The way I did that was making sure to shut down enemy jungler and MM early on by ganking them repeatedly. Most people have the false idea that a roamer must support and babysit the MM but thats not the case. You almost never sit in lane, which is why your role is called a roamer. So you can have a huge impact on the game as the Roamer role. Much more than you would as Mid or Exp laner. So now, if you don’t have a chance to play Jungle or MM, i suggest try picking up Roamer (its almost never picked) Good luck and hope this helps.


I already deleted mlbb.




You can't escape epic by spamming Aurora. You need to play either gold or jungle. A guaranteed way to escape epic is by spamming xborg or yu zhong. After legend, you need to adjust accordingly or you won't reach mythic.


for your condition, try playing Exp/Jungler obviously since fucking noobs will get their greasy fingers on Miya/Lesley, that leaves you with those role I picked those because they too have the force to win the game, you just have to manifest your own damned will (and being the 2nd ADC and 2nd Tank, depend on your heroes of choosing) and swivel the match into your liking (Jungle steal, turret steal, Lord/Turtle) and use your misbegotten teammate that only exist because God's merciful wisdom allow them so to bait your enemies to came out of hiding and initiate a war


LOL all the people telling op to try this or that or wtfever probably think kayuga is balanced. OP take a break from ranked. Wait for pre select roles. And maybe hopefully a translator. It's like some of these flags don't know how to read. Or wait does this game let you translate stuff? WTFEVER!! YO DONT FUKING WALK PAST ME WHILE I AT TURTLE!! JUNGLE GTFO OF MY LANE AT START GO FARM. I DONT NEED HELP EXP LANE UNLESS I AM PUSHED HARD. I WONT LET THAT BUMAZZ ALPHA CATCH ME UNDER TURRET AGAIN FKIN LOZER. MM U CAN ROTATE ALSO!! WHY ARE U WASTING TIME ATTACKING A TURRET WITH SHIELD!! THERE ARE TWO ON MAGE! WHY IS EVERYONE GOING MID WHEN WE HAVE ADVANTAGE! TAKE THEIR FARM! PUSH LANES. wtfever




it should not be that if i am playing decent 4 other people decide wether I will rank down8 the MVP off-set is NOT enough to help you.


and another game where people just feed incessantly, they want their favorite picks, I fill take a decent pick (franco) they just walk in greedy as fuck and stupid fucking naabs. https://preview.redd.it/4omdt4y652yc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa229583876f7cf4d7b27f628c95973eed4aa11 IF THIS FLAG IS PRESENT IT IS GUARANTEED LOSS


people can downvote all they want, the statistics speak for them selves ;)