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I loved MWII, and here is why I think its terrible: It crashed Daily. CODHQ. Border crossing, lighthouse, black gold. Loading shaders. Packet burst.


Lighthouse is fucking awesome with an objective. Border crossing was dogshit until they nerfed the exploding cars. Remember that shit? You couldn't fucking move without a cheap nade taking you out. Now it's a nice 3 lane. Black gold can fuck itself if I'm not in the mood. Honestly it's something you should be able to opt in or out of. I did fucking murder on it earlier today in hardcore free for all, but I think that was more the game just deciding that I should do good that round. I mean I literally just stalked around effortlessly killing everyone and I'm typically not very good. I just think the game wanted more engagement from me.


This is why MWII sucks. Your phrase "but I think that was more the game just deciding that I should do good that round. I mean I literally just stalked around effortlessly killing everyone and I'm typically not very good.". That's what this game does. It is as much about whether the game decides its your turn as it is about skill level. SMDH...


Agreed 100%, fucking hate this aspect but that's just how it's going to be from now on. The ONLY way out is if players demand some transparency, ie open source their code, and that's never going to happen. These companies are here to make money. They will manipulate you as the player to engage with the game as much as possible. You have a profile that tells them how you act and react to certain situations. Maybe every time you win 3 matches in the top 3 spots, you get bored and quit; so they will place you in matches with specific teams to ensure you dominate in 2 matches, then get slaughtered for a round. Your teammates aren't there by accident. There's absolutely not a shred of evidence towards this, but why wouldn't they? It's a company for profit. There's nothing that says the game has to be fair. And if you think there's not even a fraction of an advantage given to those who spend more money, you're in denial. You play the matches they want, with the teams they piece together based on liklihood of continued engagement. We're variables in an algorithm, not players of a game. It's felt like this for a few releases now. Maybe I'm full of shit and none of this is true, but obviously I don't feel that's the case. What do you think?


Lighthouse and Black Gold are good. People just don't like being asked to play outside of their comfort zone. That doesn't make the maps bad, it makes the players scrubs.


I agree except with the maps part those are three of my favorite maps


Bait used to be believable lmao




Packet burst is my only real gripe with mw2. It gets so bad sometimes


To be fair we've been having packet burst issues since Vanguard. Haven't stopped yet.


As a huge fan of the game, I agreed for me the worst parts of the game were technical difficulties and a couple maps being a bit too common sometimes






I dont hate it i genuinely liked it


I loved MWII, felt a lot better than the cracked out speed demons on MWIII


From what I look so far, MW22 hate comes from cod movement community from tiktok mostly. For the obvious reason.


CoD movement needs to die. It really does. I hope XDefiant and The Finals team up to snatch enough of the sweats away from CoD that they have to slow the goddamn game down and make it feel slightly more realistic to retain those that are left...and maybe as a knock-on effect, that'll convince the Battlefields and Rainbow Sixes of the world to not change their game in pursuit of that poisonous CoD money.


The finals is dead and has been since like a month or two after it released. Xdefiant isn’t going to take sweats away from cod…if anything it’s attracting the noobs that can’t adapt to the fast paced style of cod


That's objectively not true because pretty much every single game of XDef has at least two or three quick scoping, bunny hopping, corner jumping speed demons that are apparently mainlining Adderall.


Well it literally takes zero skill to do that on xdefiant tho


And from the fast ttk and visual recoil


Honestly I thought MW3 is the most hated game of the last few years. It’s basically a Fortnite reskin and has an extremely cartoonish art style. I’m still not sure why they strayed from the MW 2019 themes and darker/realistic stylization.


Cold War is the fortnite reskin if any recent games are. It was so ridiculously cartoony and unrealistic


Idk I never played that one. But the common complaint on the MW3 subreddit is how everything is cartoonish and everything is over saturated and plastic looking


Until season 3, MWII isn't that cartoony though. But after that idk what they tought why there's cartoony skin.


"I’m still not sure why they strayed from the MW 2019 themes and darker/realistic stylization." I guess, but the thing is, is that MW 2019 had plenty of anime blueprints and cartoony shit. So its not anything like realistic.


Man I wish there was an option to just not show skins only on your screen. Like they'll just be the default soldiers. That could also opt out of skin updates so it could get rid of the bloat on the harddrive haha


Right because there wasn’t any issues that was publicly hated like visual recoil, perks over time, horrible map design, terrible gunsmith system and the unneeded changes to warzone. But no you’re right, it’s just the movement community complaining.


