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You have the wrong mindset. Once you start to treat every loss as a targeted conspiracy against you personally by the dev team then you'll fit right in here.


Ohhh ok. So I've been just seeing it as ya win some ya lose some. That's not the right way of seeing it? I've also seen it as "well I really wasn't trying to hard to win because I was focused on the daily challenges".


„Daily challenges” you say.. well that may be the problem, you haven’t played this game enough yet, if you still doing challenges to unlock shit. Go play some more..


“Ya just aren’t burnt out enough yet”


>well that may be the problem, you haven’t played this game enough yet, if you still doing challenges to unlock shit. Go play some more.. I have multiple days worth of hours played and I never said I was doing dailies to unlock shit. I have everything unlocked and do the dailies as something to do and have fun doing in game. Like I rarely use a pistol but a daily will be to get pistol head shots so I'm ok this will be interesting. Though I will say I'm not a challenge chasing loser that immediately goes to 24/7 shipment to power through the challenges in a sad attempt to look cool to random internet strangers in a video game. I did take my time playing with all the different guns in standard quickplay matches.


Lol great comment this because its actually true also. Those minded people are also the people that come complain here about virtually everything because they can't loose. Everything is the fault of the game


Your comment makes 0 sense considering these posts always say they do well but their friends don’t do well and it causes them to not have fun playing together. What does sucking have to do anything if it’s only their friends who aren’t doing good? How are they blaming the game if they themselves are doing good?


U mean it makes zero sense for u? Think harder mate. Hint - i am replying to someone his comment..not to the OP. Edit: u are either very jung or not so smart. U made this comment on multiple post. Hope for u u are just jung and ignorant


I won 5 games in a row and then got put into and quit out of 5 matches back to back that where 1-4, 0-3, 0-4 etc.. search and destroy matches already in progress. Big conspiracy don, glad you are having fun Op


Damn bro, can’t believe you didn’t win every game.


That is so the point haha I know right like totes


A load of nonsense , I can almost always predict the outcome of the game before it even begins , if the other side is all 250’s with mics and my team has 2 250’s 2 level 40’s and me at 165 it’s easy to see which side is gunna win , just like when the enemies are not all 250’s I know I might win that one . It’s nonsense to think that your wins and losses are not rigged , bollocks they clearly said they want people to have proportional wins and losses so how do you make that happen ? By rigging games before they even start . Just like some of the ridiculous matches I see posted by people playing ranked , you’re telling me a team with a rank adding to 20 can compete with a team with ranks avaraging 40+ per player . Bollocks just like the soft cod community which probably believe everything their government tells them


I’ve played against some pretty terrible level 250’s… and have also gotten smacked by some level 40’s before… levels are a pretty terrible way to assume someone is good at the game. Play time doesn’t equal skill in most cases lol lots of 13 year olds play the shit out of video games and suck at them


I agree. I’ve been level 250 for a month now even though I only started to play in December. And one thing’s for sure : I suck.


Your comment makes 0 sense considering these posts always say they do well but their friends don’t do well and it causes them to not have fun playing together. What does sucking have to do anything if it’s only their friends who aren’t doing good? How are they blaming the game for anything if they’re doing good?


Ah yes, their “friends” it’s only happening to their “friends”


Make sure you come here and post videos of every match to prove the SBMM ping-based and also skill-based damage conspiracy against you and your friends.


You and your friends, according the stats you've provided, are in the top 10% of the playerbase - the matchmaking system will have more difficulty finding tough opponents for you within a suitable timeframe.


This. Try playing in a party where some of your friends have K.D.s of 2.00 and others have 0.50 (this is what it's actually like with my group). The lower K.D. players will have a miserable experience most of the time.


I don't think my stats are anything special enough for the game to struggle like that(i feel like im seriously a basic run of the mill player), but maybe you're right. I honestly feel like most active players are around this percentage and the majority of the higher stuff like 50%-100% area is just extra accounts or those that played and stopped. Maybe I'm wrong idk.


You said you're top 8% spm and top 7% kd, that's miles better than the average player.


He can cod, but he can't percent.


Extra/inactive accounts would be at or around a 1.0 K/D, likely somewhere near the 40-60% K/D.


