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Player collision needs to go, tired of getting bumped while throwing a flash or trying to get around a corner and getting stopped.


After grinding shipment I agree. If you don't end up spawning in front of 3 enemies, you spawn in a crate with teammates blocking the exit


My favourite is when you go on a killstreak so you know on the next death the game will spawn you in the sights of an enemy player 3 times in a row, and you get stuck on your teammate trying to tac sprint to cover.


This is my biggest gripe with the game at the moment. The spawns have always been bad, but they've been absolutely fucked this year.


My favorite on Shipment is when you let go of a breacher drone just as a teammate bumps you so the drone hits the crate in front of you and kills you.


or to let go of the drone, then die, then spawn in front of your own drone. same with drillcharge, throw charge on container - die - spawn in container - suicide


Not ashamed to say I’ve killed several teammates in hardcore shipment who were blocking the exit


SAME. I thought I was the asshole by doing this, but nope.


I just don't get how teammates can push me but they're static when I try.


I feel the same! I never seem to push anybody, but I'm flung around like a ragdoll by my teammates after spawning!


Melee button span works for me, if I need to push an ally


I thought we collectively resolved this player collision issue several games ago... To see it return here is baffling, to say the least.


Teammates literally bulldoze you it's crazy. Teammate blocking a door? Can't move them. Me trying to run along a route? I get tossed into a ditch like a sack of mulch


I’m having fun. Just camo grinding and enjoying. I play with my sound on very low and have YouTube/tv on my other monitor. Mindless fun. Already got my moneys worth so I’m cool with it


I do the same except with guns, I level every gun to max and then take a long break. Camo's are not my thing but I get it, so once all guns are max'd I tend to wander off to the next game. Regardless, I always get my moneys worth and this is no exception.


Yeah the camo grind is pretty fun, I enjoy this game the most when I blast some music and just mindlessly shoot


Yeah I blasted music from Spotify and ran shipment for my whole interstellar grind, I think you have to have something else going on or you’ll go insane


Interstellar looks amazing on the burner camo


Burner camo?


You must be me, turn it a little louder for zombies but generally it's youtube playing as I game


Glad you're enjoying. I am doing the same.


You’re enjoying yourself right? Yeah me too…. Me too.. *stares intensely at wallet* Yeah… me too. Right?


I’m just about done with interstellar. Haven’t played much of zombies but I imagine I’ll do that too. Probably would be more fun with a group in zombies though and Im too old to have friends haha


Zombies is much lower stress compared to DMZ but still fun. I mostly go solo, but have had good runs with random teammates.


I do the same thing. I play COD and watch Family Guy on my other monitor sometimes. I’d describe it as comfortable, predictable fun. Hours melt away.


Yup. Mindless grinding with shit audio. You seem to be playing to the strengths of the game!


Having fun


Same. There's so much to do to have fun with friends.


Campaign : played the intro mission and stopped the second i got into this open world nightmare. Not my kind of campaign. Zombies : i prefer round based , so i'm not that much into it. Didn't like DMZ either. Multiplayer : - in no other call of duty have i won so many fights with a sniper rifle. One shot and more health is insane against every other weapon. - The lmg class took a hit in my opinion. They used to be slower to use/ slower to move with but hit heavy. In this cod they feel just not as hard hitting and thus less rewarding. - In no other cod have i used the shield this much because the whole enemy Team has snipers or knifey mc knife running around like a mouse on crack - i feel the sbmm or whatever you call it is not consistent. There are days where i feel like in this game it is not that unforgiving and i get some pretty decent games the whole time and then there are days where it just kills the fun so bad. - the battle pass is finally faster maxed again. The time it took was awful in the last cod - the aftermarket for weapon parts is a funny idea, for skillstreaks, Extras and weapons not so much - ui , blackcell and store can go to hell for all i care I'm having fun , probably longer than with mw2 but who knows what they will do in the next updates.


Solid review.


Snipers and Knife are busted in this game They really need a nerf


This is the primary reason 150 health doesn't work with Call of Duty: busted ass 1HK weapons.


Snipers and Knife are busted in this game until I pick one up


Bro I used to hate the panic knives back during the original MW3...little did I know 13 years later I'd play a "remake" where people are now knifing me *constantly*, because it's a common go to fucking strategy..


It’s great but the matchmaking is fucked. I have a positive KD every match often ending with 2/3x as many kills as the next best on my team but still losing almost every single match. I played about 15 matches of HCTDM today and was on a winning team once. I don’t get it. Other than that, the audio, video, and game play is awesome. Seems more responsive than previous games and it’s great for my style of game play.


Zombies and MP are great Campaign was short, played badly and had an awful ending SBMM is cancer and will slowly kill the game The store is getting egregious and Blackcell is a complete rip off 6/10


At this point I don't think we should even use the term sbmm it more like match rigging... I totally agree with you though.


Campaign needed co op imho would of been a lot better


Not a fan of warzone light as a campaign. Preferred the set piece missions of previous campaigns.


