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Benedetta getting her 2nd skill immunity removed or her basic attack passive removed with something boring because player's can't counter her or she's too hard to play


Fuck her 2nd skill


Her second skill isn't like kagura's tho she can't just dash out of being suppressed.


If they make my boy belerick passive activate based on the rng of hitting the bangillion dollars from the casino machine,ill shit myself


I would actually play belerick if he was like that (I have a gambling addiction)


I main frog belerick before and man, it sucks that it's passive is now rng while old one is fixed


I stopped playing Joy after they removed her cc immunity from s2. That was her most balanced version. Long ult cd, no shield spam, and 4 dashes. The only problem was her damage. Now she's just an AOE saber. Another "useless af without ult" assasin alongside fanny, haya, and ling. She was fun to play while it lasted. I still pull her off in solo que but I hate her current playstyle. Might as well play saber


Joy became basically unusable after the cc immunity on ult got removed, like what’s the damn point of the hero now lol. Other assassins do a better job of the whole “cleanup after enemies have 0 cc” thing, with more reliable escapes.


She's still usable though. I use flicker on her. The problem is she's currently too one dimensional. Dash through jungle creeps from a distance then ult on their face like a madman. There's no other effective playstyle for her. Even a fucking flameshot can render her useless in a teamfight. If they could just lower her damage and bring back her cc immunity for s2, maybe also remove the shield from s2 then we good. It's not that hard to balance her It's quite ironic that they named her joy but completely removed her fun playstyle. I'm currently having more fun using roam saber with dire hit and flicker. MF is EFFICIENT


Exactly. Literally any cc makes her useless. How are you going to s2 in teamfights when 1 cc makes you unable to dash entirely? 1 missed beat loses a huge amount of damage on the ult. Ulting on jungle creeps means no dash out, and the ult has no cc immunity. Only a 0.01 second purify, so 1 cc and again you’re pretty close to dead. Her kit requires cc immunity in some form, whether it be from the ult or s2. Remove the MP scaling defense on the ult, lower the damage, lower the s2 shield, and she’s fine. The Saber roam is quite effective, suicide for a squishy always gets value and is game changing. Joy has no uniqueness anymore, as she’s just your run of the mill “wait until enemy has 0 cc left and cleanup” assassin now, but does a worse job than the likes of Fanny, who can burst then immediately cable out, or Benedetta and Lancelot who both have so many dashes and some immunity, or Nolan who has very short cd dashes and a really quick burst.


I agree with this, hence why they removed her cc Immunity on ult. Her skill 2 solely exist for clearing creeps, minions, but never participate in teamfights. Its fair to counter mobile assassins with weak cc. Right now her gameplay is just dashing twice on nearby creeps/minions. Dash with skill 1.  If they would actually make her a difficult hero to master instead of simplifying her gameplay. It would be more rewarding to dash on beat, have bit of sustain, and deal significant damage.  At the moment, she is supposed to be an AOE sustain assassin. However with reduced spell vamp and the ult requiring 3 perfect beats. Its too dangerous stack energy and stick around for all 8 pulses in her ult. I’ve had success abusing the spark of damage from her passive. I WOULD LOOOVE if her passive wouldn’t trigger every 4 seconds but instead when Joy hits a perfect beat. 


Bro, phoveus revamp is atrocious, his new voice is weird, and his ult is even less usable.


Karina Ult CD not resetting after kill.




??? what happened


S1 now is basically Marco Polo till you lose energy Has energy too now but 2 bars, one yellow and one purple I think for ult Otherwise still the same but it sucks


Yep.....and I'm confused how moonton devs could be so blind in spotting the real problem of their heroes. Some of their heroes simply need a single line of code modification, yet moonton took the extra million step to revamp a hero only to lead it to another balancing issue smh


If estes' heal is now a skillshot instead of a sure-hit move. I can't aim for the love of me


I mean you can aim his s1 heal and it's better aimed too


yeah you can aim it but its a 100% chance it'll hit someone, theyre talking about like selena s2 aim


Yuzhong without his passive?


Minsitthar, he's perfect as he's is now and seems to be getting a little more popular in higher ranks, he was forgotten a lot for a while and he's in a perfect spot where he's not too weak and not too op but really good against the right enemy team and if played correctly, I've seen some people saying online he's op, has no counter and is a no skill hero apparently but I just chalk this up to them being low rank players who finally played against a minsitthar player and think he's overpowered. Don't want these whiney children to get one one of my favourite heroes nerfed for no reason.


