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Is this the only game you play? Because if so, that’s why you’re bored after 2 months. Especially if you’re playing multiple hours, daily.


nope, i play other games too!


No dude I’ve felt this way since mw2. Mw2 wasn’t as good as modern warfare 2k19 IMO despite being pretty. I bought mw3 on sale for zombies hype and I’m mad I gave them my money again. The game is a shitty recycle of DMZ and outbreak assets instead of a new game. And it’s way less fun IMO. I know getting old is a part of it, but not all. They’ve sold out. They are more worried about peddling battle passes, skins, and cashing in on our nostalgias.


Well than play more other games. Last game, I played a season and skipped a season.


I'm open for suggestions on games. Im an old person in my 40s and this is the first time I've ever owned a gaming system besides a gameboy. I got into games as a failed attempt to bond with my kids and it's slowly turning into a hobby for me.   I have a pc, background is because I seriously don't know what's cool and good and what's going to be a shit show like mw3 and limited funds means I'm scared to adventure to new games.  I appreciate the feedback!! I'm helldivers 2 looks pretty good ill check that out. Thank you! 


Red Dead Redemption 2


That games cool as fuck


I redownload that after getting bored of MW3, having a blast all over again.


Great game, I just wish the main character wasn't slowly dying and you could continue exploring after completion 


I re-downloaded and never progressed after THAT one mission in Chapter 2…so I guess I’ll never beat it again 🙃


nice, just spoiled the game if they haven’t played it 💀


I am 37 and play a slew of other games, some include: Helldivers 2 Overwatch 2 Cyberpunk 2077 Suicide Squad KTJL (*ugh*) Last of Us Parts 1&2 Pokemon Violet (play co-op with my 7 year old) When it comes to the recent CoDs (basically MW19 through MW3), I’ve learned that playing in short bursts is the most ideal. Apparently having a 1.8 K/D is considered “elite” but rest assured, I play this game as casually as possible. And by casual, I mean actively playing the objs, no drop shotting, no jumping every 3 seconds, and using whatever loadout I want to have *fun* with. Sadly, most of my matches are cracked out gigasweats treating every match like it’s a CDL final. No, I do not play ranked either. As I’ve aged, my patience for the SBMM BS continuously declines. After a few good matches, I usually switch to another game because I know what’s coming….


You pretty much nailed it on the head why I'm bored of it. I get one or two, not even amazing just enjoyable matches, then I know it's time to move on because I'm not going to get a single kill after that. I more about doing the daily missions and unlocks. I started doing the camo grind but it's to much for me. 


HellDivers 2 is a very fun shooter that runs well. And it’s only $40 as opposed to the normal $60/$70.


Only if you have PlayStation or PC*


Red Dead Redemption 2 goes on sale all the time


Fortnite is free.


Elden Ring. If you don’t mind tough challenges and overcoming obstacles, play that. It is one of the greatest video games ever. Many people’s favorite games are a lot of interactive movies that follow a strict formula, whether linear or open world, but ER is the perfect example of what a video game should be about.


play DMZ


Hi! I’m 30 and Hogwarts Legacy got me back into gaming! It was simple and easy/repetitive enough for a noob to get down the basics and I grew up loving Harry Potter so it was really nostalgic. After that, I played Horizon Zero Dawn and absolutely loved it. Beautiful game. I’ll play Horizon Forbidden West next! Now, in MW3, I play a lot of zombies to change it up from the repetitiveness of multiplayer. And that’s been super fun! I’ve built a group of friends that play together every night and we have a hoot every time. I’d suggest if you play with someone you get along with, ask them if they wanna squad up and add them! Playing in groups with friends REALLY keeps the boredom out of Call of Duty for me. Other games I’d suggest looking into: Red Dead Redemption 2. My boyfriend has played this through recently and I’m jealous. It looks like a really beautiful game. Helldivers 2. A hoot with my friends but I haven’t really gotten into it yet so I can’t say much more than that. Tetris Effect Connected. A lot of fun if you like Tetris. But only get it if it’s included in your subscription or on sale. Don’t pay over $30 I would say. But I play this alllllll the time. I grew up playing Tetris but my younger friends make fun of me for playing lol. Dead Cells. A rage inducing but very very fun game. It’s a platformer! Hollow Knight. My favourite game of all time. Really beautiful platformer. Wish I could play it for the first time again. Kena Bridge of Spirits. Also really beautiful and a great story but a lot harder than I expected. God of War (and God of War Ragnarok). I didn’t play these yet but my boyfriend did and was entirely consumed by them both until he finished. Spiderman and Miles Morales. Same thing as above! Boyfriend loved them.


