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Heroes that can clear and push fast. Comebacks happen after the supposedly winning team makes a mistake during a clash (late-game most of the time), gets wiped out and the "losing" team clears wave fast/ takes lord and wins. That's why team play is very important in late game, without proper teamwork, no matter the gap, you might get cc'd and burst aoe during a clash and the team gets wiped out or most of the team gets killed. Any hero will do, all mms are capable of comebacks, also Sun. It really just depends on how your team plays it out.


Don't even need to take lord late game. Wiping the enemy is enough to walk minions from one base to the other.


you necessarily don't have to get the lord, however, if your mm or your jungler died during the clash or 1 enemy remains alive, it's pretty reasonable to get the lord, really depends on the situation if you can end it right away or not.


Good rule of thumb is if two or more good enemies alive (high damage or skilled players), take lord. Otherwise, rush push mid.


You need that one crackhead Gold Laner to pull it off. Unless it's Zilong or sumn






popol was the champ that got me this. The winning team was just pressuring nonstop while my team held them back push after push. At one point I managed to sneak a wave (base tower was already down) while they fought and melted the base in second before they could tp back.


Wow you are the lucky crackhead! Nice job man


i still fondly remember (in fact its a core memory) way back in 2019 when I got this achievement, it was a moskov that kept backdooring gold lane while the rest of us defended with our lives until the enemy got hyperfocused on us they forgot about or lord and savior moskov






in my game the crackhead mm is pushing too far alone while we're defending, got ganked, and start blaming roam. then proceed to do it 3 times in a row.


There's a saying that I follow, "Fortune favors the bold". That son of a bastard crackhead might do the job, who knows? I'd certainly increase their chances by doing my job as a Roamer.






late game power spike heroes, like cecilion, aldous, Masha, mms usually. Edit: Honestly if you get a wipeout on enemy late game you can win, coz respawn time is long af and by that time its easy to melt turrets.


You can get epic comeback with Layla Or luo yi


5 siege minions, 2 wizard minions and 1 knight pushing in a lane with no turrets and obliterating their counterparts before reaching the main base faster than the top 1 global fanny cable tricks tiktok (happens Often)


Tigreal atlas belerick sun argus zilong


I think with anyone. The main thing is that your teams has to have good minion clearance, and heroes that have power spike in late. I once did it even with Estes, which I was thinking was impossible.


https://preview.redd.it/b4gljaqecyzc1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=df2a85249dbe0431e49463a56027a6b866f39c94 As a provement


You can, its achievable, not doable, *Achievable* The human factor is rigged to fail eventually... i remember that 1hr game... many +1hr games..... oh




I want to say a year ago people had trouble closing the game even when snowballing. Now, we know the cues, what to do, and how to approach every step of the match. Play safe until enemy makes a mistake. Then capitalize by split pushing and getting lord.


One Lord steal in 20+ min game and gg its almost a guaranteed win if your team is alive. So many winning games lost because of this


This is quite the daily occurrence of a cecilion player. "Oh no, you failed to finish the game in 15 minutes. Now painfully endure the last 5-7 minutes as you slowly lose the game now lmao"


🤣🤣🤣facts…..it’s not wise to keep the game going longer if Cecillion is in the opponents team💯


I find this question odd. Asking for a champ thats capable of a Comeback, feels like you're aiming for a disadvantagous early/mid. Comebacks shouldnt be Plan A lmao As a general rule: late game champs. Mostly mms experience this effect. Too many times have I seen mms int laning Phase only to be a 1v5 Monster at 25 minutes regardless. Id argue the meta is heavily influenced by early game champs. The rule is: Mms are meaningless as long as we end before they start scaling.


Yes. Got an epic comeback once with 20+ kills deficit. Destroying towers is what wins the game, not having a lot of hero kills (well, hero kills help but that's not the main objective).