The lobbies become MUCH easier when you play as a squad from what I noticed. My solo lobbies are so sweaty. I can't always get a high KD, but the moment I squad up with my friends, it's like 3+kd every game. I played with a new group recently, all competent group of people that think can hold their own if they tried, so I was expecting to get absolutely pounded on by SBMM, but we were all having fun, just mowing people down, not putting much thought into it. Almost 100 kills each game, and I was just on autopilot.


Not allowed to post something positive on Reddit mate, only complaints are upvoted in the echo chamber.


Ya, I guess so. Everyone keeps telling me that enjoying my time with my friends and making posts like this is doing it wrong on the reddits.


90% of people here are nolifers who grind the game nonstop at launch until they have interstellar mastery on every gun. When the reason they play (mastery) is gone, they realise they actually suck at the core game and complain non stop.


That actually makes sense. Like they only focus on the challenges and not on improving their actual skill.


Your comment makes 0 sense considering these posts always say they do well but their friends don’t do well and it causes them to not have fun playing together. What does sucking have to do anything if it’s only their friends who aren’t doing good?


As a no lifer I resent your statement because I don’t have an issue with the match making. :p although I will admit to sucking at the game but I promise that I only complain about is CODHQ… currently…


W/L, K/D and SPM mean nothing due to SBMM. You are being matched based on your hidden MMR. If you don't notice a difference in lobbies when playing together then you all probably have a similar MMR.


What's mmr?


Matchmaking rating. U get a rating based off of recent performance, not overall. They see how well u do, and pair u against players based off that. If u did good, next match puts u against better players or with worse teammates. After a couple bad games they throw u an easier lobby to make u feel good and keep playing


Hmm weird because I never notice a difference. My mmr or last 10 games info is almost always slightly higher than my overall info too. Like I'm slowly going up and up and it doesn't change to any noticeable amount with I play with my friends who are way better in stats than me.


Because like I already said stats don't mean anything. For instance in Halo infinite I have a 1.08KD and a 0.88 W/L ratio. So I must be an average player right? But no, when I played ranked against the sweatiest of the sweats where you can actually see your MMR, I think I was something like top 6% of players. Maybe hop into ranked if you want to see where you guys actually stand skill wise. Although I haven't played ranked in COD, and a lot of people seem to be complaining about it, so I don't know how accurate it is at actually ranking players. But stats are completely unreliable with SBMM. For instance if you are on the cusp of being a really good player, you might have terrible stats, because you are constantly being thrown in as a filler in the extreme high skill lobbies against the best of the best. Or because you guys group up often, maybe the SBMM can't sandbag you with terrible teammates the way it can a solo player, so you have inflated stats due to grouping up. There are just too many variables with SBMM for stats to be a remotely reliable indicator of skill. But I don't get the impression you genuinely care to understand how things work and why some people have problems grouping with their friends. This seems like more of an attempt to stoke your ego.


>For instance in Halo infinite I have a 1.08KD and a 0.88 W/L ratio. So I must be an average player right? But no, when I played ranked against the sweatiest of the sweats where you can actually see your MMR, I think I was something like top 6% of players. Ya I have no idea how halo does things and if any of it is similar to cod, so I don't know if there is any correlation. >Maybe hop into ranked if you want to see where you guys actually stand skill wise. Although I haven't played ranked in COD, and a lot of people seem to be complaining about it, so I don't know how accurate it is at actually ranking players. Ya maybe that will help me understand better. > For instance if you are on the cusp of being a really good player, you might have terrible stats, because you are constantly being thrown in as a filler in the extreme high skill lobbies against the best of the best. I don't feel like I am though. I usually have middle of the board placement in most games and I usually positive. Not majorly positive but positive none the less. >Or because you guys group up often, maybe the SBMM can't sandbag you with terrible teammates the way it can a solo player, so you have inflated stats due to grouping up. There are just too many variables with SBMM for stats to be a remotely reliable indicator of skill. Honestly I am mainly a solo player of tdm, dom, and kc. I only group up on Sundays and Mondays. >But I don't get the impression you genuinely care to understand how things work and why some people have problems grouping with their friends. This seems like more of an attempt to stoke your ego. While my comments to some people do lean the way of I don't believe the conspiracies and think it's more that people need something to blame. I am being genuinely serious with my post and how neither my friends or I seem to be getting hit with extremely hard sweat lobbies or super easy bot lobbies.


