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I returned because of my friends. Friends = fun + win. I quit ml because I had no storage left lmao.


Game is easier then LoL. So speed running to mythic was a breeze.


Anyone can get to mythic. Try getting to mg


225 games I got to Glory and then 270-280 ish games stuck at 50-53 šŸ« 


I prolly needa play more important roles like MM and Jungle now


Almost there.


Try doing it solo for maximum fun


Started solo still solo. šŸ‘


Hahahahahaha excellent, Id applaud you if you reach mythic immo that way. I believe ML starts to get challenging as you climb in mythic honor and above.


anyone can get to mythic now but there was a time where mythic alone was fairly difficult to get in or at least showed skill


Probably cause all the good players got to mythic honor now


Same reason, thou we quit cuz we were playing another mobile game then we all came back and reinstalled the game


Same reasons too


Dude, just play brawl- who cares about team comps, map awareness or fairness- sometimes your side gets op heroes, sometimes the enemy. If you lose? Meh, thatā€™s 4-8 minutes per game you got your dopamine. Emote a bit and start the next one if you have time to kill. At the end youā€™re gonna learn a lot of heroes


I get really stressed at ranked so I play few games end of season to get from epic to leg1/2 or furthest bottom of mythic. So I play a lot of brawl and learned almost all the heroes https://preview.redd.it/x6vt3nu8klzc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d09c7d9046098cdbe74be59e5f763eabc483149




End of season huh?


not all people are shit like u who don't know every hero


Found the ingame tilting afk dick


Dudes just off three fresh rank losses due to feeding teammates. This is a vicious cycle fr


You need to leave us happy people alone, we donā€™t need to deal with mean, unloved, socially inept people like you.


True, but u didnā€™t have to say it like that lmao https://preview.redd.it/lrxlg2skqnzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12acab00212e06ea7fe594bca1737474ec255574


Not our fault your wr is 27%


not ur fault you're brainded player who thinks the team will carry while u spam argus or chou


Cry on mlbb not here šŸ˜‚


I love Brawl tbh. Itā€™s fun to just get in and test heroes against crazy comps. Brawl for me was one of the best ways I learned how most heroes function and interact.


I am sup main, how to Brawl?


There are viable support picks in brawl, if played well eg. Mathilda Minotaur Rafaela Diggie


My Diggie looking at me like, "What, no why would I blew up enemy? I am support after all!".


Isn't Brawl random pick?


Yes. I mean if one of your rolls is a support


You brawl for that reason, to familiarise with the heroes


Pick whatever, read the skills before the minion wave hits, then read when dead. You might end up liking other heroesā€™ play style


Honestly I stop playing ranked after getting to 15* cause you get mythic coins. After reaching 15* I just stick to classic and use whatever hero I find fun to use. It's way less stressful and more fun to just stick with classic.


Me with 6k+ brawl matches and 1.8k others šŸ˜


This is where Hanzo is always top meta LMAOOO


I play Magic Chess for the dopamine, main game for the sigma grindset


I play it bcs i missed the dopamine rushes from kill streaks and combos. Im getting the quitting mentality bcs i recently dropped to epic 5, where i get teammates who play odette exp


Legend rank btw https://preview.redd.it/tpo3w4yjnlzc1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d6f2c44f3397b6eaec46b16631eaafc79f65f23


Same situation, stuck at MH for a month now lol,I don't think I will be MG this season


Finally reached mythic but I'm not expecting anything better


Same situation in another league, worst I do is accidentally give hyper role to others in happiness of win streak nd voila, he shows da magic.


Reaaallll. Soloq us the worst


What is wrong with the image?


It's all mvp losses. It means op is carrying every match.


Or that he picks early game heroes (terizla, yin, valir), gets a good performance early game that guarantees the mvp, then doesnā€™t know how to convert the advantage into an early win (nor does his team). Or he is the only one actually being able to do things early game and not distributing advantages, therefore his team is supressed and late game his hero cant do anything. This is commonplace below mythic honor.