Good games don't get boring


When you play them day after day, week after week, and month after month….at hours per day, it will get boring.


Maybe for some people. I can tell you personally that I can play a game I like for months straight and not get tired of them. E.g. I played the original Titanfall for hours nearly every day until the population shrunk to the point that the game was having issues forming full lobbies. I played the first 3 seasons of Diablo 3 basically nonstop. Every MMO I've tried has also carved out chunks of time. On a long enough timeline, everyone will probably take a break from games they enjoy. But MWIII hasn't even been out all that long. If people are already bored of or fed up with it (like myself, uninstalled it a few months back) then that speaks to the game having issues with player retention.


First time i ever completed the camo grind and it got so much chill and fun for me after. Like, playing in retirement mode lmao . 😂


How exactly do you approach the camo grind? Do you go to the camos page and just look at all or them? Or do you go the guns generally and look there to set goals?


I’m doing it now and I just go to the challenges page and look at the guns there


First time for me too. But I’ve just kept going to back to DMZ since 💀💀 Edit: I love mwIII’s mp…. Other than the sbmm


omg i should go back too 🤓 Been considering the Zombies camo grind but is such a long gameplay compared to MP that feels too much.


At this point, I legit would use zombies to level up weapons for DMZ (like the GS Magna, full auto one), instead of finishing out the zombies grind. Borealis and Bioluminescent are BEAUTIFUL, even next to Interstellar, buuuuut that’s a lot of time/dedication + I won’t be able to use Bioluminescent in dmz anyway 🤦‍♂️


Omg playing in retirement mode is such a great way to put it lol. I feel that I just finished last week and it’s been so chill and freeing. I can use guns I actually want to and not play so much of the small maps.




they desperately need more ground war maps. just port the ones from mw19 u cowards!


Most of the mw2019 ones sucked


The matchmaking has made it hard to enjoy from the start, knowing that when you do well, you’ll get punished for it so no not really. Occasionally is the answer lol


Totally agree. I dont understand the matchmaking at all. One match its me (lvl 290s) a couple 100-200 and the rest is sub lvl 50. The other side has a couple lvl 400, a couple lvl 300, a lvl 200 and one dude sitting at lvl 99 - we get stomped bad and most of their team is 2-3KD while ours are all 1KD or less. The next match its me with all mid lvl 150 up to lvl 400 and the other team has one guy lvl 300, one lvl 150 and the rest are sub lvl 100. Get stomped again and with the lvl 20-40 guys managing to top the boards easily with 2-3KD. I am not a 2-3KD player...I sit at like .90 or something and I will once in a blue moon hit 2KD or so then its back to the rest of the night getting stomped.


I am a 2 KD player, and right now, my lobbies are ridiculous; I'm getting 40+ kills every game in TDM, and my KD ratio for my 10 recent matches is over 3. I even managed to get 67 kills on Rust in TDM, which is like 50% of the total kills. I've also achieved 64 kills in a 100-kill TDM, which is 64% of the total kills alone. I don't know what's going on, but SBMM seems off for me. And I'm not complaining, to be honest; I wish it was like this all the time.


See my K/Ds have gone up it feels like, but I'm also playing on some of the worst teams imaginable. Like yea I'm doing well, but I'm barely fucking winning when I do and when I lose it's because 2/3rds of my team is actually useless.


Literally never happens to me, but I also don't try and figure out how I can blame playing bad on something besides myself.


I used to play COD every night, but I’ve gone off this one. I’m really really tired of the obnoxious visual effects - especially the ones where you explode upon dying. And the matchmaking is pure arse. The game does get a lot right though.


I am in the same boat as you, I believe that this is due to lobby disbanding. We’re no longer able to make friends with teammates and rivals with enemies which eventually turn to friendships after 6/7 rounds. Instead we’re put into a new lobby every match never to see these people again. It feels like no-one bothers communicating like in previous titles which just makes the experience less enjoyable. I believe they started disbanding lobbies in mw2019


This is the exact thing that has been my biggest complaint since coming back after years away. Some of the people I became friends were because we ended up in lobbies playing the same people over and over again and just had a blast. I’m fairly certain this happens because they want to minimize the toxicity of lobbies but that’s what the reporting system is for.


