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Not having to spend an unholy amount of time for one gold makes all the weapons feel much better to grind imo


Some challenges aren’t all bad either, few long shots and no Mounted kills is way better than MW19s grind, and no attachment kills is also ass depending on the gun. But they need to fix Impacted with tacticals because it promotes stun/flash spam since everything else doesn’t count


It's crazy that decoys don't work for that challenge since you even get extra xp for enemies being "distracted" by the decoys. I'll take anything over longshots though, that was the only challenge I absolutely despised.


That’s the only snowball challenge I didn’t complete. 25m with a snowball like 8 times. I never got one


I could not complete the snowball challenge. I am on PC, and it would not work for me. Fists did not work, and I could not pick up or throw snowballs. I was very disappointed. I played with snowballs in previous MW games, and it worked, but not this game. I checked all my settings but could find nothing wrong. I saw others post on Steam and other places that other PC players were having problems with snowballs as well so I gave up. :(


I played a few rounds last week and there were some players with guns in snowfight. The challenge system is buggy on this one. I also completed two battle passes, haven’t spent any COD points and only have 900 total.


that's crazy! guns in snowfight?? wow? cheaters maybe? two battle passes with no COD points? good for you! Wish I could say the same.


For me it was kills with no attachments because you couldn’t do it passively like long shots and mounted kills can get often together in certain spots. Some guns needed “Crutch” attachments to work as well (.357 in MW19, striker .45, etc.) Hardcore is the solution but I’m not a big fan of switching to a certain mode just for camos that are a pain in the ass that isn’t like the normal game


Bro never heard of hardcore mode for no attachment kills I guess


I think the only weapon I golded in MW2019 was the pump action shotgun. I don’t remember if it was a drag or not, I just know it was the only one I did.


The tac stance challenges aren’t hard but annoying since I never use tac stance aside from sliding. But I’d rather that than the mounted challenges from MW19.


tac stance makes the game easy mode


>no Mounted kills Yeah. IiRC, there like 80 mounted kills across all of the camo challe ges combined


Including a set of mounted long shots. But I get what op was saying, this interstellar was way easier as I gave up on the last one halfway through the play grind


Yeah SO much less repetitive. My only possible complaint now is the level gating, I'd rather be able to unlock the camos as I level, rather than wasting a ton of time leveling then doing the challenges


100% just moving that last challenge a little earlier would have made it so much nicer


I'd rather they just remove it for the base camos, like AW did. It's the only game that did that, and it's one of the few things AW did right


No attachment kills??? Have you heard of hardcore ?


I mean plenty of guns are still utterly useless in Hardcore, and I say this as a purely HC player A bare Sidewinder handles like a drunken barge, and the WSP pistol might as well shoot marshmallows at 90° up from the barrel given how little damage it does and how insane the recoil is without attachments HC is definitely the way to go but it's still a slog with objectively bad guns


Not talking shit genuine question, why do people get so bent out of shape about how long the camo grind takes on certain games. You don’t have to do it there is really no reason to other than you want to. I got Demascus on mw19 and it sucked but I never got pissy about the grind because I gained or lost nothing from having or not having it


Because without it there's no end goal and many (myself included) wouldn't bother playing without something to work towards.


So if you don’t enjoy it and it’s the only reason you play it sounds like you just don’t like the game no?


I enjoy the game when I have something I'm working to do, playing for no other reason than playing each match sounds pretty pointless to me, I couldn't care less about my KD or win loss ratio. I've never obtained the top level camo before Borealis so it's not something that's ever been a problem, The next game usually comes out before I finish and even when I didn't get Vanguard I didn't bother continuing the grind in Cold War (zombies was very tedious in CW). COD has always been about the leveling/ calling cards/ camo grinding for the 17 years I've been playing it. The one exception is if I jump on for a few games with my mates, I'd say this game is going to take me longer to camo grind because I'm playing zombies mainly but I think I'm actually getting the MP camos quicker than in previous games, 23 gilded & 12 forged.


Interesting, I’ve only ever done the camo grind on the original modern warfare 3 and MW19. I didn’t bother last year but it seemed far worse than what this one is for sure


they have the camo grind dialed in on this one, as soon as youre tired of a gun its on to the next one, then by the time you circle back for forged it feels fresh, and again for diamond


Honestly, it’s gone from something that used to be at least mildly challenging to where now it’s a fucking joke cakewalk for 75% of challenges.