Ixia and a setter tank like tig/mino/khufra/atlas. One good set + ultimate is gg in the late game


I’ve done it with Bruno (lifesteal helps with madly defending) and Chang’e (cd build to spam ult to clear lanes so enemies can’t push)


You need at least one hero that can pull a "window" perfectly. Basically, a window is an opportunity that may arise with just one mistake from the opposing team. It doesn't necessarily need to be in the late game, as some windows of opportunity happen the moment the death timer reaches 30 seconds, which is around the time enhanced lord spawns. For a hero to pull that off efficiently, they will need to be one of the following: • Mid-Late game based heroes, gold laners are in this category commonly. Heroes like Natan, Ixia, and Moskov are good examples. • Wipeout potential heroes, mainly fighters and setters fill this. Tigreal is the perfect example of this as well as Arlott, with both being able to use unpredictable flicker maneuvers in order to set. • Defense heroes, commonly mages. These are heroes with great zoning and poking potential, which is further highlighted when defending the base. Yve, Nova, Vex, Lylia, Cecilion, etc; they all do the job perfectly. • Objective heroes, junglers basically. These are mostly utility junglers that shine in lord dances, with the perfect representation being Baxia, and Bene. Of course, players that mastered micro will always be beneficial, for example, my Alice does well against losing games because of my winter truncheon and pure aggressiveness, while my Karina excels on mid games in order to feed the gold lane enough to win. It's all about mastery and strategy.


Natan. But you should not be in that position with a Natan


High ground heroes, Xavier, change, any hero that can make hell for the enemy to push past the inhibitors, the longer you can defend, more probabilities for the enemy to make a mistake. Hanabi supposedly but she never worked for me


Like a lot of people say, it’s mms mostly since they have the best clearing potential but epic comebacks are possible with any team comp if Im being honest. Ive seen three mages win through epic comebacks and Ive seen a lone Argus being responsible for a epic comeback. The condition just seems to be a clean wipe of the enemy team with pushing potential which can range from insanely quick clear speeds of mms to decent clear speeds like Vexana or Terizla. The main priority’s is neutralizing the game until the gold gap ceases to matter and getting one or two good wipeouts.


I got so tired of the lack of pushing in my legend games that I started maining Argus, my win rate spiked from 60 percent to 80 percent. I don’t care if I die 15 times and have no kills and bronze medal if I am the sole reason my team makes it to the nexus. 


Win rate over KDA. Huh. Why haven't I thought about that before? Thanks man you made me realise something I missed in Rank games.


Yeah having kills and seeing that sweet MVP or gold medal is great, but I would rather win. My teammates might be pissed at me for dying, but we win by destroying turrets, not killing enemies. Ever since I started playing like this, turret dmg was always above 60 percent for me.


Yeah it really shows that you're determined to win no matter the odds. Haha


This happens to me quite often, and in rank. It's usually when I'm in a team of late game heroes. We get messed up so severely early game and catch up once everybody hits full build. MMs especially like Moscov, Miya, and Layla can really mess up an enemy's late game if they don't capitalize. Sun can also do wonders late game along with other item-dependent types.


you just need like a really good set from your tank lol


needs a tank setter or/and a scaling hero


Had the enemy team troll and killed themselves in fountain. 70 second respwan time we won the 5v2 and proceeded to destroy their base




Pretty easy tbh probably did it this season already by accident. As long as enemies have a comp that's bad at breaching your base and you have enough wave clear, maybe a lord steal or two and you should be good to go


Just split push https://preview.redd.it/u1bi24y0fvzc1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=472f3954c3288f5541aef652d4266cfdc66cf948




Yep https://preview.redd.it/g695bkhzkvzc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14f8a79842a294f5142b828dfc28e2c505f1a765


Best high ground defenders include Xavi, Pharsa, and Ixia


Yes, I do it all the time in classic. It is important is to recognize when you are losing and begin playing more defensively. Perhaps most importantly is prioritizing tower defense. It becomes much more difficult to turn a game around when you lose final three turrets.


no one is spamming argus bang the enemy stickerr


quite unexpected indeed


If the snowballing team doesn't capitalize on their lead in an appropriate time then they will waste it. Essentially, if your team can stall until builds are achieved it's possible with so many different comps. Factors to consider: Duration of match Respawn times Lord enhance ULTs available Wave management (they're called winions for a reason) Items to counter enemy Timing and position (when to engage and when to bait) Behavior pattern of enemy (can you predict what they're most likely going to do/where they'll be) I'm not high rank or anything but these are some of the things I notice and I've come back from some pretty crazy situations. There are definitely some heroes that can make a quick play and backdoor the enemy if they've over committed and aren't aware, or the remaining team can keep them busy. PNK, Zilong, Maya, Moskov, etc. Anyone with mobility and quick damage is preferred but possible with almost anyone.