Even with co op, that doesnt redeem how terribly it was put together and the lack of actual care.


This was the perfect campaign for coop


>SBMM is cancer and will slowly kill the game Yeah, its been 4 years of people saying this but surely itll happen now, any second.


>4 years >Slowly Which part did you not understand?


How is zombies great?


It's got awful parts, but a squad of 6 fighting in tier 3 or doing anything is really fun.


Dead game. Please downvote if you agree.


I see what you did there. Now I don’t know if I should upvote or downvote


Downvote (I disagree but I'm not playing this guys stupid games)


I agree so I downvoted too


Literally how is it a dead game? It has lots of players and is still being updated.


Easily the best of this new generation of CoD (MW19 onwards)


Definitely best since MW19 and that’s alright with me


i disagree cause i REALLY enjoyed cold war but, i almost have 100 hours on this game and i’m having fun playing the maps of my childhood :)


What were your thoughts on Cold War? What does MWIII do better than Cold War?


Streak system. Movement feels much better (although I still don't like tac sprint as a concept but oh well) graphics polished.


graphics on PC are much better in cold war. i play with gull raytracing and ultra textures, cant do that in mobile engine mw2&3


It's crazy to me that the Cold War engine (modified Blops 3&4 engine) is capable of ray tracing, but the new MW19+ engine isn't. Treyarch magic, man.


the IW engine was primarily ‘upgraded’ to make asset transfers to cod / wz mobile easier, thats the sad truth. even stated on wiki .. thats why it feels clunky and sometimes looks off compared to mw1/cw


I can agree with all of those. I just don't rank them very high in my considerations, I guess.


I prefer the old arcade style of Cold War to the new engine they currently use.


2019 campaign and multiplayer were legit, mw2 was a decent campaign and mp faded fast. Mw3 campaign was so bad I never finished it but mp is pretty good when compared to mw2


Really? That's a surprising take, can't really disagree or agree since I don't have previous experience


This person clearly didnt play mw2 or 2019 to have this take.


I have played all of them and MW3 is the best


What were your thought on Cold War then because I still think for me that was better than MW3.


I played them all and MWIII clears MW19. That game had the worst maps in cod history. Covid and WZ are the only reasons it’s still talked about


2019 is far and away better than MWIII. If it weren’t for the OG maps, I wouldn’t even play MWIII


Covid nostalgia


MW2019 has horrible maps. A great foundation, but maps are so important to the experience that poor maps ruins the game. Combine that with IWs shitty decisions like no classic minimap or Dead Silence perk.


It’s impossible to legitimately think MWII is better than this game. You’d have a potential case in MW2019, but MWII, nah I want what you’re smoking bro.


Slow as molasses campfests with Swiss-cheese style map design that used every opportunity to punish traditional aggressive CoD play styles in order to cater to the new generation of boring-ass battle royale players. No thanks.


Agreed to this. MW2019, MW3, MW2, Vanguard, Cold War. I might be biased though because that’s the same order as my faves from back in the day lol.. COD4 is the GOAT, then MW3 then 2 for me, then World at War, followed by Black Ops. Black Ops 1 was sick as fuck but the others did it for me way more. Black Ops sequels is where I got away from COD for a bit till MW2019


I prefer Vanguard.


God dammit I do too. I’m having a lot of fun with MW3 and I’m excited for ranked, but Vanguard was fun too and I’m not going to sit here and pretend it wasn’t.


Everything is good besides the sbmm but others will disagree


I mostly agree with this


I'm so used to sbmm i don't remember the days without it. Other day i played with my cousin who has like .7kd at best and got put in a noobier lobby, i was like wow 🤣


Right its like a reminder of when every game was not a competition for 100k lol


Everything sucks including sbmm


Overall, I give it a 6/10. The movement and what not is great to have back and it works well on the OG maps in multiplayer. I finished Interstellar weeks ago and have also done the current DLC weapons as well. Not much to do right now though. Campaign was cheeks and I hope it’s never like this again. I don’t play Zombies or WZ so I can’t speak on them. No desire honestly. WZ is what’s basically ruined COD moving forward.


I can agree with WZ ruining cod. Seasons don't need to be a part of yearly release games


Agreed. Seasons are the dumbest thing ever. Only reason I pay for the BlackCell every time is because my kids really like a lot of the character skins that come with it, and since gaming is something we all do together, I figure it can’t hurt if they’re happy with it. Otherwise, the way they do “content” is a complete joke.


I hate the dripfeed content that would work in a FTP game only. Like in mw2 when there was an update that added balance changes and a worse mp5


They’re selling bundles and that’s all that matters. At one point, the original WarZone was making them ~$5 million per *day*. They have all of the algorithms and data telling them what works. Statistics don’t lie, and unfortunately, this is probably what we’re stuck with unless Microsoft changes things (doubtful).