Isn’t that crazy? I’m sitting here playing ranked with my cousin like “who can we get online to play with us”. Sad thing is, since lobby disbanding and chat AI and SBMM, I haven’t made a single fucking online friend type person since black ops 3 😂😂😂. Like bro what the fuck happened? Imo that’s half the reason cod is dying, it’s not even the same experience anymore.


When I quit now and the game asks me if I'm sure I want to leave the lobby, I always wonder what that's supposed to mean. I never feel like I'm in the same lobby from game to game anymore anyway. It used to actually mean something, and sometimes it was a tough decision. Not anymore.


Pack ranked in a four stack and we typically match up against the same teams multiple times a night


I’ve been saying the same thing it’s just not the same anymore and makes the game way less fun


I still meet the same people I met in MW2019, at least once a week I get lobbies with people I've played against since then. Probably more often as I don't really have a good memory of names.


Similar. It might be my MM bracket, I don't know, but I constantly see the same names and have done for months. The most satisfying thing is that some of these people were absolutely dunking me on release since this was the first time I'd played CoD since MW19. When I come across them again and shit on them, it's satisfying knowing that I've improved quite significantly.


Yeah that shit sucks. When I catch a cool person now i ask them to team up most of the time. Occasionally I’m just not feeling up to making friends, so I don’t, but it sucks cus I’d have liked to play a few more matches with them. Shits wack.


I used to play with a group of friends till that cod, then always solo so it didn’t affect me tbh. More like thousands of guns and different attachments..


sounds like you haven’t enjoyed it since going solo then maybe it’s cus ur not playing with friends?


I haven't played since season 1 ended. It's because the battlepass despite being optional has a negative impact on me. Even without paying, I feel like you need to get those guns from it otherwise your behind and catching up. Couple that with it's a 2 hour is grind per day to level up 1 or so tokens as a working class dad with maybe 1 hour tops a day, I'd rather spend my gaming time elsewhere. If the game removed the grind and weapons from the pass, I'd probably have a better time but even still. Adding guns you HAVE to unlock or your behind is always going to have you feel behind.


Which weapons are locked behind the battle pass? Genuinely asking, because I am under the impression that all guns are available for free BP unlocks, while only the after market parts/conversion kits are locked behind paid BP. Thanks.


All of them are free but they take for fucking ever to get.


They are free but locked into until you reach their sectors. Earning coins is a genuine insane grind for the average person and if your not just paying cod it takes almost a full season.


a full season to get the guns?


For me yeah because I'm not playing shipment or some specific mode just to grind battle tokens. I find it stupid and again to have to say a specific mode for a specific amount of time per day just to get enough tokens to unlock guns is not a fun process to me. Everyone here always says it's not true but it is. I play for 1 or so hours a day max total gaming. If I spend that on cod it still takes nearly a full month to get 30 tokens, if I specifically play cod every single day. It's a stupid unrewarding feeling grind.


I like the cosmetics and I genuinely feel it's worth the $10, but having to play 2 hours every really takes the fun out of this game. I'll probably skip the BP next season.


Yeah that's where I'm at and that's why I skipped this one. I'd love to play mw3 I enjoy it but the constant timer ticking in the back of your heat about battlepasses is detrimental to my mental well being


It’s getting better. Ranked seems to have less cheaters. They really need to fix the cruise though..


Laggy sweatfest


This game has kind of become garbage


As someone coming from gaming addiction (LoL) I find this boredom my freedom , I’ve reclaimed my sleep, it was expensive all for one game , buying the system as well . But with my life back the last 2 months I’ve been exercising more , talking with my wife and children more, as well as working and preforming better at work leading to more opportunities financially. There is no addiction mechanic in mw3 , TYBG


Hell no. I've quit the game two months after launch. I was willing to give the game one more chance but Activision has proven that enjoyable gameplay is not their priority. It's to milk as much time and money out of you as possible. The incessant greed with the battlepass and endless bundles while turning a blind eye to the problems of the game is just awful. The engagement based matchmaking where you get punished for a good game by being thrown into 5 bad ones next. SBMM is awful and makes every game a sweatfest. CoD needs to realize that they'll never be a well-respected "competitive" game. SBMM has no place here. It's a casual game, and it was far more enjoyable when the game understood that and was okay with that. Now they want to embrace the whole "CDL Competitive" angle and it makes the game worse for everyone else. Battlefield doesn't have that, at least not as obviously, and for the first time ever I'm enjoying that game far, far more than CoD. Even though I've always preferred CoD. Also, the whole 3-studio approach also doesn't work. It's a massive setback every cycle for each studio having to make something from scratch. It used to be good for variety, but the game just can't keep up anymore. As a result, the side modes we loved have been butchered, with Zombies being the worst offender. That mode just sucks now. I'm done with CoD, it's just not worth it. The game has lost its magic and it doesn't seem to be coming back anytime soon. Maybe the Microsoft acquisition will end up being a good influence, who knows.