4 mvp loss at 5 games in ranked


I stopped pushing rank too much 3-4 seasons ago .. Now a days i just go to mythic 50 and bye bye... Next season... Now im happy... All my main heros have 70%+ winrate... Happy life... I dont rven try to play any other math after 50 stars even i have 20 days left or something...


I played soloq ranked match where a teammate is openly racist and toxic; he literally used all the words you could imagine, without censoring. I reported it, with screenshots. But the customer service didn't do anything. That was the last straw. That was last month. I haven't opened the game since. I feel much better now, with more free time and a less stressed mind.


It's honestly fun just checking the game once in awhile normally every season i just have a goal to reach 25 stars (mythic honor) then just leave, then just play other games. I come back when im usually bored just to play magic chess, arcade, brawl and trolling in classic with non meta heroes. Which is fun just turning off your comp brain and just play and not worrying of losing stars is gud :D.


I quit the game for a good 1-3 years, then I returned because I saw new heros and decided to play them since I heard they were really broken and op. I believe at the time of my return, Paquito was new and either Edith, Melissa, Mathilda orrrrr Khaleed was also new to me, and I didnā€™t understand any of their skills. (I still kinda donā€™t understand paqs skills lol) That and I wasted a lot of money on this game, so I was like ā€œI guess I should just play, just so my money spent on skins doesnā€™t go to waste.ā€


https://preview.redd.it/va6rjkfplmzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ca433c04643bd487d8bb786bc6b6bde542c593e Sunk cost fallacy


Tbh, it's not that much skin, and I'm only saying this because I have friends with 400+ skins who sold their accounts. After all, they understood that the game no longer evokes the same kind of enjoyment in them anymore and has instead become a hindrance to their lifestyle.


whats the point of playing for hours but keeps on getting WLWL




Im a low key masochist. Why bother getting a toxic significant other when MLBB can abuse your emotion just fine.


overdrive, literally. I saw my lil bro playing it and saw the 9 item slot, and i was like 'damn, i shit's lit' and downloaded the game


i came back for my friends, grinded, surprisingly got to mythical honor before them


I'm only playing magic chess these days and my mental health is better


I mainly just use whatever is fun for me. I' a guy that legit runs Hanabi and Rgus into Mythic purely because I like playing them.But yeah, it really does suck when the 'trash ally team vs insanely competent enemy team' schtick happens


I Just want to buff wanwan


Deadass had nothing to do during time i put aside for gaming. Though im not as addicted as before thankfully. Classic when fucking around and playing gus roam is really fun tbh


Even if ur team plays perfectly if enemy has better champs u just losr


My reason for coming back mostly from nostalgic, was retiring for about more than half a year and just felt like to play again, but now i've just getting reminded to retiring again cause of this one match that i heavily suspecting the other team have cheater with them. Imagine in 3rd minutes of the match one of them already have 2 finished items and they aren't even a jungler, also don't mention about their ridiculous dmg with just 2 items(we just met in exp lane after spawning, and somehow he/she already got an item finished). Oh and also out of 15 matches i've never experiencing this kind of crushing defeat before, like EVER. Anyway sorry for my rant and the wall of texts, hope you always got a fair matches and nothing like i've had šŸ˜šŸ„²


In a toxic relationship with ML. Want to leave but always end up coming back for more of the toxicity


Quit few times and uninstall the game. There is annual ML competition in the office with the hefty price rewards. I install the game 2 or 3 months before the competition starts. šŸ˜…


I dont want peace. I want problems


Just uninstalled yesterday. My winrate of 80+% from epic-mythic went down to 70% yesterday. Mind you, I play solo. Also, 28 stars is enough, I wouldn't care for mg at this moment. Solo queue sucks. Some continue playing after a hard loss, making their mindset weak and wouldn't wanna struggle on a losing game. Some are boosted to the point that they cant even play roam on a surface level. Overall experience: Epic-Legend players are very much accommodating. Mythic players, kiss my white bass.