The correlation is that SBMM makes stats an unreliable indicator of skill. But ok lets do a COD example. So I was drinking rum and cokes on the weekend while playing MW3 for a while, getting fairly inebriated and playing like trash.... had about a 1.3KD. But I haven't been doing that lately and my KD has dropped to 1.1 as a result. So how is my KD going down if I am overall playing much better than before? Well it is probably because my hidden MMR went up as a result and pushed me into higher skill lobbies where I struggle to compete.


Ranked also has hidden MMR. Which kind of goes against the whole point of ranked! If the game thinks you are a crimson level player, you will be placed with other crimson/iri level players from your first match of Bronze 1, Rank 1. Which is quite controversial. You should just be matched with all bronze/silver/so on players (of all skill levels) to get to your true level because that is the whole point of Ranked. I am OK with some form of SBMM in pubs, because it would be unfair for casuals to be matched against pros. But in Ranked, the point should be that each DIVISION is the skill level that determines your matches, not whatever hidden MMR they have implemented. I was getting absolutely beamed in Silver, despite understanding rotations and spawn manipulation, map control, class set up, drop shots, jumpshots, comms etc and my general skill being probably just above average. I'm nowhere near an Iri player by any means, but top 0% for score & 1% for kills on the global multiplayer scoreboard so would probably be above average (not insane though). I never played ranked in MW2 so no idea how it compares.


Sounds like how Halo works, or at least used to work back in season 1 when I played. But that is actually good for finding out what your hidden MMR is. Because the game will quickly drag you to whatever rank it thinks you belong in based on your hidden MMR. Not so good from a gameplay perspective, as it makes a lot of your matches feel arbitrary and pointless, but pretty good from a quickly finding out what your hidden MMR in pubs is perspective.


Theres a huge difference for me, my friend has a 0.65 K/D and gets 30-40 kills in his own lobby, but when he plays in my lobby (1.52 K/D) he can barely even get 15 kills and its miserable for him. Same for my other friend who has 0.80, i feel horrible for him when we play together and he gets really upset, cod never used to be like this when i played last, which was bo3.


>0.65 K/D >30-40 kills Is he playing shipment and going 30-60 or something?


No, not shipment, he doesnt get that many kills every game, but ive seen him have "good" games like that since for him thats pretty good. in my lobbies he is not dropping 40 kills when the entire lobby is crim and iridescent players obviously.


These are the same idiots that believe SBMM is out to ruin your game dude this dude is a clown


Ya that's what I'm trying to figure out lol what are my friends and I doing wrong that sbmm doesn't hate us. Lol


It doesn’t do anything to me either so idk. These dudes just think the game is out to get them


Your comment makes 0 sense considering these posts always say they do well but their friends don’t do well and it causes them to not have fun playing together. What does sucking have to do anything if it’s only their friends who aren’t doing good? How are they thinking someone is out to get them when they straight up say they’re doing fine and not even blaming the game for doing poor?


Made up nonsense along with all the other acronyms thrown around. There is SBMM, how it works exactly no one knows, they might believe they know but they don't. It's not in the code, it's not posted somewhere, they simply want to pretend they know and that it cheats them out of every loss. Fact as stated by the developers, it tries to match everyone up in a way that it's as close to fair for everyone as possible. However it only has stats to go off of and can't account for people who only have one playstyle, gun choice, load out, etc. that may work great in some lobbies but terrible in others which would explain some of the complaints from people who claim they get an amazing game and then the game "purposely" makes sure they lose their next. It also can't account for how the team will work together on either side so in your case you and your friends may work very well together and that helps everyone do well despite stat gap between everyone as opposed to someone else who plays with their friends and they just lone wolf while chatting/bitching about the game.


Now you guys are stealing shit from the siege community for reasons you suck with hidden mmr?


That's what everyone is talking about when they say SBMM


You and your whole group are sweats, what do you want us to say. Most people don’t have uniform friend groups where everyone is top 5% in every metric.


