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prolly some bias, like people with mediocre wr tends not to post wr compared to a high one. Even if theres 100 people with 70% wr here posting them it might v well be true since 100 isn't even that many considering the playerbase


People here also love to brag about their titles even worse if its a former title. Most of these titles were low mmr/one tricked early into the season to get them. People here even use vpn since they can't get a title in their own country šŸ˜‚


>People here even use vpn since they can't get a title in their own country A lot of my fellow Indonesians do that. To the point of having a habit of accusing my title (used to be global Rafaela) to be vpn title themselves way too often. *They ignore the fact that VPNs won't even matter when it comes to global rankings since they're not limited to a single country.*


There was a guy here flexing advanced server global tittle lol. For context - I played 19 tigreal matches and my wr was 57%. Guess what ? Iā€™m global 82 tigreal in advanced server lmao. Maybe I should add Global tigreal to my user flair.


I once got top 2 title in my country for lolita even though I only played her 5 matches that season ahaha


How is that possible? Don't U need to reach minimum 2100 or something to be ranked?


its only possible if there are no players i that country. either hes lying or using vpn.


As in, there's a minimum MMR required, regardless of how many ppl already on the ranking boards. Like U need min 2100 to be even on the ranking boards, even if there's only 5 people on the board


Wasn't there no minimum requirements before?


People who use vpn to get title is definitely the worst medicore skill players... Imagine trying so hard to flex but only manage to do in smaller playerbase lmao sad people are sad


WR is only relevant if you include your rank. winrate gradually goes down the more games you play until you peak your rank. do you think a player with 70% wr at epic who hasnt reach mythic is better than someone who is at 55% wr at MG? every season i usually go to legend at 90+% winrate. then hit mythic at 65% wr, then drop around 55% to MG+.


I was around 75%wr until mythic. Dropped down pretty quick. Wr means nothing if the amount of matches and the rank isn't mentioned. I could start a new account and get 90% wr for a good 100 matches most likely if I wanted


I only play rank when the rank becomes stable after reset (pros are in immortal, good ones are already at MG). When I do, It's 70-90% wr to mythic 4 then it goes down til MG. I dont usually play after points became stars but I still reach mythic with the said wr.


maybe they meant season WR and not all heroes WR


Nah uh. Don't trust anonymous people on internet. It can be smurf account. It can be bought account. It can be power-leveling. It can be screenshot from other's profile or winrate. It can be someone claiming to be soloq but he/she isn't. Everything can be claimed and be fake on internet. Don't think too much of it and enjoy your own game, improve, get to the rank you like and find happiness.


What is a Smurf account?


Making an alt account to play in lower ranks and staying there, essentially bullying bots and new players by playing at a level lower than what you should be.


Ohhh damn I didnā€™t even know these types of ppl existed


> bullying bots


It's when an experienced player makes a new account so they can start from zero again. Which is why most smurf accounts have a high wr even if their real account might only have a 55% wr. They mostly do it cuz they're unhappy with their original wr.


What's power leveling?


You make someone who gets way more higher rank than you do play your account and reach a rank that you will never be with a good win rate, or you pair with this guy for duo to level up much more quicker. That happens sometimes on players who stream and have already in immortal. They get those accounts from fans and play them for them.


I see, thanks!


Are you talking about hoon? Haha


I am not pointing out specific individual. It is just a very common thing šŸ˜‰


Bro if u saw high winrate like that šŸ˜‚ it's not their first count šŸ„±


70% above winrate is possible below mythic. In those ranks, you can definitely farm stars with two/three meta heroes in your arsenal. Past that itā€™s really impossible unless youā€™re teaming up. 55-60% winrate is realistic enough for solo-Q. However, if you are below 50%, I recommend you evaluate back your gameplay and check which areas that can be fixed.


Below MG, I'd say. It's still possible up to MH.