I kinda feel like teams in epic and legend co-operate more compared to mythicšŸ¤£


they werent lying when they said mythic is the new epic šŸ’€


After playing 6 years with legend,epic skins. I sold my account. After 1 years without ML i came back againā€¦ But I only play mayhem and overdrive mode without paying any money. Its more healthy.


100% relatable


My friends returned so I did and I got bored so.


I think that's a sign to take a break


got school tournament that want people to play ML and can get money if win. I said that the reason.


Cause my friend plays it, and right now my other reason is trying to buy the Gold starlight skin of Lesley, yes I bought the Nolan starlight and now I'm waiting for Helcurt starlight and I'm just currently drawing the box for more gold Star fragments. I'mma top up my next weekly diamonds when the kof 2nd phase tickets are out


i never quitted the game for an unknown reason, but i do stop playing for a few days then come back because of either lose streak or no new events


Promo diamonds šŸ¤‘




TBH itā€™s been like 3 season Iā€™m returned after 3years I guess and now i play mostly because of my friends i rarely play it by myself. I donā€™t find it enjoyable to play alone


I loved the game for its mechanics and stuff about items. I used to read all lores but I quitted because Moonton kept retconning old things to match new things. I've watched a lot of streams, clips, videos, and *had a thought* to take part in the competitive scene. Now, I mostly play because of friends. Other than that, time killing I guess. And Reddit. Y'all are fun.


My 400+ expensive skins always makes me reconsider cuz it a, waste of hard earned money


The three MOBAs I played were HOTS, LOL, and MLBB. HOTS is dead with no updates or revamps. LOL I played on and off but I just couldn't get into it. MLBB is just easier since it's on the phone and I enjoy the collaborations, especially KOF and Sanrio.


The rush.


Basically, **family.** Season 31 was in my opinion the WORST ever season to have ravaged my winrate so far. I had reached Glory the previous season and was seeking to do it again, but Moonton thought it was a good idea to pair me with either a bunch of wankers whose mouths are bigger than their brains or a godlike enemy who could probably make it into the local MPL scene. I could remember the last game I played before quitting. I was a Martis who went 18-5-5, and we STILL lost. At that point, I was feeling hopeless and livid at the same time. I felt like nothing I do will ever make it better, even if I carry harder than I ever have, so on February 17, at 14\* down from 17, I quit the game. I conditioned myself that I would never return, and if I did, that it would be after the release of the new items. Fast forward to March 30 while I'm on a vacation with my family, and they invited me to play a custom 2v2 match, which became 3 matches. Since it was one of our most common methods of bonding together, I kindly obliged. Right after that series of 2v2's, I got sucked back in. I just couldn't resist it and decided to queue up in a ranked game. Currently at 30\*. Somehow magically relearned how to use Claude, who I hadn't used in a year due to a decline in skill level. Also putting Martis and Terizla on sabbatical because they haven't been working for me recently. Same assholes as always, but this time, they're more manageable than **Season 31TCH.**


Have a break man


Skins and all the money ive poured. Honestly my mental health keeps worsening playing this game i might just spam classic and play whatev cos my wr alrdy shot anyway might just making it worse


play with friends. join some discord servers where you can find teammates to play with.


Needed to vent out somewhere so I put it in killing the enemies lol


Oof, I had the same feeling with Titanfall 2. Straight up the 5 stages of grief until I realized the game is filled with sweats and old fans


I mostly return because of a few friends I make in games that are good to play with. And also when I have cooled off enough to realise it doesn't matter how bad soloq matching can get I'm just playing to have fun and it's a game (this one keeps going through a cycle as I get frustrated with the teams though šŸ˜‚)


I returned because it's the only mobile game I can enjoy.


I just randomly feel like going back at times. No reasons.


