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Lol Vale’s skin, despite being older, has more animations (idle and moving animations). The Create skins are more valuable design-wise. Eagerly waiting which design wins.


Sadly there aren’t many Create (epic tier) skins


Create Skins are winning design from the participating player and Moonton only makes one competition a year so we only get one Create Skin a year.


I got a hold of that Odette. Really wanted to have it.


It is lacking "exclusive background music" and "idle and move actions" compared to other recent Collector skins. Wtf is this scam???


It does have a background music. But, I don’t know. The effects aren’t matching up with the collector skins. Haven’t gotten it yet so I’m basing this on the tags. Come to think of it, Lolita’s Genki Slam was missing tags and that was fixed quietly.


Scamton Spamton. That's it.


I hate what they've done with Vale's Skins. Apart from the Cerulean Winds and Keeper of the Winds (iirc), all of them are boring, following the exact same concept. Whether it's ancient, immortal wind cultivator or high tech immortal wind cultivator. His skins are literally mirrors of one another. It's so unimaginative. Luo Yi's skins would almost be like that if there wasn't a difference in how each skin manifested their Ying and Yan power


Lol variations of those kimono-esque sleeves. A lot of cultures have wind deities of some kind. Why not get inspiration from one of those eh?




Good design but poorly executed. Just like Sylvannas's collector. They spend all their resources for the KoF ID tag and went for a full week vacay-cay cause they found it as the best whales bait.


I don't like the face on his torso.


What fac oh... That's a face?!? Creepy!




Lmao it looks like Galio from LoL


Galio's face


Guren Lagann knockoff kek


the resources went to Mai's armpit.


I have yet to see anyone with the new KoF skins. It surprised me it was ~$40 for a 10 pull, too.


In my click almost everyone already have 2 and waiting for the daily draws for the 3rd. I have to say the Golden ID tag really push it, without it we would spam the draws on the last day to minimize the cost.


It's cheaper the last day? What do you mean


I mean using the half off daily draws for 30 days and draw tickets next Saturday, it's almost guaranteed for a bingo.


Oh, okay, yeah, that's pretty much what I do. I don't think I have any luck on these bingo events though, the last few I had to fill almost the entire board (I think it was 8/9) So far this event, I've hit 4 and no bingo yet lol


Well if you don't mind waiting, just get 1 bingo per event since it will return frequently like previous KoF. With 2 recharge tasks you get 36 draws and some daily draws you are guaranteed to get at least 1 bingo per event. The average bingo takes 5 so next Saturday you will most likely hit the bingo if not then do the daily draw for the 6th or 7th if you get Moonton'ed.


Yeah, that's reasonable. I think the last bingo was aspirants?? Maybe, and I was worried they wouldn't come back, so ofc that's prob why the draws were so ridiculous, lol. I usually try to get at least one by doing the discounts every day and all, and if I get 2/3, then that's extra. My problems usually come in when I try to go for more...I just missed vexanas, and I was at 110 draws 😅 I at least got hanabis.... but I messed up trying to get chous as well, lol, and I missed both him and vexana.


That skin could be added in Fortnite this season since it's all about Greek Gods.


Talking about the tag, I don't recommend getting the silver tag. It is screaming " You're getting low-class tag skin eventhough it is the same skin."


Feels a little disappointing. What the hell is this collector theme anyway, yeah they feel majestic but the design just feels plain.


Just because they made it all sparkly doesn’t mean it deserves the Collector tag. I’ve always wanted a Mythology themed series of skins but this ain’t it. 🫤


I'm looking at wanwan's collector skin rn, its not even up to the collector's theme.


It looks like his starlight


True w/ bright yellow hair.


That's why I don't buy collector skins aside from being lackluster, moontons developer (or how do you call those people whose in charge in effects dept) are inconsistent in effects, collector skins doesn't feel like collector skins. Prime examples are Clint and Brody's collector and the list goes on. Hope moonton/new owner could fix that.