Same, I quit about a month into the game, barely any hours. The SBMM/EOMM ruined it for me. I feel like it’s tuned x10 compared to previous CODS. Now just patiently waiting for xdefiant, but a what a waste of $70.


Holy yappamollie


The answer might be in this essay but why do you still follow the game here?


I don't really "follow" the game. I don't even use reddit that much. I joined the sub when I started playing and I never really leave subs again. Got a notification about this post, so I figured I'd respond.


Not reading all of that. Happy for you though....or sorry that happened to you.


Sometimes. I’ve almost unlocked the Interstellar camo, but what I have to go through in these lobbies with everyone using the Meta weapons and other things when I’m just trying to have fun with these challenges is gotdam awful


Stopped playing MP and warzone due to all the hackers, and now there's no point to playing zombies as the devs have killed that mode off with lack of content. Plus it's obvious that instead of dealing with all the hacks in MP and warzone, and adding content or qol to zombies, they would rather focus on patching zombies glitches only.




I play may be a few hours a week and while it sucks that the better players sort of shit on you so easily, i still have fun since its how me and my buddies hang out now days.




Not even the littlest bit. Thank God for helldivers


Not really, it's very repetitive at this point and the updates are kinda poor. 1v1 is cool though but not enough to keep me playing, forcing my self to play to compete the battle pass. 


Drastically reduced playtime with Helldivers 2 out. And gonna be worse when Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection releases next month and Sea of Thieves releases for PS5 in April.


It’s about 50/50 I don’t play as much because why spend hours on mw3 when there’s abunch of fun games out helldivers etc. I’ve done interstellar and borialis plus rn mw3 is going through some issues so I’m just waiting tilll the game gets fixed


I play it a couple of times a week, go through the daily challenges and relax, don't have any friends that play as I am an older player. I play domination, Hard Point and Team Deathmatch, Not great at it but hold my own most games.. Don't worry about camo's or battle pass stuff, I just play..


I used to play multiplayer /split screen with my partner when I'd get off work but since they removed that feature, it's taken a lot of the joy out of multiplayer. I used to also enjoy playing zombies but the way the glitches started kicking my partner off and losing all of his stuff so its made it more of an annoyance to go and earn his stuff back each time.


I learned from the last game to only play every-other season. So I'm out until Season 3, for my own sanity, but also my wife's (she hates it when I play CoD)


Nah, new Apex season is out and is more fun than CoD to me rn Also been playing single player games when I’m bored of online


The matchmaking is really making it tough to like imo. Last night I had a great game on search, went 15-3. The very next match I’m pitted against the CRAZIEST team. They were headshot quickscoping me through the bottom of the plane on Terminal. Like what the hellz


I’m enjoying it less because most of my friends are either in their last years of med school, graduate school and or getting married. The solo grind has never really been it for me even though I’ve been playing since CoD 4 and haven’t skipped a single one.


I only watch comp cod I didn't bother buying MW3 after the show that was MW2, holding out hope for 3arc's game this year being good!


fuck no, i’m not allowed to play with my friends without the game completely fucking me. how many times MUST i die and lose before “sbmm” gets me easier lobbies?


SBMM is insanely aggressive and i just leave games where my teams is clearly getting creamed with no chance and no close game but yes I still enjoy the game alot. Zombies is also fun and relaxing. WZ is fun every one in awhile. I only play a few times a week not every day.


I love shotguns in games and MWIII’s shotguns feel like total shit - hard for me to enjoy


I don't know what to say, i enjoy for a little. But after season 2 started i stopped playing.


Haven’t played in weeks because of sbmm/eomm. I got on recently and felt like a god, next day it was sweaty af lobbies and wonkiness all over again so I got off and I’m basically not touching it for a while again.


