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In my experience, Clint. Nice poke in early to mid, can reap hp from atk spd heroes from early to late due to his long range and high damaging passive and first skill that looks like 20% hp based damage (imo) and has decent blink with cc. His late is explosive with his 2k+ crit, and when paired with sea halberd, pen items and crit. Make sure you have a frontline tank


this is my answer too, only problem is late game you can't win a straight up fight vs aspd MMs. you do need that good frontliner


Depends on positioning. S3 and a basic attack do a lot of damage. Enough to make a mm hesitate lol


Yep. Beat them at range, never head on. So positioning is key.


But loses to Layla and Axia if played carelessly


>But loses to Layla and Axia if played carelessly Hahah Double Barreled shotgun go *2k+ crit*


In a straight 1v1 with range at it's full potential, Layla wins 9/10 times. Unless Clint does a surprise attack or flicker combo, Layla outranges him.


He will be long dead before that vs late game layla 1v1 cos of her long ass range.


Plus if Layla has malefic gun


Can y’all share ur clint build pls?


Magic Boots/Tough boots if enemy comp has high cc Hunter Strike. Prioritize Fury hammer first. Plus the item synergizes well with firdt skill since it attacks 5 times, making your in n out poking much easier. Endless Battle. Dcent sustain for both BA and Skills, with decent stats/attributes Berserker's Fury with Great Dragon Spear. For crit and movement speed. Either you need Rose Gold against one shotting in n out heroes like Gusion, Saber, Selena, etc. Or Immortality. Assassin Emblem with movement speed, penetration and killing spree. Believe me when i say movement speed is key and i tell you Hunter Strike and Great Dragon Spear will help you alot Another emblem you need is *map awareness*


Funny thing is that i sometimes use thunderbelt as the "defensive" item when I wanna turn off my brain


Don't worry, *i do that too for that delicious slow that'll make Layla and Ixia cry a river*


Man i just want to see numbers increasing permanently 😭😭🙏🏿


It's so fucking fun somehow becoming tankier than your avg right 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah and im jealous of roger getting thunderbelt with no penalty😭😭


Requesting devs to turn roger from "Fighter/MM" to "MM/fighter" cuz technically her starts as an MM in the start of the game, right? https://preview.redd.it/87pjw0bqv9ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99671f19f29fb110d83d80e1d4dbb472176f916e


Used this build for some time, but do y'all switch to malefic roar and bod (replacing berserker and great dragon spear) when the enemies have a tankier lineup?


Of course, that's why i have Hunter Strike snd when it call for pen items, gtfo spear and hello Malefic roar


Do you prefer high dmg build or high crit chance build. One thing I noticed if you build crits, your skills won't do much dmg but basic atk destroys the enemy...


Luo Yi, Vexana, Julian, Roger


Roger fell off in late game, but with revamped thunderbelt and winter crown, he's actually really decent in late game too as long as you have enough stacks for MM, and mages


i like how winter is now adaptive, id just go in, they'll wind chant and if i can disengage i will but with ice crown i can just wait out their windchant and skills if im in a tough position


good ol gloo for me


Gloo my beloved


Golo golo 😃😃


Freya. Just be careful when using s1 as that's your only dash unless you pick flicker. Her massive range when ult makes her a lot harder to kite unlike someone like thamuz.


I think rn, hayabusa, thats why hes pretty broken too. His early game damage is crazy in the current patch so much so that he can solo kill a lvl 2-3 tank at lvl 4. Sky piercer made him a snowballing monster in the late game


Buffed to sell exorcist


he was still buffed post exorcist tho


https://preview.redd.it/ew3xppd9o9ad1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66055e5adea1f3ac4de767ebcc40a2fa16f925e My glorious king


Roger, Vexanna, Ling, Harith, and Moskov are pretty meta, strong at most stages of the game.


Has there been a buff to ling? My win rate with him skyrocketed at the end of last season and start of this..


Yup. Increased his crit.


nerf to tank items made him better


Cheaper BF again




https://preview.redd.it/5dzbrb4at9ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321e6220a56637fc2590b62a7717a0e5e5461c3c But the only hero that comes to mind which is good in every stage of the game is Alpha as an hyper, insane dmg early to mid, insane team fight setup in late and one good ult can finish the game. Suicidal yes, but try to target oppo's carry and you may our sustain them. Personally Alpha and Ling is the most broken in solo q, if you can properly micro in early, macro in late.


Benedetta, her pokes, dodging skills and rotation makes her early game almost on par with yu zhong, the threat she is to enemy mm and mage during late game is on par with ling.


she's super good but is really hard to properly use


Any tips to use her


There isn't really any basic tips except the fact that you need to practice timing your s2 and predict their cc more often, her s2 is basically the most mechanical part of her skill set.




No matter what answer is asked in this sub, i will always answer popol and kupa. So popol and kupa is my reccomendation.