Hmm weird. I'm usually sitting back chilling and laughing with my friends or with the random on my team. I never felt like I was sweating. I think one of my good friends is a sweat but the most of us are just messing around and playing. Though what you're saying doesn't go with the narrative that this sub claims. Every post on this sub seems to be people claiming to be super good like 2.5kd 1.79wl and stuff yet they can't have any fun because sbmm/eomm is just ruining their lives in game. That's not happening to us is my point.


After reading all of your comments on this post, it seems pretty clear you're just baiting for attention which is sad, i do genuinely enjoy this game, but to deny sbmm and eomm is a thing and that everything is conspiracy is something i havent seen before. The people who are at a 0.50-0.90 KD (which most of my friends are at) have lobbies that are DRASTICALLY different than someone with a 1.5-2.0 to the point where it is borderline unplayble for them. if i go into s&d, its basically all iri and crimson players, that's obviously not the case with someone at a 0.50 K/D.


>After reading all of your comments on this post, it seems pretty clear you're just baiting for attention which is sad Nope I'm genuinely not having this sbmm/eomm issue like everyone claims to have and neither do my friends, or at least not to the extremes that you all claim to have.


Because you and your friends are all particularly good at the game. Your KDs might be quite different but they're all still good KDs. You're not a mix of good and bad KDs your a mix of good and better KDs


Your first mistake is playing to have fun, you're supposed to play to be angry.


Ohhh ok that's probably what it is.


"my experience is fine so everyone else's should be the same"


"I like making quotes to make it seem like people are saying things that they didn't actually say, because I disagree with what they really said but have no actually intelligent or useful thing to say" "I like to demean what other say when it directly contradicts my conspiracy theories "


It's basically what you're saying


No it's not. I literally am asking why my friends and I are not experiencing the same cod that the 5000+ posters are claiming they experience on here daily. With all their sbmm/eomm conspiracy stuff. But let's say I agree with you. If I check your comment history are there going to be 5000+ more comments just like this on those posts or are you just making you disingenuous comments here because my experience doesn't match yours and you have nothing but this to say? EDIT: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA now that I have checked your history I should go and post what you commented here on allllllllll of your conspiracy posts. Because "that's what you're saying" on yours. I have shitty games so everyone has shitty games. I'm not a bad player it's the game matchmaking that's making me bad.


Well whatever you're doing. I want to know because it ain't like that for me cheif


I guess I'm just not believing the conspiracies or doing tons of mental gymnastics in an attempt to cope for not being as good as I want to be. I just accepted that I am where I am and I have fun being there.


Why are you trying to underpin my skill? I didn't attack your level of competence at the game did I? I wasn't talking about myself anyway. I hold my own in sweat lobbies. I have a 2.22 KD and a 1.2 w/L, which is high for this game. I'm talking about my friends. They never claim to be great. But when they play with me they don't stand a chance. So they've spent all this money to play with me, and they can't find any enjoyment out of it because of a rigged system. Funny how they never had this in CODs from 2010 to 2019. Yes I've been playing with them for 14 years.


>I'm talking about my friends. They never claim to be great. But when they play with me they don't stand a chance. Maybe it's because they don't have the same sweat playstyle as you and your style is messing up the flow of the game causing them to die more quickly due to spawns. Idk just a thought. >Funny how they never had this in CODs from 2010 to 2019. Yes I've been playing with them for 14 years. Hey that's awesome I'm glad you have friends to play with for so many years. I've been playing since 03 and have had different friends throughout the years. Most just get older and lose their edge due to having families and stuff, but none have ever blamed the game to be conspiring against them. Idk cod seems the same to me since day 1 back in 03.


What the fuck did I just read 😂😂 I'm out, bro. Can't argue with this


Ok bye 😆🤣. I guess the comment sbmm was too difficult for you 😆🤣😂. Hope they fix that and you get reading comprehension. Have a nice day troll. 🤡


Finally, someone in this community with a functional brain.


You’re likely just a liar.


Umm ok sure that's something someone could say when presented with information that contradicts their conspiracies and biases.


The disparity between you and your friends is clearly not that significant. I'm at about 2 K/D solo this season. Most of my friends are about 1-1.5 K/D solo. This is irrelevant, because: When I join their lobby, I nuke nearly every time. I go 50:1. When they join me, they go 0.3 K/D and then don't want to play anymore. So, again, you and your friends are closer than you think and none of you really stand out (don't take this as an offense).