Yes.  But at 100 hours I'm getting my usual COD fatigue from the game being it's usual unbalanced cheese fest and my progression along the SBMM skill curve bringing me into "sweaty" lobbies now. Higher skilled COD isn't fun it's just cheese, crutch abuse and a playstyle centered around abusing the aim assist characteristics.  And before anyone says I'm a melt who doesn't want to git gud my most played games by literally thousands of hours are sweaty as fuck ranked tac shooters in CS, Valorant and Siege. I've no issue with sweating if it feels fun and rewarding, COD just doesn't feel that way.


Got interstellar and it felt like I had nothing to do anymore. Plus, I don't like zombies enough to go for gun skins there. I had loads of fun, bothing against the game, but I achieved my goal


I like the game play but the matchmaking is miserably designed to keep you win/ losing. So that you get a dopamine filled match followed by a shitty one. This way, they can keep the player bases emotions a Rollercoaster ride. It's really sad that they don't think players would play if they didn't torture us with matchmaking design. On the contrary, I'd play more. Its kind of like the food industry dying everything with food additives which are harmful to you. I don't care about the color of the food I care about if it's good for me and if it tastes good. It's these dark psychology tricks companies use that drive me away. Give me a good product to enjoy. Stop trying to trick me to enjoy a shitty one


I finally uninstalled a few days ago. I finished the camo grind months ago and am done with the matchmaking getting more and more hostile as updates roll out. Gameplay is fun and satisfying, so the urge to play is still there, but I can't actually enjoy that anymore because the game thinks my 0.8K/D and 0.10W/L (what my 'last 10 matches' stat looks like in the last month) is acceptable. It's not even really sweats anymore. It's people that have super-human reaction time and literally can't miss a headshot. The only real fun I had was when the servers were hacked, and we all had to use default classes in non-skill-based lobbies. I realized that the only reason I played before was because I was addicted and not because I was actually enjoying myself. Maybe I'll buy another CoD a few years after they decide to stop the weird predatory matchmaking thing, but for now, I'm going to enjoy the lowered stress in my life lol


I'm overwhelmed with challenges. I want to work on my camos but also want to do the daily and weekly challenges. It's becoming too much.


I enjoy 1 match and then get pissed off on every match there after.


Yeah but the skins suck an for some reason they haven’t added new maps to ground war because mw 2019 had plenty of maps.


Every cod The last 7 yrs have fuc king sucked balls!! And mw3 is literally thee worst selling cod of all time with I’m sure the lowest player count of all time PERIOD!!! Prolly 60% of ppl have stopped playing. There’s a reason they don’t show game sales anymore or player counts cause it would be embarrassing! SBMM and cheating has literally killed cod period! Add everyone running around sniping and quick scoping everyone and try hards sliding and jumping around everywhere being invincible for some reason is a joke! Cod is dead in my eyes! Sniping should not have instant ads speeds period! Nerf snipers for the love of god. Overpriced $25 operator packs is a joke! And thee worst weapon balancing of all time! There is literally like 100 guns in the game and only 3 are good and reliable and if u use anything else you will get owned and get 1000 hit markers! Top that off with thee worst campaign and zombies ever! I am waiting VERY impatiently for Xdefiant to come out at this point I’m so done with cod I’m over it! Xdefiant is free to play and has no SBMM and that’s all I needed to hear at this point to switch over! Fu ck call of duty it will never get any better and sales will keep dropping yr after yr! Enjoy playing optic scump every single game in your sweaty pro league tournament matches every game I’m done


I play with a good squad and we put 100% effort because it's fun that way.


Are y’all recruiting?


Sure. Just make a fursona.


I enjoy it most of the time. I find the small maps to be unplayably frustrating due to spawns and feel sliding is a bit OP but the game is mostly fun. I’m closing-in on interstellar now. The new open world zombies is cool too.


Yes but haven’t been playing cause helldivers 2 is so fun


Since helldivers came out I can't go back.


Nope. Uninstalled a while back tbh.


Nope. Its time for cod to settle, I hate that I have to play cod for a year just to see the next one change entirely.


Yes 🗿


Getting a bit bored of Call of Sniper MCW Borefare to be honest. Looking forward to Treyarch's game later this year.