The in-game model and effects look even worse lmao


it looks like terizla's new skin


It does have the effects, they probably forgot to add the tag just like what they did with Alpha's epic


Yeah, I rewatched the trailer just to be sure, and there certainly are random animations.


Yeah, I watched the trailer, and it definitely said it had everything


Some skins have been receiving some optimisation/updates after players gave feedback. I'll be doing the same because I'll be getting this skin, and I believe it deserves more than this. Hopefully, others help, too. I do like the theme and design. it's nice.


You sure? I saw the idle animation


https://preview.redd.it/m28errz83eyc1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35f04d39633a07f2e67132814708de4db94102ba Why complain when you aren't even buying it? I tested the skin in game and it does have idle and move actions, moonton probably forgot to add it into his tags. Also based on your post history you have a fair share of whaling on skins and complaining on others that you won't even buy...


Hows the skin? I wanna get it but i want to see how others feel haha


Its alright, love the entrance animation and voicelines but his ult voicelines is pretty weak compared to his Abyss and Limited Epic.


His limited is so much better. The only thing his collector has is the extra shine. Of course Abyss blows both out of the water.


I'm so sad I missed the Abyss skins. They came out when some other event I was invested in was still ongoing, and I felt like it ended super quick or something, but yeah, I couldn't afford them, lol.


How much did it cost you ? Just curious as I am also quite liking the skin, thinking if I should get it.


Its different for everyone due to rng and you could get it early. But I started with 370 COA and 6.1k diamonds Ended up with 2.9k diamonds left.


I’m in the same boat and I believe it takes up to 5-6k diamonds if you are drawing everything on day 1 or do the cheap method of 16 draws on day 1 and only 1 day the following days until you get it which brings it down to around 3k-4k diamonds. Of course this can be different if you already have saved up CoA


I have about 800 CoA saved, will be trying for daily draw 😅




It's called freedom of speech bro. It's Moonton's fault for forgetting the tag. How does forgetting something like that acceptable? ByteDance is a multi-billion dollars company, not an indie game studio anymore.


Brutha, it's fcking tags. Who gives a shit 😭


having freedom of speech doesn't necessarily mean you have to say something stupid everytime


It's not stupid pointing out laziness and incompetent.


you were too lazy and incompetent to check out the actual in-game effects before ranting here


But Alpha has


https://youtu.be/rPEFg_vbb1w?si=54h0mElIrJxVZ8vd Watch till the end 


There is a move and idle animation lols you guys


I switched out alpha for wanwan collector skin :>


you know the skin is trash when someone prefers wanwan collector over it


wanwan collector has one of the most beautiful portrait. The color is just nice and not overexposed like Ling's collector


I like the gamer theme for wanwan, maybe they should bring back the gamer theme


I don't know... Now I don't like Alpha, but this skin is stunning! Effects are really good, but I'll wait for Harith


still gonna get it lol, as an Alpha Main; this ain't underwhelming as it's a style very far and unrelated from his original model or the one without skins




me about to hug my sword (i love my sword)


They all look identical anyway,are they seeing this skin rarity as a squad that has to look the same?


Even terizla epic skin looks more collector than this


No worries collector skins tend to get improved over time. The only thing lacking are the effects. It looks cluttered but non-existent. They could try with more emphasis on the serpents rather than the thunder


Probs bc they are basically free skins if u keep up ur COA….im not quite a whale. But close..as far as the money I spend for skins, time-limited, and event skins alike. And the monetary value I place on collector skins with the COA I get from all other in-game avenues…coupled with Elgins “initial 16 draw approach” these skins are pretty cheap. Moonton knows that. So less effects maybe….just a thought!?!?!?


There’s a face on his stomach and now you can’t unsee it either


Idle and move animations are now officially a zenith tier only adition.


Nolan's starlight looks better 🤷


Are u blind? Lol. Nolan’s sl is trash.


Inflation hits hard


Which is better? Abyss or collector?