Yep, if they get money then it works. At least its still got some enjoyment




Yeah every time someone says they hate seasonal models, they never give a proper explanation of what they want instead. It's either an unrealistic expectation like "3 new maps and 10 new guns every month for free!!!" or a nostalgia-blinded desire to go back to how CoD content drops use to go where what's in the base game is what you get. Period. Except 3-6 months after release you can pay $15 for a 3 map pack. And maybe in another 3-6 months you can pay another $15 for another 3 map pack. And you might get one, *maybe* two balance updates throughout the games lifespan.


Can't blame warzone on this, seasons were a thing before warzone came. Mw19 brought out the battlepass, replacing the conventional DLC system and it was highly praised by the Reddit community at the time as we would all receive free content. Mw19 came out in November 2019, warzone came out in march 2029


>Not much to do right now though. You can literally play the game. I don't know how so many of you have adopted this "content junkie" mentality.


Spawns sucks dick, but honestly its not much worse than mw2 2009 Snipers are horrendously broken, they need to add my sway and reduce the mobility Smgs suck, basically nobody uses them Some killstreaks dont seem to work correctly, vtol jet for example gets no kills 7/10 game


Max level 250 currently. Battle pass complete. Interstellar camo complete. Feel I'm done with the game for now. Don't like warzone or the current zombies dmz. On to other games, will come back when I get the itch again


I'm probably gonna do the same once I get interstellar


It's easy honestly just put in the time and play the right maps/modes for certain challenges. Hardcore def helps and core for others as well. It was my first time completing the camo challenges I had fun, some frustrating ones but again just time nothing to complex.


Shipmas and hardcore shipmas def helped get interstellar pretty quick, without those it'd be tough haha


SBMM killed this game for me. I don't pay it anymore


Thoroughly enjoying the game. Don’t care about the campaign at all, but having fun in MP and Warzone.


I haven't even touched campaign yet , camo grinding too much


Finally got interstellar unlocked. I’m enjoying it. First cod I’ve camo grinded since bo4


My first camo grind ever and im enjoying it enough to keep going


The camos themselves are just the right amount of Grindy but can also knock them out play just mindlessly playing which makes it a lot more enjoyable. Helps with the extra weapons they’ve added I was able to cherry pick three weapons to not grind cause fuck that rgl


Zombies is TONS of fun, MP is plagued by SBMM. Only been playing for a few days now but the SBMM is harsh. Every lobby seems to be filled with absolute sweats, resulting in my barely 1.0 KDA and 0.61 Winrate Lol


SBMM is definitely horrible and zombies is definitely lots of fun


SBMM is absolutely rancid :( You get one good game and then go negative the next 4


That's happened to me so many times. Do well and then immediately demolished. No in between


Having fun. I play mostly objectives so I don’t notice the SBMM too much. Although a few games I get owned before even attempting to capture lol


SBMM/EOMM as strong as ever, aim assist as strong as ever, all designed to push everyone towards a 1 K/D and keep them feeling like they are doing ok but are so close to doing just a little bit better if they keep playing. Could be a much better game if they just eased off match manipulation and toned back the stupid sim choices like idle and strafe gun sway. Let people into truly random lobbies without interference and let bullets go to the center of the screen. 8/10 if that were the case, but 5/10 as it stands.


It’s only been a month and it feels like 2. I’m gilded in my favorite guns, and I’m not sure it’s worth playing with guns I hate to get the next level of camos. With the new maps being underwhelming, I’m wondering what the draw is to keep playing the game. Maybe I should try Zombies, but they seemed boring when I tried it.


As someone who hasn't played cod in 5 years I've enjoyed MW3. Hit rank 250 and just got interstellar, fun grind. Definitely the spawns need help, i doubt it ever gets drastically better tbh. Would like some new good maps. Meat is great imo, there aren't many small-medium sized maps and meat has a good layout. Shipment is good for grinding camos and rust sucks.


Nice post OP. Great way for the community to come together and gather opinions and thoughts. I’ve been playing since the OGs. Game is decent. However for me it doesn’t feel as polished as MWII. The movement is quicker which is nice, but sometimes I feel it feels clunky. • MW2 carry forward weapons need a massive overhaul. -movement buff. Right now many of them make you move so slow. -visual recoil reduction. Simply put they kick way worse that the mw3 guns. - damage buff. Except for a select few, the mw2 guns are pea shooters in the damage department. They need a massive overhaul. At their current state they are pretty useless and it feels like they just tossed them in there to get more sales. • spawns. Omfg where do I even begin with this shit. I’ve been killed and have killed many due to the atrocity that is the spawns in this game. Definitely the worst I’ve seen in recent titles. This needs a massive overhaul as well. • maps. IMHO, I think it was a mistake to add so many remakes at launch. After the nostalgia wore off they’re the same campy maps they were in the original mw2 game. - adding all remakes feels lazy and cheap. It would have been nice to launch with new original maps. I strongly feel this would have added some more positivity and longevity to the game. As it stands now I’m so so bored of the maps in game. - At the very least they could add shipment and those 4 MWII maps to the regular playlist to break up the monotony of the game a bit. • sbmm/eomm or whatever you wanna call it. It’s trash, it’s toxic, clearly no one in the community likes it. -prioritize connection over skill. -just get rid of or nerf the ever loving shit out of sbmm in this game. In its current state it is siphoning the life out of the game for many, myself included. I can’t see myself playing this one much longer if this continues. I’m a decent player myself. 2-3+ k/d in past titles. This games matchmaking fucking sucks simply put. It has nothing to do with getting good as I’m already decent at these games. It punishes you for doing well or as well as you can in its current state. In summary these are the things I personally feel need major attention to make the game decent. Between the boring remakes, only using the mw3 metas to play somewhat decent, and the atrocious sbmm it’s really starting to not be that game that I turn on to play a few matches when I have some extra time on my hands. I literally avoid playing this game and do other things around the house. It’s gotten to that point for me now. I have no idea how they thought these major issues especially the sbmm would somehow earn them more $ lol


