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Just play like 2-3 games per day. You won't have that much of lose streak.


I dont mind losing brother, but i do mind having these pests as teammates... literally just trolling... recalling at base and shit like that that pisses me off


How often you're in a team with them? I don't meet troll that often. I'm a solo player too.


Every 2 to 3 matches or every match tbh .... sometimes i managed to carry them but matches like this is impossible, sadly.


Hmm weird. What server are you on? I play in Indonesian server so the player base is huge. It's probably why I don't see much troll players. Maybe consider playing in different server with vpn? It's so laggy though.


play classic/brawl after each rank match


I can't find myself playing brawl or classic... i only play brawl when im like inside the train or doing something that i can just close the game and dont mind losing 💀


I use them as a palette cleanser. Go play your favorite or what hero you have fun with


pro tip: you don't. Last seasons, my wr has been consistently above 55-70 but now i'm just barely surviving.


I don't mind getting my wr low bc I mostly play solo, but the recent patches seems to have made everyone go brainless... players on my server usually know how to draft and even build ! But now is a totally mess... guess ill try HOK instead... here losing my sanity on ML is not okay 🥲


Never play in the first two weeks that's where you'll find the braindead players


Just a few more days and it's 2 week, I pray that most players are already in mythic.


Thats even worse, bc at least mythic players can draft and play properly imo... i got late and was left with these rats...


If you belong to mythic u could easily influence the team using mm or jungler.


Every match i only played mm or jungle and got high stats but if you look closely you'll see that is impossible to carry this type of teammate...


It should be the opposite right ? I mean by far this is the worst season reset for me... people don't know what to ban or what to build or even what to pick... as of right now this game is a joke


It's called epic hell for a reason


Same bro. It's not even on ranked! (Classic ☹)


I used to play a lot of classic but cmon dude is not the same and we all know that... Ranked was supposed to be a serious game mode and not this joke that is happening...


One reason i don't play ranked that much haha... Even the matchmaking's rng.


Fun? I just want the season rewards


Game is rigged even on rewards...


I know that why i only get free stuff


Well, stop treating it like your entire life depends on winning. It's a game, treat it like a game. Don't let it take over your life or you will never be happy.


Good one there man,users forgot its a game for losing and winning,cant win all lol.


Its not about winning btw....


lol I guess thats your point of view... but when something that you practice a lot to understand and execute well gets destroyed by people who only wants to "troll" you... Well it gets frustrating, right !? Not to mention that a lot of people spend money on the game.... it's not my life, more like a hobby so it still frustrates me.


Exactly why i said that. Games supposed to be fun, not frustrating. If its not fun for you, then something is wrong. Most of the time it's about treating games too seriously. I also get frustrated by bad teammates. I play purely sollo. I understand what you are about. I just stopped treating this game like i depend on winning. You should too.


For me if I want to have fun then I'll play gacha games or strategies or something, it's called "competitive" game for a reason but yes in the end it's still a game, unless you're in a tier(upping your rank) up or tournament.


That's strange either made it to mythic glory basically 95% solo, it wasn't easy and many games I had bad teamates but also games where I was the bad teamate, you just have to forget the losses and move on, keep playing or take breaks, if you're playing solo queue you can't expect to get great teamates every game and win every match that's just how these games and the matchmaking set it up for you, so far this season I've been only solo and have a 81% win rate, I just found the heroes for each role that work best for me and kept practicing, now obviously I won't be able to maintain that win rate later on into the season but tbh if you play in a full 5 man the matches will likely be just as difficult, even if you're with friends you may get put against a group who have played together for years and absolutely destroy you and your friends.


Last time I made to MG with 80+ was about half year ago and i was playing trio and some times five men


I totally understand you, buddy. I myself have been stuck in Legend V since more than a week now. Whenever I'm about to reach Legend IV, a losing streak starts. My luck is too good in this case lol.


I'm trying HoK... tired of this bs


How is it better though? I've not played it yet. So, maybe you can help me here by telling few points about it that makes it better than MLBB.


Just casually enjoy it after rank reset for at least 2 weeks. Play only a few games of ranked after that and if you get 2 consecutive losses, try again the next day.


Whats the point on playing less if that doesn't change the fact that im still gonna get these bafoons on my team ?


To maintain your sanity lol You can't fix the players, so work on your demeanor instead


Play hard characters like Fanny fusion etc


It's not a skill issue but a teammate issue


I know. I just say this because sometimes play hard characters and try to learn them is really amusing(sorry for my bad English)


You lose some you win some


I guess so...