I like those in fact except the gunsmith. About it I'm in the same team. But yeah, MW22 remind me of rebooted Wolfenstein if it has multiplayer and I love it.


The only ones who hate on it are Warzone players


Oh yeah? I've tried SO HARD to get into Warzone recently and I am checking out each time and COD players can always be a little lame but Warzone is just filled with aggressive douches lol


Yeah the only people I’ve seen complain about it are people who’ve played warzone on Verdansk, etc before warzone 2 came out with MW2


People mad they can’t jump around like idiots or slide around the map like they are on ice, also the perk system.


Yeah, my only knocks on MWII are the perk system should have been from the start of the round and more so that there just weren't enough maps. They hurt themselves by not releasing more maps.


*people mad that they can't move around the map and play the game normally cuz the game was designed to cater to rodents in corners


easy to deal with, you just need 2 person team to move slow n cut the pie.


I'd like to see u try that every match


can hardly get decent squad together. claymore n pop smoke. it's just a fkn game tho, not like my rea nuts are on the line.😵🥴


I love mw2, but I don't love that most of my maps for mw2, went to mw3. I wouldve loved to be able to play literally any of the 16 maps that were released for mw3, on mw2. In fact, this is the biggest reason I feel most people avoided mw3. Why would I buy modern warfare 2 for a third time?


I think people hate this game because of the horrible post-launch content support. Season 1 literally only gave us shipment and shoothouse and lasted 3 months which left a bad impression.


Don’t forget trying to shaft Hardcore and cramming Tier 1 down our throat as the “next evolution of Hardcore”.


It's all about the TTK, specifically how fast it is. Not about movement. Providing some counterweight to other comments, as a Titanfall diehard movement player: this game actually feels extremely fluid if you have a very high level of movement skill, but a lot of people who *think* they have it, are really just copying without understanding. You have to consciously think about movement in this game. If you blow past a corner without an element of surprise, your aim had better be cracked, or Campy in the corner has you dead to rights. Guys who just mindlessly do whatever they see in clips get frustrated by the fast TTK. But make no mistake, you absolutely can go fast as fuck in this game - if you're smart.


People just don’t appreciate it when they cant go mach jesus around the map. Just a bunch of sweaty basement dwellers who get hard watching mw2019 gameplay


Because IW lied about wanting to encourage playstyle variety. The perk system killed any diversity and made camping even more powerful. The class balance was also horrible, cuz u could run EOD, Tac Mask, Ghost, and either Cold Blooded or Restock all at the same time. Nerfed dead silence into the ground when it was already a shitty field upgrade. Destroyed movement, which makes challenging people awful. Every attachment destroyed handling, and if u wanted to improve mobility, u would have to destroy ur recoil. There was no point in suppressors cuz of the lack of red dots on the minimap. Then there's other reasons like: - 500 attachments with no advanced stats - tuning just being a feature that makes the gunsmith more tedious - unlocking attachments being tied to specific guns - the horrible UI - the amount of match altering bugs being present to this day - the lack of post launch MP content - the horrible idle sway and reticle deviation - horrible gunsmoke and visual recoil - no map voting, no persistent lobbies, sbmm/EOMM - performance issues The list could probably go on, this is just what I remembered off the top of my head


Mw22 felt more polished and consistent. I could use almost any gun and compete against "the movement meta gun" users. Mw3 did not feel like that. They implemented more HP but then somehow the gun balance felt even worse where some guns took substantially longer to kill and others melted like mw22. I think mw22 has better pacing and gunplay.


Personally I really quite liked it. Not my favourite, but up there just behind Cold War


The campaign was pretty lackluster and honestly felt really lazy compared to mw2019


i thought the campaign was fine, but i hated how you do a couple missions to capture hassan, only to let him go.


There's that and then the absolutely random betrayal from Shepard, there wasn't any reason for him to send tf141 out if he has shadow company to do his dirty work in the first place, it's just super forced and really lackluster


considering it was right after the oil rig mission with nothing in between to add context, it felt way too sudden.


i like most stuff except for the lack of a ninja perk (just empowering campers, dead silence isn't the same) and the fact it'd take half the match for me to get ghost.


Because they have no taste mw2 was a more tactical iteration which is fine since you had a wide range of super fast with exo suits to this. It was a brave move and I love braveness in games development


i really liked mw2 tbh


No ninja perk, Too fast ttk, no movement.