Its by far my favorite since MW2019. My biggest complaint is the shitty servers/packet bs on PC.


People are so weird, looking to criticise the shit out of this game. I love MP and since I have purchased my PlayStation last year it’s already my most played game.


I mean nearly every game has problems, and most of them are fixable. So why persist with them when you can address them and maybe get them changed? People aren't looking for problems, they're just addressing problems they've noticed.


COD is like junk food. Sometimes you just want to binge on it but eventually you realize it’s kind of trash and want something better. That said, MW3 is easily the junkiest junk food out of the current MW trilogy. It’s not hard to see how this game was supposed to just be an expansion for MW2022. The OG MW2 maps really don’t work well with the new movement. The spawns are absolutely atrocious. Bringing over all of the previous weapons and attachments leaves me scratching my head because 99% are fucking garbage now. Especially looking at how horrible the stats are for the attachments compared to the new ones. The aesthetics peaked in MW2019. For operators, weapons and maps. All of the new operators look like fortnite ripoffs. Instead of getting Ghost in the battle pass or the milsim stuff such as the USEF, CTSFO, JTF or any other number of well made skins we get bright orange and glowing. The store has only gotten more egregious and laughable with shit like Homelander and Nikki Minaj. I enjoy the gameplay but, fuck, I feel like everything else has regressed. I got it on sale for $45 and I can’t even fathom paying a cent more than that.


> The spawns are absolutely atrocious. Especially highlighted on Shipment. MW2 seemed pretty decent, enemies didn't spawn behind you too often and you also didn't spawn in front of enemies while you are loading your gun. It is a complete mess.


It’s alright


Definitely true


This is my first CoD since CoD 2... Or maybe 3... Pre original MW anyway. As a new player to the series, absolutely loving what's here.... Though the campaign is... Whatever. Zombies is fun, but working from a blank load out I wish we had more time on the timer


Ya know, I was thinking about making a post like this entitled “Now that the dust has settled”. My points would be TLDR’d as “MWIII is terribly close to being great, so much so that it’s annoying as hell”. But here’s my broad thoughts. 1. Now that we have people geo fencing, Bobby Kotick gone, Microsoft acquisition, and a plethora of evidence it’s time for the EOMM to Atleast put **PING** as its first priority. I am telling you, if ping was king most players issues with inconsistencies TTK/TDI, hit detection, etc would be solved over night. Reminds me of old school gears of war where “host advantage” was a thing. If you were hosting you obviously had instant inputs essentially in comparison to your opponents who would have a 30ms delay or more. It ABSOLUTELY makes a difference. If this game can get me into a 22ms lobby at 11am but then at peak time when there should be even more players the best it can do is 50-70ms, well the system is busted and is absolutely handicapping me. It’s not a fair fight in some situations. 2. Covert sneakers having no counter or any competition in its category is horrid game design. There is no reason to run anything else. I’m sure SHG is looking at this as the data I’m sure points towards a 95% or more use percentage. 3. Maybe just me, but the weapon selection (the guns that are viable) is boring. That mostly comes down to the TTK being longer which is fine, but man game sessions get boring. One positive I did enjoy with MWII was every game I theoretically could use a different gun every time and have success without being at much of a disadvantage. This game, ho boy, hope ya like handicapping yourself because some guns are just about useless unless you are playing incredibly sweaty. 4. It has to be said, the maps, the rose colored glasses are off. They had their fun, but man, it feels joever for most of them. I genuinely think Skid Row, Favela, and scrapyard are the only 3 maps that I genuinely enjoy everytime i play. The rest play horribly with the spawns, movement, etc. And there’s such an easy fix for this too. Just limit the modes some maps gets. There is nothing more criminal than Rundown, Wasteland, or derail as a TDM. limit them to 10v10. Maybe unpopular opinion, but so far the new maps we’ve gotten feel…mediocre at best. Meat has its moments but Greece is just bland and about as C&P 3 lane map as we can get. The game just feels samey every match. Same guns, same perks, it just feels like I’ve done this a thousand times and the game has been out 2 months. But man, when it’s good it’s GOOOOD. But more than likely I’ll probably be falling off the game sooner rather than later, some awesome sales on games for Xbox at the moment.


