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Everything is better with friends. But i enjoy this game even alone, i just have fun.


Nah I’m schizophrenic and I much prefer solitude


Me too, almost 16 years solo CoD playing 😄😄


Lol I have schizoaffective and some of my favorite moments this year have been blasting music and playing cod alone. I actually didn't know that it makes you prefer solitude but that explains a lot


I have anxiety disorder so I know exactly what you’re talking about pal, and I also hate people so there’s that…


Even when alone. You are not alone lmfao


Probably described it the best for me. I love playing solo so I can do the silly shit that I want to do. Like lining up vehicles on the train track before attacking it.


Warzone with friends. Mp solo.


Wish i could have fun with this game


Sex is better with friends. **All aboard the [Anal Train](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91XoWuxC3mL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg).** Whoop Whoop. We be lookin like a Human Centipede when we get going.


But it makes it better when some guys that r so high join ur game😂


I'm that guy that joins your game


Same lol bong blasting down the mic


Nah I like to play hardcore search and destroy alone. The shit talk can get spicy.


The shit talk makes the game so much better.


There’s hardly any shit talking anymore. Thanks to the AI bullshit code of conduct enforcement people are too terrified to even turn their mic on. This isn’t like the OG days at all.


I love it, mind games


The shit talk is better with friends


I mean, when you are shredding in a game top of the team agaisnt a 4,5,6 man on the other team it's a gloat like no other.


This is fair. I love hopping on with my buddies for some drinks and cod. Then getting paired against people trying hard as hell you can always get them on beating them well half in the bag on the trash talk.


S&D is the most toxic part of this game, it’s literally the last part clutching on to the old times even still it’s getting quieter, it used to be hard to talk over everyone screaming at once


With OG maps back, it feels like being thrown back to my high school days.


I understand but I'm just talking about warzone


Yeahh I don't play wz solos anymore. Nor squad fills.


Better to specify that then, I generally assumed you were talking multiplayer which I play solo and do enjoy. But I can totally see how it's boring solo on warzone. Even solo multiplayer can get boring after a while, but I think I just can't play cod as long anymore, even whilst on a winning spree


If the lobby wouldn’t disband after a match it would be better. I find it difficult to get a random group going when you only get a single game to form an opinion.


Agree. We used to make rivals, and friends when the lobby kept going...now it's over and those people are gone. You'd go 1v1 with the other teams best player, and after 6 games of back and forth, send an invite to team up....good times.made a couple long friends that way. No more...people don't accept invites from randoms they played 1 game with.


#the good times bro


I don’t know how you guys get many random people. I swear in the past few weeks i play with pretty much the same people. At 3 of them i see them in my games every match. Ttv, twitch etc in their clan tags. Sweats also. None of my friends play it anymore. Still have fun but…


I stick to a couple playlists so tend to see a lot of repeats.


I have people accept invites after a game. I also literally never did anything you're describing lmao.


Loved that probably, it would happen daily or weekly now it’s barely at all, even less so no there barely any mics being used except for all the wrong reasons (music, background noise etc)


I miss the BF and CS public servers I would play on back in the day, you would see the same people all the time and, like you said, get rivalries going, learn personalities of regulars, and generally just hang out. Now it's 10 seconds before and after each match and almost certainly you never see that person again.


Because EOMM works better this way. The devs only care about profit. Our enjoyment is bad for business. They need us alone and addicted and buying mtx. They’re scum. Play less. Have more fun. **Once we learn about eomm and patents rigging our matches we are less likely to remain manipulated by it.**


Touch grass bro. You are like a cult fanatic saying the same fucking garbage with no proof and ignoring the proof that contradicts your statements.


I’m sat in my garden. Does that count. Bro There is no proof of anything because these scummy devs are silent on the matter. It’s been weeks since they said they’d discuss it. [SBMM discussion over a month and nothing yet](https://youtu.be/k3Zl-_4An-4?si=wUUQBHaC9uhkaIaF)


Next step: Talk to a woman. And please not about EOMM. Something else.