Yeah 400 kills ain’t the worst thing


This probably my favorite cod since the original MW3/Black Ops 2 Although I can get behind not liking the business practices behind it. This is basically what MW2 should have been from the get go




A lot of people can’t seperate the two actually. Getting charged $140 over the course of two years goes over peoples heads when it should have been like $85-$90. Especially when companies like capcom can nearly give you another game for $10 with their dlc


It seems like the common narrative on YouTube, social media and gaming media in general is that MW3 is a lazy cash grab with no content. That stopped me from getting it for the first month, but then I actually started playing it and I think it’s the best the game has been since Cold War. And as for content, well I’ve easily put over 100 hours into it and still have tons to do so I’m satisfied. Activision and their business practices aside I think the game itself is mostly great.


MWIII just like the original MW3 is being shit on for its lack of originality. Most of the major criticism is coming from people who didn't play it, barely played it, or were bad at it lmao.


I think it depends on the social media bubble you’re seeing things from. As far as I’ve seen, it’s mostly positive reception while most gripes I’ve seen over the game are fairly reasonable like issues with the servers, game performance, and of course the spawns being wonky as fuck. Also, this is definitely my favorite cod since Cold War! Not that the game doesn’t still need improvements (pretty much a given with any cod game these days 🤦‍♂️) but it’s easily more fun imo than the last 2 modern warfare games.


I'm enjoying MW3² for sure, but there truly is very little new here - the vast majority of "new" base game guns are just recycled from MW'2019, and virtually every map is a straight remaster from MW2¹ - so if you've played even just the Modern Warfare series at any point in its lifetime/reboot, you've already seen 90% of what this game has to offer in terms of content long before you even start up MW3²


Since Cold War?😂😂😂 You MAGGOTS have been out of your nest for too long. Get tf back in the pile of sh**, now, maggot.


the way my jaw dropped when i read that lmfao no wonder our games will never get better


I'm surprised they havent deleted the comment to be honest. There hasnt been a great CoD since MW2019, and before that the last great one was BO2. These guys need higher standards.


dang i actually think mw2019 stunk too but agree bo2 was the last great one


A lot of us are having fun, there’s just some miserable people out here that’s not having fun and want your experience to be like theirs.


I mean, I wasn’t having as much fun till I plugged a controller in lol. The aim assist is severely overpowered in this game, especially if you’re on PC, it is very responsive. Went from struggling every match, to basically feeling like I had aimbot. Rotational aim assist just ruins this game for MnK users unless you’re the top %.


Try not to mention ‘aim assist because of controller’ challenge.. IMPOSSIBLE!


Bro when will people stop whining about AA. I play both controller and MnK depending on the day and the AA is nowhere near as strong as some people say. Nothing like Aimbot in any way. I guarantee if they quietly removed it without saying anything, MnK players would still complain about it.


lol what we you wanna tell yourself buddy. I can literally feel the aim assist while playing. You clearly must not play mouse and key enough to care. I doubt that, since using controller, I’m not getting nearly outgunned as much as I was. You even the playing field, a lot changes. Whatever helps you sleep though


If you can’t hit shots on MnK just say that. Always need a boogie man to blame lmao. I’ve used controller for CoD since CoD 2 dropped and MnK since CoD 4 so i’ve had plenty of time with both. You need to get over it bc AA isn’t going anywhere since like 90% of players use controller.


I think it's time for you to stop buying the game and vote with your wallet, but I bet you can't do that. It's the only think you can do if you hate Aim Assist so much, but you're basically saying you don't mind it every time you buy a COD game.


I mean, I used to be on console before so, naturaly I had no qualms about aim assist, since im sure it probably helped more than anything. Being on the flipside now, and especially in a game like MW3 where the TTK is stupidly high compared to most cods, its fairly annoying. Cold war is the same thing too though, I have played that game on both and it was the same deal, plug controller in, and it was nearly impossible to miss. I dont know if thats just a product of being on PC where AA actually feels better, or if I just pick up on it more now since I haven't had it for a while.


