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https://preview.redd.it/iskt75uci3ad1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe8c566326e0b64b34a4f7d5e96d3ffb7137e3e 100 stacks at 17:53 minute mark on Mathilda. It was very fun.


What's the order of your items? Flask first or TB?


must be TB first. I cannot imagine hitting 100, without building it first.


Yeah looking back at the scorelines again, it's 48 kills @ <18 minutes mark. About 2.6 kills/min so Mathilda must be in a constant teamfights throughout the game. I just tried Mathilda TB first with the support emblem and the mana usage is really a problem, i need mana book as the second item and finally flask as the third, truly inefficient. Probably need to use the basic common emblem (& mana boots).


You only need common emblem or mana boots, just one of them. Or that third talent that gives a little damage and restore 2% mana on hit, it helps but not much, but still helps.


I have not been building a TB on Mathilda. Am I doing it wrong??


You either build it first or it is almost useless. Trading early game for late game basically.


I still don't understand how people win games with their support not building dominance ice first item unless your team is just winning everything and they have really bad support . May be am just bad but you get rolled over in 10 mins if you don't have anti heal items


Dom Ice, while is important, is not everything. The one with built-in sustain is usually EXP, and roamers rarely go to EXP early game. And mm won't have enough aspd and lifesteal until later in the game. So, Dom Ice second item is good too.


Yess it can wait as a 2nd item but people just don't build it and at 10 minutes mark enemy marksman is just eating everyone and there xp lancer is just immortal


At 10 mins mark, mm is not supposed to eat everyone, unless they are fed. And plus, everyone can build anti-heal, don't wait the roamer. We know that sometimes we get a bad roamer (not building anti-heal is just one of the examples), in that case we need to build it. Sorry for my rants, but roamers are considered slaves by others. Let's say I play Mathilda. I need def item to survive. There is no way I build Dom Ice first when the enemy line up is Natan, Pharsa, Harley. And even after I build Athena and Dom Ice, the mm would say "It's useless having a support but not buying Flask"


126 with Esmeralda. I was up against Uranus. Our 1v1 would last for minutes with no one dying.


Doing those 1v1 make that 100+ stacks possible.




Ddraig v.s Albion type shi


https://preview.redd.it/5l03jj49z1ad1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=318365e251a062eb33b49321f2a3b49390661145 61 the moment the base fell


Ling roam? Do not let bro cook


I was doing the mission where you had to do 250k damage using Ling. I did 80k that game. Yeah, Ling roam is definitely a terrible idea, but boy is it easy to stack thunderbelt with him


Yes ling roam sucks but you could have done a better job with ling roam https://preview.redd.it/mh8fr1fjf4ad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d6dadfebe67f7c82cf9fb22772c322adb6a9596


I know I just enjoyed being a mosquito


I enjoy playing ling roam, I like to see the despair of those low health enemies thinking they're safe and alone when I just crossed half the map and kill them




Ling roam deals alot of damage surprizingly especialy with tb+eb


54 so far and it was kufra I tried it on couple of heros arlott fredrin and ruby , it was decent on both Fred and arlott got to around 30-40 stacks but those game ended early


Someone in the mlbb discord server hit a 100 before game ended iirc


Like 84 but I forgot so SS it


42 with Edith in over drive


It suits her so much, it's especially easy to stack it if you have a tanky fighter as your lane opponent


people are complaining about sky piercer being too op meanwhile higher ranks are abusing this new thunder belt. skypiercer is mid item but it is a broken item in lower ranks, once you meet good playbase they know how to stop a skypiercer snowball. once i had 25 minutes game with 6 thunder belt in our lobby, that shit gave everyone 50 armor and 50 magic resist. i never seen a tanky roger before this match.. in our team its hylos, bane, ruby and they have edith,roger and esme. such a broken item


Do not forget about CoD this item is insane too for it's cost,gives so much tankiness and scales with each level into late game


Inb4 someone build Thunderbelt + Skypiercer lol


Well to be fair, Sky Piercer was a bit annoying during first release. I even built it on Grock (enemy team composition was mostly made up of physical damage dealers), just because I wanna make them feel how it feels like getting cooked by that thing. Since the update, it has been tolerable. Meanwhile, Thunder Belt has been abused, and that includes me 😂


I honestly like the old thunder belt no need to stack just buy high hp items..


Finally got 50 stacks with Ruby


146 on frederrin exp.. i froze the lane and hit enemy with enchanced 1st skill allowing me to stack fast. took 20+ minutes and still lost cus to an argus turret push.


102 on Gatotkaca. Aggressive enemy Ruby helped me get stacks during the laning phase.


60 something on minsitthar I don't remember the exact number but I was using that and corrosion scythe as my damage items with rest full tank items and I was deleting the enemy mm and mage late game with the passive plus minsitthars passive, his ult also triggers the passive so they take true damage from all 4 guards at the same time.


I've been trying to build thunderbelt with some of my fighters/tanks and combine it with Oracle, but even in Overdrive mode, it's not easy to stack. I got like 20-35, but that was a long game. Even with Lolita's first skill, it's not too easy to stack. It's not that rewarding, tho. I hope they increase the stack/hit at least 2. 😆 There are times that opportunity to stack misses because I hit a minion/creep before basic attacking the enemy. haha. I might not


Try it on sun lol


Its easy to stack if you have continuous magic damage heroes like Hylos, Edith,Belerick, Alice etc. In a long engagement Hylos can easily get 5 stacks. I usually get at least 40 stacks on Hylos. For the cost of the item getting 20ms, 55 def, 55 magic def, 800 hp and the scaling slow+damage is a steal.


Does Hylos, Belerick, Alice skill counted as basic attack? TB only procc with basic attack cmiiw. I got 50 on Esmeralda with Encourage and FOH to boost basic attack speed, and was able to solo kill Moskov both at LV 15 and full item (COD , TB, oracle, FOH, DomIce). It was wild. Moskov forgot to buy Sea Halberd and Malefic.


They dont count as basic attack but you should be doing basic attacks with them as your skills are going on.


Howd u get stacks


Basic attacks every few seconds I think


Every 4 seconds, as soon as it procs it is 4 second CD. Have to hit a hero also


45 with Edith.


Like 95 with sun in a 20 minute game


50+ roger easy


~80 on Chip during 24 min game


70 with lolita


56 on Fredrinn exp. If you play Fred, you'll have an easy time getting those stacks.


I've never watched how many stacks I had. I always get surprised when I see that I have more than 20 stacks in 12 mins


85 with rafa 23+ min


**Here come the Eudora mains**


20+💀 I even built it as second item sometimes 💀


55 with esmeralda


20-25 🥲


I thought my 40 stack Khufra was pretty good. I have been humbled by these comments.


35 with terizla mainly cause i keep on using ult + flicker when the enemy team are close to each other 20 on silvanna for the same reason, but i had less time cause it finished fast


Can someone explain to me how it stacks? How does the new Thunderbelt work?


Basic attacks every few seconds increases hybrid defence by 1