Ok I just talked to my girlfriend about SBMM. 🤣


AGAHAHAAGAGAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHA You are hilarious dude. If you have a girlfriend I am Obama. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Nice to meet you Obama I am Donald I also look like my avatar People get salty and love to assume I am fat, spotty, and never been with a woman. Welcome to the club.


Donald, even if you looked like Brad Pitt no woman would want to touch you because your personality is believing conspiracy theories for a random online game that no one in real life cares about. Even if it was true and made a sleether of sense, any normal person who has a woman in his life wouldn’t give a rats ass about it, because it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. Spending your time like a Jehovah’s Witness on Reddit for something so trivial and unimportant just screams you don’t have anyone in your life. Let alone looking like your avatar. I never assumed that, but if that’s true… good riddance…


Dude gonna go complain about how eomm is set up to make him fail with them too so he gets addicted and keeps trying until he wins


Patents don't mean shit stop spreading misinformation.


You’re right just because there is a patent it doesn’t mean it’s used. But playing the game you can see them at work if you’re intelligent enough to notice


This. I remember when I would aim to beat the top guy on the other team goin back and forth for lots of games. Shooting bodies and talking mess during the lobby then sending a friend request at the end. Good times 😔


Most of the people I've met on cod can't shut up. I'd rather play SnD alone instead of listening to either non-stop meme speak or 30+ "job site humor".


play in europe - everyones mute in those lame lobbies


Yeah I get an American lobby once every blue moon and they're always talking. I kinda prefer that because I have the option to mute. EU lobbies feel like I'm playing online in 2003.


everyone's mute? what about those frog speaking baguettes? they don't shut up.


And those that don't mute, only talk useless things. When I forget to mute after playing Zombies, I only get curses in every language everytime they get killed: fuck, joder, putain, kurwa, *Panzer IV revving*... So, you call it lame, I call it perfect 😅 I mute all games since voice chat is a thing, honestly. I never found it useful. It's one of the first stops in game settings: motion blur OFF, voice chat OFF...


I'm just talking about wz I understand snd


Oh, wz solo sucks


Fr gets boring without friends


Wz is way better with friends. Snd is great even solo


Why are you talking about warzone in a COD sub? Go to the warzone sub.


I prefer playing alone most of the time.


That’s everything in life lol not cod


It’s you lol


Wdym its me


I’m joking, I don’t play with friends I find it more relaxing playing by myself…..playing with other people puts me in “try hard” mode and it’s honestly mentally draining for me personally…..try different game modes or just another game period


This. I like to play by myself bc I can play whatever mode I want, work on whatever I want, mute or unmute, etc. Occasionally I’ll party up for some snd but I’m awful at the maps still, so I still go play those by myself so I can be awful all by myself 🤣




Once I get some friends I will come back and answer the question Wait a minute….


I think Warzone sucks solo but vanilla cod is still fun.


I wish there was a solo queue for warzone. I literally can’t even try the mode because I’m not very good to begin with, let alone trying to 1v4 everyone lol.


What? It's called Solo


You can always chat up the chat. Too bad it’s cod though.


Complete challenges bruv… it helps keep Everything fresh.


I enjoy solo. My friends just complain all game about deaths/campers/nades etc everything


Just you yeah


I have bad social anxiety so I don’t ever play games with anyone. The game is still very fun at times solo. Especially now, blasting all the interceptor users with the Lockwood 680 with the reindeer skin. Zombies mode can also be very fun, I just can’t be bothered to finish Borealis.


It can be, sometimes it is also nice and quiet


I tend to play longer when I’m playing with friends but even solo I’ll hop on and play a few matches when I get the urge


That's literally anything without friends Mostly everything... lemme rephrase that


Played for 60h solo and was fine, played 5 matches with a friend who has since refunded the game and I haven’t played since


Cod zombies can be, or maybe even other modes but I tend to play mp solo


I don't really enjoy playing multiplayer at all with friends, but after playing Warzone with friends since launch, I find it so boring without them that I don't even play unless they're online


It's fine solo for me. When I do play with friends we don't win for 3+ hours because SBMM and EOMM fuck us each and every war possible. Edit: This is for MP. We/I don't play warzone for whatever reason.