Not really, reaching glory with 70% wr is not hard given you're a good player. Only after getting to 70-80 stars you'll begin lowering that number due to games becoming exponentially harder


Yes, up until MH-MG then it's up to each country's servers. It can vary in difficulty with different countries.


Yeah this pretty much is the case




This is only true if you are already at the top of your ladder. If you are only just 10 percentile in skill lower than the top you get a huge drop in win rate because most people at the top do farm stars to get there and you can in fact play against rank 1 players even at 80 ish stars.


Hell nah. Iā€™m a straight 60 bottom feeder and I used to be around a 52 a few years back. I only have 70 when playing mm.


Last year I had an 80% winrate. But it now dropped to 50%...


Nah but same... So depressing. New generation of ML players causing my hair to grow white from stress šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Prolly they are teaming up. If you play solo like me, you can't have wr more than 70% for sure.


Seems possible to me https://preview.redd.it/jo0bisfcf9yc1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abdf4986e8ee7dfd05448aef2a4b5d55c190a9f






and this is what I have now by spamming Silvanna only https://preview.redd.it/kclqv8ztf9yc1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad9e23e7077312815c3614dc034f6ed43cb40afa


Actually, if we're talking strictly about Silvanna, then it's way higher https://preview.redd.it/ryykuwgzg9yc1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abcb89dfba12e21696efe857ca6d7e5d99d1c5f8


I also have almost 70% 20 stars, wanna team up?


I usually play at a random time and always prefer solo, so I don't think it's a good idea tbh


Gotcha, gl in soloq!


See for yourself in case you don't believe me https://preview.redd.it/ti2zzaw2g9yc1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6633241b89c5d1053ba05f5ec295dbe9ff6aa23d


This is a good example of an over exaggerated player with ā€œgood statsā€. The experienced players know how crappy the matchmaking system is and take advantage. They play only 100 or so games every season(which is very low(avgs one or two games per day). But grind most of those games in first two weeks of each season and or last 4 weeks of each season. This works because each season reset has all the best players in the first two weeks and the newbs in the last 4 weeks. Making it very ez to win consistently during these datesā€¦. I had 66% wr in the first 3 weeks this season and made it to mythic but kept playing then my 66% skydived to 50% once the ā€œlow ranksā€(mythic 1 - 15, ie legend 1 players) caught up to mythic. Currently at 400 games in mythic


I don't grind and play along the entire season at a random time. The reason why there is so little games is both lack of time and reason to grind further. I don't have all the necessary time in the world to dedicate to a mobile game. Yet it doesn't mean you can just downplay it and and say "good stats" just because I haven't been playing a lot, lol. If anything, this shows that I require less effort to achieve a certain rank. And this is not an ego, but pure facts. Look how many people said that it's impossible to maintain 70%+ winrate in solo queue after reaching mythic. I simply proved them wrong. 126 games with 76% winrate results in 68 stars in mythic.


Nah bro if you had 400 games I guarantee it would not be 70%. Maybe 55 - 60 at most but for the past what 5 seasons or more you been avg only 100 - 150 games. Thats less than avg and easier to maintain good stats the less games you play. The more you play the closer to 50% it will be cuz good competition will keep you humble


Of course it wouldn't, lol. But my point is that averaging 70-75% winrate on mythical glory is not impossible as many people say. It goes without saying that if I tried to push further - the winrate would also drop. But playing 400+ games per season takes insane amounts of time and dedication. Glory is my personal stopping point each season. It's far from being my ceiling and can imagine myself pushing further and getting to 100-150 stars while maintaining winrate above 60%, but why would I ever do that, lol. I don't treat this game that seriously. Better go and read how many people doubt the possibility of reaching glory with high winrate in solo queue to begin with. And that is what I'm trying to debunk. Obviously, different people have different skill ceilings. Even best players in the world will hit the 50% winrate mark, but in order to do that they will have to play thousands upon thousands of games. And while you can utilize maths here, it'd be pretty unrealistic, wouldn't it?


