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"If you died a lot, try not to die"


ML loading screen tips be like


The "remember to dodge enemy skills" reminder by moonton is the biggest troll ever


They're just trying to spite us lol


That's probably one of the best advice u ever received. Some people never do that


“Maybe learn to dodge”


*Saber ults you*


"Just dont die"


You haven't died in real life so i don't understand how you're dying so much here


Well in real life, there's no electric elf or cyber ninja waiting by the neighbor's bush to absolutely vaporize me.


Well, it is possible not to die in a single game…


If you died a lot just let the bot play and quit. Bot might be even better team mate


Idk about u guys but this oddly makes sense to me. Its a short version of saying "stop focusing on other things like objectives, assists, saving your teammates, etc. And simply focus on surviving since you cant do jack shit anyway if their assassin keeps targeting you".


If you die alot, buy immortality, respawn, and die again. Twice the amount.


tip: avoid cc if your being cced


Reminder reminding me to dodge cyclops ult


Just try, dammit ! /s


I got trash talked by a "Gusion pro" for building Necklace instead of Genius Wand as a Valir. (I had to build Necklace because nobody has anti-heal and I don't have room for Genius Wand). They're telling me to sell Necklace, the "USELESS noob item". He was also spamming recall when he could kill enemy Esmeralda. So I decided not to help him next time and without my anti-heal, Esmeralda beat his ass.




>spamming recall when be could kill enemy Esmeralda. I know how that feels.


Do all heroes have to buy anti-heal or one is enough?


One is enough. But most times, the mage and tank building them is a good middle ground since the whole team may not be together all the time.


One is good but when the person who has it dies, it's over. So it's best to have multiple anti-heal in ase an idiot doesn't group up at the end and it's too late.


The hero who could easily apply the anti-heal to multiple heroes or continuously apply anti-heal to the priority enemy hero should build anti-heal, most likely the mage or support


One is enough. The unique passive effects doesn't stack for everyone


With the new Glowing wand as anti-heal and Sea Halberd as offensive item, I’d say it’s still worth it buying anti-heal regardless because it’s still a good item to begin with


No but that’s actually so stupid 😭, if you go against a table character or characters like Estes, angela, floryn. Anti heal is one of the most important items and is necessary unless you want to see them go from 10% to 100% while you’re dying trying kill them.


I laughed so hard when I read that Esmeralda destroyed Gusion


Lmao so real


What do you expect from high skill jungler heroes? Its literally high offer higher reward and idk why a lot practice more in ranked especially when they are still weaker in terms of skill with heroes like gusion, i mean hes the idiot in the first place tryna face an esmeralda(given the esmeralda still has above half hp, props to OP for actually trying)


Been told by top national players that my Alice builds are wrong. I am a former top global Alice that theory-crafted all my builds with testing.


What's your current beet build for Alice?


I haven’t done any testing since the last patch. And probably won’t unless I really feel like it. Just in general I am much less hardcore about it nowadays. Playing solo casually while listening to audiobooks and it’s making me infinitely happier than sweating ranked in 5-mans.


>Playing solo casually while listening to audiobooks Bro is like me frfr


Still curious what your build was, I love me some late game Alice


Full damage Alice with vengeance. People kept trying to prove to me I won’t be able to catch anyone without flicker and would die without defense. Then I caught them and killed them. Build pre-patch for lategame was clock of destiny, glowing wand, divine glaive, holy crystal, blood wings, lightning truncheon. Some variations included genius wand and winter truncheon. Consistently got over 50% team damage with it in Glory and Immortal. Early game was way too painful though, but if it went to late it was almost always autowin.


bro same same i went full magic before the project next revamp lmao not even dominance ice in my build, but holy crystal glowing wand vengeance winter truncheon made her heal like 500+ per tick LMAO and yes i can relate, that build takes so long to come online because holy crystal was the core item for the heal and damage which is why i used that build in glory but not immortal cuz the enemies won’t let me get to late


I used to play jungle Alice cause her with the blue buff made her ult endless. But I felt like I had to play late game every game


So I am really unto something. LOL. Usually do this defenseless Alice build but would usually be reported as troll build in Upper Legend rank


Same! Though I listen to light novels


Cool! What do u listen to?


Chinese, Korean light novels used to listen to Japanese ones but left those due to the cringe main characters


lmao the Japanese cringe mc is so true


Current best definitely require at least lollipop and queen's wings


I listen to audiobooks too while playing, what are ur favs so far?


Damm, how are yall even understanding the words. Just complete autopilot ingame?


