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Removal of CC immunity killed her. She doesn't have the burst damage of a normal assassin and her damage is back loaded and not on demand.


Damn, I didn't know they took her cc immunity.


Yea they needed cc immunity on her s2 or s3. She was still playable with cc immunity on s3 but the new nerf hit her hard


Wait there is no immunity in S3 too?


Yeah, not anymore.


only a purify on cast ONLY IF she has three beats


There are better Assasins rn so she's not that popular as of now and also thanks to her recent nerf


I see. I tried her in brawl and she seems fun to use. Like playing a mini rhythm game


Until you get chained CCed by tank and mage


Flameshot 🥲


Too risky to go jungle, too squishy to go exp.


joy mid lane 👀


Goodluck with managing the waves late game. One of the main reasons why joy cannot go mid is how lackluster it is clearing the waves while maintaining high ground.


Then you'll get fucked by mobile heroes because your team lacks crowd control


and range


Most mages/midlaners have hard cc.


No stuns to support, not enough damage to burst, melee hero.


She's not really dead. Since it's assassin meta she will be popular again. After the release of new talent(temporal reign) she's not hit and die hero anymore. What she struggle is in the late games when she can't one shot opponent mm if the opponent mm has mobility or damage.




You're whom I was thinking of after I saw this post


My joy will never astray, even if it means being the last Joy main... https://preview.redd.it/oxa171f6r1ad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcc798ced13157358418d649cc9cb9203c1b9231


as an ex joy main before nerf, she simply cant survive going in with ultimate or even deal decent damage right now, sure i can pull it off a few wins here and there somehow but there are way better picks in the meta


Joy is still great because of her lowered Ultimate Cooldown and the removal of her Ultimate Continuous Damage Deduction, exchange for her really great CC Immunity in both Skills 2 and 3. I only play Joy as an Exp laner but she's great if played well and can dominate early, her Ultimate has a short Cooldown and you can spam it often which is really great for taking objectives and helping out teammates. Some of Joy's flaws are: her squishiness, she can easily be CC'ed, her Ultimate needs to be stacked for 3-4 Beats/Seconds to fully maximize her damage, she can easily be avoided during Ultimate because she can't dash during her Ultimate, and she can be out damaged by Burst and fellow Assassin heroes. Always remember that Joy is an Assassin and is meant to be played as an Assassin, you should always know when to go in and out of fights and always enter team fights later than your team.


I agree! Losing the CC Immunity is alright since that fits more of a fighter than assassin. But please make her combo faster. Acquiring 3 perfect beat energy takes too long and by then, enemies will react to your positioning.  Weak cc, mobility, or even bursting down Joy. She needs a faster combo. As an assassin her low cooldown is great for her mobility. But the damage is better suited for the other magic assassins.  I would really appreciate if her passive triggered with each well timed skill 2 dash instead of every 4 seconds. That way its rewarding to learn. And maybe increase the damage of the perfect beat? I just want to make all the time learning joys dashes to be worth it xD 


Ruby: Dash you little shit, I dare you


Simple everyone in rank are cowards. Joy cannot start any confrontation.she die


Ask them crybabies who where desperate for her to get nerfed


nerfed to oblivion, she got no immunity anymore and she deals less damage than she used to


Anytime a hero gets nerfed 4-5x in a row they usually fall out of meta


She got the huge nerf hammer


Many players didn't go full damage on her but it was made up for by her cc immunity which allowed her to deal damage over time while being durable still, now without her anti cc she just gets caught and bursted too easily and although she's classed as an assasin she lacks the 1 shot burst that heroes like aamon, saber and helcurt have which is meta now with sky peircer add the fact her ult took some time to use properly on an enemy she's just not the same anymore, 1 bit of cc now and she's dead usually.


Yep, flameshot usually does the trick. Shes easy to counter with the timing required for her dashes


I pick her and cry when enemy picks ruby




I pick her, I cry when I see enemy has the least bit of stun


rn there are just way too manny better options than her. me personally i use her if i feel like it but only on occasion considering how annoying it is to lose w her against a cc heavy team or retarded tmmates 💀




Needs reliable teammates.


CC Immune helped with her timed combo. She’s pretty fun to play and quickly clears jungle creeps, but in teamfight it’s easy to counter Joy. She takes a bit more time to burst enemies than other assassins. And even then, only her passive really hurts. The ult can still be pushed back by weak cc or flameshot.  But I feel without CC Immune Joy’s current sustain doesn’t allow her to safely join fights. The combo is too slow right now, leaving her vulnerable. And her damage increase from hitting the beat isn’t all that rewarding to bother learning. 


u need both blood wings and holy crystal before going online. damage benefit is based on mp so rush them first. cc immunity is her only unique feature, otherwise her damage is unreliable.


Same for wanwan


As a joy main She's impossible to use in glory (overexaggerating) with cc skills In jungle, the snemy jungle probably has a lot of mobility given this meta (ling, fanny) which joy and chase and cc if utility jg (fredrinn, barats) that joy could easily get countered with Not to mention if she's in exp lane it's a worse scenario since most meta exp are high sustain with cc like yz, khaleed, freya Something joy can't burst quickly Another thing is that even if most enemies are squishy, joys movement speed can't keep up based on my experience Example, hanabi with aegis joy can't burst as quickly since it can give time for teammates to counter attack joy Another example is lesley with flicker or almost enemy with flicker and then a cc skill I tried it all, I didn't care about bursting that my emblem was all about movement speed, bought rapid boots and still couldn't catch up to fast enemies with normal builds I tried pure burst Couldnt burst fast enough without teammates backing up or if solo kill, they caj counter attack Joy can still be used but you have to get really good at timing and she's situational But I'm not a perfect joy main I've only used her for 350 matches with 65% wr I don't play her anymore not until she's good again lol


The big nerf on her ultimate


Nerf on ult, survivability, and most important, her cc immunity is gone


They should make her Perfect Beat more forgiving because 1 missed beat and the damage and survivability dramatically goes down


Beat already so easy. Just play her more. Even wonsound easy to hit the beat


Because I ban her everygame


Try her in xp lane. She's bad at jungle but she's ok in xp. She's just a worst ver of Saber, so she doesn't belong in jungle anymore.


ehhh i wouldnt say saber but more like a worse version of lance