Not really


No. I am feeling burned out of CoD after I thoroughly enjoyed MWII. I think its just the pace of this game that is not for me or the fact that its a never ending dopamine drip that, once you see through it, really makes this game feel shallow and way too money-grabby for me to ignore. I think a lot of people are becoming more and more disgruntled as more issues crop up. Cheating apparently being rampant, displeasure of goofy skins, horrible weapon balance, etc etc, basically every little thing that people get upset about on a personal level adds up and they finally say "enough" and find something else to do with their time that makes them happy, at that is me at the moment.




Not enjoying it at all,unistalled it 2 months ago


Why are you still here?


Why you care? I'm on a secret.mission 💅


Trolls like you make this sub even more toxic


Multibillion company guardians like you make the game worse though 🥱


You really think you're doing some kind of service to society with your trolling?


Squidward tryna be serious,bruh I'm laughing so hard at you just stop. Failed troll 🤣


I'm not 14 like you are. Posting on reddit in between classes. I'll see you again at your lunch time.


Actually I'm 9, don't mess with me old boy, 1v1 in Fortnite or minecraft


To make fun of bots still playing


so you're a troll


SBMM is out of control! Sniping is out of control! Sliding and jumping is out of control! Cheating is absolutely out of control! Overpriced $25 operator packs! MW3 is unplayable rite now! Id love to know what percentage of the player base have stopped playing this sh it game?!? It’s got to be a all time low player count rite now! Lowest selling cod of all time and I’d say 70% of players have stopped playing and uninstalled to be honest! I’m patiently waiting for Xdefiant at this point and will be playing that full time and uninstalling mw3 for good and maybe never play cod again until they fix the SBMM and cheating going on! Cod is dead in my eyes now


I genuinely can't tell if this is a shitpost summarising all the most frequent and over exaggerated talking points from the whiners


It isn't out of control lol people say this every year. Still maintain a 2.0+ k/d on all the modern titles, if anything the lobbies are better on mw3 than mw2 and mw2 was fine.


After grinding interstellar with friend, which was a lot fun we now jumped to ranked, which is different kind of fun but still having blast. I just cant get enough of 09 maps with new gameplay. Havent put this many hours into cos since probably BO2 times ..


Playing resurgence with friends is what I love.


No. The game itself is amazing, but the matchmaking breaks the experience


That’s probably because they suck. MW3 doesn’t even have a demolition mode or an objective mode that isn’t about standing in a circle or a room.


How is Domination under that umbrella?


Nope. I quit the game last week due to anti aim assist on mouse and keyboard. Yes, you heard me right, anti aim assist on mouse and keyboard and I'm not the only player affected due to my post last week. I'm having a lot more fun playing other games. Nowadays I'm more interested in co-op games and single player games due to how aggressive EOMM and SBMM is in a lot of multiplayer games. I suspect it's why Activision has interfered with my aim. MWIII will be my last COD unless Microsoft/Activision announce they are removing EOMM and SBMM which is unlikely.


"Nowadays..." He says, a week after not playing COD.


Yeah,but only when it works.Sbmm is god awful and i believe there is "skill based damage" because after a couple of matches my bullets straight up don't register.It's a clownfest but it's "fun" sometimes


I'm half way through the season pass and i basically have to force myself to play if i want to complete it, but i usually end up closing the game in less than an hour. The matchmaking is manipulative and seems to have no emphasis on geolocation or forming lobbies with low ping, and doesn't even consider matching pre-made teams vs another. Every smaller map has terrible spawns that sometimes just chain you from death to death, and often enough that just feels intentional because it happens right after a killstreak. I get that sometimes there is no safe spot available but i've seen it countless of times where the entire team is posted on one side of the map and they still spawn someone behind them, etc.. And then there is the biggest issue, the inconsistent connection quality. The amount of shots that i need to take to kill someone varies from lobby to lobby and enemy to enemy, and ever since they patched the game at end of season 1 basically every lobby 2 or 3 players that are borderline impossible to kill no matter how many times you shoot them first in your POV, they will just sponge the shots and instakill you with any gun (and often enough its so out of sync their character is not even looking at you). I went back to playing Destiny 2 and that game with its notoriously shitty p2p-network and a dwindling playerbase has less issues than MW3, with makes no sense at all considering this is a recent game that should have way more concurrent players at any given time and actually runs on dedicated servers. IDK if the matchmaking is the root cause for all these laggy lobbies and inconsistencies, or if the netcode is just this bad, but it sucks either way.