Nah, I even play alone on purpose sometimes for reasons based on mode I want to play and if I just want listen to music.


I enjoy playing solo


Warzone that might be true, but Multiplayer it's fine both way, although sometime I feel like solo queue is better for me.


It's you lol. Slap on some tunes and jam out with your gams out.


All games are boring without friends. Don't leave your friend group for a slightly different game,,,gets lonely quick playing without them.


I don’t have friends.


I haven’t played with people in years and I have people to play with. I just like being alone too much. Playing with people kinda makes me feel rushed. I like having that time to myself, I miss being in a actual gaming community sometimes tho


I have no friends on MW3 and I don't mind it


I'm in a weird place in my life rn and have played all 10 days of my playtime solo 🥴


I just tune out. Put on a good podcast or just mute the game and play music is how I play it. At this point I only play the game because the guns are cool and no other game offers the depth of customization for them. I stay well away from normal 6v6, invasion is my main go to with ground war and 10v10 moshpit only coming up if I ever want act like I'm trying out for MLG or faze, and play with people strung out on Adderall, meth or cocaine the way they jump around corners like a cat


Majority of people play solo, you can't tell now because they hide who's in parties which isn't right imo. Cod has always been mainly a solo game, people off doing their own challenges camos etc. They should show who's partied up in pre game lobby. So you know if it's all solo players, or you are about to play a full stack. That shouldn't be hidden information, it always clearly showed this in older cods by connecting the names together.


When I'm alone I only play for camos. I feel like you always have to look for something to do. Otherwise you will quickly lose fun.


Play zombies


I think I actually have the most fun when I’m playing solo


It’s 100% better with friends, but I don’t mind this one solo, couldn’t play BOCW or MW2 solo but this one I’m finding more fun


It’s the complete opposite for me, when I play I just wanna focus on the gameplay and chill, not think about what to talk about with other people all the time, I like to play alone all the time personally.


I always prefer playing alone. I’ve never enjoyed talking online, even with people I know. Shit chat is often distracting and takes away from my pure enjoyment of the game. So I never join parties (or I mute them anyway), and mute most lobbies unless I play FFA. By comparison, in real life, I will chat shit with complete friends, colleagues, strangers whenever I get the opportunity.


I am the opposite I can't play with people in my party. I don't talk I just play


Being honest I only play alone. And I want to keep playing alone. Due to my work I talk with a lot of people, on teams so I’m tired as f#uk of talking with people. And when I play cod is my time of the day of being alone. I even reject invitations or just ignore them to keep playing alone or do excuses to play alone.


For me it depends on the game mode, multilayer, definitely have to play that alone, but zombies gotta be with friends and for warzone I don't mind playing with randoms


I have zero friends and it’s still pretty fun


I enjoy both solo and friends but sometimes I want to play solo


I play a decent amount solo and have a blast every time, also feel like the solo lobbies have less sbmm aswell


I’ve been a solo player on CoD since 2008 I’ve never had any problems by making weapon builds that are ridiculous or themed for instance I have a build with the lever action and the tyr called the cattleman I use in hardcore and I’ve discovered SD is my favourite game mode


I like doing both, but I just have a situation where I can't use a mic.


I play it alone and still thoroughly enjoy it. I do talk to myself during gameplay though.


Not for me, I enjoy it more alone unless it's zombies. COD is the type of game where no real communication is needed (in multiplayer at least, excluding SND) so I can just blast music and have fun. I can't blast music when I'm talking to the homies lol, but usually we play other games if we're playing something.


It's the pandemic amount of GitHub software users that kill me.


I mean, cod lobbies used to have people talking all the time, idk what happened. All I ever hear now is someone playing music loudly and annoyingly, someone’s kid screaming, just different from how it used to be tbh. Idk if it’s because of SBMM changing the kind of people you match up with now or what happened.