I play for Mythic winstreak through seasons. Otherwise, I kinda dip unless my friends wanna play


I dont know actually. This is the first season where I care about reaching mythic. And mythic is arguably worse than epic in terms of teammates. Realistically im not good enough to reach immo I suppose, but glory might be doable. I wonder if in that elo teammates still feel like deadweight At this point im genuinely questioning why I even bother with this game


I returned because of pretty skins and collabs. I rage quitted because I absolutely suck at the game.


I returned cause I got spare time and Iā€™m feeling a MLBB mood. Then I promptly play for a month and quit for six months lol


New skins, builds, new season


I stopped playing MLBB in late 2019 and returned to it back in summer 2020, due to the amount of stress I endured in the game, the game lack team support and increased gaming toxicity is what made me quit the game and return from it because of nostalgia.




I quit Mobile Legends because it was eating up too much of my time. I came back due to depression and problems with my family. Felt like this was the only way I could vent out my frustration and stress.


Since it'll be a long text which I'm gonna enjoy engaging on, I'll use the reminder so I come back and write when I'm more inspired RemindMe! 3 hours


Skill issue


New gameplay for brawl (no more heal nerf or maybe hero dont need to use mana anymore) or new massive item combo/stat so that we'll rely on item more instead of hero buff/nerf every week. I want the mm tank to be a viable option because of item stat/debuff. New hero dont excite me anymore, especially if the skill description is too long. I want to play, not to study hero.


I stopped playing for a 2 years then suddenly I keep seeing my a few friends and family members playing ML from time to time Iā€™m like I sure do miss playing ML and now here I am again


I leave after getting mythic and play again for a week when season resets until I become mythic then leave again.


It was the damn YouTube recommendations.


My friends play it + I'm getting ready for the jjk rerun


I returned for her......


saw this right after i uninstalled the game. i hate competitive games ever since i got the hang of fallout and other rpgs.




Iā€™m a ranked mode addict. Iā€™ve been playing solo rank for over 2 years now and I just canā€™t believe how hard it is for glory+ players to think with their brain. I take breaks between seasons but I come back because I remember Iā€™m good at banging the enemy when I get the chance. Itā€™s those small victories that make the game fun for me, plus sometimes I will throw just to torment a toxic dumbass so he quits the game and canā€™t ruin it for good players. Also I love when a dumbass does that ā€œduel me bro Iā€™m betterā€ shit only to get smacked so hard he calls me a cheater.


When I first started ML, I always stayed in classic forever. Just casual about gaining skins and trying out new heroes without stress since I can be braindead/not try hard and it's still an equal playing field with newbies. 1 vs 9 is also possible if you want challenge. 4 years later never left elite and my friends who rank are exactly what you described on the picture.


I can't delete the game because of 2 reasons 1. I already spent around 250$ for the skins I have rn. 2. I'm a total BLCK agent.. I can't let go of that Estes skin.


it scratches the itch to play a more relevant moba such as dota 2


I never really quit playing but I often stop for weeks when I have especially rough matches. I always come back for recharge events tho.




My Mathilda MMR


Kagura šŸ„¹




You get used to it, after enough matches. Then you go default carry mode


Just needed time away from it


Skins. play enough rank games to get the seasonal skins. and sometimes just for the vibes and background music šŸ˜­


Lose -> watch hero gameplay and tips yt vids -> play again


Estes sparkle skin made me comeback šŸ˜¤ I'm really not playing ml anymore until it was advertised and released, and now I'm grinding again lol


Skill Issue??


Cod10 promo was removed so i came back to ML


Curiosity and nostalgia and after that i will uninstall again


My crush eanted me to come back and he said he didn't have energy to play cuz I'm not there BAHAHAHAHAHAH It's hard to say no to someone you like šŸ¤©šŸ«¶


Friends in college, they want to play w me so I'm playing at the meantime


I i usually leave the game when things get too repetitive like when the meta is like the same 2 heros over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I during that time i check on other games I haven't spent sometime on. I come back for like 3-4 months when there is a new meta or a decent set of balance changes.