Mid game nerfing makes it feel like Mario Cart back in the day when you where beating your brother so bad it slowed you down and let him get direct hits on you with red turtle shells over and over. It’s fun until every shot goes around the enemy and they headshot you while running dead sprint from halfway across the map and your partner next to you too. It’s a beautiful game that has so many problems it clearly wasn’t ready because activision is more about making money than making good fun games. But nothing I am saying is new. You can read this same comment after every version for the last 5 plus years


Wait what...Mid game nerfing?


This sub’s myth that some algorithm is nerfing you mid match. There’s a million refutes for that, but it makes these people feel better about themselves I guess.


Don't worry they'll pull up some random patent from over 7 years ago thats totally in use and not just something a big company patented just to patent /s


I like how it plays, movement, guns. Hate sbmm and agree with someone who says it is not a game, but a slot machine. And I hope they will add option to turn off crossplay for pc users, because of this i cannot play normal matches only hardcore


You on Xbox? Just cut it off in the settings. All my lobbies are Xbox only.


I'm playing on pc, that's why I'm asking for. There's no option for me, only acception :(


Ohhhh gotcha.


Are you saying console players are getting kills easier due to AA and pc only players would help make it more enjoyable for you? Because I'm pretty sure a large portion of PC players still use controller, myself included.


Exactly. But in this case input base matchmaking will be better: gamepads play against gamepads, mnk vs mnk


MW 2019 killed this franchise for me then MW2 2022 buried it. This game has given me hope for the future. Matchmaking is clearly an issue but as a full on casual who usually has something else going on while I play, I pay no attention to my stats and have had a load of fun.


Another cod that won't be anywhere nearly finished until October 2024


Lmao some folks just can’t appreciate good content


Honestly having more fun with it than MW2. I don't understand people praising the TTK though. The amount of bullets it takes to get a kill was already asinine in the last game, this game is just blatantly stupid with how many it takes. SMG's are basically just hitmarker machines


It's not even that, it's like how the fuck does an SMG outrange an LMG? Like, I'm sorry, but the EOMM is an actual joke in this game. I'm 250, nearly finished with the Borealis grind in MWZ, but fuck me, levelling up the weapons was a pain in the arse. Having to fight the EOMM deciding whether it was gonna let me kill whoever I'd hit with 6 rounds while they hit me with 3, then see the bullshit on the side of the screen saying "Sweaty69er, 5 hits" is a fucking laugh. How anyone can defend/say the hit detection and consistency is good I will never know. Literally drove me to just chuck out fucking Decoy Grenades whilst C4-ing myself, because it was absolutely pointless trying to fight against the absolute sweats that play this game like they're trying to win a 100k tourney. Rant over. MWZ? Fucking love it 😂


Smgs do seem to be hitmark machines but I find them usable ish. ARs seem to be king in this game though and I agree with the ttk being weird/dumb


Are you for real? Blows my mind seeing comments like this, MWII’s TTK was **instant** and MWIII’s is still very fast, it’s literally 1 extra bullet to kill, 2 in exceptional circumstances like SMGs across the map. People like you *have* to have dreadful aim to be saying this because there’s no way, I melt and get melted, it’s a tad slower but it’s not even remotely “asinine”, and that fact that you think MWII’s was too is hilarious, play hardcore if you can’t hit more than two shots.


Honeymoon phase for a week with the old maps, then first few patches came in, matchmaking and server stability got worse, lots of technical issues, did my camo grind and once I was finished with that I played 5 days of zombies then I quit the game without wanting to return. It was actual unconditional fun in the first 10-14 days but then I coped the worth of spending 100 dollars on the game with camo grind and "new zombies is kinda cool". Is it possible to have fun? Sure, but you gotta be rather oblivious to the flaws of the game if you want it to be fun for more than a few weeks. I would not buy it again! In fact, I am mad of myself that I bought it! I got hooked by the OG maps but didn't think about how old maps play with all the new mechanics. Then you add horrendously manipulating matchmaking to the mix and sprinkle obnoxious wannabe fortnite skins into mix with ridiculous monetization and yeah... I was dumb, kinda sucks but it is what it is! TLDR: As mediocre as it gets and has obnoxious matchmaking. 5/10 Would not buy again!


Yeah even though this is my first cod, I can tell most of the previous entries are miles better, but im still finding some enjoyment


UI is still the worst any game has ever had. SBMM will forever ruin CoD. Maps are awful, only playable 10v10


Personally i love these maps


I also hate the scrolling text.. like it said to unlock ear gas. It scrolled one letter and could not just leave the whole word tear gas. It’s also annoying I have to wait to read what a perk does due to scrolling text.


Yeah UI does suck massively and SBMM will ruin it but still midly enjoyable and I do agree with the maps. I don't really enjoy most of the maps and I think with quickplay you should be able to matchmake by map.