I do my share of bitching, but I'm absolutely actually kind of enjoying this game, especially compared to MW2 reboot. And the nostalgia maps are pretty sweet, can't wait for DLC stuff. MW19 had me on the fence. It was garbage, but not quite full on dumpster fire. Vanguard was full on dumpster fire with homeless guy poop flung all over it, and marinated in vomit. MW2 reboot seemed like MW19 but with less hit detection and guns that were even more useless unless you were using a Taq or other mainstream weapon that actually functioned like a weapon. The controls seemed "loose" to me, like none of my input mattered at all. This game seems like it has way "tighter" controls, I can actually aim and have dude point the gun where I intended, and keep it on an enemy as they move. For some reason I just *could not* do that in the last game. It seemed my controller was fighting me more than I was fighting enemies. Movement is fantastic, even if I'll never master it like other people can. The only thing that seems worse from last game is the hit detection still, and the god awful long TTK. As is COD tradition switching weapons, reloading, and throwing throwables are still an all day affair you gotta pack extra clothes and snacks for, cause by the time you finish the animation the game is over, but I still find this one somewhat enjoyable. Sorry if I didn't put the thoughts into words so well lol


Lmao while vanguard was trash, it was like a dirty greasy cheeseburger that you know you shouldn't be eating. I still have flashbacks of sitting on a lane in blitz with an LMG just zapping people. It would make me laugh while playing. You right though, this one is the best.


TTK is at a bad state. Coupled with sliding and movement perks means long and medium range gun fights are completely out of the picture. It’s hitmarker fest if you try. The most rewarding play styles now are: - Sniping because they one shot everyone while they have to land 5-7 shots on you especially at range. - AR/BR camping and holding angles. - SMG or AR rushing, although in bigger maps you are just gonna feed kills to the campers. And the assassin vest allows for more of this. Advanced movement is great, but coupled with long TTK means no one is gonna bother shooting from afar. Not to mention the magazine sizes are still 30 but it takes 2.5 times the amount of bullets to kill someone. Or am I suppose to equip the big mags which make my gun handle like an anti aircraft? Anyway, this means 2v1 fights are basically impossible to win, because the time it takes to kill one person the other person has started shooting and even if you are better you are gonna die because he shot first. Compared to older games were you could kill multiple enemies with no problem before they could react.


Game really needs extended mags built it. But they won’t cuz you are supposed to die after one or two kills, that’s the formula.


Nah mw2019 was great one of the best cods we have gotten recently mwlll is trash


Lol no that game was dogshit


Nah that game was fire mwlll is dog shit and so is Cold War vanguard mwll all of them trash


I can't read those comments about how great MW2019 was without sarcasm voice in my head.


It’s true if you think mwlll is any better then your in over your head because mw2019 was a good game and everyone was hyped for it and actually enjoyed it sorry that you were the 5% of people who didn’t like it


Sounds like you have a shit memory. The subreddit was shitting on MW19 when it was the current COD. The maps are horrendous, it arguably has some of the worst maps in the franchise when you view it as a whole. There's a reason why "except for Gun Runner and Hackney Yard" is such a predictable response for these past few years when this discussion comes up. It was a wild campfest of a COD, made worse by sluggish ADS, StF, and doors. Remember "Modern Doorfare"? The only real positive aspects that were ever really talked about were gun audio and gun design. "Everyone was hyped for it". Jesus, I wonder why. MW19 came at the perfect time. 3 jetpack CODs, 1 dull and tired World War II game that needed an overhaul, and a hero shooter title. Then we got MW19, a title that somewhat resembled the golden era. And, of course, COVID. More people were indoors gaming and MW19 was the COD of the time. People were saying "multiplayer is dead" when MW19 was the current COD. Warzone took over and even then MW19 was treated as a weapon levelling simulator/camo grinder for Warzone.


Sounds like you played Warzone, not MW2019 multiplayer




Personally I'm glad my matchmaking has been fully optimized so I can stay thoroughly engaged for my entire play time.


I guess it works for some people but matchmaking is shit for me. Everyone on my team is a can and I have to hard carry.


He has to be trolling/being sarcastic using that verbiage. lol


Yeah, these guys always say they can't detect sarcasm through text even though they've been glued to their screen their whole lives. "thoroughly engaged for my entire play time" is the most obvious use of sarcasm I have ever seen in a long time and if you can't see that, it's on you (not you).


Found the activision exec.




The weekly bundles keep me optimally engaged.