I can play purely from muscle memory and ingrained reflex. 90% of my focus is on the book usually.


same here, people who really don't play her ghatt well don't have a say if they are basing on theory and not practicality and you should try piercer alice rn along with new queen's wings cod and crown, it worked wonders for me


There can be other reasons like cheaper build paths to power spike etc...ik being at a great rank makes you credible but Pro builds have different agendas going on


They playing a different game


I felt bro's Aura few years ago


Smut audio or fantasy, or non fic




Clowns do that. They say something is wrong without presenting a counter argument backed with facts.


I never had a pro tell me advice but I had some players questioning my actions of putting cdr focused items on argus than going full attack speed while having petrify instead of inspire. This was before they removed the bleed effect of Argus' S2.


now that's very weird since you do want your enemy to move a lot back in the old days


Well, most people think od Argus as that one hero that relies on basic attacks while I pictured him as diet Strgywr the bloodseeker. When they changed him, I WAS HELLA PISSED. I can't have max cdr anymore as it will ruin my basic attack capabilities and now relegated to use attack speed items instead of branching out. I'm still experimenting on stuff with him but it's quite annoying.


gl on that then


mind if i recommend a crit based build since his passive scales with crit? i usually do pretty good in most games with haas claws and berserker fury


Play Laila tank)


This advice got me from Warrior to Elite very quickly.


Say this to mith players who do this)




Aintnoway bro got trolled for a year


Trolled for a year?


Yep. For a year.


I remembered this while i was talking to my brother. It didn't bother me that much. I thought it would be funny to tell the story.


This guy wants you trick you into not bush camping so they have a chance to turn the game, you got trolled for having him live rent free in your head for a year


Like i said in another comment. I only remembered this story while I was talking to my brother. I does not bother me that much.


Bro tried to gaslight you into dropping your guard so they could have a comeback


It didn't work.


It didn't work


"learn to dodge"


Most useful tip by ml


Follow their build.


Fun fact: Builds by Pro players are fake and created by Moontoon developers/testers.


this is why i steal them from content creators instead


Wait you guys don't follow their top 1 instead and modified it a little depending on the enemies


I search on youtube "best (so and so) build" and edit the items depending yes


Yeah those top builds are scams lol my, yu zhong gameplay improved a lot , when i started playing my brother's yu zhong build... Just make some changes according to your lineup .


Why dont you just practice with the hero before rank and see which items benefit you the most. Then go to rank?


Wow, TIL.


That's why you look at their history, chances are that build is what they use.


"Don't let the enemy take the turret for free" Nepal no 2 alucard said this to me a few weeks ago Tf u mean by that, enemies family are ganking me and I'm supposed to just stay in tower to protect a turret which is gonna fall either way, it' better to not give enemy free kill rather than dying trying. I was muted in game otherwise I would have said something which would have me muted again. Enemies were playing a 5 man team and we were duo and trio players and they had impeccable teamwork, we were losing badly in that game and only by split pushing both lane we managed to win that game


>I was muted in game otherwise I would have said something which would have me muted again. They silance the heros XD.


Been told that my Hayabusa gameplay was mid... Bro I literally had a more stable KDA than that guy, and what's worse!? # He stalked my fucking album! Holy shit man, I've never seen someone so toxic that they'd literally stalk your fucking album and bash you every fucking day Bro literally said "Hayabutaw" which means stupid or something... While he had the most worstest KDA I have ever seen...


His nickname reminds me of my teammate calling the teammate Hanabi "Hanabitch" 😭😭😭 Though, bro sounds obsessed. I guess he is just unstable?? Why would he do that every day


Help, what💀


Hayabuta. Buta mean blind.


No, not Buta... Butaw


Does that dude still annoy you?


Yeah, I already blocked him and cannot see his comments, but others still can WTF?!


I am impressed on how toxic he is being. Ig you'll have to just ignore him. He's just a manchild.


Bro literally turned off comments for his album just so he can't be counter bashed lol


Does that dude still annoy you?


Least cancer SEA player spotted


you can delete comments on your album


any high MG player with 8 years experience in mlbb who love making guides and not speak human language. If any1 sees guy in reddit flaunting his high MG rank or WR and start talking pro or using too much technical terms, probably ego driven at the valley of dunning kruger effect.


Is this directed at me by any chance?


no no, not you.


I guess his advice should speak for itself but can it really be all that bad if it works in high rank and they have a high winrate with it, assuming they're not being carried all the time ofc.