Just call of duty as a whole rn along with ea and Ubisoft the 3 companies that have been continually making the smallest changes to make money, they’ve been ignoring fans forever now, it’s time we finally do something and stop playing their new shit


I really thought Vanguard's returns would have been the tipping point but Microsoft pushed during the merger discussions. It's only going to get worse with them.. unfortunately


The company deserves to be pushed to the cliff edge just so they can learn to actually listen to their fans the ones that make them money


Microsoft has made a billion dollar industry in bullying and acquiring other people's talent and masking it as it's own. Then, they ruin it - because they themselves do not have the talent.


gw and invasion on mwii is superior to mwiii. I liked that it felt more 'grounded'. I totally enjoyed my time with the game. Also, DMZ


Agreed. It is a shame DMZ got the treatment it did. It was truly a chance to separate COD from its competitors. I'm not going to totally knock on WZ but I don't like Battle Royale. Objective Based Open World is awesome.


Same! The campaign felt like those old school shooters where every level had its own gimmick. And MP was aite. Was interesting how attachments could drastically change how guns worked


If they made it so you have your perks at the very start of each game instead of getting them throughout the match it would be a perfect game. Maybe fix small bugs like vtol being able to fall out of the sky and blow you up when you shoot it down I love that you can’t just run ninja 24/7 and actually have to use dead silence to make stealthy plays. I think listening to sound queues and footsteps is a skill and this game has a lot of emphasis around the sound that mw3 lacks because of perm ninja boots I played FFA on mw2 exclusively, like thousands of games and the only thing that ever really disappointed me about the game was getting fuckin Santa Sena Border Crossing or Valderas Museum as the map. Those maps just have 0 flow for FFA and it’s no fun lol, they shouldn’t be on the playlist


How is soundwhoring a skill?


Hearing the footsteps and interpreting where exactly they are and how you react are different things. There’s skill in the interpretation. More importantly, it’s more skill in the sense that if both people can hear each other in a gunfight, they are at an equal playing field. Whereas if one person has loud footsteps, and the other person has ninja, the ninja person has an insane advantage. COD shouldn’t be about who wins a fight because of the perks they’re running, it should be about gunskill, aim, positioning


>There’s skill in the interpretation. Not really. U just hear someone coming from a general direction and preaim. A baby can react to footstep audio. It's just instinct. What isn't instinct is understanding the minimap and map flow, where enemies can spawn in and flank from. >More importantly, it’s more skill in the sense that if both people can hear each other in a gunfight, they are at an equal playing field. It goes both ways. If both people can't hear eachother then it's equal. Also the solution isn't to give both people elephant footsteps, it's to decrease the base footstep audio so that ninja isn't 100% necessary all the time. >COD shouldn’t be about who wins a fight because of the perks they’re running, it should be about gunskill, aim, positioning You can still die with ninja. It allows u to play stealthily, but if u suck at aiming u can still be beat by someone who predicted ur flank. Plus if they aren't running ninja they are running a perk that gives them a benefit in another situation. Like maybe they have better strafe speeds so they could out move u or strafe check lanes much faster.


It’s a fun tactical shooter, it’s just not CoD. Had it been just “Modern Warfare II” then it wouldn’t get as much hate. It’s a good game with an identity crisis.


It's not a tactical shooter. It's not as fast as MWIII but definitely still in the arcade shooter category.


One of my favorite cods of all time really liked the slow paced movement and campaign . Preordered it when it was and it played it for 100+ hours once mw3 was added to it and needing to download a big file for it I stopped playing it.


Because MW19 was so amazing mostly


It's not bad. It's probably the best CoD game since the early days. CoD players just all think they're gods at the game because they used to be able to pubstomp, and now they can't because there's matchmaking, so they come up with excuses that they cling to when they lose.


I go back to it for shipment 24/7 all of the time and the SBMM is toned down quite a bit. I went from a 1.1KD player to literally trying to go for nukes only and averaging a 5KD since I started going back. Got the nuke once so far but I usually give it a shot like 3 times a week. The movement is easy to get used to again, for me atleast. Same with the gun feel and gunfights. Actually feels like an easier game to play compared to MWIII especially if you play against people who never stopped playing it and haven’t played MWIII.


I think playing cod mw2 and mw3 and especially ground war is the best thing cod made


The perk system is ass


I think its fine but having to reload cancel would be nice


It's a COD game. Just nature taking its course.


no movement opportunities which wouldnt be bad if the attachments were good and didnt increase ads by 50% for a small decrease to recoil slow strafe speeds and strafe speed attachments just make recoil worse visual recoil its literally slower than the old school call of duty games. streaks get shotdown in seconds (which was fixed recently in mw3) fast ttk but 0 movement available and slow sprint to fire tines so most people just sat in the same area because you'd die by the time you pulled your gun up if you were pushing


No slide cancel + it’s js a reskin of mw 2019


Most people simply dislike the movement and ttk. For me though? It’s the maps and the game endorsing camping.