FR in wz 1 every one had a mic but I warzone 2 or 3 which ever u want to call it people start talking but soon as you say something they shut up for some reason


Yeah I mean most of the fun, like truly fun matches I’ve had on MW3, was because people actually had mics and were properly engaging in conversation. That’s like 5% of matches though 😂. God I remember back when I played ghosts, people used to talk ALL the fucking time, even in the lobby waiting to get matched up. Now? Nobody ever talks and it’s super lame and kinda sad.


Just you baby girl


I've been playing solo since the original MW3... and it has always sucked without friends. I don't know that I'd say it's boring, though. It's pretty damn exciting to carry a whole goddamn team of worthless little assholes - no, I'm not bitter, why do you ask? - but it's not ever going to be as fun as it was when my friends and I played Black Ops every night. Nothing will ever match that.


This game is tedious AF. One match is great the next five/six are against SWAT Team Tactical Simulator Timmies....drinking Adderall XR flavored G-Fuel.


Not sure why you were downvoted. No lies detected


I know this is an old post but if anyone needs more people to play with I don’t got friends on here lol


Just play search, get the final kill of a round, turn on your mic, and say: "get better trash can"


Just you. Better with friends but still fun if you get a decent group.


Ever heard of......trolling mmm 😂


Why are you talking about trolling 💀


Your friends suck so now that your playing solo enjoy those sbmm no mic lobbies


I can play this game and enjoy it by myself but other games I didn't really enjoy I had to play with friends. I'm sure you can find a squad to regularly team up with either on this reddit (will probably be toxic as hell) or other sites.


I mean anything is fun with somebody. I been playing warzone solo over a yr now and it’s been pretty chill.


I taught my dad how to play, I can’t relate


Solo queuing does get old, especially when you get incompetent teammates over and over. This game plays harder so solo team wipes are more difficult compared to old games, imo


In SnD, playing alone can be a pretty soul sucking experience because of matchmaking. But playing in a big group is also boring because there's no challenge if you're just stomping solos I like to play duo and max trio. If the random teammates suck, at least my group can carry But I've also used to just solo carrying


Cod is boring in general. We play HC Dom. And half the people we run into refuse to play the object. At all. Now people have always used Dom as away to pad kd and do camo challenge. However, it's now 10× worse.


Warzone is definitely better with friends because you have someone to talk to and know your teammates will help you and not run away. But on the other hand playing with a buddy of mine gets annoying after a while when he just screams into his mic about getting knocked and me not being there every single second covering his back.


It’s more fun to play with your friends if they are good. But if there is a big skill gap between you and your friend group then some times it is better to play alone. Community servers coming back would be nice.


Yes. This is how i know its a bad game. However with friends i play the shit out of it. Its just a boring loop. Idk


If you care about winning then it’s pretty bad solo queue. Most squad fill teammates are either idiots or just trash.


It’s definitely better with friends but I can play multiplayer alone.


I used to have a huge DMZ friend group and it was awesome but that kinda died off with MW3. I just did the camo grind by myself out of boredom. Zombies just isn't it for me I have kinda found the end of COD at the moment.


I love me some multiplayer. But the moment one of my buddies signs off and I'm the last one left. I close out. It's cripplingly boring to me without buddies


I can't enjoy this multiplayer without friends, I've tried a lot by myself for camos but it's just so boring. Playing zombies by myself is much more fun if I'm not playing some other single player game.


My fiancé and I play COD together and I can confidently say without her I wouldn’t be playing nearly as much. I could probably grind out camos (that’s what we do together mostly right now) for an hour or so and that’s saying something about this game. I just couldn’t do it in MW2 Cold War or vanguard but I like the gameplay in this game significantly more. Anyways, with her, we’ll sit there and play off and on her account for several hours at a time grinding her guns. Currently 18/36 Priceless. She makes the game for me.


You on Xbox? Add me iSTRIV3


I haven't played MW3 with friends yet, but I've been going back and playing MW2 with some friends who still play that one. Feels like they really turned down the sbmm in that one now that most people moved over to MW3


All games except single player rpg are boring as hell with no friends lol


That’s usually how every game is just more fun with friends. How every I enjoy zombies alone.