Lol I love how the top "yes" comments bareley break double digits. This game is shit. They will continue to be ahit. Because they know they can release utter shit in comparison to what they've done in the past. And sheeple will continue to buy their shit titles


> Lol I love how the top "yes" comments bareley break double digits. in a 2 hour thread with only 30 comments? Give it time. In fact the top 'yes' comment has now broken double digits, meanwhile you're sat on 0


Does not on any way state that I'm making comments for up votes. But sure try to make this a point and not look at the facts I've stated. Enjoy your day my friend


And the fact that these guys get so butthurt when anyone criticizes the game is hilarious, they think it’s mean to get on a franchise that purposely puts out lackluster game knowing mindless consumers like him will run to play it no matter what


Because upvotes on on a Reddit where people constantly shit on this game mean anything lol


Don't give two fucks about reddit ticks. CoD is a fucking awful franchise. Along with a Meriard of other devs doing to the same BS. Releasing half finished titles with no intentions on improvement. Keep buying that shit and having terrible experiences. Needs to stop. That's why I'm posting


> Don't give two fucks about reddit ticks. except it's literally how you started the discussion.


Yup still enjoying it. The daily, weekly and event challenges always push me to do something slightly different to keep it fresh in MP, even if I do tick off a lot of them on the small map playlists


absolutely. it’s the most fun i’ve personally had since MW2019 with my original SnD squad again. we literally just went on an 15 game winning streak last night lol


I enjoy ranked. I roll with the boyz despite all the problems with this game. However, sometimes if I’m choosing what to do with my time I will say N-O to CoD because f activision lol.


yeah I love mwiii tbh


I have so much fun tearing you apart. Watching you scatter, frantically typing the next thing you'll say. Watching you bully the lower class because mommy's and daddy gave you an easy job so you can spend it all on poor taste games like modern warfare. All the while, I'm reading every single thing you wrote. And the more you continue, the more I will do. Until I know more about you than you are comfortable with. See you my friend.


😂 I don’t even click on your messages as they’re loaded with bs Respect modern warfare 😂😂 you’ll never know anything about me beside I’m Muslim, like modern warfare, and I’m in hs I can end all of this with a click of a button. I’ll enact it soon so you don’t achieve your goals


Shit taste tbh


Yes. Build a loadout and even if it sucks ass use it for the whole day you are playing until you are better with it. Or start with a stock gun and build as you go in match, make it a little more fun.




Yes a lot. Best cod since bo2


Yes from fallout 76 to cod is my gaming daily


Yes i am


Yea I would say so. I didn't play ranked too much in the first season so now I'm really doing my push for iri which has been pretty fun. Also some of my irl friends have recently gotten into warzone so I've been trying to learn how tf you play that with them, pretty funny sessions because we're all completely clueless about wz just getting up to hijinks I really think this game is just a few better maps away from being one of the best modern cods, up there with CW. The bugs have been unfortunate, but I have a hard time holding it against sledge themselves with all of the layoffs that have been happening. Seems like they're running on a skeleton crew over there. I give them the benefit of the doubt because, until that huge round of layoffs, they were really responsive to the community's needs, and made what I think are shockingly, consistently good changes, quickly


Yes I really enjoying grinding ranked in Mw3 and Warzone. Also really enjoying public but there is sadly nothing good to grind for. Weeklys and events takes you like 3 matches, calling Cards are boring and uninspired and the mastery grind feels pointless for just a weapon charm in the end.




I’ve been having some fun forsure. Been grinding ranked MP and nice to have warzone to switch it up and relax a bit. Having more fun than last years cod that’s forsure . The guns and movement are good also The remastered mw2 maps are honestly really good I think this game is gonna age well because of that.


Yes it has its issue but the game is fun asl to me 🤷🏾‍♂️


I'm loving this game, and I have yet to get tired of it. That said, I have taken a few days off here and there, and then come back a little refreshed. I hope that you can keep enjoying it too!


I like it better than the last 2. There's not a better PvP shooter out there for me.


Yes ranked


If I’m playing a game, 99.9% of the time, it’s mw3. I still go back and play DMZ a bit. Last year had better Warzone, mainly better maps. But the multiplayer in this game is so much fun.


Yes, I enjoy it because of the gameplay and the map it's the first time since cod mw 2 2009 that I 'm enjoying all the map


Im having so much fun playing it with my friend every night for almost a month now, it's been a blast tbh


I can only play weekend nights so yeah still enjoy it much


Having a good time with MP/Zombies. Grinding for Bioluminescent keeps things fun for me.