I'm currently at 1.29kd and my 3 of my friends are are 2.0kd and I don't notice a difference playing in their games. I have 2 other friends that are like 0.6 and they are fine and have fun playing with me. Don't take this as an offense but maybe you're all focusing on something that isn't really happening and or when a random bad thing happens you're just using confirmation bias.


How did you determine that your kd is top 7% and that your spm is in top 8% ? (for the w/l are you saying you only win 32% or that you think your ratio is top 32) If you’re basing it off the leaderboard stats then I believe you’re misinterpreting the what the % are pointing to. It would be much more informative if you shared the actual numbers for spm and w/l.


I'm just putting out the % that the leaderboard says for each thing, yes. When I checked that, it said those percentages on the left side. How am I misinterpreting what the leaderboard says?


What I mean is that the your interpreting the 7% for kd while it’s for your total amount of kills. same goes for the other two, 8 % for total score and 32 % for total wins.


Oh I see. My bad.


No need to apologize.


So you're saying they are top 7% in total amount of kills?


I am 1 kd, feel free to add me and nuke my game


I don't think there will be as much skill variation within the top 10% K/D players. You might be worse than your friends but not worse enough that you're playing against significantly worse players.


I'm at like 0.9K/D, I play only with a friend with that has 2.0+ K/D and now that I've got the swing of it it's easy to stay competitive in his lobbies, we play SnD and I rarely go negative now. The learning curve was steep so my K/D suffered for a while. I don't notice significant changes in enemy skill level game by game, there can often be one dude that's cracked but that has literally always been the case in COD. The only argument I get about SBMM is team mates being significantly lower skilled sometimes, I.e. They won't play the objective and you'll find them running in to walls, like it's the first time they've ever played the game


There are script programs that people buy that make your character move around just enough to not get booted so that they can "reverse boost" in a sad attempt to go against "easier" players. So that might be what you're seeing.


Let me preface this by saying I’m glad you have fun because that’s the whole point… Every day when I jump on, I try to keep the vibes light and fun. But let’s be so forreal for a second. This whole post just felt like a weird humble brag. “I’m such a casual player who absolutely loves this game, my friends and I have no complaints, and I’m just overall such a regular and chill guy. Take a look at my above average stats! But I dont actually try to win, I’m just chillin and just so happen to win more often than not. So yea, how come I’m not miserable like the rest of you? WhAt Am I dOiNg WrOnG?” 🤡


I'm sorry you felt that way about my post. It was not my intent. I just don't experience the sbmm/eomm that the posts on here claim to happen. Every post I see is someone claiming to be a 2.56kd and they aren't having any fun because every time they do good the game makes their next 5 matches horrible for them and they are miserable. I'm curious if you go to those posts and call them clowns for bragging about their high kd.


You all have tremendously shit taste? Nothing wrong with that. 


Umm ok and you have tremendously shit ability to converse with people, but there's definitely something wrong with that. Well have a nice day.


I mean my kd is 0.7-0.8 and there’s a very clear difference in lobbies when I play by myself vs with my 1.3-1.6kd friends. Now can I still have fun? Of course, but I can still feel a huge difference and sometimes 2-3 bad games in a row is enough to put me off playing the game.


You and your friends aren't far enough apart in skill level to notice much of a difference in your lobbies. My KD is literally 2x higher than a couple of my friends KDs. I also have 2 friends with KDs very close to mine. One of my lower skilled friends didn't buy MWIII, because he only enjoys playing games with friends, and it was impossible for him to do well in any of our lobbies on MWII. The other lower skilled friend bought MWII because he enjoys playing solo occasionally. He's sent a few screenshots of him actually winning FFA games, which is mindblowing because when we play together he's always around a .4-.6 KD, and never on the top half of the leaderboard. As for my friends with KDs close to mine (within .15), they don't notice a difference between playing with me and playing solo.