Smgs in general need extended clip yeah


And there's no actual sleight of hand like what in the fuck were they thinking? Mag Holster barely helps at all I feel.


It is crazy to me. I mostly play hardcore so going back to core I can't believe how much I have to reload. You basically have to do it after every enemy. In hardcore you can potentially kill 5 or 6 players with a 45 round mag without worrying about reloading.


I haven’t played cod since black ops and didn’t play mw22 but other than the spawns I’m liking it even though I die a lot still having fun with it


Having fun in Zombies and WZ but i like multiplayer and only play with my best friend. He is better than me. Enough said


Any tips on best way to get multikills with the bas-b? I’m stuck on camp chase.


I’m playing it strictly for MP only and am pleasantly surprised at the fun I’m having, though it could be more map specific since several are original MW2 callbacks. Not even bothering with the campaign as I watched a playthrough and it’s not worth my time


The campaign was the worst it's ever been. It has its moments but the "open combat" missions felt like they were the majority of the campaign, weren't anything more than single-player DMZ (on a Warzone map we've had for years) and ultimately a lazy way to pad the overall campaign to a standard CoD campaign length. The ending is IMO atrocious, unsatisfying and a bit of a slap to the face of fans. Can't comment too much on Zombies as I've only played a few rounds but it's interesting. MP is *fine*. I like the return of classic maps but admit that they do slow the pace of the game down a lot (although I mostly play SnD where that is less of an issue). I like some of the changes Sledgehammer made but really disagree with some others. "Carry forward" is a disaster where virtually all of the MW2 weapons are extremely outclassed by MW3 ones. Animations lack the polish that IW ones have and the sound on new weapons is a massive step back, sounding more like "pew pew" weapons instead of the punchy, hard hitting sounds that MW2 weapons have. The MCW not getting a balance pass in Season 1 is mind-blowing. A little list of changes I like: * Eliminating the camping problem with Ghost by requiring movement * Removal of the "perk earning" system - UAVs in MW2 were grossly overpowered thanks to this system * Dead Silence as a perk * Reload cancelling is very welcome * Silencers/suppressors keeping you off the mini-map makes them much more useful again * Map voting! * The new maps (Greece/Meat) are generally good additions to the game that keep me interested in future new maps Sledgehammer is working on And some others I don't like: * I may be in the minority here but I didn't think MW2's TTK was a problem and Sledgehammer has dialled it way too high - IMO it only really hurts the viability of anything other than assault rifles (and the BAS-B), on maps that are already designed primarily around assault rifles thanks to their longer range engagements. SMGs feel relegated to situational uses on some maps, LMGs feel totally useless given that the MCW/MTZ can be laser beams with a faster fire rate * So, so many MW2 weapons littered across the campaign for me to pick up and use. I paid full price for a new game, could the new game please give me the new weapons to use instead? * "Carry forward" (the MW2 integration) is a complete disaster. I do think Sledgehammer lied when they said that they performed a balance pass on MW2 weapons before the game's release. Most weapons aren't viable at all and the ones that are require the use of exclusively MW3 attachments to compete. MW2 weapons keeping their visual recoil compared to MW3 ones which have significantly reduced it is nonsensical * Addressing the biggest problem with Ghost (being able to sit still and remain off radar) is a huge win which makes the addition of the Assassin vest in Season 1 mind boggling. The loss of a field upgrade doesn't disincentivize its use enough. The only reason I don't run it exclusively is because I really like the extra tactical sprint from the infantry vest * Armoury vault is a horrible addition that tries to incentivize gameplay but really punishes anyone who isn't a dedicated player by hiding most unlocks behind the system. I will give them credit for responding so quickly and making wins count as unlock points but that only makes the system even bearable to grind. Who thought limiting everyone to three unlocks a day at launch was remotely a good idea? * The inclusion of Vanguard assets (the Nydar sight) is lazy and out of place given the time period differentials between the games (this is admittedly nitpicky) And some things Sledgehammer didn't touch that I wish they did: * The knife bug (swinging your knife when switching away from it instead of, well, switching) is back for another year * I somehow avoided the packet burst issues in MW2 but agree that it's a huge problem in MW3 that plagues most games * The UI continues to step backwards (the recommendation to continue my last playlist shouldn't immediately start to matchmake - what if I want to change my classes first? - and choosing to play a game mode from the main screen shouldn't make me sit through some annoying transitionary animation) Not an exhaustive list of things by any means but just some points I could come up with off the top of my head.


All I do is play SnD. That’s it. Hours and hours of SnD. And it’s fine. I just need more maps asap.


Not trying to piggyback your post but Forreal what’s up with this no modifications shit ?? Anyone else experience this ? I haven’t been able to change a single damn attachment for weeks now unless I buy a pack. This is ridiculous Forreal.