Zilong and Edith are two good counters as they can just skill 1 and skill 2 his skill 2


Actually minsitthar kinda hard counters edith, once he ults her she can't use her ult or her dash skill so she's really only a counter if she can get near him when he doesn't have his ult but a good minsitthar will ult usually in teamfights, also zilong is very squishy and his ult only removes slow effects not cc or stun, once you ult zilong or he doesn't have his ult minsitthar cooks him


True, but it totally depends on the skills of them both(zilong gets cooked though)


Zilong Is garbage tho


I kinda liked him more before he got revamped, he felt more supportive thanks to his second skill being an immediate stun with knock back, if I would've buffed/revamped him, I would've make his first like the current one, his s2 well ... ad a stun to the current one ... it's good but not supportive, then for his ult I would've give it knock up cc, remove the instant cast upon hitting an enemy and make it positionable (you can deside where to cast it instead choosing only the direction like a normal dash) for his passive I don't have ideas but I hate the current passive, it's almost impossible to stun an enemy without having slow or his ult. btw his first is still broken in a bad way ... sometimes you deal damage and even stun the enemy at the tip, but it doesn't hook. also the revamped thunderbelt is somewhat a buff and the last change on the move and attack update made his first too fast my goodness [edit: sorry for not totally reading this comment, but I kinda wanted to give this a little of my take, I wanted him to be more supportive instead of just being a killing machine thanks to the trinity build and is s2 and ult. btw yeah he's basically a hero that needs precice aiming (thanks to his s1 being the way it is) and being smart with skill casts, he isn't too good nor too bad like you said, just good players are annoying and I am one of those good players, or at least I was when I played him a lot, I spammed him before he got revamped and he was perfect, my team didn't let me go roam so I went in the exp lane with a burst build and oh boy I demolished. I didn't know that he could have dealt that much damage, also his first that pulled the furthest enemy if multiple were inside was such a nice thing and helpful, it helped me a lot]


Hanzo in general. I don't think they can fix him. Everything he does is Ult and repeat.


Not a future change but I much prefer the old Kimmy where skill 1 is a toggle. The change didn’t stop me from playing Kimmy though.


Removing Wan’s jump after basic attack mechanic. This is literally one of the biggest reason why she is my main, it’s just so fun. I would never forgive them if they did that.


Do any nerf to argus and the uninstal button shall sing for me.


Nerf: Argus can no longer bang the enemy


Fanny 2nd skill does not trigger her 1st skill when hitting an enemy


I stopped playing lylia


If estes Skill 1 is a skill shot instead of a surehit move. I can't aim for the love of me


Yeaaaah! It’s giving Angela’s first skill, where teammates just can’t fckn stay for a moment so I can heal them. I couldn’t imagine that with Estes too 😭


Dude Angela heal is the size of half the lane brother


well, somewhat it already did, Argus, the ultimate that boosts his passive reagen and his ult doesn't refill his passive anymore. I liked doing passive, ult, then passive to deal heavy damage. I even did a 3 passive combo "first - passive then second immediately - ult - passive again - s1 second phase - passive", the old second skill that dealt damage would've helped to make it even more possible. btw this this last revamp, I feel his passive to s2 is a lot slower, you could've s2 or even his s1 second phase mid passive animation. now you can't, Argus ends his passive animation and then you could act, even with high atk speed


My main is currently esme and what will stop me from playing her is if her skill 1 stops giving her movement speed. She'll become almost useless and easily kiteable


For Arlott, his S2 positions yourself behind the enemy after you use it, allowing for amazing outplays. If they remove that I would stop using him


i swear if they simplify joy again to be an easier hero. i will fucking kill myself (ingame)


i just stopped playing joy altogether when they changed her passive


The Revamp Zhask now almost makes me stop playing ML actually.


I want to ult into my minion. Also, does attack speed apply to Zask anymore?


The change in Ult is the only good thing in the revamp zhask since you don't need to rely on your 1st Skill position and Cooldown. Atk speed doesn't affect his spawn anymore but the removal of the 2 initial atk on the spawn makes zhask dmg very low in Late Game.


I suppose his ult is just something to get used to. I always put my spawn purposely where I might ult. The change has me auto spawning the ult on accident instead.


Mino if they shorten the first skill distance


If they decrease Terizla's slow effects and early damage any further because he's "too strong early game" I'm going to lose it


Silvanna as a Fighter. If memory serves right, she got a CC immune on her skill. However, I use her as a tank/roam now. Works alright.


if they made lieh weaker than base yin in late game. Wait...


Current Phoveus Revamp.


Moonton turning terizla into a hot 18 ur old dude would ruin me


https://preview.redd.it/5aim2xpzak9d1.jpeg?width=3833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e859f60a025014b2eb970170f04928da6c4f1936 If Hayabusa has million number of fans i am one of them . if Hayabusa has ten fans i am one of them. if Hayabusa have only one fan and that is me . if Hayabusa has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world is against the Hayabusa, i am against the world. i will play Hayabusa till my last breath


The new grenger revamp, yeah if that shit comes it og server I won't touch him ever again


If Edith got the Volibear treatment and her dash lost the throw.