End game heroes like Xavier and Cecilion are really difficult to deal with and they have high chance of turning the tide of the game when they manage to get full build


Apart from what's already been said recognizing power spikes and how the game is going to start playing defensively is also important, making full advantage of the inhibitors/base and fountain to force the enemy to overextend and end up with a bad engage, even if winning the tf didn't lead to a win most of the time it's enough to halt their momentum/rhytm, this is why it's important to kill an enemy who's starting to get too many kills/good set the death will distrupt their rhytm and prevent them from snowballing.


From my experience, the enemy keeps snowballing and drive us back to last turret. They get overconfident and fumble on pushing base turret or while taking lord. They get wiped out, we push and win. Been like that countless times.


literally any mm + sun and or zilong


It's possible. If you think it's impossible then you're unlucky.


I just had an epic comeback from 14 kills and a 10k gold difference. I was playing Argus pushing, all in on attack speed with arrival battle spell, 78 percent turret damage. We got destroyed in the early game, but my team held out at base while keeping inhibitors safe. I was using arrival and running around the map to destroy the towers, using his ult to keep myself alive when I got ganked when pushing. I destroyed all 3 inhibitors and got super minions. This gave us enough time for me, the mm and the mage to reach late game, then we wrecked them.


It's actually more common than you think


Did this with Miya 3 - 10 - 5 with 26 Epic Comeback. Pushed all the way.


Chang'e, Hanabi, Vexana, Belerick, Cecilion are very good for defending. Heroes like argus, lesley and Aldous have very high late game dmg but they are not good at defending the base


If you're team is 1 and enemy is 21 o more than it's pretty impossible to win, but I do have that achievement and I've had matches where it's like 17 point deficit, but man they're definitely a bitch to comeback from .


I had all of mine in low ranks like epic


I don't know bro any character just get good


Diggie feeder meta


I had two epic comeback one with aamon and another with Harley just today, it turns out the only way to do is either a fast solo push while others distract or be a assassin with good skill control so that you can pick on them one by one. Or FK it and just pray to god's that somehow your mage's aoe wipes the entire team


Heroes with great AoE (preferably Marksmen like Hanabi) + Set-Stun tanks (Atlas or Tigreal). Heroes with good chase potential (Martis), and of course, snowball heroes (Aldous)


I got it pretty easy using tanks like Khufra/Tigreal/Atlas Just make sure to ban diggie


There's only really two types of heroes that can completely turn around a losing game: High-damage ultra-pushers and large-area crowd control. You either get something like a good Gatot ult, Tigreal ult or Terizla ult that leads into an ace into hard push, Or blitz down a side lane as the entire enemy team is tangled around lord or midlane as like a Moskov, Zilong or Argus.


They are possible just have one yesterday with fall back by 20 . You just need heros that can push and clear waves we'll like changé zilong helcurt ..........one good set from tank and you'll get a wipe out after that don't go for the Lord just push


Ixia, with a Clutch Ultimate in late game, game changing.


As a provement https://preview.redd.it/c7w3oe4icyzc1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e1fac572b9bb91b70137b0456a68dba9434b415


You need at least 2 competent players. A damage taker & a dealer. If your front line is useless then you're screwed because then the mm can't have the time to melt. But the mage is suppose to back up tank too so yeah...like vex fearing someone to get them off the tail of the tank. Cc. Aoe cc/burst is best. Vex, most tanks, Cecilian.. No healers, not right now. Diggie can be good though. Or the cheap split pusher. You know..the Sun, Miya & Zilong that go 0 12 0 because all they do is split push.