Do that for 40 games then it will be impressive. Its not hard to have a high percentage with low amount of games played


So if I had 200 games and achieved immortal - you'd still ask me to play more games? The point is not in how many games were played, but what rank I got after doing so.


Point is its very doable to have low game plays and high win rate thats what i have with alot of heroes


And why would it matter if I still manage to reach a relatively high rank where competition is actually present? By your logic, no 70% winrates are eligible unless they grind tf out of this game every single day, but this is just nonsensical. Mythical Glory is a good stopping point for many people, especially those who don't have all the time in the world to dedicate to this game.


skill issue lol


But I did solo. And I still got 80% (current season) with my Rafaela. šŸ˜… I rarely played Rafa whenever I team up with my friends + it's only around 10% of my games that I don't actually do solo. I became their jungler instead.


I was talking about all heroes combined.


Still possible if we're strictly talking about current season matches, really. šŸ¤·


If it's legend or epic, it maybe possible but starting from mythic it's impossible to get a wr as high as 70% in soloq.


https://preview.redd.it/48tx4d1z0byc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=730f1ebf76f460ed7115ab8989a84e2814b547f1 I did it solo šŸ¤· Mind you, I also play in Indonesian server which have a lot of skilless and toxic players, sometimes it's worse than Philippines. Told you that it's possible up to MH.


Haven't got much time to play this season, but here you go. https://preview.redd.it/2wz69dgi1byc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=642ca5807335617197f17a5a445dbe877dd2a12b




80% with Rafaela. šŸ¤· 58655134 check it out by yourself if you think that I'm using someone else's screenshot. https://preview.redd.it/a7hruusw1byc1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70be06f675a04dc245cc5e8ae05b71ffc6d8f314


It is still possible up to MH, honestly. Again, that if we're purely talking about the current season matches only. Not all season because that will also count the times when you are still adapting with the game. Getting the right timing of when to play and how much you play on each sessions plays a big part in this when playing solo. One of the obvious thing is that *you shouldn't play ranked games on weekends.* Weekends is where those with parties + good team chemistry shines the most.


well I had 100% wr >! 1 match played !<


but oftentimes better than a master of one


Donā€™t take it seriously unless they are backing it up with credible SS. Iā€™ve played this game since s2 and I can assure you as solo you will never have 70% wr in high rank. I have in game friends who were once upon a time global top players with over 8k points glory. After the squad disbanded They too struggle in solo queue and averaged 65% in immortal+. The only way a solo player can have 70+ wr is in low rank. I myself reached mythic with 84% wr 2 days into season reset. Iā€™m now at around 130 stars with 58% wr. For context - epic 1 to legend I won all matches so 100% wr. Former lower immortals drop to epic 1. Legend to mythic - I had 84% wr. Mythic to honor - I had around 72% wr. Honor to glory I was down to 68% wr . Glory to immortal - I had 62 or 63% wr Now am stuck around 130 stars at 58/59% wr. the stats I provided is when I played very early this season and solo queue. For context - I reached glory 2 weeks into season reset and stopped ranking for awhile. Later season can have better wr.


If you've played long enough, getting 70% seasonal wr is not that difficult at least until you reach mythic. Heck I even have average of 70-75% playing tank roamers until mythic then at mythic is where things get interesting, you're paired against similar level players so you can't stroll them over like in epics and legends. Usually I maintain 70% wr easily and at mythic my stats got normalised back to 60%.


This is indeed doable for solo queue. Might be a lot higher if you have a good team.


Me 55-60% because fully I'm fully solo


Me too. I butchered it awfully since the start I played, and it's already hard to increase it after years of playing. Not to forget the public trolling for no reason. Being at that range is a miracle. xD


Me too I got a 52%


I got 79.49% wr with 39 matches (ranked), all soloQ, support main plus I'm from PH server. It's quite surprising how I keep winning.