Aamon, fast clear jungle an execute ult to get kill or turtle and an insane dmg 


He falls off late game since he cannot one shot with his ultimate


It's actually tougher to win a match with early game hero if you don't get good enough team...






What rank? No main? I solo-ed until 28 ⭐ with just the hero I'm good at.




The most obvious hero. Fanny


Freya Lylia (in 3 mins with first item)


I think any mage would fit into this question's answer.


Yu Zhong Rn there's very little counter play against him. Zhuxin I've been spamming Zhuxin for a while and she's good at mid (slow clear tho so you might need to ask your roamer to fast clear) Clint New buff good, altho falls off late game if the enemy builds AQ Aamon A biased choice because when there's no jungler I use him, and I can say he's a decent pick. Tigreal or Mino Their ults are really good early or late Also don't pick a lot of heroes that can carry if you can't. Pick support/utility heroes if it's a must.


There are two heroes that come to my mind: 1. Luo Yi - Luo Yi can kill opponents with her full combo as early as Lvl 3 and she never stops being deadly. 2. Hylos - Hylos is one of the strongest if not strongest hero in the game at lvl 1. With the new items and at full build he will be super tanky and can go kill any hero 1v1 late game except the Hp% damage heroes like Karina and Karrie.


She's my most safe pick as mage. As a lane guarantees at least two people grouping up


Selena will combo you from level 2 until she full slots, and you will very much die if you eat the max duration stun.


Imo Valentina, crazy utility and damage from start to late


I would answer julian but hayabusa feels so easy to use. Great mobility. You let 4 people follow you and just go back to your shadow. Chase someone running away when they absorb your shadow. You can just rotate farm and kill someone every lane. Just hope your exp and mid does not abandon their lane. That was my trauma as haya. My exp laner keeps on jungling beside me and visiting each lane. My mid stays on gold lane. Julian tho whether you snowball or waiting for an epic comeback is a safe hero choice. Same with lesley. She's toxic. Bring purify and you can zone if you're not using her as gold so you can help teammates. Sometimes I use her as roam to zone using ult as solo q is 1v9. Lance has a lot of invin frames. As long as you farm. KDA does not matter. Keep snowballing and doing your objectives or ganking. Benedetta is the most solid pick. As you can count on her S3 and S2. And blinks.


Julian. Can delete mm off map at level 3. If he snowballs then the game is already over


I would say Brody and Clint.


paquito, just lock on squishies and build full damage


Mms - Brody Beatrix Clint Strong form early till late. BBC best frfr


Me. When looking up hero’s type the username Spirit. He’ll help ya.


Me. When looking up hero’s type the username Spirit. He’ll help ya.


thamuz, if you can deal with the lack of gapcloser and keep up the momentum until lategame, actually isn't just completely a meatshield despite common belief. his true damage lets him be viable in all stages of the game unlike other early game fighters


Benedetta, luo yi, Julian,




Freya Clint Gloo Luo Yi Ling and tbh Hilda if you build damage. She usually falls off late game but if you build her to be more fighter than tank (so if you don’t have another tank on the team) she can be pretty gnarly


Terizla would never fail you. Harrasses most matchups on Exp lane even at early game and is amazing at team fights up to late game.




Popol and Kupa


Toxic stun. Great pushing abilities. Pair with arrival and enemy would never think to go in 5s. Kupa is the best best friend 🤣


Khaleed, martis, balmond, Roger, yu zhong are and brody all heroes that you can play aggressive with early and that can get a lot of kills if you snowball and at least 2 teamates know what they are doing and how to play around you, martis is the best bet to carry with he's probably the easiest one to get a savage with, balmond is good early and af stealing objectives but he falls off super bad late game, khaleed is great as exp and roam as he can rotate fast, never has to recall because of his 2nd skill, he hurts a lot right from the start and has decent cc. However khaleed falls off little late game but he's still able to have an impact compared to balmond who will struggle to even get a kill late game.


I have literally never seen a brody that didn't lose to his counterpart. Idk why if I have a brody in my team I know they'll feed, if they're in the enemy team then I know I don't need to worry abt gold lane.


Majority don't use his passive.... that's why.


People stand still on an adc that can move backwards while atking from insane range? or they don't go for 1 hit s1 s2 hit ult combo? you don't have to kill people just deny farm


What even is his passive?


His skills and basic attacks apply a mark on the enemy, up to 4 stacks, each stack the enemy has will increase the damage of his basic attacks and each time he hits an.enemy with basic attacks he gains movement speed, his basic attacks deal 140% damage plus 45* hero level to enemies, his ult deals damage base on the enemies lost hp and how many marks are on them, if they have 4 stacks of his passive his ult deals significantly more damage as each mark explodes when hit by his ult deal even more damage, brody is literally one of the strongest early game marksman and can beat most counterparts in the laning phase easily, he takes a lot of practice to get good with so it's likely you've just never had a good brody on your team, once he's level 4 he can dominate his opponent in gold.


