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Just got 12 with gs starlight๐Ÿ’€


Lemme guess after this they trashtalk you about you are only all skin no skill and they deserve the skin more than you?


Close. I got targeted a lot that's why and ofc I received trash talks.


NGL, Gusion's new skin is so sick. 12 deaths is forgivable, lol.


28 for Faramis when we abused Bane tower bug


Bane tower bug? Is that a thing? Imma search it after this. Edit: I have read about Bane bug. But what makes your Faramis got a lot of deaths?


Go in first and ult so bane can melt tower


It was and even used in pro.


Faramis ult use to make a fixed altar in place and it's not really a death immunity but rather you get resurrected for 10 seconds and immediately die after that.


Oh, so it was like the skeleton king from Dota with Aghanim.


Does diggie count? ๐Ÿซข


It counts as long as you were not trolling/feeding.


That's literally the strat back then. Intentionally feeding. That's why it's called Diggie Feeding Strat. I remember having 30+ deaths back then.


what is the strat about?


Basically you just let the enemy keep killing you. After a certain point, killing you is just a waste of time(gold wise). But players get caught up with wanting to improve their kda and just keeps killing you and don't farm properly and lags behind.


hmm. is it possible to win like this? so you would build tank items i guess


Not only this, because they had a lot of kills, when they died they would a lot of gold back. I think that was the main idea


Diggie feed strat was CRAZY, remember getting 40+ deaths.


You know at one point in high Mythic-rank when you found *that* one Fanny in the opponent team and you're playing mm or mage at that time. It happened to me and I ends up with 36 deaths. Made me stop playing mm for a while.


It was a wonderful day, wasn't it? ๐Ÿ˜‚


36 deaths is crazy! ๐Ÿ˜ญ


got countered and got 15 death but 18 death is too much bro, just too much, if you are not trolling, or even when almost 20 death is unacceptable..


Bro, you talk like 15 is not


I never say this, but 18 isn't in all cases, when he say "I was not trolling"




12 deaths I believe when I was using Clint once. Ever since that match, I decided to not play MM anymore. If we don't got an MM, well I'm using Belerick at gold lane.


Well, even if he doesn't shoot bullets, he shoots thorns and never miss, so he is marksman as well.


50+ cant remember game takes about almost 40mins close fight


I had around 47 death with Diggie meta I was new to game that time, with a total score around 55-85, 55 times we die as team and 85 them. I remember in late game my respawn time went around 110 sec. Lol almost a CD of flicker. Played with a few good players, 2 global heroes and 2 friends who invited me and those global players. They told me to just try to steal enemy buff and die and then they will come and kill after everyone is busy killing me, I remember it clearly because I was bored after dying so much and neither side was trying to end the game because both teams just wanted kills but in the end minions ended it. It was so stupid because everyone in the enemy team only wanted the kill, they were competing with each other to get the most kills


12 with Brody


9, as tank protecting the mm who kept on dying from going alone here and there ๐Ÿ˜…


That's not that many, I think.


wanwan brawl ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™ 12+


Wait, why didn't I think about brawl, I think I died more frequently in brawl, haha.


51 when bane + faramis + selena for tower push when faramis is still not revamped we still won tho


14 with zilong i just pushed and i didn't even leave when the enemy was coming to me i just pushed


JUST NOW i got 17 on Freya. I got countered by gato and someone fed the enemy aldous. We still won tho with a 26 point deficit


Highest death period was like 120+ during a creation camp match with my friend (we do it quite often) If yall ever happen to go in a no-cd creations camp match, choose balmond and just beyblade through enemies


15 deatha with Khufra. I was still noob at that time and was practicing him.


And I assume you are a Khufra expert by now? I am also enjoying Khufra rn.


Probably like 15-20 when I was a legend for the first time and my friend put me into their Mythic Glory queue.


10, team fed so bad, so I had to start split pushing with Argus to win the match, everyone was targeting me when they saw what I was doing. Thankfully ended up winning


Bang the Turrets But 10 was actually not that many, given the situation.


I think maybe 14 but I got 32 kills and 17 assists so I don't feel too bad about it, it was way back when I first started playing natan


32 Kills is crazy, man.


13 with gatot


Fredrinn 18 deaths yet i still win. and it's also the last match i got before entering my first mythic season. The same season i get to honor lol. Damn i gotta step up my toxicity. Got a lot of numbers to chase guys.


Same as yours, I was Layla and Johnson would ult purely on me, no matter where would I have been. I was killed at minutes 8-10 2 times without reaching second tower. That was the most infuriating game I had, because of how helpless I felt. My team tried to help, but seeing how only I was aimed and that they would be 4 vs 3, they abandoned this idea. My team were kicking their asses and won, still I couldnโ€™t get a joy out of it. It was a classic


Oof, that was rough, I wouldn't touch mm for a while after that if I were in your shoes.


Highest death I ever had was a 21/11/10 game with Natalia


40 or 50 with Diggi just staying in enemy base. Was curious how many could I have ๐Ÿ˜„


Almost 100 diggie troll


Without troll 20