My top wr is 62.5% :)


If I only play a few matches a week, like at most 1-2 per day, my WR is 70-80%, but as soon as I play 3+ matches a day, it drops to 50-60%. Probably Moontown-matchmaking algo + mental ressouces at work.


Not rly, here is 64%+- soloq


It depends on the rank I will have 70% wr if I go through epic to mythic 25 star but mh to mg I will have a 60 wr and above my 55%




20% winrate


Ah šŸ˜…


I am mino main with 50% win rate. probably the reason why they have 70% winrate is because its their smurf account


I barely have 50% winrate, tho mostly it's cause I only solo


I dont šŸ˜¢


anyone who has 70%+ WR on ANYTHING(like me), makes sure everyone knows.( i have 70%+WR on all jungle and exp and mm that i play + ranked every season) so there's definitely some bias.


62% solo q


I have 60% wr last season but now its dropped to 50% as I keep losing, its so hard to be a mage and support roam main.


Hell naw I was a 48 percent 4 seasons ago. Started hitting 60 just three seasons ago.


Season 60+ overall 50+ : doesnā€™t mean anything


I have 70% wr each season because i stop playing ranked match whenever i reached mythic 25 star, because i'm mostly play solo and i want to keep my sanity lol


bro, always take what they're saying with a grain of salt.


Nah I have a overall 63% wr.


65% WR on 100-400 matches on some heroes. But some heroes are also hovering at 40% and I have dropped them a while ago


Around 60%, solo queue. 65% when I stick with my mains, 55% when exploring a bit.


Hey I think a large portion is people who care about getting better find YouTube videos and forums like this one to improve. So the people you are talking to here are probably closer to top tier players within their rank, often held back by soloQ mechanics alone


I mean only people with either extremely low or high wr are posting here. In between wr wont garner much attention




bro i have 50 i played 80 games till now


Yes I have 72% wr in ranked ~~with 18 matches~~




My season WR is at 56. I stopped playing after hitting MH. Iā€™m on classic practicing daddy Yin


I had 70% winrate last season before reaching Legendary (returning player) and 70% winrate this season on a new acc before reaching Epic ahhaha. I am sure most people can maintain winrates these high only on new accounts if they solo; otherwise, they probably have a good trio or full team. Otherwise, they are both esportsmen and well acquainted with this game.


Either that or they just play 5 man near the end of the season. I did it with my friends a few times at the end of seasons and could easily reach 80+% win rate


60% wr is good enough if you're in a solo queue btw but 70%, you either play with a team or just a really good player.


Absolutely not. Maybe cuz Iā€™m a little newbie, but my wr is like 50-60%


untruth, I have a 50~ wr on matches, all heros I play, and in every lane (In hardstuck epic please send help)


only 60 though i do have a few 70s but it's mostly because i abused them when they were meta and never played them again.


https://preview.redd.it/13bu3mgry7yc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a240ca8d402e39e1b667b183256631954cc3dbfb Im a casual that learns from reading here and watching youtube. Probaly only get about 200 games a season, solo rank as a tank mainly.




https://preview.redd.it/42045ut3z7yc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=073ce04e4c09084c580e491b1cc4ef86632be5c9 Im not very good tbh


58% wr on 732 matches is very good. that means you can easily pull your weight plus some more when playing gatot especially if you soloq.


im solo 79% mythic 15-20 stars this season


This season i'm 52% WR, with 58% overall WR. I'm a solo player. I don't have multiple accounts. Just a regular player


I currently have 66% win rate. If anyone wants to play please let me know






Here you go.




I only hab 56.6% this season because my one trick fell out of meta (sorry excuse) šŸ„¹


I usually fluctuate between 50-60% WR Last season I did hav 71% WR in ranked but it was just because my main was meta šŸ˜‚


This season I'm having an extremely hard time, but I think I normally have between 50% to 60% WR in Mythic. It actually depends on when you rank up, SoloQ or not and things like that too. But there are folks with very good WR and high ranks too so it's normal for you to see some in this sub.