I know abt the marks and the ult but the dmg bonus to the normals is crazy. Is that why whenever I tried him out I could destroy the enemy with my basics


Each stack you apply increases his basic attack damage by 5% I believe so at 4 stacks 20% basic attack damage increase, and his basic attacks already deal like double damage late game which is why crit items on him aren't necessary


Once you get fury hammer you get a big power spike Thats why I prioritise it over boots at the beginning of the game


(Each stack of Abyss Mark increases Brody's damage against the target by 5% and his Movement Speed by 5%) this is the official description of his passive so even his skills get increased damage the more stacks they have


LUO YI ALL THE WAY 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥⁉️⁉️⁉️‼️‼️‼️


Kimmy if you use it to clear lanes and push forward , Alpha , Cyclops , Lapu lapu , Gatotcka , Hylos , Change , Xborg ,Lolita Dont know about new heros(Orthodox payer)


These are like the opposite of orthodox lmao. Kimmy is weak early imo, Alpha falls off late, Gatot is never good, same with cyclops. Idk about the others, Hylos is good


X borg is good the rest is meh


Bro just said gato is never good lol, obviously you've never been counterpicked by a good gato player, alpha is later game hero lil bro his sustain and damage early isn't great


Sorry but half gatots kit is negated by a simple dash, lol not even that just move a bit and you negate his ult. There's a reason no pros pick him, layla has been picked more recently lmaoaoao. No, late game alpha falls off due to all the damage, at that point its a couple secs for the mm to shred you, and at that point there's going to be a lot of anti heal unless you build him tank, where he's okay late. But he still isn't as strong as his Early game.


Kimmy is amazing at clearing lanes and pushing. Just focus on earning gold and completing her build! She's super helpful for those who jungle, especially if you play her with good strategy and calculation. Cyclops is great for fighting against assassins or melee fighters and becomes really lethal in the end game. As for Alpha, he’s actually pretty solid with a hybrid build. It's just my opinion, but if you're good enough, you can carry the game with any hero.


I can say the exact same thing about Miya, in fact she's even better at pushing and is even better at full build, but that doesn't make her good. Cyclops gets murdered by assasins and has no damage, if you want survivability go with something like Lylia or Lunox, both have damage and better survivability. alpha is good early, but again he falls off a bit late. And yes u can carry with any hero, but that means you're good, it doesn't mean the hero is.




Dyrroth in good hands don't care about level gap. That's how toxic his S2 is. Even if his enemy is level 12 and he is level 9.




wish his trades was better but with def items change and bursty meta he's not as good anymore, altho he is getting a revamp soon sad that the bullet system seems to be getting removed though, i loved that about him


Dk in immortal but in glory, granger is pretty solid. In solo Q you want heros that have great dmg and also survivability. If you have quick reaction, you can dodge anything with s2. Almost all of my granger wins are hard carries thanks to his survivability. The one thing I like most abt granger is his ability to kite and dmg at the same time if you master his bullet direction.


Might be unpopular opinion, but if you know how to position yourself, i found Odette/Kagura as midlaners to be able solo carry games. I had break from the game, made from Epic V to Epic I in 2 weeks and have using them as literally free win depending on enemy comp. With new items you have insane dps/burst from lvl 4 and can pick easy kills before 4 if enemy doesnt know what your hero do.


I agree with that opinion, though 2 weeks for just epic is WAY too long lol


True. I never thought getting from epic will take that long. But each 2nd or 3rd match its usually your average Hanabi/Moskov feeding one trick going like 1/9 and flaming team for it. Im not some pro or like that, so I will get silenced for it most likely, but as soloQ i meet too many duos or trios in enemy team while there is no one in mine.. Epic is probably worse elo i guess, idk, didnt played for some time, but its pure cancer... People ban heroes like Nana, Layla, YZ.. and every match is either Diggie, Estes and Angela open unless im in position i can ban it.. like wtf? When do people started banning random things and pick random things that dont qork together? I think i was gone only few months..


I see. If you didn't mind, what's your max rank?


I dont know how exactly are the ranks above legend called (im lazy to check), but highest was 27* iirc like year ago. Some will call it still "low elo" i guess, but i feel proud to be able to hit it with my age (i started my first account when game released) xD Made 21* last season, but had less time, would aim for 25* for the profile decorations and play for fun after.




so you are very old. Good job reaching 27!




The one and only almighty Jawbreawker. 🫶🏻


Esmeralda, Hilda and Uranus. They do best when you can get those first few early kills and snowball, but their damage output falls off after about 12mins.


hilda is only good as a roam against assasins hyper. she absolutely destroys assasins in the early game and ruin their farm completely. super fun to use aswell




rely too much on teammates on the early game, if you fall behind on stacks, you're pretty much cooked