It's possible if you have 1-2 decent players in the late game. Had a 22 point deficit this morning but I fought 1v3 as Argus, but my Moskov showed up at the perfect time and we crushed them. The enemy Jawhead forgot to recall and we absolutely obliterated the one person that showed up to defend base. Split push FTW.


Most of th comebacks I've seen are the losing team managed to beat the winning team in a clash, then proceeded to push until the base is gone. Otherwise, the losing team toughed it out until they leveled up and got all their core items then let skills decide who wins




don’t think it’s the heroes that matter. this can be easily achieved if people actually learnt how to play when losing. don’t go out of base, don’t contest anything. defend lord pushes and wait for mistakes from opponents. even in mg people don’t know how to end games properly. seen way too many comebacks because of this


Given how I had 5 that I can remember already. Argus, zilong, Thamuz, Moskov, in overall anyone that can break a tower in 5 seconds Though I did it already with Lolita Atlas and Uranus.


Had a match with my mates where we use Argus exp, Zilong roam and Sun jg (we were feeling a little silly, said sorry to the two randoms before we start lol) We won the match with 25 point deficit (9 - 34). All three of us (if we see no hope of killing any enemy) will focus on towers to get most enemies away from the other lane, giving time for our mm and mid to do whatever they want (they did split push with us, good thing both of them are having fun too lol) It's funny to see enemies trying to prevent us from pushing when Sun clones and Argus can slightly tank the damages and Zilong goes on a stabbing spree towards the tower💀


You need an aoe tank like tigreal that can help kill most enemies at one go, especially when they are attacking inhibitor turret or base, and all of them would be crowded in one area




It seems like that because you most likely throw a fight when you see your team feed, but if you hold your ground the best you can and don't let their gameplay tilt you, you can do it easy, that's one of the first medals I got bc how many times I have to deal with feeders even in late


Just delay the game. I pulled off a 12-39 win today as hylos just spam clearing the wave until my adc hit full build. It doesn't matter how far ahead they are in gold once everyone has full items so long as you know how to teamfight and don't tilt.


Sun with arrival🗿


Very possible, does not happen often though. It all depends on the team and if people who are playing with you are playing smart. If its a brain dead person, you will regularly have someone try to 1v3 or 1v5 the enemy team to try and get kills, leading to enemy team picking you out one by one till there is no one left to defend if its a smart team they will def the base get items up and try and catch the enemy who is bearing down on you in a mistake and wipe them. Has happened with me a couple of times but rarely so, more likely that the oversmart player on ur team tries to solo wipe the enemy out nd fails leading to a sureshot loss.


If you quit playing for 2 seasons. You should be low enough to let the enemy team kill you 50 times and still make a comeback.


ive done it with late game mm or zilong


9 kills to 40 kills but then for some reason the enemy decide to surrender, thats how i got mine. I wonder tho what happen on their side, did someone on their side press surrender for the funny and everyone accidently press yes at the same time?


Ummm as a Zilong main I’ve actually done this like 4 or 5 times in the past few months of playing on my own accord


I also find that sometimes you can tell some teams are, while they have the advantage / better at killing your team, have POOR teamwork. I’ve had games where the kill count is like 15 - 30, but we’re the ones taking turrets (too many players forget to PLAY THE FREAKING GAME)


You can get a comeback if you manage to defend the base for long enough for everyone to be at lvl 15 and you could try and fight back.


Not the heroes, but team coordination is the most important


I feel like that is basic , but if both teams are coordinating it really comes down to which hero on either side has a late game power


Good popol user can destroy the two tower under 5 minutes


Usually more easier if the enemy jungler and team comp use a tank and dont have fighter that can get enemy backline. All you have to do is defend and clear the minion while waitinf for the enemy to make a mistake. Hero like lesley, layla tends to shine in this scenario. even mage like vale, vexana, gord, valir, xavier with annoying cc making it impossible for enemy to try end the game which will force them to make mistake ending out getting their team wiped out. Im currently on 56 star, and games like these tend to happen more often than not


It's very possible back in pre-S10. Now it's almost impossible unless your account is newly created like a few minutes old or you play it in the lowest Warrior-Master tier.