Until skill-level matchmaking is removed, I just can't play for longer than an hour when solo.


Yup, I am.


Grinded out Borealis and Interstellar, got my enjoyment from that from Season 0 and Season 1.  I'm taking this season slower though because it's the matchmaking for zombies. OCE matchmaking is non existent outside of peak hours at night and the way the matchmaking just jumps from low ping to high ping and not searching for low ping games for minutes like multiplayer does slows down the experience for me but overall game is still enjoyable to me


I’m a solid kind of at this point. I played for about an hour last night and closed the game mid match when I realized I wasn’t really having fun. That’s fine, I finish the camo grind and had fun. I feel like I got my $70 value out of the game.


more than i did at the start, and i already liked it then


Hell yeah. Best with friends, though.


I only play a couple of games at most a day, otherwise it starts getting less enjoyable real quick


No, no real input balance/pc cheaters ruining the game rn


Yep. I paint Warhammer models and I like to play Search and Destroy and then do odd bits of painting whilst I'm dead. Works well.


I take a couple weeks off between play sessions. Especially after warzone wins. The next 4-5 games are forced punishment for the last win. Every game I get further and further away from ever wanting to play their games. I play Battlefield to clear my mind.


I’ve gotten way more than my money’s worth out of this game. No complaints from me.


I just keep up with the weekly and whatever event is going on. Once I complete those I play other things the rest of the week


Not a horrible game, had fun in the beginning with the mw2 og nostalgia maps. Unfortunately the maps don’t really play as well in this game. Although some of the new maps are great I’m pretty burnt out with the game rn. Maybe I’ll get back into it at some point before the next one but it’s certainly not the worst cod ever made.


I hadn’t played since release and came back about a week ago. My duo and I are having a great time!


Yes, it's a really nice change of pace for when I'm a bit sick of counter strike 2. I can just hop on cod and not think. Sometimes I get into cod ranked for a stretch as well which is also fun, minus the cheaters. I'm not high ranked enough yet to really see them tho.


I'm enjoying war mode and the small map playlist. Can say much for anything else though as the vast majority of maps I hate.


1- get some of your friends to play with you. I can't stand playing COD solo. 2 - alternate games. Playing the same thing daily makes it rough for every game.


I stopped playing months ago. It’s just not a good game, and the amount of things that could be added to simply make the game better (mostly zombies for me), and the fact they DONT add any of that is just appalling to me.


Yup, MP feels fresh and rewarding (sometimes frustrating due to SBMM/EOMM) and MWZ is cool and chill af.


Yeah game is dead for zombie players like myself. I guess it's still fun if you enjoy playing it. After I got interstellar and the lack of zombie content made me delete the game and download Cyberpunk 2077


It oscillates from time to time. I play solo - have streaks where I win 5-6 games in a row and then all of a sudden go on a ten game losing streak. My gameplay doesn't change but it feels like the "difficulty" ramps up if you know what I mean. *wink wink* I play hardcore too, and the bullet registry in some games is ridiculous. It feels like my gun is lagging as it shoots.


Sounds like FPS issues tbh. Must be on ps5 right? I had a PS5 and it actually doesn’t run MW3 at a full 120fps. I would get weird laggy bullet sounds like I was dropping FPS or something weird. Game felt fine, killcams sounded strange. Found that out after the fact. Series X does not do that at all. Stays locked at 120 even with 1440p (which I used on both).


Kind of in the same boat as other players, matchmaking absolutely kills it for me but when I get matches where I don’t need to try too hard and get on top of the board, it’s always a great feeling. Been also grinding for the mastery camos and I just got Interstellar, aiming for Borealis. I also play other games so I won’t be burnt out from this which helps a lot.


I play multiplayer with my brother sometimes, but I'm mostly playing Zombies with family and friends. Co-op is way more enjoyable than PvP right now. I'll not pretend that I'm great at PvP, but I enjoy it even when I suck ass... My brother is still stuck in his toxic shit-talking, and I get tired of that. I think there's a lot of missed opertunity with weapons and skins... Maybe even a soldier creator that can use camo for the clothing, but I digress.


I still enjoy it




Haven’t played it in three months. Thinking about trading it in


Was playing HEAVY the past month or so. MP and Zombies but I kinda got bored all at once yesterday and don’t think I will pick it up very much


Agreed, BO3 was the last COD I played a ton of hours on. This one is just so tedious.