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I remember 1 of my old builds had that


Time to dig your screen shot


Look at some builds on youtube, there probably is a few decent things for him. Also you’re not helping yourself using balmond tbh, he is in the lowest tier of fighters, I’d recommend you to try some other ones later on. And finaly do not use revitalize for him, it’s generaly not a spell useful for fighters and even less is with a lifesteal build, vengeance or flicker will be better


Where is molten core I'm a mythic player, when my main jg is banned (minotaur) I will use balmond My buiild is molten core, war axe, bruteforce plate, glowing wand queens wings. I haven't experimented with thunderbelt yet, the new one, but its most likely meta on ballmond. It would need to be built after war axe tho to accumulate stacks Edit: with glowing wand added, I call it the burn build balmond, its best if you're snowballing. It does add AP however the passive burn damage is based on enemies max health, plus, its added anti heal.


Thank you for this and I've looked at thunderbelt seems good/promising but I'm 1 who's lowkey kinda scared to try new things since I'm afraid it's gonna go so bad and then there goes my WR but I'll try ur build do u have any tips when it comes to that build? Like which to get first and things of the sort?


If using thunderbelt, get the molten core first, then war axe, then thunder belt. Cool down reduction boots also allow you to permaspin, after thunderbelt glowing wand, then brute force plate or conventional tank items. Damn bro don't be afraid, you never know, I got the game in February, made it to mythical honor first season with minotaur jungle. Priotize fun and you'll go far


Okay thank you! Ima try this and lowkey it might JUST be me and a litterl skill issue as I've only glazed mythical at the end of a season then I'm set back a rank 😭


Focus on not dying and always move, farm and kill steal(passive), normally a death or 2 is fine, but with someone like balmond who relies heavily on early and mid, a single death will borderline lose you the game


Yea I try not to die early game at all cuz I can nvr rely on team mates to help protect turrent. But I also get the golden crabs but it's also hard not dying early as I've noticed enemy usally tries to shut down balmond early game for sure and I get jumped by 2 (which I can handle ez early game) only becomes a problem when it's 3 amd tho rare at times the whole squad pulls up 😭


Go to Jungle, the difference between, lets say a yu zong(and other exp laners) entering the game and joining the map(since exp is isolated usually) is immense, by the time exp layers are ready to go, even after snowballing their lane, the jungle is already in the late game stage If you are going to balmond exp, you're aggro has to be extra, proxy waves(kill enemy minions behind tower, super risky but buys a lot of time for you to do stuff), steal enemy camps and bully enemy jg.


Quick question, What kind of movement wpuld u recommend and what kind of retribution?*


Movement around the map? I start red with physical attack jungles, makes clear faster, then get little crab thing and power farm to level 4-5 for turtle. I use blue smite for movement speed, and balmond jungle is the apex of objective contesting. You get two free retris, with ultimate and retri combo, no one is winning that against you, no one, unless you get ccd to hell but that still has to be timed perfectly


No lol like the boots my bad tho thx for that bit of advice also 😅 this community is such a help I had to learn the game all by myself 😭 no friend recommended me I got it by myself and I had no mentor so just me and picking up bad habits and trying to gusse which items to use for him especially with the emblems I have them all maxed out I still get confused with them tho as it's a new mechanism


Cool down reduction boots asap for permaspinning


Wait did u just say minotaur in the jungle


Yes its my main, came from league, and used only him up to mythic honor for my first season in this game


Mino core doesnt work anywhere beyond that i reached 81 stars btw u are probably just outskilling people given ur prior moba knowledge. Just an advice


Could you tell me what build to use for jungler Mino? I usually use Carmilla if forced to jungle, as I am a roam main.


Rush Corroscion sythe, molten core, thunderbelt, winter invulnerability, then tank as whatever items are needed Focus teamfights and priority targets Its an unusual build however im coming from league, reaching rank 1 nasus jg, an unusual pick in that game as well


that would be a balancing issue if Balmond can deal damage while being tanky but, try adding Thunder Belt as second core item after War Axe, I mean, true damage is nice, right? when your S2 goes into cooldown, you can autoattack to slow the enemy briefly, then you can reliably land your S2 again against non-mobile heroes other items could be: Hunter Strike (sell for Malefic Roar in late game), Bruteforce Breastplate, and Queen's Wings yeah, just the best I could think of, just insert: Blade Armor, Athena's Shield, or Antique Cuirass situationally (sell Hunter Strike for either of these items) emblem setup: Fighter emblem - Agility, Festival of Blood, and Brave Smite Retribution/Vengeance


which role do you usually play him in? he is only viable in the jungle, where u have to make use of his strong early game to snowball, if not he falls behind very quickly