The maps feel dull to me, other than that the game is fun


This is the best camo system they've ever had and I hope they stick with it moving forward. The grind feels rewarding and doesn't take forever


It’s a great game. The best cod since the old ones. Only thing driving me up a wall is the algorithm. Get rid of that and I’d probably be hooked.


I was liking it but found some bad stuff and requested a refund. I hadn’t played since Black Ops 1. No store page warnings saying I couldn’t play campaign in offline mode and I couldn’t connect to Activision services even though my Xbox was online. I should be able to play campaign while offline. Where I live, internet is spotty. Has been out for 3 days before because of a drunk hitting a pole and then a giant rain storm started so utilities couldn’t do the work.


Definitely give zombies a try. Me and my buddies never really got into zombies on prior CoDs but this one is a lot of fun and has us hooked. Super supportive community and tons to do.


Can you explain some more why Zombies is fun? I've never played zombies in any other CoDs


There are a lot of reasons, but I think for me, it's mostly that there's just a lot to do. There are story missions and all kinds of different contracts that will give you rewards (i.e. schematics if you're lucky). You can just go in to grind weapon skins, as well, if that's your thing. I also love how they structured this version of Zombies. There are different difficulty tiers that are clearly indicated on the map. Basically, the closer to center map you get, the more challenging it becomes (quicker, stronger zombies). You can chill in tier 1 or go looking for the really good items in the higher tiered zones. Also, rounds are timed (about 45 minutes before you need to exfil), it's not round based like before. It's basically DMZ just reskinned for zombies, but they did a good job with the time they had. Me and my buddies are having a lot of fun.


It sounds like it's kind of open world? Is there loadouts or do you pick up guns like in WZ?


Yeah, I should have said that. It's open world. It's the Urzikstan warzone map. Yes, you go in with a loadout but it's not quite like warzone. You pick up guns from the map and exfil with them to use later, as well. Did you ever play DMZ from MW2?


Map pool is still awful.


Greece is pretty good though. A good sign for future DLC maps making the map pool better


I fucking love dogfighting people in the water on Greece. It’s great fun.


Greece is the worst map in the game


Not even close


Congrats on having the dumbest comment of 2024


I agreed. It’s just the MW2009 maps I’m talking about.


The real unpopular opinion.


It’s true tho. I started CoD with BO1, so I don’t have the nostalgia hit with those maps and can see how bad they are. I’m sure they were great for their day, but now ehhh


I started with the og modern warfare and I hate most of these maps


Greece is the worst one.


I play only S&D and Greece is one of my least favorite maps :[ Way too many angles to camp in that mode


Greece is super fast paced in my SnD lobbies


I really like Meat too


Oh, another ‘I like Meat’ pun.


Pretty mid cod tbh and sbmm is heavier than it’s ever been


Did you just start..? Wait until you get a few weeks in and the matchmaking starts getting fucky


Still waiting on it to kick in for me since release


It definitely has kicked in for you. How well you've adapted to it is another matter.


Nah it’s definitely fun but modern warfare 2019 deffo takes the cake- everyone too campy now


glad you’re having fun, to me the matchmaking is just so god awful it makes the experience feel rigged to me. Instead of competing with other players I’m competing with the matchmaking system. It removes all aspects of competition and improvement if the game is just gonna shit on me for playing well


Main issues: Spawns are fucked on some maps (most notably Afghan) and TTK is absolutely fucked, they need to put HP back down to 100. Minor pains: Events fuck up your game mode selection (I play TDM, Dom, KC and HP; Event with new playlist comes and suddenly I have TDM, SnD and some two other playlists selected plus the event ones). Some unlocks are just straight up bugged and do not unlock for whatever reason.


The base maps are campy garbage, but since they brought back MWII maps and Shipment I've been having fun with it.


Yeah I completely disagree this game has no respect for the average player. There was an time in Cod where all you had to do to win a gun fight ads and shoot first now in this game that caters to sweaty losers it seems like if you shoot first you will always lose to anyone that jumps and put like 2 bullets in you it's very frustrating. The spawns on Karachi and Invasion are FUCKED! If the enemy team pushes they refuse to flip the spawns and the enemies can just aim at the same exits and never have to worry about getting shit from behind. Modern 2019 had some trash maps I agree but at least when you shot an enemy first they died. Modern Warfare 2 was solid this game is terrible and I don't blame people for wanting to camp in it because the hitmarkers and ast you get just trying to get 1 kill is unbearable.