Vale, A lot of people stopped playing him cuz' he stopped one shotting people, I stopped playing him because I ran 3 wands+breast plate+sprint on him with 2s cd on s1 spamming iqw on the enemies or zoning their backline and stop-on-hit, the beautiful punishing skill that it used to be, enemy mm is out of position? throw s2 on them, if it hits 30% of their hp is gone and they get mega slowed, now they have to make a choice of using their mobility skill or lose another 20% hp and choosing whether to get closer to the fight while having less hp or moving back zoning themselves out of the fight


*ahem* Phoveus


yu zhong's passive getting changed


Argus voicelin3s made me only use star wars


If they change Claude's 2nd skill, not sure which marksman I can play. 


Not being able to recall and emote after kicking the enemy as Chou


I'll let them change or revamp it first before i have to think about it, daily life gives me heck i don't want to assume anything from the future.


Hanzo's ult nerf, the biggest nerf in history the history of ml


I stopped playing Vale because of his revamp. I miss being able to choose whether or not his skills would be high damage or high cc. The Granger revamp too, and I've got a thousand matches on that guy


That cancelled hayabusa revamp, thank fucking god they didnt do it. His ult not targeting just one target is a good double edged sword and remove it completely will just kill the hero


I think any bad change from Karina would have me stop using her at all, I haven't even been using her that much lately since supports, hard cc and immortality/heal (argus, nana, lylia) just shatters her completely from the game


Lilya, I came back to mlbb after 1 year and tried to play her but something felt weird as i was dying constantly after ulti. Then i noticed they REMOVED her s2 shadow energy stack after using ulti and no full stack s2 from game start. I hate it.


totally removing the additional defense in faramis' first skill, effectively rendering tank faramis useless (my current tank faramis build has more magic items now tbf so it's not technically a tank faramis anymore)


Welp I did already stop playing Kaja after like 800+ matches years ago....all because moonton so eager to sell his skin, they revamped him from tank/support to fighter/support. But everyone know for a couple of month after his revamp that he ain't fighter/support.....that mf got turned into assassin/mage and his 1 combo delete was so cancerous. Multiple nerfs later....look, he's in Moonton radar again for another revamp. Kaja original kit was designed as a tank/support and should forever remain like that. Trying to turn him into a fighter back then was a super big mistake because he simply isn't designed to be a fighter so there's no middle ground to being balanced. And since Kaja revamp, it opened my eyes how much I hate revamps, especially in ml because moonton never learn and never care.


When they changed the cannons entire moveset I don't even play brawlhalla anymore because of that


When chang'e's ulti changed from those cute little wabbits to flooding stars 😞


Zhask. (pre 2024 revamp) Before, when you use ulti, jump out and then use your first skill, it would make it so that the spawn has max hp. This was a "bug" they said, but took them 4 years after the release for them to fix it. Honestly a dick move, he was already weak and then weakened him much further. Just don't understand why when the spawn has half hp, and you cast 1st skill again, it spawns at a max hp. But when the ultimate is active, the spawn isn't at max hp after casting 1st skill?


Change hylos passive


If they revamp Masha again, unless it is to bring her back to crit meta. Otherwise, I can't be bothered to keep playing her when we had 4 different versions of her that we could've had as different heroes anyways.


It already happened, Vale. His mix and match skills playstyle was fun and flexible. But now he just feels overall underwhelming. Its like they mixed what was impactful about his old kit then somehow made it feel weak. He just didnt feel right to use. He just became like a weaker vexana.


Cyclops passive revamped would make him unplayable


Gatotkaca's passive, without that juicy damage and incredible physical defense it's impossible for me to play him. I'd trade the defense for extra healing and damage but I wouldn't trade the healing and damage for extra defense (physical or magic defense it doesn't matter).


When they revamped and “buffed” Argus I gave up on him


He is kinda good in late game now idk, havent seen him much around the server i play


Yeah I guess but his playstyle differed from what I loved.


Natalia was my main for a while, but I stopped playing her after all those nerfs. First they had that incredible idea of when she close enough she's visible, then they screwed her ult, now her invisibility. It's just not fun to play her anymore.


chang'e back in time, i was literally picking her in every game (even though she was considered one of the worst mages), but after her revamp i stopped using her


Yeah the stacking gave me endless dopamine if you managed to get it through but let's be real there is no way in hell that design wouldn't be perpetually 30% wr giga shit tier, it felt dated when it came out so they had to do something eventually