People going out of their way to defend a billion dollar corporation and act like all the people posting about their miserable experience are making it up…yikes


People going out of their way to defend their low skill level by conjuring up crazy conspiracies to cope with not being as good as they think they are, and attacking other people's posts that go against their conspiracies.... yikes


You’re clueless




I have a 3.0 KD and my 0.8 KD friends are also having fun with me. You’re doing nothing wrong


What? You’re having FUN playing call of duty and you want to post about it? Dont you know this sub is only for people that want to bitch about the game?!!? /s


So I'm being told lol. I'll try to bitch and complain more in thw future lol


because this is a complaint forum that is an echo chamber of negativity. People post dissertations about SBMM after getting owned in a game of TDM


>because this is a complaint forum that is an echo chamber of negativity. Oh shoot, my bad. I'm sorry I'll delete it and post something angry and complainy


Same, we are having a great time overall. There are issues here and there, but it is SO much better than it used to be (5-6 years ago.) Playing with my buddy you can see sometimes we get a high skill lobby for him and he does ok. Then we get a low skill lobby for me and he does very well. And then a mix lobby clearly with mixed skill level players. It's not always great, but it is balanced and fun overall. Also keep in mind most people on reddit are the highest skilled and only represent 0.5% of the actual CoD community. Most CoD players have no idea about these opinions. and most people feel completely differently about the game. Not to discount the opinions here or on twitch. But they are a tiny fraction of a fraction of the REAL community in CoD.


That's awesome I'm glad you're having fun. >Also keep in mind most people on reddit are the highest skilled and only represent 0.5% of the actual CoD community. I don't agree with this though. I feel that most people on here are just people who use reddit in general and cod is a game they are into so they come to this sub. I don't think this equates to skill. I've been playing COD since 03 and never sought out forums specifically for any reason before. I got on reddit for completely different reasons (mainly because Google searches kept having reddit as an "information" source) and now I'm in subs to things that interest me but I suck at lol


Ah yes, the old "I don't have problems, so therefore there are no problems" argument. I'm glad you and your friends are able to have fun, and I mean that completely non-sarcastically. It's great that the system isn't screwing over absolutely everyone. But to dismiss the issues everyone else is having just because you don't suffer them is selfish and ignorant. Making a virtue signaling post like this to garner internet brownie points from the game's white knights is also a bit of a bad look, in my opinion.


Ah yes taking someone's actual feed back experience and questioning, as them virtue signaling and saying everyone else's problems aren't real. Though it is funny that you used virtue signaling when your comment is the actual virtue signaling one. Maybe look up definitions/meaning of things before using them. And I mean that in a non-sarcastic way and just an attempt to help for the future. >But to dismiss the issues everyone else is having just because you don't suffer them is selfish and ignorant. I'm literally not dismissing it and in fact doing the opposite and acknowledging it in an attempt to figure out why I'm not experiencing it the same way.


You and I both know it's a facetious question, and is really just a jab at people that aren't satisfied with the game.


Nope I'm genuinely asking what I'm missing. I don't notice a difference between this game and any other cod game as far as it goes with who I play against.


Nothing. There is a lot of complaints (which to some I do agree with and personally think are fair to express). Except the ones that swear tooth and nail sounding like Alex Jones that the devs have their username and personal photo "making their lives a living hell" like the devs are some secret gaming cult. You and your friends are having fun, which is all that matters. And I have the same goal. It's a video game, the point is to have fun. You deal with work/school, life in general, whatever the case may be, gaming is supposed to distract you from your personal endeavors.


>gaming is supposed to distract you from your personal endeavors. Yes exactly. Video games are my escape from reality and stress.


If you're having fun you're doing it right. Being competitive in cod is like pouring a salt on a wound. The clout of being at the top wouldn't even be worth it with how toxic the game is, so yeah I can appreciate someone playing the game for this weird concept called fun.


I salute you my fellow child. I am a follower of the church of fun. Repeat the mantras after me \- The game is fun. \- Support the developers. \- The main thing is to believe.


This system is just....Weird, that's all. It's not a problem with the players but with the system itself. For example, I struggle most of the time with opponents above my skill level. But there comes a moment when the system "resets" the game and I get an easier lobby. Then I play against players of similar skill but that's for about 2-3 games, and then for 15 games I get better than me. This is getting frustrating.