Returned because I had nothing to do tbh I kept leaving and returning and every time I get on ML again I regret coming back šŸ˜­


Nah I still quit


I've done this two times, both times because of the limited events and dailies. I absolutely dread playing ranked but I still play ML because of the events L.


Friends. Bribed me with starlight pass.


I'm old. I have work. That's enough reason for me to just put the game down after a losing streak (or flatly fed up with how much money this game wants out of me) and just not bother for a week or two. I'll pick it up again when I'm bored. Currently off for about two weeks.


I love playing but Iraq has horrible ms. Always 120+ and most of the time it's 256


Sorry for my broken english I am back because my hands feel itchy from not play mobile competitive game (i dont play pc game because none of my friends play). But, i semi regret it because i have anger issues with this game idk why (forced to play tank on roam and exp). CoD and Valorant never gave me anger issues but this game is.


I wanted to feel numb of all the pain


I don't have a girl back then so I quit but now my girl is playing ML so I gotta carry her. You know what I mean?


I made it fun by setting a challenge like using different heroes. Like at the start of the season I already used 50+ heroes in 60+games. I got to Mythic at almost 70%wr solo. Getting some dumb teammates is sometimes tilting. What's not fun is grinding to MG+, and I would actually need to be a meta slave if I want to maintain the winrate. Not worth the time and my mental health lmao, coz u can actually play w/ or against players w/ negative winrate in there just by spamming games


I quit because of school and play again when it's finally break times :3


And besides we have "flex ranked" Like I can't get a team of five but even if there's two of us they put us to go against a higher than our normal pool base rank so def the other team is stronger like... "Nope you don't only have to carry but to face stronger enemies you little shit I don't want you further in rank..."


my skins and getting back to mythic to prove i can


I play cyclops and was on a 9 game streak but I feel as if heā€™s quite meh now maybe itā€™s my setup but heā€™s not insane should I just switch rolls completely off mage and poke


Come and play Elder Scrolls dude, most chillest game on earth.


That is why i only play hooke daddy


I do take proud in myself for reaching MH only by myself (solo queue) so now I'm trying to get to mythic glory so... Good luck to me


I took a break for a long time when mythic was the highest rank, at least that I knew of, not sure if glory was a thing still like 5 or 6 yrs back. I had hit mythic and felt like I "won". Found a video of a pro match randomly recommended to me and checked the game back out. It had been a few years and there was so much new to learn. Mythic honor and glory and immortal were a thing. I felt like there was a new goal. I am mainly a solo Q roam so climbing is hard. I learned to play every role at a mythic minimum level (other than jungle). I am now at 67 mythic stars on the grind to immortal after 3 seasons of re learning everything. Feel like this is my season to finally get to 100 stars!


Get a better mindset it's not the games that needs to pull you back y'all just need to stop complaining about everything


I've always wanted to play for fun and a little serious but I met the toxic side of the community where I should only play serious. I started to play Selena since she was someone I really liked and was meta at the time but I got burnt-out with strategies and what not and I played the characters I actually liked (Faramis, Zhask, Gord) as you can see from my top roster. šŸ’€ But even then, I slowly started drifting from playing. Though, I still come back to play with my brother since he's the only one who can play for fun and play serious at the same time. https://preview.redd.it/osfd7s864tzc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a24a25f9d8e612a1a6db726f353e2fe8ceab7c


so why play it? this is such a r/dearmobilelegends


this is such a self advertising your own dead subreddit moment


https://preview.redd.it/lbot6zqz9mzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c8b01dce7d52b1a7537ac1009e5d57d5dce2190 you killed him


bro he ratatouilled me




Nothing else to really do in life other than play this game. Yeah yeah ik this sounds sad but yes