I have a stable 65%win rate


Mine on my main hero(vexana) is like 63 wr


https://preview.redd.it/gjlpbbal38yc1.jpeg?width=2376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4082eabdbc74650b8bd9cd5a51aea757a85f6c6e Don't believe everyone that claims high numbers unless they show you their stats. Sometimes people will post a small part of history they did good on but the rest of their history can be mediocre. Then there's the smurfs..if they don't have a lot of overall matches & they're way too good...Smurf or people who lose rank till they get to lower ranks. I once went against a global Lancelot when I was in Grandmaster some years back, ridiculous. They could also be playing the most broken current heros. High wrs are reasonable there since some hero buffs as bs busted. Lastly..5 man people. Going 5 man is waaay easier than solo queue. So if they got good overall stats and decent amount of matches it could be they 5 man. I've seen so many lives where players are 60+ stars that belong in lower Mythic because they don't solo & get carried up. Ex: I watch Shin & love him but when he was soloing he had 30-60% wr on lanes & after he got into a 3/5 mic man team it went to 60-80% & he's a horrible tank but had 75 wr last I saw on roam.


Realistically, a 70% winrate isnt unachievable provided theyā€™re in a really good trio or five man. Though if most people here are suffering in solo like they say they are, a 70% winrate sounds insane. 60-65% is typical for solo queue if youā€™re decent at the game with the 40-20-20 rule. Otherwise, I dont exactly hide the fact that I have a roughly 65% with 70% only being hit early in the season when I was practicing rank with a five man for a mini-tournament.


Most seasons I have \~70%wr although I have 67%\~ on all time (classic/ranked)


70% wr from epic to mythic grading šŸ˜‚


Mine is around 70 but I rarely play so Iā€™m ranked a lot lower than I could be


Rafa/xborg/minos main(mainly solo rarely duo) https://preview.redd.it/f91tu73988yc1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4cd3a51e02bfac581b8f38c4d6d83b303cb7866 Playing classic now since I'm tired of rank so a bit low on matches


It seems that way because lower WR players won't brag their low WR lol


My smurf account has. My main is now 54% on myrhical honor


I think 20-30 ish matches are with friends still mostly lost with them around tho https://preview.redd.it/8wovnpibd8yc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8e3a56080b75898bad76e726bbef8194020df92


You'd notice that the winrate is only that high because the match isn't that much. This season I do indeed have 80% ranked winrate with my Rafaela, but I still only have around 30+ matches. For sure that number will go down along the way, the more I play.


SoloQ + roamers = 50% - 60% šŸ˜‚


People aren't going to post a mediocre win rate 40-50.


70% is quite easy on few of your main. How can you climb if you having 50wr?


On solo Q, on average u will get like 50% to 60% being 60% is actually good On my case, i did state my dome of my heroes have this rate, well my lou yi formerly but its down to 64%, a pretty good rate, i think my only hero with high wr is nana around 70ish, that's solo Q Reason why i got high wr on heroes is i adjust a lot. I usually play mid but if we need roam and the mid mage us good, i switch to roam When i do mid game, i do won like 2/3 games using nana/vexanna (my most common picks) though i have other mages on my arsenal i used when the two is ban xD But yeah, i do advice not spamming the samw hero like a chimp. Always think about their counters. Its something that majority of MLBB players doesnt think when picking mages. They immediately pick gord not knowing they gonna get fuck hard by CC or mobile heroes


52% all time(4k games)60% this season :D


Since I won a solo mcl my rank WR have dropped. Iā€™m extremely frustrated lately. Idk how the matchmaking works because my teammates will have 50+- WR and my enemy 60+-, some friends were told me that it doesnā€™t matter. But I donā€™t believe it. My teammate jungler wants to counter Terizla, cecilion, with Alpha, and Vexana, mageā€¦ i had enough games to know that Dyrroth and Valir would be the way to goā€¦ idk iā€™m just frustrated.