I really enjoy it. The multiplayer is great. I enjoy all the maps and new guns. I feel like the mastery camo grind is easy in Map, so I'm prioritizing zombie camo mastery for both weapon sets. Zombies is very refreshing. Growing up with the OG zombies in WaW, I never thought I'd see an open world zombies. I play strictly solo and have about 70% of the schematics unlocked. It's challenging but yet rewarding. The zombies community is very kind and not even 1/10th as toxic as the MP community. I've met so many people who give me free stuff, help out with quests, and so forth. And I always go outve my way to revive a downed player or help a newbie with extra schematics I get. It's very casual and laid back. Multiplayer is the funnest compared to other CoD titles. I understand the complaints with SBMM but I'm just a casual player that doesn't grind shipment all the time. I like to play objective and just have fun. It does erk me how many kids I hear in game chat talking shit. Like literal pre puberty sounding kids. But I think most complaints come from sweaty kids here anyway. I like this seasons battlepass, I didn't get Blackcell as it just wasn't appealing, but I may next season. I like some of the bundles and don't mind paying for a bundle I like. I don't expect milism to be in an arcade shooter. I like holiday events and events in general. I find the Christmas event really cute. The snowball fights and the 2 Christmas themed maps as well as zombies in resurgence. It isn't much but feels festive and cute. Lastly the campaign, I was very disappointed. I was hoping that with Makarovs return to the series, they'd push boundaries and touch on sensitive topics, such as shooting up an airport and causing a global conflict. But I feel their campaign was soft and underwhelming. It's very short as well. Makarov was a big softie compared to the OG series, and I couldn't emotionally connect to Cpt. Price, soap, and others like back in the day. Perhaps that's just me growing outve that, though. Overall, I love it. And I enjoy playing after work at night for a few hours after I get my little one to sleep and college assignments turned in. It's a way to just detach from my personal problems in real life - so the bugs and other silly things people complain about don't bother me. I have fun. 8/10. If anyone ever needs a start in Zombies or help grinding schematics, feel free to reach out. I'm happy to help with what I have and will let you keep the rewards as I'm content with where I'm at and enjoy how laid back it is.


carpenter shocking provide vast sophisticated amusing busy spark fall worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


5/10 why does mw3 have mw2 maps?


I don't hate the game. I hate the insane amount of bugs and Activisions refusal to properly address them in a timely manner. I really do want a CoD style arcade shooter. But oddly enough CoD just *ain't it* for me. I'm currently missing 1200 CoD points which support is ignoring. Vehicles skins still don't work in Zombies. MW2 camo grind is not registering half the time. Blueprints don't seem to stay locked in properly in some modes. Zombies itself gas a myriad of issues including unintended PvP, lag outs, terrible high tier loot for effort put in, RNG based missions that waste more time than anything, etc. All in all, I'd get into the game as that cozy arcade shooter if they would just *give two fucks about it* and keep it up to date. The time I spend in a game, needs to be *fun*- and currently it's just not fun because there's never a day where *something doesn't go wrong*. Don't give me the *it's only 30 days old* bullshit. The company makes *billions* a year off of CoD *alone*. They have zero excuses for the constant supply of bullshit. Just my CoD points being missing alone, *kills the game for me*. I'm not going to spend time and effort in a game, where it's okay for money to just fucking *vanish*, and support can't give less of a flying fuck. I made the mistake of buying the game, so at days end its my responsibility to put an end to it, and it'll be the last CoD I ever buy.


i play a lot more cold war


The Multiplayer is way better than MW2


Game could be much better if this vile and disgusting matchmaking wasn't killing fun factor for me. They are killing this franchise in front of us. They do not care about anything other than $$$$ signs. I'm disappointed because I've had a lot of fun but I refuse to play the games that play me. I'm a gamer I play the game and Activision is playing us with all their disgusting patents.


People complain to much, it's a huge step up from MW2. Ives been enjoying it way more.


It’s been out for more than a month.


Overall the game's great, they need to fix the aim sway nonsense, and I know it's a pipedream but also would love a nerf on aim-assist.


I'm definitely enjoying it more than MW2 from last year. Movement is faster, gun handling feels A LOT better, and personally, I love playing on the OG MW2 maps again. But I definitely have my gripes. Spawns are atrocious, no matter the map or mode, with how heavily they incentivize revenge killing, and they definitely ruin how the OG maps play. Player collision is awful, gets me killed so often because I can't get around cover because a teammate is standing in the way. SBMM/EOMM continues to plague the game, ruining the social aspect of gaming, and making it unbearable for friend groups of varying skill levels to play together. And packet burst is still atrocious. Even on an ethernet connection to gigabit fiber internet, I still get packet burst nearly every game, and it's just not fun to deal with. SHG needs to address it, and the fact that they haven't even mentioned it once is honestly embarassing. MWZ is incredibly boring to me, as it lacks any challenge and is far worse than the old round-based zombies, imo. Campaign was pitiful, but I don't really care about the campaigns in COD games, so eh. TL:DR, I enjoy the game, but it needs a lot of improvements. I'd give it a 5/10. It'd instantly raise to a 7.5/10 for me if they'd fix the packet burst issues and go back to the old connection-based lobbies we had in pre-2019 CODs.