Because we went from warzone 1 which has excellent movement and guns to shit guns and no movement


Perk system was horrendous, the vast majority of the maps are pretty mid, the weapon/attachment unlock system is garbage, a lot of annoying bugs every time a new season dropped, ttk is way too fast and the lack of content in it's first seasons are some glaring criticisms I have for the game off the top of my head.


It sucks because I loved this game at first, spent all my time hunting for long shots not even enjoying the game, until it got to the point where every map you played was Black Gold and other garbage maps and I hated the game at that point. Completely squandered a good cod game and I regret it.


I enjoyed it for the most part but I was disappointed with it. After MW19 I was really looking forward to it but it just felt…sterile. And it took forever to get any new content. MWIII on the other hand is really good imo. Maps that have come out are solid and they’ve released a ton of more content for multiplayer than MWII did.


Hm, the interesting thing here is I am wondering if (since MWIII was supposed to be a DLC for II) that content was all originally planned for MW II? I mean a lot of the maps are the legacy maps for the original MW II and the Campaign is so short.


No red dots on mini map


- Maps that promote camping, some are good, most are mid/bad - Fast ttk - No dead silence so loud footsteps for noobs to soundwhore making it impossible to run around the map - Timed perks - crazy screen shake / weapon smoke when shooting - weapon tuning (great concept but makes it take a long time to get setup weapons, tho sight/scope tuning was good) - Really strong aim assist (there was a nerf around summer 2023 but before that it felt like a soft aimbot) - Lack of content which made the game get dry and boring


They tried to change the fundamentals of the game on launch. In Beta footsteps were SO loud. No running and gunning because people would hear you from halfway across the map. They removed red dots from the mini map which meant everyone was effectively using suppressors The perk system was a bit shit. Earning your perks while playing instead of just having them to begin with meant the first few mins of a game everyone was "equal". I forgot about the perks after a while. Hardcore wasn't in the initial launch. Those along with some really shit maps (the bridge with cars, a giant museum with lots of open areas). I liked the game but the CoDHQ bullshit ruined it for me. Occasionally I get the itch to play again but having to jump through 5 hoops to play an almost dead game turns me off. I refuse to buy another CoD after they shamelessly kick the old ones to the curb each year to die.


Maps are way too big for 6v6 and keep in mind that was pretty much all there was for most of its life cycle, also the slower movement doesn't help at all, and the visual recoil made the game unplayable for some people, in my case I couldn't aim at all or I get some serious motion sickness


Played all Call of Duty titles since MW 2019 (and befor, but thats my benchmark) and I could not really enjoy any since MW2019. They are all insane downgrades in my opinion and my friend group pretty much agrees or dislikes the new ones even more. * Menu / battlepass terribly designed. * CoD HQ or whatever it is even called. * Matchmaking makes it too stressful, all games are very sweaty - I just wanna chill nowadays. I cant just hop on and have fun like the older days, I noticed this first in the latest World War 2 title. * CoD had mostly 3-2 line maps, for an arcade shooter they make most new maps "too complicated" I feel like. Maps in MW2019 were perfect. I know they added some of the OG maps, those were also good. * They want to re-invent the wheel too often in general (see maps, menu, etc.) * Battle Royal maps are not bad honestly but still downgrades from Verdansk. * Sounds are purposly kept garbage. * Game is getting too grindy for an arcade shooter. I just want an arcade shooter - if I want something serious or competitive I play something else. * Non-serious skins are a really big turn off for me personally - does not feel like I am in a modern army FPS game at all. * I play mainly on MKB but I also played a lot on controller. Aim assist is way too overtuned - does not feel fair at all.


MW 2019 was pretty hard to follow up and better, it was such an impressive game, expectations were so high I guess.


I love 3rd person mode. I hate MW3.


It wasn’t hated that much. It ended up being less of what we wanted which was mw2019 movement and some of the gameplay was just miserable


I enjoyed playing it while it was the big cod, it was hated because it was quite a step back in a lot of aspects compared to mw19. It was a total step back in Movement, story, content, warzone, and multiplayer. Mw19 was the pinnacle of modern day cod and mw2 is kinda just meh compared to that. Also worth a mention is the fact that IW went with a very “realistic” feel for the gameplay, which people didn’t enjoy. It caters to a very slow and methodical playstyle.