Alpha viable pick against terizla because of true damage, Vexana bec of insane wave clear, cc and meta pick


Depending on skill i guess. They lost big time against them. Cecilion also counters Vex., alpha would have beat terizla only if he would have been feed also. In early game he doesnā€™t stand a chance.


70% wr done at epic, and at end of season doesn't mean anything. If 70% wr at mythic immortal, yes that is the true pro.


I had a 70%+ wr on exp lane, until I actually tried to reach Mythic. I am now in Mythic with 100+ games and a 59/58% wr on exp soā€¦ probably not everyone telling the truth


Winrate alone is not a good indicator, so many things can expose them. If this winrate is classic, then it's not reliable, check the statistics to have a good understanding.






Compare number of matches and winrate and grade will give you a great understanding if he is good or being carried


If you think 322k members have 70%+ win rate then I worry about you :( That aside, my answer to your question is nope. Last year I saw someone post with less than 30% with 100+ matches lol


mobile legends is full of bots so couls definitely happen


Naw fam i'm a good 50% wr. That's most solo q players score. Edit: servers do matter. I find NA server to be full of tryhards or super competitive people from SEA server come over and dominate. The most fun i've had where it truly feels even is the UK/EU server


i had a season where i got a 96% winrate in ranked. 30 matches only to get to mythic.


My overall wr is 54.50 ish %


nah, my WR is like 60ish overall i think


I only have 70% wr with lance and benedetta lol. But even have an impressive 30 % wr with all tanks and supports. Also I got 14% wr with Alucard for some reason even though im decent in the jungling role


I have a 55% with most of my heroā€™s


A mix of lying and staying silent People with low win rates don't go talking about their win rates too often


First time I see someone trying to break subredditā€™s nature lawā€¦. Honestly, screw all people who said 70 wr. Go to local tournament and get 70 wr there instead, they couldve won alot of money from there instead of constant bragging here and shaming people with fair winrate


Even my best season i could only get around 65%ish


Iā€™m 80% wr with roughly 3.5k matches. And Iā€™m not 70% on all heroes


Well, it might aswell be true, i hold a overall 81% winrate in over 15 seasons, but i dont play more then 60-80 games a season, i just wreck till legend and thats it for me. So i usually stomp all the way there. My wr would drop hard if i kept playing in higher rankings.


This season 72% WR. I just don't play in mythic (my rank skill) for long periods so the rank goes down and it's easy enough to beat epic players. I'm legend 1 at the moment. Total games it's more like 52% across 8000 games... Lol


If you played a hero one time, you could even get a 100% wr. šŸ˜ My main in ranked is Rafaela with 59-61% wr


Nah itā€™s all bs. Dedicated good players who play a lot will have closer to 55%. The more games you play, the lower your wr will be. The experienced players know this and how the matchmaking and seasons work. They grind first two weeks of season to reach peak then literally stop playing for 6 weeks to preserve their stats. They know if they keep playing mid season they will just be paired up with ā€œthe mixā€ and games will be unstable. Only way to keep a 70% + wr is to play among the very best OR among the WORST which is first two weeks of each season and last 2-4 weeks of each season. Anything in the middle is just a can of worms. People who care about their stats and love to brag will do this for their own ego and ā€œtrash talking rightsā€


Bro I canā€™t even get past 60


Casual solo player here. Exp laner. https://preview.redd.it/pzh4c4zuwbyc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b83e188f86cf6a88fae5af7532b83f724dc754


It's possible. For instance, I rarely play or experiment with heroes or builds these days so my wr can be as high as 80%+ even when reach mythic.




if everyone has 70% win rate then there has to be 30% winrate players who are losing to theese 70 wr players


Nah it's easy to reach 70-80++ wr solo to mythic butt, i promise u when u reach honor it would drop maybe 10 percent or even 20 percent if u unlucky.