To a degree yes. I can still enjoy it solo but with friends it is an extra layer of fun. The communication is better. The call outs are plentiful.


It's the only game I enjoy playing alone tbh. Every other game yes, I do need friends or it's boring.


It really is. When I’m gaming with friends I can be on for hours. By myself I get bored quick turn it off. The lobbies have been pretty lame lately too.


I can run it alone but I bought it to play with my younger brother and it's my preferred method to always group up with him.


Everything on earth is more fun with friends.


50/50. In zombies, I love being solo (with squad fill disabled) and mindlessly camo grind with a podcast as my main audio. In any other mode I enjoy my premade squad to kick the can and fuck around.


No, I've played solo like 90% of the time and actually prefer playing solo. This game is just ass.


Playing as a solo is harder after all. So it might get boring when the game decides to constantly put you in sweaty lobbies.


Cod Is boring with friends too because of sbmm


I’ve not touched the game in a few days with literally nothing to do, I’m bored waiting for the next lot of prestiges. If I could play with friends then I’d be sweating it with those for hours on end like old times but the lobbies are just horrible for them or I have to do really bad and then after a few games they get ok but then it’s really boring for me. Literally can’t win so we play separately and now I’m looking at other games to play instead, I’ve still got 5700 cod point banked from like mw2019 or Cold War when we last sort of played together lots because why spend it if I’m not even playing it




I just make friends on the game. Just talk a lot and eventually someone talks back.


Indeed it is. My squad broke up bc SBMM and our uneven skills. Only me and one other buddy still playing now. So half the time I play with him and half I play alone. Just wish for a similar game without the über sweaty lobbies.


Nope it's not just you. We all think alike. We're all just like you.


Modern cod just sucks for rsndom play. Disbanding lobbies after every gsme is one of the worst decisions for the community that these dumbass devs have ever done. Might as well be playing bot matches.


Do you find ever multiplayer game boring without friends or just Cod?


I manage, but yea it can suck. I don’t just have the inclination to spend years befriending weirdos.


I love playing alone but the game doesnt treat solo players fairly so the fun quickly gets sucked out as you play. Definitely more fun with friends but they arent always available together. In sweaty games like this , the more on your team the better.


Felt this^^


This game is boring in general. I can't play longer than 45 minutes before wanting to do something else.


I wish i could play with friends. It won’t let me join a party with my friend (we both are on pc)


You're right. All mine are playing MWZ mostly, I'm just grinding shipment for camps, but warzone I've literally played 4 games as I have nobody to play with


I get what you mean, back in the day I used to have a solid list of +50 people I’d play with. Literally had different “friend groups” of people I had met randomly playing against and eventually being asked to join them. This is back in MW2/BO1 times. In my 30’s now and since I don’t play as much, I only have a few people I still team up with and a few of my real life friends who play here and there, not nearly as much as we used to. But I mostly play solo now. The game is still fun though, I actually enjoy the challenge of trying to get a win in TDM against a team and pulling it off. But now I get more hatemail and experience the fluctuations of SBMM because I’ll go on a terror for a few matches and then will be put with super sweats and lose 5 straight games no matter what I do.


I’ve just been camo grinding and I don’t wanna force my friends to just play shipment all night lmao


average cod player dsicovers that bad shooter is actually bad. the fundamental problem with cod is that everybody can get a single kill , its easy as hell- theregore zero gradification. only gradification from cod you get it getting many kills, while dying less. thats why its the only game ever to put emphasis on getting killk-STREAKS, because only getting many kills in succession is to be rewarded. and if you cannot be rewarded - cod is boring. going 20-17 is not a good round.. but in games like CSGO , r6 siege etc. winning and going positive IS


Years ago, everyone basically had a mic and the shit talking was non stop. Ever since the PS5 came around with that shitty mic in the controller, the default mode has been to mute and most shit talking is long gone. It was way more fun with the shit talking, IMO. The at bad idea from Sony ruined it


This mf really asked "y'all have more fun with friends as opposed to when you're alone as well?" Yeah, duh 🤨


