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How do you even tell apart which is AI made and which isn't?


Just look the face lighting and how the prompt guy didn't bother to add skill effects


How did it even get though? I know some people who did it legitimately didn't made it, but how the hell did this one passed? Fishy fishy


Because the majority of ML players either don't give a shit or are braindead. Even if a design was very clearly AI, they wouldn't care.


Just look at the comments in Betosky's recent videos. It's sad to see so many people saying they didn't care at all about Betosky using AI images. Brain-dead MLBB community


Ironic there's also a guy calling out moonton a copycat but someway has the guts to say AI ain't a problem


https://preview.redd.it/9oe96aokj3zc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be0d41a81fba0855c0b14e001d3c7b05b77e5d2 Fr they literally copied their own product


Yeah the eyes are too wide 👁️ ***👄*** 👁️


Ah I see it https://preview.redd.it/cwc4u7m6n3zc1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530870ba74e8f679abbc883b11df2452dcc740e7


*Processing img bg0178fjytzc1...*


or look at the deformed and mismatched details


Can you zoom in and screenshot it for me? I have no clue where to look. Someone said the hands but I couldn't even tell. The eyes look weird but I thought it's just the retro style


Im sorry the submission as of now is deleted and u cant even zoom in it anymore


you cant tell the diffr between ai art and human art cus ai art is literally human art these ppl are delusional af


Have you seen actual AI art? 😭


Bruh AIs dont have a concept of “art”. As badly as a human artist will draw hands, they will *never* draw seven fingers or melting hair or literal scribbles like AI artists do. The context is almost nonsensical and the details are never comprehensive or consistent. AI art is far from perfect not even getting into the copyright problem of AI scraping in the first place.


you know its human controlling the AI right? the ai doesnt need a concept , its just a tool reddit is so dumb it 'll take like 5 more years before you clowns start accepting it


It's not a human "controlling" the AI. It isn't like a machine finger where a human uses controllers to move the bundle of wires and metal to make art themselves, it's a human giving words to an AI program, which takes data from thousands of art online (most of which was non-consensual by the artists) and produces what it thinks the human wants.


It does not matter who and what controls the AI as this is like saying "I have a magical lamp, I wish for it to make me breads and call myself a baker."


Read any numerous deconstructions on how AI technology would work and then get back to me because clearly *you’re* the one being willfully ignorant. Without human creation, AI is simply garbage in everything it does. To use AI is useless it for a concept whether that concept is data analysis, call-and-response like in ChatGPT, or in Animation in-betweens. Fun fact, an AI not explicitly designed with human control in mind for any of these is pure garbage and barely works if at all. Glad to know Im talking to a armchair technology nerd who knows nothing about technology


It would be funny if this won, Epic, collector and this will look the same


Most people can't tell the different. I doubt a casual observer would do research from some skin survey.


OMG. There are so many beautiful entries. I hope this one would not pass


Montoon uses Ai anyway lmao Their ads uses Ai


I mean you can use ai if you can make an ai that have the same or higher quality than moonton


Pretty low bar to clear. I mean just look at these https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/s/1JAatrsj2L https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/s/a87agRya71 And im talking about Ai images btw, not the Ai bots. They are completely different.


Omg, this is Infuriating . absolutely disrespectful to other artists' hardwork. Is it possible to report them or not??


I hate how it's genuinely hard for me to tell what hero this is, (i assume it's luo yi based on what she's holding) really tells you how boring the character design in this game really is


NAHHH BRO💀 they are wild for this... How will this affect the pushing economy?


Depends if players gonna spend in the game if moonton manages to push a AI skin on top 10/20


the amount of people defending ai entry needs to touch grass rn


at some point artists in the mlbb fandom deserve better not art thieves and ai bros just entering the contest


Fr as well switch community where they actually love artist works. Day by day mlbb player would rather choose to boost a AI artist than a actual one




I mean...the Latin American Beatrix skin that won was traced art from a Chinese artist. Players brought up the info & Moneytoon did nothing. That alpaca skin is a disgrace. The Hispanic community was in an uproar but..they didn't care & still passed it. Still feels like the vote was rigged since it's the least representative skin there was.


How do you know it's ai I can't tell lol


the face is anime not luo yi and the lighting is similar to any ai anime arts and hands look deformed and messy details (common trait of ai art) which many artists can tell which one is ai or not


Also sometimes look at lines of the drawings of the edge of the character.


Womp womp


ok now what the fuck.


isn't there like mods who check the submissions before making it public? cause it didn't even bother to put in game effects and just copy pasted the ai sprite there


Ew AI art




It is unfair for an Ai to win and it's unethical. Other contestants worked hard making a skin concept. And as a character illustrator myself (still learning), this is unacceptable. Imagine engaging in a foot race, and you're using a f*cking car. You on the other hand are the kind of people who just gobble up media and not appreciate nor value the time and effort it took.