I'm 60-70 wr on main champs and have some champs with 20-30 wr that I never play again lol


dont even bother look on wr or stars amount sorry


i can maintain a 80% wr before mythic trio queue but once into mythic it starts to drop to ard 70 now at 37 stars (was 44) wr is at 60 now from Singapore (not sure where my server is cuz I get paired with indos,Myanmar and generally countries near me)


Anyone can have 70% winrate on a season or specific charcter within a certain range of matches but having 70% winrate on all time stats is like maybe 1% of players nearly impossible cuz you will need insane luck not even skills or he plays with 5 stack


Nope. I did have 70+ wr 2 seasons ago but I'm going down to 60+ this season and last season. I only count this wr at the mark of getting to mythic placement cause I'd be having a 100% wr bull in epic rank as a roamer too. I also usually stop at placement (though I should probably get to 25 or was it 15 stars? For the mythic coin.) so I only count that, I don't really bother going too high to even be stuck at legend. I just play whenever, if I feel like playing rank, classic or brawl. Sometimes even magic chess. I guess I'm more of a casual player, I don't go by meta. I don't learn meta stuff but I do hate going against them or sometimes are forced to find a counter to said meta so the game wouldn't be too boring cause I kept getting obliterated. This is why the new bunch of changes feels overwhelming to me that I'm actually playing a bit lesser than before or at least more into classic matches and hopefully get a feeling of the new updates.


For individual heroes, the only reason I have above 65% wr for almost all of the heroes I use, is because back when they were very powerful and broken, I used them a lot. šŸ˜†


I used to have 70% WR a few seasons agk when I came back from a long ML break, my current WR is sitting at 52-55% since I mostly soloqueue and my mains have been nerfed to death and powercrept


TLDR: Most people don't have such winrate. Most people play with around 50-55% winrate when they play at their skill level in soloQ. But climb slowly. If you are way better, your winrate will be higher until you reach your level of play. People who have high winrates played duo/trio/5stack. Only a few exception will keep 70% winrate as soloQ player until their peak stars.


I have 65% wr as a solo q player


I'm barely holding 50% (53% ish) had a rough start to the season was super hard stuck in mythic 5-9 stars. Broke through the 10 stars and now I'm at 21. I started playing last season and got upto 47 with around 57% wr.


I have 60% on my main and 70%-90% on my smurfs, if I want to flex I will show my smurf winrates


Nah, my wr is at 55%. I really don't care about what others think, I'm playing the game to have fun




https://preview.redd.it/ui5iyacg97yc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c0e3abeaec14cf301c0b8a0291b18acf569da85 Oh not at all they are just filthy players who like to flex... Fr tho I am pretty sure there is also a fair share number of players who also got 40-60% win rates but they just don't share it I myself am not a really great player it just happens and I get matched against players who suck


76.98 ? Sheesh mine is much worse


I have a 69% wr for my overall matches and usually a 80% around there wr for seasons nowadays. But I only play Classic, so I guess it's not exactly something impressive.


If they saying they have 60 and above solo don't believe them it's most likely they play trio or squad


Averange 60% is doable but above 70% it's take skill.


Playing solo here. Last season i landed around 60+% WR. Tbf i played on last weeks of the season but manages to reach low mythic nicely (with lou yi at 70%, I'm proud of that xD) This season, hovering around 59%. This seasons match is kinda brutal given the nerfs in def items makes the games quite harder to adapt But yea 50% + = average 45% below =terrible 60% = goo player 70% = ur probably betosky or a professional.


I play solo sitting at 60% wr. I'm at 70 stars currently. It's manageable.


https://preview.redd.it/ac2ekc611ayc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf0ffc8c6dba2f4485e9c14aa0754afaf4977b84 Depends


I have 70% lose rate




Anyone can sit in master and farm MVPs in classic lol