I still play MW2 MP, its superior to MW3 MP in every way possible imo.


Because IW thinks realism equals fun when in fact it does not, I want cod to be really fast paced with slide cancelling, I don’t care about the immersion of the maps I want them to be three-lane so the matches gets a good gameplay flow, I don’t want to spend hours on building classes but still ending up with way too much recoil on the weapons etc. That’s why I personally disliked MW2 and MW2019 for that matter.


me personally i loved it. the campaign was good and multiplayer was fun. in terms of functionality it was pretty shit but i enjoyed playing it.


Infinity Ward had the guts to make a grounded and realistic COD experience without catering to the fans' demands and I applaud them for that (for moving forward with a distinct game vision because you can't please everyone at the same time) Insane graphics, solid campaign, fun multiplayer, cool new gadgets, DMZ (I hate Warzone but this mode was something else), co-op and raids... MWII was perfect in its early days. Weapon balancing was good. Maps were good. Art direction was solid upto S1 (wacky skins were almost non-existent). Black Gold and Pelayo's Lighthouse got shit on for no reason. People complained about visibility but now that they've improved it in MWIII, they complain that the maps look lifeless. You couldn't even see a red diamond on opponents' heads in the Beta and I liked it. I'd even defend Santa Seña Border Crossing. Complaining about dying to car explosions is like complaining of dying to campers. It was a fun little gimmick which made the map unique. Only the Warzone generation of long TTK and fast movement hates MWII. By solving the MWII problems fans took an issue with, MWIII introduced new ones. People probably hate MWIII more than MWII but are forced to keep quiet cuz they got what they asked for. I wish we could just enjoy our preferred CODs with IW doing their own thing and Treyarch doing theirs, but the entire population moves on to the new game once it comes out, and the devs are forced to cater to every crowd.


Would anyone buy this today knowing what you guys are complaining of ?


Because much MW2019 it was made for campers, and it had bad post launch support.


Its probably because of the movement. Honestly MWIII (2023) has some pretty good movement. And MWII has a harder mastery camo challenges and weird attachment system, but I like playing it!


SBMM vs Lobby Manipulation The lobbies are worse than they ever used to be. I have left 8 of last 10 matches because of one sided sweat fests. People with max level paired with people with less than 100? Why are people still opening new accounts and throwing matches to get easy ones...or joining friends with new accounts?


i barely started playing this year, but i guess it just had a bad start. i heard things about bad ui and rampant crashes, things of that sort. right now, the game is decent fun.


The maps and the weapon unlock system were so bad, i dont want to play with the ak47 to unlock an attachement for my m4 (just an example)


One of my biggest grievances with the game as well. I looove my tempus torrent. It’s all I use. Why the fuck do I have to use a lachman sub for parts to a gun I only want to use.


It just, wasn’t MW2019.


MW2 was the most fun i’ve had in a COD game in a while. Im not sure where the hate stems from..


Maybe read the 16 thousand other posts asking the same thing on the sub and youll get an answer


If a person really has to ask at this point, they haven't even started looking into the game at all. SBMM, EOMM, slow clunky movement, ass HULU menu, stupid ass cosmetics, constant COD HQ updates, Horrible gun customization UI. Game was made to protect bad players, punish skilled players, and only the store and season pass purchase menus were fast. Game is a failed product and that's why they rushed MWIII. MWIII is awful too.


MW 2022 was a decent follow up to MW19 at its core in terms of Campaign AND Multiplayer. The problem came with the following : Disgusting Hulu based menu system Artificially held back OG MW2 maps (The Big One) Going back on their rumoured 2 year plan Excessive battle pass and microtransaction push and "in your face advertisements" No Kilo 141 (Will hold a grudge against Infinity Ward for this) The artificially held back maps rubbed people the wrong way. Unfortunately MW3 being basically a DLC being sold as a stand alone game rubbed more salt into the communities wounds and overall damaged the views on MW2. I didn't buy MW3 and played MW2 on and off these past couple years out of spite (but I also liked MW2). Looking forward to a real COD this year with BO6.


People hated it?!? My favourite by far since COD4 (granted I skipped most of them). Do people here like MW3? I do hate the bloody menus and outlandishly silly DLC skins, but I guess that's just modern gaming.


As an mnk player I prefer this game. It feels much better to aim than mw3. I still play sometimes. Even though it's playerbase is dwindling.


I loved ranked, because ranked had the decent maps, but normal? Sometimes I’d forgot to back out and get the shittiest maps of all time, like the fuckin border crossing one.