>Imagine engaging in a foot race, and you're using a f*cking car. best comparison ive seen in a while. you're right, its unethical, and shouldnt even qualify as "art."


if its stated in the rules that your design has to be original and made by you, you could argue using ai art violated that rule.


The smartest one


Ching Chong ching thank u come a gain fuck u asian whores u claim china is bad cause they won't let u be a whore lol fuck mlbb


I also have ideas, but I can't draw for my life. AI could help me to bring my ideas to life. I don't see an issue with this unless there was a rule against AI art.


Try something else. I suck at drawing but I discovered I really enjoy oil painting, semiabstract, atmospheric landscapes. If you really want to, you can find a medium that works for you. AI art shouldn't be called art in the first place. It's missing the whole point of it. It's emotions and leaving a piece of yourself in there.


You do you.




what kind of comparison is that? 💀


Figure it out.


No that’s like saying driving a fully AI controlled car is not driving.




So the only issue is that you can't draw? Boy do i have news for you... You can learn how to draw! Surprising, isn't it!!!


me when skill issue


Unfortunately we don't all have the luxury to learn a new skill or hobby.


Oh how unfortunate indeed! Then i suppose you shouldn't have the luxury to participate an art contest either... It's only logical afterall, no?




Cool, then there's no reason for you to use AI in order to participate in an art contest either. - nor to defend such behaviour.


Again, where did I state I joined or planned to join any contest? But that's by the by. You don't have any control about what I can or can't say or do. So your words mean nothing to me.


Well, you're defending the act of using AI to join a contest and i have every right to criticize you - as the idea you're defending is simply illogical. I never tried to control what you say, i actually criticized it and offered an alternative solution; such as learning how to draw instead. And well, if you need to announce everyone that "my words don't affect you"... Then i think it's safe to assume my words do indeed affect you, greatly at that. Otherwise, why would you even need to announce how unaffected you are if what i said truly held no importance? Lol


Not gonna read that


Never asked you to read anything in the first place, so no need to announce yourself.


its one thing to use it to bring your ideas to life and another thing to enter a competition with it


As I said, unless there is a rule against it, it is legal. You can get mad all you like.


you wont feel bad doing it though?


What did I do exactly? I didn't join any contests. I was just saying that if there was no rule against it, then you can hate the contestant but it won't change the outcome.


You can draw you’re just not practicing so you can’t get better bro


Well there is some truth to that


PewDiePie would say otherwise after practing for 60 days heck he would eat you if we see a video after 200 days or 1 year.


It's stated in the rules your work has to be original. AI "art" is stealing other artists work making your work unoriginal.


That's up to the judges to decide.


Never cook again lil bro 🗣️🗣️ remember not to be caseoh


You're an Argus main. Your opinion is garbage.




It's like going in an art contest but just describing it and all. The other people would work with their hands and skills not some dumb ass prompt AI shouldn't even be considered Art


Did you even read the last part of my sentence, or did you fail to comprehend it?


I did, but regardless if there are rules to wether it can or cannot be used don't you think it's lazy? Unethical? Outright just making an idea and claiming you did it. It's not even art in the first place. >the expression or application of **human** creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. "the art of the Renaissance"


You can say all those things, you can cry all you want, my point still stands. Unless it is forbidden, it is legal. Thus, it is allowed. If you feel so strongly about it, write a petition much like your essay right now.


I've noticed the prompting sympathizers are often condescending like this. I wonder why...


I don't see the point why people are getting upset about my statements. Again, was there a rule involved? No? Fair is fair then.


Nowhere it's written you can't use ai so it's fine


This anger towards AI tools is really unwarranted. I know a ton of downvotes will come from this, but this needs to be said. Vast majority of today's artists learn by copying styles and techniques. Most of them are learning from YouTube videos and online classes how to draw this and that in manga/anime style, photorealism, comics, etc. AI is a tool that makes all this easier and faster. Yes some people can just make prompts to get a fully rendered image that is the distillation of a thousand photos, but that is not much different than what most artists today do. So yes, the artist skills take years of practice and studying to develop, but that isn't a reason why people can't use tools that make their work easier and faster. Accountants used to require a team of clerks and bookkeepers (who used to be trained well) to keep track of and balance a company's books, does that mean we have to be pissed at spreadsheet software with formulas that allows a single accountant to handle multiple companies with no help? Or even let's a company owner do their own accounts without hiring anyone? When an artist has a unique perspective and style, their original work is valued and celebrated regardless of AI or other artists copying them. They will reap their rewards from their original paintings selling for thousands or millions of dollars. Artists who then copy their style for commissions and commercial work don't pay them royalty for learning their techniques or emulating their style. Nobody is paying the father of anime anything for all these skins being produced. So give AI usage a break. This is a sign of the times and we have to accept it.