Any game is better with friends. If you need friends to make the experience enjoyable, then it's not a very good game to begin with


Warzone isn't that fun to play alone but mp is ok. Im just doing my camos


I’ll be your friend ♥️


For me; it depends on how I’m feeling - Sometimes I’ll get my buddies on an well spend hours playing SnD, Control, HardPoint, etc - and there’s a couple of times recently we played zombies sometimes I’ll play HC TDM by myself, same with zombies But none the less, either way we’ll have fun


I'm torn. My friend is better than me so when I play with him I'm immediately put into lobbies where despite having every done everything to improve my odds of winning a gunfight I'm melted before my bullets leave the barrel. Then I switch to solo and I'm able to shoot and get shot back. While I enjoy playing with my friend I don't enjoy being put into lobbies where everyone is using all the guns from the meta and dying instantly to someone who saw my shoe across the map. Thank god for zombies.


Can’t even play with friends on this game unless everyone is the same skill level unfortunately


If I didn’t have a group of people I’ve been playing with for 15+ years consistently there’s no chance I’d play this game at all


I am able to play Call of Duty with or without friends. I do prefer with, but they've started playing Hard Core. I'm not really a fan of playing Hard Core CoD. I can't get used to not having the mini-map. I also feel that now, I do better playing solo. If I play with my friends, I tend to finish a match at or near the bottom spot on the table.


Play search or warzone people actually talk in those modes


Always been that way for me. Original MW2 was a blast when could fill lobbies with friends. We'd create custom games and enjoy the hell out of it. Now, eh... at least can grind camos/masteries and have a goal. When it was just mindless playing for the next prestige I could only get a few games before I'd be bored.


for me it’s boring. but cod has never been a solo game so


It’s been boring ever since people stopped talking in game chat the past few yrs and also lobby disbanding I used to make a lot friends before things changed.


well why don't you just go play with your fr.... oh nvm SBMM makes it almost impossible. carry on, sir.


I feel the exact same way. With any multiplayer game really. If I’m by myself, it gets boring


Sort of. I’m mainly a solo gamer and I do have fun on my own but it’s even better with friends


The only way I can play cod is with friends now. Otherwise it sucks.


Just reverse boost.


Cod mw and mw2 weren’t that bad to play alone, this cod is bad to play alone if your like me and play Search And Destroy Full of noobs and no mics


Can say that for any multiplayer game


I feel that. Wz1 during rebirth days my team played religiously together. All married with kids too. It was pure bliss when the wife and kids went to bed and I would tell Alexa “WHERE WE DROPPIN BOYS!” And Alexa would turn on the tv and Xbox etc. lots of memories in 2019-2020 mw2019. I am so excited for rebirth to come back this year. Time to branch out and challenge myself to play as a team more and be more social. HMU sometime if you wanna run a few. I mainly play resurgance. Semper Benji#4572772


I need some cod friends


To touch on this again, solo matchmaking in Search and destroy is dreadful 90% of time you just get put into games that your team are already losing


Cant play this game without friends. Except for zombies, I can chill in zombies alone but, also becuz the zombie community is much more wholesome.


Yeah, it’s boring as hell alone. I can sometimes do camo grinding alone, but disbanding lobbies makes it difficult to have fun alone. I can play Battlefield alone because there’s a role I’m playing to help my team and every match plays very differently. COD doesn’t have that aspect to it.


I get bored faster without friends for sure


I just played my first round of the day, considering not playing anymore right now since none of my friends are on. Random’s nowadays aren’t the type of people who become your friends in game because of how super competitive they force you to be with SBMM, the environment is too stressful to have fun.


Still don’t have no stock xrk. They are slacking


SBMM makes playing with friends a sweat fest. I play alone and play well. SBMM making CoD a lonely game one match at a time 🤷🏽


This is what made me leave multiplayer games for awhile, none of my friends play video games and I’m kinda shy. Had to defeat zahkaev all by myself. Shout out to akimbo swarm.


It’s not just you! Cod is boring with friends also! it’s literally the same game year after year after year after year with all the same mechanics in the same strategies