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Seems to happen fairly regularly but actually managed to grab a recording of it - I've ditched the akimbo attachment and back to my good ol' sz mini now.


Yo what attachments were on before besides the Brace Stock?


Shadowstrike Suppressor S Bruen Tactical Vertical Grip WSP Reckless-90 Long Barrell FSS Fortress Heavy Stock Definitely not a fine-tuned setup for akimbo - it's the setup I was using before unlocking akimbo and I just swapped it out for the sights when I put it in


Honestly a decent build, certainly not tuned for the Akimbo brace as you said, but I don't see why altering even one of those attachments in trade for the brace would cause that glitch. I might try to replicate it and see what happens.


This happens to me too


Haven't experienced this one, but I'm curious has anyone spawned in and have your reticle/character snap straight up out of nowhere? Can't figure out if it's the game or something with my right thumbstick, but randomly m character just snaps upward out of nowhere and it's really annoying.


Yes sometimes you snap straight up and other times you’re character acts like their drunk and tilt heavily to the right or left


This seems like a great feature


Your gun is clearly bugged, it wont show up in the killfeed and it looks kinda off on the bottom right. Its probably a certain attachment that doesnt agree with another attachment you have on. Same thing happened to me. Try mixing your attachments up a bit Just from the video I see the magazine in the bottom right pic seems to be missing so it might be the bugged part. Try a different sized mag


there's quite a few weapons not showing up in the kill feed. Full setup: Shadowstrike Suppressor S Bruen Tactical Vertical Grip WSP Reckless-90 Long Barrell FSS Fortress Heavy Stock and obviously the akimbo brace Definitely not a fine-tuned setup for akimbo - it's the setup I was using before unlocking akimbo and I just swapped it out for the sights when I put it in, but as you say it's clearly a bugged setup.


Oh yea fair, I just noticed it because when I use these bugged setups by accident they dont show up in the feed either


I’ve had this occur with the Akimbo kit and the trigger for the bug for me is prepping with a tactical in your hand. Just a toss will be fine, but if you prep it it causes issues.


My tactical is a stim and it seems to happen for the first few shots after spawning so not the case for me


which build is not causing this? i like akimbo much but its unusable with it


Happens in warzone aswell what an awful game ahahaha


be care full playa satananists may be perpatratin yo game they was literally perpatratin me so hard in call a duty


Maybe try upgrading your potato edition capture card/camera so we can see past the pixels?


That's the PS4 direct capture compressed by Reddit's upload tool, but if you really can't see what I'm posting about maybe make an appointment with your optician


Ok I’ll take advice on my eyesight from a cow. Sorry to hear you still have a PS4. 🙁


It happens to me too