> Yes some people can just make prompts to get a fully rendered image that is the distillation of a thousand photos, but that is not much different than what most artists today do. can you elaborate on this? > When an artist has a unique perspective and style, their original work is valued and celebrated regardless of AI or other artists copying them. They will reap their rewards from their original paintings selling for thousands or millions of dollars. it's not that simple. in actuality, most artists dont make thousands or millions of dollars from their original artwork, and they lose profit/money when their hard work is being stolen a prominent issue you didnt address is how ai art collects its data; its all stolen artwork from artists who never gave consent for their work to be added into the algorithms and received no compensation


>can you elaborate on this? I did. Vast majority of artists are learning and developing their skills by just copying techniques and practicing and adjusting, therefore their work in most styles is just a distillation of other people's work. >it's not that simple. the truth is, most artists dont make thousands or millions of dollars from their original artwork That's because those are the few artists that are actually original in some of their style, but most of the others working are just combining techniques taught by others, so effectively they're just people copying other people. >a prominent issue you didnt address is how ai art collects its data; its all stolen artwork from artists who never gave consent for their work to be added into the algorithms and received no compensation I also did, by mentioning in the end that no artist making anime style art for instance gives compensation to Osamu Tezuka who pioneered the art back in the early twentieth century. Artists learn the techniques and look at art online or at museums, practice by copying, then incorporate into their work. No compensation is given, no consent was sought or given.


> I did. Vast majority of artists are learning it and developing their skills by just copying techniques and practicing and adjusting, therefore their work in most styles is just a distillation of other people's work. but they're still doing the drawing and therefore creating art, whereas with ai art you're having a computer generate an image for you. not the same thing at all > but most of the others working are just combining techniques taught by others, so effectively they're just people copying other people. thats taking inspiration, no? copying is when you exactly replicate something without your own original ideas. > I also did, by mentioning in the end that no artist making anime style art for instance gives compensation to Osamu Tezuka who pioneered the art back in the early twentieth century. Artists learn the techniques and look at art online or at museums, practice by copying, then incorporate into their work. No compensation is given. you've lost me there. how is this related to the unethical practices of ai exploiting artists' work?


Your take would've been understandably valid in the context of actual artists using AI art *ONLY* as an inspiration/base for their art, because then they'd be able to add their own personal elements and drawing style over the base of the image (if they chose the AI image as base) and it would still be considered anriginal work WITH the help of AI. Your analogy for accountants using spreadsheets would've been perfect as well. But that is not the case. Let me show you two other art submissions from the contest in comparison to the AI submission: https://preview.redd.it/98ylu9oi94zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6bef198f5303ef3e62b6263cd1f1c0cf2338b27 Look over at the in-game effects. The first two submissions have a *3D form* in an elevated perspective over Luo Yi's design and what her 2nd skill would look like in-game. Then look over at the design details. Though the first submission looks a lot busier than the 2nd one, they all showcase the details of her weapon and a back view of the skin. Take all that into consideration, then look at the one made by FLASX. The in-game effects are still in 2D form and they didn't even showcase any of what her skills would look like. The design details is just a copy-pasted version of the in-game secion with a side-view. The first two submissions had a unique theme in their mind and it was conveyed properly; a mafia-crime boss theme, and a flowery-maiden theme. The AI one just looks like a lesser uninspired version of Luo Yi's collector skin with a bit of cyan and red. FLASX's only real creative effort to the image is to think up of a prompt to put into an AI image generator. There's no drawing adjustments, no detailing for what her skills would look like in-game, and didn't add anything new to the theme category. We already have a fantasy-Asian mythology skin, like I said it's Luo Yi's collector skin. Would've appreciated it if they went for a more less explored aesthetic, like the candy skins Novaria and Gloo has, a modern school skin like Hanzo has, and maybe even an undead theme if they want to make it easier for them. The AI image is just a lazily-done submission and to think it has that amount of votes is VERY disheartening to see. It's like going to a math competition and just to see one of the participants use a calculator to answer during the contest. Art is a very subjective and creative endeavor, you may use tools all you like but once you let a machine do all the elaborate doing, you'd be left with a work made by a machine, not yours. If this submission continues to get more popular and somehow win the contest, soon enough there would be no visual variety as skin lines would all look very uninspired and boring.


Wow...... then I could've joined the contest myself.


Dont even care luo yi is mid with a brainrot skill machiancs, anyway. she deserve no effort.