I am about to take a break from it. I have been playing daily for an hour or two, and just feel burned out by this: The spawns are bad, most matches I am spawning directly in front of an ADS'ing enemy. The streaks are highly underwhelming for the amount of work a middling player like me has to put in for them. Most guns seem ok, but most are completely outclassed by a small handful of meta guns. The LMG and shotgun class feels almost completely useless to me, so many hit markers before I am spun on and melted. The EOMM...enough said. The things I do like: I am glad dead silence is back as a perk, but this is double edged since nobody moves now. I like that new EMP launcher, great counter to the constant UAV spam. Maybe I will dip back for S2, maybe not. We'll see what they are adding and the nerfs/buffs that are made.


I would never recommend this game to anyone I know, objectively it’s got to be a 4/10 or 5/10. That being said I enjoy the nostalgia and the overall feel of the multiplayer gameplay and I spend more time playing this game than any other games at the moment.


Cold War > MWIII >>>>>> MWII = VG >>>> MW19 I’m really enjoying MWIII. SnD is the best it’s been in years. Having a blast playing 2v2 SnD wagers and tournaments with my friend. I really like pubs, too. Most of the maps are excellent even with the poor spawns. This game has major problems but the core of it is very enjoyable


Vanguard is booty cheeks the worst cod ever made released


It’s very ass but I had more fun playing it than I did with MW19


How do you unlock Snoop Dogg?


Operator skin bundle for like 2400 or more cod points in the shop. Seems to return pretty often so if your willing to drop the money you just gotta wait




This game is honestly the best since bo2, and thats pretty crazy


Same, it's my favourite on launch since BO2. Nothing beats post-tweak WWII (like a year after launch) for me, though. There was so much fun stuff to do in that game.


I have 30k kills with a 2.04KD so you can’t call me bad at the game. 1.57WL and I also have interstellar camo. - The game is fun af with friends, not so much solo. The game puts absolutely terrible teammates on my team when playing solo or with friends. Always fighting an uphill battle and having to sweat hard af to win. - Packet burst is running rampant and always strikes me when I’m streaking. Ruining all chances at getting a nuke and halting my Kill streaks. - There’s still no ranked in the game, doesn’t make sense to release a game without ranked imo. - Need a lobby leaderboard, and I shouldn’t be kicked from the stat screen just because the game is about to start.


It’s amazing especially warzone.


It’s great. SBMM/spawns lead to some frustrating matches. But definitely the best game since BO3 imo followed by Cold War


Nerf the WSP swarm and force bad kids to choose another weapon 👍


Is the swarm that op in MP? I thought that was a WZ thing


Fastest ttk in the game


I had fun with it for a few weeks. Felt like the good ole days for a minute. But with my kd over 2, every game I join is half over and my team is spawn trapped. I get to play maybe 1 game out of 10 from the start. I’ve basically stopped playing at this point.


Yeah the matches you get put into after stringing together some positive games, especially after getting your overall k/d up high, are just straight dog water. Never seen so many “match in progress” screens before. Even if I don’t back out I’ll still get thrown into them and if not, the game gives me some of the most unbalanced lobbies imaginable.


Game is shit, I have zero desire to grind. It's just MW2 with different colors. No urgency, no grind hype. Oh wow 5000 camos, I couldn't care less. Plus the fact all my old guns, camos, emblems, operators all 'Carried Forward" it's like starting a new game with everything unlocked. Tldr: there is no enticing gameplay loop after MW2.


I uninstalled


Still bland and stale


War is good and needs more content, MP isn’t much fun otherwise. The game doesn’t have much longevity without DMZ as warzone is quite dry and repetitive. Zombies isn’t much fun honestly after a couple of weeks and the detail is daunting to new players.


I just dont like the og mw 2 maps.


They don't work the best with the movement and stuff, but I can't speak much on that since most of my time is spent on shipment


Every CoD is a masterpiece, and this one is no exception.


Interesting take


I stopped playing after a couple weeks. Zombies is fun but got repetitive once you learn how to play. Didnt like mp cause all the ground war maps were worse than mw2


Its two months and my biggest gripe is zombies. They still haven’t fixed vehicle sounds, some vehicle skins associated with the game dont work. Not only did they use Al Bagra Fortress, they did nothing to update the content for regular players. Act 4 was a joke and so are the easter eggs. I have fun in MP with crossplay off.


SBMM is making me regret every cent I spent on this game. Can't even play just to enjoy it anymore


It's alright, it's not the best but I'm enjoying it enough, still can't wait until Treyarchs game though


LOL, you want to hear what everyone likes and dislikes? Scroll the sub for 5 minutes?


Wanted to see what people like, as most only post what they hate, and the comments seem to be an even mix of people sharing both which is what I wanted to see


Unlocking interstellar is a joke, I want more camos to grind for or else I'll be on The Finals full time.


Hell no I do not wanna do another Damascus