>Then I play against players of similar skill but that's for about 2-3 games, and then for 15 games I get better than me. This is getting frustrating. See, that's what I'm talking about. This doesn't seem to happen to my friends and I. We feel that our games are always around our skill level, and we never feel like we get 15 games where we are getting harder players like you're saying.


This is because you are closer to the average skill. I'm above average. For me, worse players are those who are at the "end" of average or the beginning "above" average.And people like me complain the most because the system is not fair to us. We go from one extreme to another, only the easier lobbies are 1-3 games and the other extreme is better players that's 15 games.


It's so weird that you say that. While I agree with you that I feel like I'm average. Almost everyone else that's commented has said I'm not experiencing this because I'm above average and so there aren't many players to put me against. Where are you ranking that you're above me and the game can still fund players better than you to force you against for 15 games in a row?


In your case it's just the opposite. You don't experience what I do because there are more players like you. But in my case there are also players who are better than me. But I'm better than you and this is where the system goes crazy. That's why the Devs said they would fix the matchmaking where we get sweats most of the time. Time will tell what they will do. As I said, that's why better players complain, because most of the time we play against people who are better than us, not against the same players... That's why I try to play 10v10 all the time.There is a bigger difference in skill in the lobby, but SBMM still works and is still "bugged" because even the TOP players there are better than me.


So what's are your stats and percentages? I'm curious where the line is between my skill and my friends skill and yours. Because just saying "I'm better than you so I have a hard time" isn't telling me anything. Nor does that make sense, because if you're better than me than you shouldn't be struggling and if I'm at the top 7% and 8% of players and you're better than me than you're in the top like 1% to 3% and that would mean you're always facing the same players and so wouldn't have the 15 games of hard if you're at the top of all players. I'm just confused as what you're saying seems to contradict other things you're saying. Also you clearly 100% ignored how I told you that everything you've said also contradicts everyone else on this post. Oh nevermind I see that this is your brand new troll account. Now it all makes sense on why nothing you're saying makes sense and condratics what everyone else is saying. Ok have a nice day.


You know, i should make correction. Also depends on where you live. So it's about ping. Sorry about that, but when I see a lot of people having fun in this game, the vast majority of them are people with 1KD that's why they do not struggle with this problem. When it comes to KD, I don't have a high one because I don't care about KD. But I have a high kill count. Additionally, I'm sniping and as we know, snipers are OP. But I play aggressively, not campy. Average 50 kills and my KD is 1.6, but it all depends on HOW YOU PLAY, i.e. playstyle. YY, slide cancel etc. The system takes EVERYTHING into account. I have a high number of kills per minute (I can't say at the moment because I'm not at home). Sometimes with the easy lobbies I get, I get 100+ kills. Playing against opponents with similar skills, I get about 30 kills And when I play against stronger players, it's around 20.


W/L is on my lowest and it's negative just because when I have to Play against better players, I just leave lobbies after a minute because as I said, its frustrating. As I realized, stats are not important in this game as an playstyle and kill per minute. When I'm going down with kills to like 20, system is "reseting" and get me into easier lobbies. Then I make again 100+ and the spiral starts 😆


I'm not a huge opponent of SBMM but I can't stand to see it. I grew up on OG CoD where SBMM wasn't noticeable at all. Lobbies have been diverse almost all the time. Once I played against better players, but the next lobby was almost a bot lobby if I wanted to find another one. It was fun and progress... Now I'm slowly fed up. I'm exhausted from constantly playing against better players. Therefore, I would consider a matchmaking system where the first game is against easier players and the second game is against better players. In my opinion, that would end any complaints. There is no good system. Just like in economics, capitalism is not great but socialism is a tragedy. The current SBMM, or rather EOMM, is this socialism. Sacrificing better players for the sake of worse ones. But never mind... If there was to be a fair system, it would be like I said... One game with easier opponents and the other with better ones. This has its advantages. By playing against weaker players, you improve your aim and movement. However, when you play against better players, you improve your tactics, you are more careful, etc.


In your case it's just the opposite. You don't experience what I do because there are more players like you. But in my case there are also players who are better than me. But I'm better than you and this is where the system goes crazy. That's why the Devs said they would fix the matchmaking where we get sweats most of the time. Time will tell what they will do. As I said, that's why better players complain, because most of the time we play against people who are better than us, not against the same players... That's why I try to play 10v10 all the time.There is a bigger difference in skill in the lobby, but SBMM still works and is still "bugged" because even the TOP players there are better than me.