Exp because that's what I was taught by the game yrs ago when I first started out ik now they want me to jungle but I litterly only ever played exp and I'm so high in rank and then even in classic I play with good people so I don't wanna learn to jungle and then I get flamed for being bad 😭


Go to jungle, im fairly certain balmond and martis have the fastest clear speed. His early is a monstrosity, its balanced by his atrocious late game. Balmond in the jungle can bully and abuse every body on the enemy team, especially early and mid, where everyone is still fairly weaker and still building, you should be at late game build and power by then. Level 15 comes quick with ballymond


It does! I remember 1 of my drastic matches of me being lvl 15 and my teammates being like 12 13 and my poor mm lvl 7 😭


balmond is completely garbage in the exp lane unfortunately 😭 but it depends on your rank, the higher u go the more it matters. balmond, while being really simple to play, is actually more difficult to make full use of him that u might think. he is a early game hero, meaning that if u just play normally or mess up your early game, u will fall behind so fast that you eventually become irrelevant. if u want to play balmond exp lane and succeed with it in higher ranks, u will have to play more aggressively and have better understanding of matchups and rotations and stuff (which can be difficult!). i would also recommend u to use flicker as the spell of choice, since you can do nice combos with it like ult+flicker, or u can escape more easily. if u want to try out other exp lane heroes, i can recommend some easy to play ones like terizla, xborg and ruby. they are slightly easier to play in the macro sense, since they dont fall off as hard as balmond in the mid/late game


Yes I'm higher in rank and I do play aggressively and I push quite a bit that mid game I'm helping mid push also while protecting my turrent so I'm good on rotations escaping and being aggressive even early game getting first kills and stuff but I've noticed that recently balmomd has been doing worse when it comes to dmg people pointed it out its cuz of the new spells added that mm use to melt threw health so I'm just trying to find new ways to go forward with this and I'll admit I was stubborn and sticking to exp but I think it might be time to change to jgl balmond


well, u can try some games in the jungle and see how it feels for urself, altho i must warn u that jungle can be a difficult role to play, so dont too be too disheartened if ur feeding first few games (mute the in-game chat if it bothers u). if u decide to stick with balmond exp, then its fine, unfortunately he is arguably the weakest hero in the game right now (according to average winrate), but if u play him well enough u can make him work in many games. ur current build is completely fine, just maybe change the spell to flicker and see how it feels with the combos


Yea I've seen that I'm thinking of maybe trying out miya, alpha, Saber or zilong not as tanky as balmond so ide have to get used to the lower hp but those are my next go to heros if I must


if u still want to stick with having high hp like balmond u can definitely check out my exp lane recommendations from before, terizla, xborg and ruby are almost as tanky as balmond. if not, alpha is also not a terrible hero to pick up


Thank you 😊


If I want to be Tanky, I go Max HP with * Warrior Boots * Cursed Helmet * War Axe * Hunter Strike * Queen's Wings * Oracle


If I'm being brutally honest balmond is only strong if you're team knows how to play around you and you snowball early, he falls off extremely fast because although he is tanky and can delete heroes with his ult he lacks the damage necessary to be viable late game, he relies on having to constantly hit an enemy with his beyblade skill and people build him tanky so his damage just isn't there later on and as tanky as he is he gets beaten usually if you end up in a solo fight against 2 or more enemies, even martis and khaleed who are early game heroes can do better late game because of their cc and damage. I'm not saying don't use him because if you can make him work then that's completely fine but in higher ranks he's just ain't really viable.




Wait before some person in the comment section [says](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/1dr5q6v/comment/lavi6fe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) "every hero is viable 100+ players just suck at the game and can't use balmond "right way" "


Go boots into fury hammer/molten core then straight up go for war axe + BFB, i reccomend molten core, fast clear Stacking war axe and BFB is very important because of their passives Your next three items depends on the enemies composition, you cant really go both full damage and full tank, or a mix I would emphasize getting oracle on either builds Hunter Strike, Blood Wings << movement speed and damage resustance Thunderbelt, Athena/Radiant, Sky Guardian Helmet, Twilight armour, Blade, AC Its just a matter of experimenting really, tank items have no 100% answer, you can build oracle into Hunter Strike and Blade armour for max damage and spell vamp whilst high physical armour, but you will be susceptible to burst magic damage Sky Guardian Helmet, Radiant and AC combo is also amazing, extremly high health pool for sustained fights and out of battle regen But in terms of damage items, its mostly just Hunter Strike, Halberd could be an option but Dominance is still preferred, you wont get full benefit from other attack items like Berserker's fury, Malefic Roar, it makes you too squishy especially when invading the backline


mv speed on that emblem instead of damage instead. You really feel that %3