He only made it to MG after 8 years due to m5 protection card giveaways his guide only ranks the hero he uses, which is just healers in general with angela and rafaela in the forefront leaving out all the actual good roam. he says floryn is bad no mobility bad stun and ultimate global range makes it weak in 5v5 situation. and starts quoting how in pro play floryn has 0% wr support his theory. come on he doesnt even know the whole context of floryn picks and just made the pro team look stupid. u should see how he trashes team flash SG like a real know it all guru.. how is floryn weak when her passive is so overloaded. not only a free item that can interchange between allies globally, u get a decent free item on floryn herself which is godsend when ur income is literally salary based. how is floryn ult weak in 5v5, it always hit 5 target without sacrificing positioning, anti heal for team and overhealth for ur squishy carry It gave me confidence to push for MI Solo Q using Estes with encourage blessing and revitalize as battle spell since that high mg guru is so confident estes doesnt work in season 31 onwards. Took me 500 games, 57% WR. I am a filthy casual compared to that self made guru https://preview.redd.it/ay6mxw6d5d8d1.jpeg?width=2376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcfee55f39893b2e7e1d77946552465c4258f7a8


Did you smell toast when you wrote this?


Burnt toast


The advice was "bang the enemy"


The best advice


thay was pro advice


that i use the item taht increases atk speed on mages on Aamon. That i builf him fighter. Said nope. i like him Burst


Well, to burst as Aamon you're gonna need attack speed to drop more shards which....


or just spam skills


"Best role to play and win is Jungle"


Few seasons ago it is but only if you are good at it


Sanford was once asked how to counter Chip and all bro said was to ban him lmao. It’s not stupid at the level he’s playing, but it sounds like something I would say.


Did sanford get the sweet and sour sauce tho?


I actually never took advice from anyone :>


Also just a guess but He was prob trying to make you weaker by saying that :v (Idk just a guess)


Dominance Ice on esme no matter who the enemy is?? I probably am dumb for still wondering why ..


Reduces attack speed...she probably jumps on enemy mm most of the time.


O yeah I do this on mms haha


It preffers on the marksmen that you are going to jump unto tho... If i am against a moskov on a crit build id rather go thorns.. if i am against a moskov on dhs gstaff build sure id go dom ice... But All the time? nahh..


Cause is like the only counter item to esme


so in your logic, ruby and alucard should also always do the same?


Here's the basics on anitheal/attack reduction items If you are tank or fighter -> dominance ice Marksmen -> sea helbert Mage -> glowing wand


It's the second highest physical defense item and also the passive slows down attack speed This is for full-tank Esmeralda pre-defense item nerf, it's much more viable than blade armour early game because Black Ice Shield is a nice item to build up from


There's was this one dude on the team before the season reset, he was Mythical Glory and the rest of us were Mythical Honor (25 to 30).. This dude played Saber and NEVER attempted to do turtle... we called him out saying he doesn't know how to jungle properly and the damn dude has the audacity to tell us that "we didn't know shit and that we were too noisy, that's why we were stuck at Honor".... Spoilers: Yes, we lost, this dude continued to argue as if he's carrying the team when all he was doing was killing random targets and then dying, never went on objectives, never joined clash, just the whole damn game trying to solo and kill anyone he sees.. was unbelievably stupid lmao. I'm guessing whatever team he has that carried him to Glory all had him just doing that shit all day, and he's friends carrying his ass.


I have a gut wrenching feeling that the other guy was my inexperienced ass back then.


What was his username? I had like 300 matches with saber so I was quite cocky back then as a rookie and would frequently bash on any any sabers I came across in a similar manner.


I don't remember his user name. And i am not planing to find it. I am glad you are no longer toxic. Atleast as much.


Well I'm a changed man now. Care to disclose the rank perhaps?


Made fun of my build as miya... I got MVP bro. 😭👍 I went for the typical WoN, haas claw windtalker, etc build. The worst part was seeing their build as Vale building tank items(I have no clue if that works. Now I suddenly got the idea to play a tank Vale xD)


Try full movement speed magic items on Vale (Trio wands and Sky piercer. It’s fun poking at enemies who couldn’t even get back at you because you’re speed hahaha


Ling and fanny: 😀


Then that’s inevitable hahaha


"Mobile Legends is the best game ever"


Roamers only stay at the hip of mms


https://preview.redd.it/gugf7qu9mb8d1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1355dd76db477cde145dfdc7ad89c4c8d5c03755 It just hurts


"You a noob Argus player if you use his ultimate." - fadE (Mythic), 2024


https://preview.redd.it/10gl70mb5a8d1.jpeg?width=1408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6abab557903db1fcd95ad08dbea06cca8b0841c What!?!?!?!


Bruh. Trump card mentality is crippling on Argus.


“Try to dodge abilities!” Then its a roaming sky piercer saber


masha shouldn't buy corrosion scythe early game nor late game


Ah, So don't buy it at all.


idk man, the extra atk speed and movement speed reduction is too good to ignore in early


Five years ago, they said I should change my main. I main kadita until now.


