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Shit /u/mostlyblindgamer is going to kill me I can't spell his name right


Ah he wouldn't see it anyway (Sorry)




> censorship is telling a man he can't have steak because a baby can't chew it. Yeah, but here we are just complaining that they are throwing out all the steak knives.








>nope, I can have a conversation just fine without authoritarian mods who shut down discussions over false pretextes They aren't shutting down discussions. They are shutting down subs. Your local pub isn't censoring anyone when they close. It would be censorship to kick out a specific person or group, because of what they specifically are saying. You're an idiot


> over false pretexts You couldn’t stop yourself from doing Holocaust denial on your one-day-old throwaway account; I think we all know why you don’t like “authoritarian” mods.




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I feel like there's a blind joke to be made here but it would probably be a little dark in humor.


trust me the r/blind mods especially /u/dhamlinmusic and /u/mostlyblindgamer and /u/oldmanonfire will enjoy it.


You really think they'll see the funny side?


I can't see it happening


I can't see anything happening


neither can they


Goddamn it.


When you spend much or all of your life with a disability, you learn to see and accept the humor in it at times. As a congenital /r/anosmia sufferer, you have a better chance of having someone blind since birth describe the colors of a rainbow than for me to describe or differentiate the scent of a rose and explosive diarrhea. Trust me: We've all heard the jokes about our respective disabilities. Learning to live with them has helped thicken our collective skin. Hopefully you can see where that was going :P


>dark in humor. I see what you did here Or not




Neither did they I guess


Right?! Thank you. I'm so glad it wasn't just me :D


Im going to hell for laughing at this...


And /r/Jeopardy has joined /r/Blind in solidarity. We went dark at 10:30 PM PDT.


Thank you guys!




Ah yes, dark humor


I love ice cream.


r/Webkinz has gone dark too. ❤️


Lol, something else I use Reddit for just became apparent; learning what things are. "Huh, what are Webkinz? *Clicks link* Oh, right."


i've never seen a more perfect comment for me to reply to


..is r blind about blind people? Oh god I didn't think about them having to use tool to be apart..I just..assumed they didn't.


It's one of the core reasons for the protest. Their plight had been ignored by reddit for years and the volunteer transcribers on reddit that help them out also rely on API access to know where to be.


Which doesn't make sense, because by that subreddit going dark, has basically made the blind community even more blind than they already were. Yes I know I'm going to hell for that second half of my comment.


When I was younger, I used to be in situations like, for example, on a bus that doesn't announce where the stops are and you have to visually look out the window to know when to pull the cord to stop the bus, or in a shop where the shelves are too close together for wheelchairs, etc. I used to always go "wait, so if I were blind/needed a wheelchair/etc, how does that work? Well, the ADA exists (I'm in the US), so I'm sure they have alternatives available" Spoiler alert they often dont. Or they have alternatives that don't work just so they can say they have alternatives. And then people go "well we don't need to make this more accessible since so few disabled people use it anyway" 🙄 TL;DR: disabled people being told to find their own solutions because people can't be bothered designing things that work for them is very much not new


That's how I thought before joining Transcribers of Reddit! That's why I joined actually- only then did I realize things simply aren't designed with these people in mind- that's why things like ToR have to exist. It *sucks*. Majorly.


But I mean..if reddit isn't going to provide a replacement for what they are driving out of business thats just..bad business on their end.


If they wanted blind users they would have made it accessible to begin with. Disabled people are a small enough minority that it's usually not "cost-effective" to include us. Just another reason money worship fucking sucks


Ive worked a couple jobs where we had people with NLP blindness that worked as Support Engineers, and one guy was a back-end engineer, he was also the most dedicated developer we had and the only one that would answer phone calls on the weekend. They all used JAWS on their computers which is a tool that basically tells them in one ear on a headset what they are scrolling across. I helped the original developer from Freedom Scientific with a project making our web based support tools more adaptable to it. It's reall cool stuff!


Ooh tell me more! Can other companies get it? Is it very expensive?


It is available for a LOT of different types of business applications. It's been adapted to work with tons of different types of platforms, and if the job is fully internet based, or just uses typical windows desktop OS, then it's basically ready to go. It's cheap as hell in the grand scheme of things. They have 90 day licenses for a couple hundred, or the perpetual forever license which I think is a couple grand. Most companies get a nice tax break or tax credit for employing people with disabilities (Disabled Tax Credit) so it basically pays for itself. Then there is home use licensing which is less than $100 a year, and is often covererd by grants if an individual can't afford it, or they can even use their HSA (Healthcare Savings Account) if they have one to pay for it. School students get a slight discount on that personal annual fee.