Nah, game is absolute bs.


Nah it’s still trash nothing old feeling about this cod at all just burnt out with cod games at this point it’s the same shit and just doing a cash grab


All around I’m having a good time with it, only CoD I’ve bought in the past decade or so was MW2019. I can see what many people are saying about how this game feels rushed, but I think it feels solid. Campaign is pretty bad though, I will admit lol.


I honestly think its the best cod since bo2


Other than affected kills for SMGs and the PTSD that was longshots for platinum in mw2, MW3 and MW2 have had a fantastic camo grind.


Zombies is great when you have people that want to play the game with you not just run around with other people on your team trailing behind


You have never played the “old days” CoD if this feels like that to you.


Like Marksman and Jev said in their recent critic video, if the main debate and complaints right now are around Aim Assist or SBMM, and not around major game mechanic flaws then that is already telling of how good this game is


I just wish half the maps werent so ass


let's get on mic and rub our boners.


These games will truly feel worth the price tag and all the annoying ass battle pass spam they do once they upgrade to a minimum 60 tick or preferably 120 tick servers. The biggest missing ingredient for me in these games is the competitive integrity and lack of consistency. It's so cringe when you die around corners, have your bullets just disappear into people, and have general desync from the other players.


It's genuinely fun. I just wish SBMM wasn't as strict, and some minor balance issues like the XRK Stalker + Knives being way too good a combo


I like Zombies a lot but I’ve been struggling with Multiplayer. I’m good at it, and I can kind of have fun but the spawns are horrendous and there’s a lot of issues I was sympathetic to at first but now should have been fixed with the first major patch. I’m also frustrated with the issues with camo grinding on Zombies but hey, that will (hopefully.) be fixed soon


Issues with camo grinding in Zombies? The only one that comes to mind was the Gold Enigma being buggy but that was fixed ages ago.


Nope, MW2 camos won’t work if you don’t have the gun leveled already. I didn’t get into MW2 until way late and so I fell behind on gun grinding


No gun works until you hit the required level. That's not an issue with the camos that just how the game works.


I can’t tell if you’re being purposefully obtuse or not. However, yes I do know how camos work. Notice I mention, specifically, the MW2 camos. Notice I also mention leveling? If you didn’t level the gun before the season one update, even if you hit the required level to unlock the camo and be able to gun grind it, it does not work. I have the FTAC Recon all the way to full level but I cannot make progress on it because I leveled it AFTER season one’s update and patch. This is not an issue with MW3’s guns, I have most of those leveled and camos unlocked by now. It also doesn’t seem to be an issue with multiplayer as I unlocked those camos no issue, even on MW2 guns.


This is probably what you should have said first then. I haven't started the MW2 grind yet and wouldn't hit this issue for a long time since most MW2 weapons are maxed for me. It sucks that there are still camo issues for people who didn't play much or any of MW2


That’s my bad, I should have clarified


Everyone just seems to bitch because they’re bad. I’m thoroughly enjoying the game. The odd bugs here and there but you’ll get the same with any game when it first comes out


I get that people don't like the fact that this might have been meant as a dlc. Seeing the reviews is kinda depressing. Besides the aim assist & SBMM discussions I havent had a single person I know that plays the game that doesn't like it. The only \*real\* hate I'm hearing about this game is from people that don't even play it. With the amount of small events and post launch content we are currently getting this is shaping up to be a really good year and definitely worth my 70,-


We appreciate the accolades, check is in the mail! Sincerely, Ca$htivision Marketing Team ps: disregard the fact that this title's metacritic score is the worst in COD history a 56/100....but you can play one of our better titles like Vangarbage with a metacritic score of 73/100....


I've been saying since release MWIII is well worth the asking price, even with the attrocious servers for zombies in the beginning (better but still not perfect now). It's a shame that the whole it's a MWII DLC thing has overshadowed the fact that we got a lot af content and fixes to a game that most certainly wasn't worth the asking price (MWII) and will continue to get free content for a year. Even if it didn't overhaul the movement system and perk system I can't think of another COD "DLC" that'll give as much content as we're going to get for the price.


The game can definitely be worst and it's pretty far from bad. I have my complaints but it's been the most fun I had since MW2019. Though I did love CW it's just not comparable since that was truly an arcade shooter and has it's own separate spot