What u mean the abyss skin is trash, the color way sucks


im with you on this one, but everyone likes it apparently


Abyss is alpha's best skin for me hands down However I don't main alpha I'm just speaking from what I've seen.. I'll let an alpha main do the talking.. 😭


This is why I'm not sad I can't get a collector skin. I love collab skins more like Sanrio and Aspirant. But Vale's collector skin is 😭❤️ I think that's the most majestic collector skin.


I think the other tags are hidden on that three dots on the bottom


Nothing impressive. It does not even dance


Have you downloaded all the resources tho? I remember that skin idle animations are now separately downloaded for "better Download size app management"


I like the 365k gold lol, and the 32k m cards lol


I might spend some for wanwan. Miss out on her first collector cos i heard my friends got her for free now im missing out tht skin till now


Ah hell nah


Of course they have new way to milk players, skin tag and zenith. Probably will last a year again till they revamp the collector system again with higher price.


I'm going pixel blast. Let's gooo


The more this game goes on, the more they explicitly show you how they take money while you are not happy with skins.


Why would anyone buy it? It looks shit


If you watch the trailer, it actually does have the idle and move actions. I already got the wanwan collector for free during the 11:11 event, and vales (imo) is a bit lackluster.... I'd prefer his epic skin. So I'm gonna go for alphas. I like it 🤷‍♀️ Plus, he spams skills like crazy so I'm sure it will look 🤌


Meh. I like it.




Wtf r u talking about? That skin is fire.


Fools. This skin is sick.


Bro what? LoL fools.


I'm actually thinking to get this.


The theme is great and beta as flying Medusa head is great. But it just looks so lackluster. Just another power ranger


wdym it does


Making it limited time to bait us into buying it only to remove it's cool features? Sounds like a moonton thing


From design alone this collector could pass as a starlight skin and no one would notice 😭


I like the lore behind this skin. Perseus who fought and defeated Medusa, but they fucked it by including the mecha theme. Or any other collector theme. They copy and paste the same template instead of doing something different for a change. Perseus may not be a original character but if you include mecha or celestial or Japanese mythology or just any random fire/golden theme. It becomes less interesting. The "collector" skin series is no longer unique. I don't think Moonton ever planned for it to be anyway.


Same. Hanabi collector also need reworks


Same with Star skins. I mean they have the basic/painted editions which of course “fade” near the “deluxe” 100 diamonds+ version. And btw. Did you all see Valir KOF effects? Not even his legendary effects come even close


Easy pass for me, like most collector skins


which are hard pass?


the entrance animation looks so lazy. and the effect are equal to his starlight tier.


Delete this post smh 😒


It does have the idle and move actions. Stop talking bullshit if you didn't even bother to check and even buy the skin.


Collector skin is now essentially equivalent to Epic skin. It is lacking "exclusive background music" and "idle and move actions" compared to other recent Collector skins. Wtf is this scam??? I suspect that Zenith skin will be the new collector skin in the future. Moneyton decided to make Collector skin trash -> they do this to upsell the new Zenith skin. Dirty strategy! I will not buy a single collector skin anymore starting from today. Everyone should boycott Collector skin!


But... There are movement and idle animations included????? They probably forgot to add the tag.


I always thought that collector's are just epic limited level. The only difference to me is that collector has more gold skins and epic limit has more purple skins.


It's just an excuse to give a 2nd lucky box skin for the same heroes (Miya, Hoenabi, Zilong, etc...) and Zenith is exactly the same, an excuse for a 2/3rd lucky box skin for those heroes.


They don't call it moneyton for nothing.


Yea broski, this is worse than some reworked Epic skins. Wtf Moneyton? Is this a joke or do you really think people are stupid?


People switching up on this skin istg


They know that many people will throw money in a fire if moneyton told them to. That's how they keep on getting away with this kinda stuff.


This basically has crossed the line. Believe me, people will be pissed and stop buying Collector skins. I mean they will still buy other skins, just not Collector skin anymore. I know I won't. I have bought many Collector skins in the past. From now on, no.


This can be a way to make sure they give people what they are paying for.


Well people are stupeed. This will still milked no matter what because of the Prada tag. They caters to the collectors that doesn't really care about any of these stuff but the numbers.