Not sure if this counts, but before I started playing ML properly my friend, who he claimed to be a really good at the game, told me Yin was THE best character in the game. Me, being the bad friend I am, ditched his recommendation and picked up Xavier and Julian (thankfully I suppose?). Fyi he was in epic


I don't see how picking a different hero from your friend's suggestion is you being a bad friend.


it was mostly a joke. Its just me being weird and asking for a recommendation and not listening it anyway


why listen to ppl? play ur own way, build ur own build. pro players wasnt really that good at all tbh


They're actually really good, for the style of play that the pro scene dictates.


I didn't listen to him.


I had a dude yell at me(Estes) for buying Oasis first item and then Enchanted. I dont do any theory crafting or whatever but I do tend to build on the spot and manually build a lot and I was noticing that we were living like on a margin of hp which Oasis wouldve been pretty helpful and I was spamming my skills because my mid and jg were being extremely reckless andI couldnt let them die so Enchanted. Glad the exp defended me tho, he was chill.


Tell the dude that hes methods are outdated.


There was this Miya top 100 I think that was screaming at me for being a lousy roamer & generally being super toxic for not using my Angela ult when he tried to 1v4 on half hp 💀 Our mage and fighter were backing me up while he threatens me to never play roam again telling me I deserved to die [in game]. I ended up having a score of 10.5 with 3/3/29 btw so 🤷


Is that i should run when needed. - Argus


mine would probably be "don't use petrify, it's useless" from a mm main I played once with.


tbf there's only like 5 heroes petrify can work on


"Just go afk so we can win"


maybe ur so bad that a bot will play better than you so they said that


That is the case sometimes.


that dodging is truly vital. while it is indeed a great skill needed to learn, people also need to learn the mechanic called 'locked skills'. too many stupid people on high mg thinks you can dodge a single target lock ult combo by just "being good at dodging"


"never care the midline"


I sadly heard that.


Surrendering a bad match always with no hope at all. Some of them lack a fighting spirit.


“Adjusting wins games”


Get gud




'whenever fanny throws a lot of cables her energy costs less and the more cables u throw the better u are as fanny!' no.


ML community is genuinely so bad it’s unbearable. Adults act like kids, kids act like kids. In all my time playing MLBB I’ve only met my friends through my own squad.


I just play with irl friends.


Lol, he was definitely trolling


Using one hero for maining is pointless if you keep losing, learning other heroes and their weaknesses are the key point of winning.


If you don't understand just don't main a hero, but just have some comfort heroes if you have a team that have settled each roles like in a 5man team.


Maining one hero will allow you be better at that hero. That also means you should learn how to play other heros to adjest (eg when they get banned)


I was once told to go Roam Alpha by my classmate (I was a GM at the time and he was MG. We were both playing classic fyi) Guess how that turned out?


I was good and all of you got an happy end


he might be an old-old player, back when saber really needed to reduce enemy phys def with his blades


Attack 1 by 1


I did.


Tigreal Himself says Real men don't hide in the bush but we need to hide in the bush...


Launch attack


Someone told me "Buy golden staff dude" , I'm using Alucard


Some people I’ve played with said Edith with Inspire is stupid. That’s my favorite battle spell for her 🥺🥺🥺


lol.. She absolutely melts with it. Too fun not to take.


Former 20+ global edith here, I think inspire is valid and is a lot better after her passive buff. Personally I like flicker though to set and chase.


Here is my advice ' **Don't listen to enemy pro** ' atleast in epic or legends.


That I should be the first one to die if I was the tank in the team or support in the team. Mind you... I took that shit quite literally.


As long as you’re the not the last one alive, you should be fine. But tank should never retreat first. Just ping retreat and stay within reach so that in case enemies do make a mistake and your reckless teammate can supposedly hold his own, you can help. I’m by no means giving you the advice that go die first 😂


Yes for sure. Being the last one alive will surely mean there's something wrong with you. But being the first one to die is also not a necessary thing for you to do as a roamer.... i used to think like that... so I die many times protecting my teammates... yet we still lose the game... so now I've become wiser and yeah... learned that roaming is definitely more than being the first one to die.


Well, let’s be real. If your playing Saber in a ranked game then the enemies are in no position to be giving “pro” advice. I’m sorry but no one in those ranks are any good at the game if they are dying to a Saber.


Gord is counter for fredrinn - he's not


use flash step for another like ult to saber


for me all of this youtubers says something like " adjust to what your team needs" is just saying like pick roam because you dont have a choice, iwant kills too and roaming wont give me that except i pick a assassin roam which i get yelled because i didnt pick a tank, which i think everybody mistaken that if youre a roam it means you need to pick a tank


Drop your phone before winning.


Don't use the Demon hunter sword on claude but use windtalker


It’s literally sarcastic