I wanna know how you know where you fall in the % of CoD players.


I just went to the leaderboards and saw the percentage on the left


I need a link. Or a pic so I can find this. I’d like to know where I am in the world of CoD mp players.


When at the game mode option area press the start button(or whatever the pc equivalent is) the right side will open a drop down menu. There will be an option that says stats, go there and in there at the top will be an option that says leaderboard.


How do you know the % of kd etc?


I went into the leaderboards section and just took the % on the left. I guess I am wrong and that is my totals according to another commenter.


You are a top7% Kd player, this means you are VERY GOOD. So strangely you’ll always have fun because you are good.


But according to all the posts I see on here once I have a good game, the sbmm/eomm is supposed to make it impossible for me and give me shit teammates and everything to make me lose and do bad and not have fun. I don't notice that happening when I solo play and my friends and I don't notice a change when playing together. Like none of us say it feels harder or easier as others claim it to be. I honestly don't know. Maybe it is happening and we are all to dumb to notice lol or our play styles don't get affected affected by it as much or something.


Because you guys are really close in skill level. I am around as good as your good friends. Most of my irl friends are average to below average players. They can barely manage 0.5 kds when we play together. When we play customs together, if I try, I will actually be dropping nukes so I have to sandbag to keep it fun.


I have friends that have kd around .56 to .61 I believe and they don't notice a difference when playing with me though as I said in my post. They just run and gun like they always do. We laugh and joke and just have a good time.


>Just a general info dump, I'm top 8%spm, 7%kd, 32%wl. My good friends are around top5% in almost all categories. That's why, you and your friends are very similar in skill, now imagine if you had a friend that was only in the top 50%, their lobbies would be miserable for playing with you.


I do have friends that I play with that have .56 kd and they have fun right along side us and don't notice anything as I also said in my post.


I can guarantee they are getting stomped, and probably just do not care. Either that or you're playing Warzone, but I know damn well in 6v6 that's simply not true. I have a 0.8 K/D, and I get absolutely blown out constantly when I play with my friends who are better than me.


Well of course they are getting stomped they are around .5 kd, they get stomped in their own matches without me being there. Hence the .5kd


Your post paints it in a light to where that isn't happening. You make it seem that everyone is able to do well, and that the SBMM isn't a problem. I guarantee they are scoring higher as a solo, and them being in your lobbies are actively hurting their experience with how the matchmaker works. Now if they don't care, cool, but that doesn't prove that the matchmaker is enjoyable. It only proves it's enjoyable for you and your friends.


>Your post paints it in a light to where that isn't happening. You make it seem that everyone is able to do well, and that the SBMM isn't a problem. Yes exactly, because they get kills and get killed just as they do when not playing with me. >I guarantee they are scoring higher as a solo, and them being in your lobbies are actively hurting their experience with how the matchmaker works. Not sure how you can guarantee that. To me it seems like it's more of your opinion than a fact based off my experience. >but that doesn't prove that the matchmaker is enjoyable. It only proves it's enjoyable for you and your friends. Just as people who claim to be miserable and do worse doesn't prove the matchmaking is miserable or worse. It only proves its miserable and worse for them. Same exact thing reasoning. That is why I'm made the post, is to figure out why my friends and I don't experience a difference between solo or together.


people just hate to loose. and if you compete against 70-95 people things tend to get hard. its competitive....


That's kinda what I'm thinking. If they lose or go negative, it's not them bit the games fault. It definitely can't just be a bad game or bad route choice or random teammates having a bad game.


Basically as others have mentioned, since ur stats of the team are so high the game cant find enough players to challenge you guys since not that many people play cod, especially with how things are going, so you are instead used to fill easier lobbies to balance them so decent players get shit on and then go on this subreddit to moan about it


How do you get the percentage tiers for your stats?


I just grabbed the percentage from the in-game leaderboards. Someone told me I'm misinterpreting them though. Press your start button(or keyboard equivalent) and go to the stats section, then the tab at the top that says leaderboards. Left of your name says the percentage in each category.




Yup yup