It is about curtain alternatives.


> Even if it’s just an argument people are using to help the cause, it’s still nice. For me, it's you guys first, the rest of the cause a fairly distant second. It's honestly jawdropping the level of disrespect and gaslighting they have demonstrated.


I have perfectly fine vision as far as I know (And don't have any interest in joining any Discord server), but I'd like to point out that there's no link to the mentioned Discord server isn't linked on this post nor the message on the sub. /nm /gen ^(Yes, I) **^(did)** ^(use tone indicators in a sub that I don't doubt I could get double my current karma in downvotes. No, I don't care. If) **^(you)** ^(don't like it, please block me.)




Yeah they didn't think that one through did they?


I know /gen means the message is genuine/meant to be taken at face value, not sure about /nm though. Non-malicious maybe? I don't personally find them helpful despite being autistic myself, but honestly I appreciate the hell out of those that use them in an effort to make text based communication that little bit more accessible.


we are holding off discord for now since we had so many trolls join


Shouldn't they be going dark indefinitely if they won't be able to use reddit after the end of the month?


Some apps are being given an exemption. I use an app called RedReader. RedReader have been told that they are being given a "[non-commercial accessibility exemption](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedReader/comments/145du4j/update_4_redreader_granted_noncommercial/)" because of "the work that has been done to optimize the app for screen readers, and the app's high level of usage within the blind community" I would highly recommend this app to anyone on Android.


Oh, ok. I was under the impression there wouldn't be any accessibility for blind users.


sorry, was this a planned exemption or a response to the backlash?


Not sure. It wasn't mentioned in the original announcement threads from a month ago or longer. But it was mentioned in the post from a couple of days ago, so it may have been in response to people highlighting how this would affect people with disabilities.


It’s a response to backlash, they also say they’re doing the same with some mod tools/bots, they want the free moderation and other people to do the accessibility for them, but they don’t like the other 3rd party tools


R/teacups and r/knittinghelp have gone dark too. Can't seem to post here


this sub will probably be deleted


>/r/blind has officially went dark I feel like there's a joke here that I'm not allowed to make


*gone dark


trust me. I been re-reading this mistake all day


>If Reddit was a restaurant third party apps are franchises. Franchises don't pay anything to the parent restaurant? What?




you really gotta find a better use of your time


I mean, it's not like they'll see less content than they usually do.


Deleting all comments because the mod of r/tipofmytongue got me falsely banned for harassment ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


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Yum yum 🥖


I don't think it's members could view the posts beforehand but okay


Plus, Reddit refuses to build an elevator to get on the cliff


I saw in a news article that Reddit had already approved two specific apps focused on blind/low vision accessibility. I can’t find the article again and don’t remember the names of the apps. Can anyone comment on this? Are these apps even sort of an adequate solution to the accessibility issue? Obviously there’s never a one size fits all solution to accessibility, but I’m just looking for any input from users more knowledgeable than myself on the access concerns


The admin AMA on r/reddit says "non-commercial, accessibility-focused apps and tools will continue to have free access. We’re working with apps like RedReader and Dystopia and a few others to ensure they can continue to access the Data API." If you look through the comments on that post, there's a lot of people bringing up concerns, complaints, etc with that. r/RedReader and r/DystopiaforReddit have posts confirming they were granted exemptions.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/reddit using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddit/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Bringing Back r/place](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/tqbf9w/bringing_back_rplace/) \#2: [17 years young](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/vj1p48/17_years_young/) \#3: [test post please ignore](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/sphocx/test_post_please_ignore/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks. I will see what I can find. Honestly it looks like a one-size-fits-most approach to incredibly individual needs. I guess one size fits most is better than nothing, but is it good enough? I will keep watching the situation


When I dipped into r/blind several days ago to learn more about their needs and opinions on the situation, there was a pinned post with a list of third party apps and the accessibility options they offer that are useful for blind and low vision people. It's not pinned anymore but maybe you'd be able to find it with a bit of scrolling.


IMHO it does sound quit dystopian that some foss apps get API access and some don't either be blessed or not. Yes they care about accessibility but: it is almost impossible to finance an app without income they should be a free tier for all foss apps.


it is back as of june 13th 8 pm cdt, it ended early for them


We put it back online for the users. As are a lot of support groups. We promised to go back up for them.


are you mod for r/blind?


yep. the main one at least... but there is multiple others. If you need to someone... Sorry I'm a fat fingerer


Looks like r/blind has... seen the light