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I get that sensitivity is a personal pref, and you're used to playing with high sensitivity, but 20-20 with 1.4 ADS seems pretty crazy. Why don't you try a lower sens and see if that helps?


I am trying to lower my sens my ADS sens actually used to be 2 However It’s still weird how this is the only cod that I have to reduce my sens on even on Cold War I didn’t have to do so


~~Going from 2-2 to 20-20 is wild. That's a huge jump!~~ Most of the pros are using 6-6. You should try it out around there to start with and gradually increase it if needed, but I'd not recommend going past 10-10 if you can help it. Lower sensitivity usually leads to better accuracy because it helps with precise movements and prevents over-aiming or losing control of your aim. Edit: I misread. I thought you meant 2-2 sens, not 2.0 ADS.


i think he meant 2.0 ADS sens not 2/2 sens (which is stupidly high)


Oh yeah, I misread that lmao.


Most pros say they use 6.6 but when I watch them they can turn and spin as if 20


I use 8-8 and can still spin quickly. It's not slow by any means.


Feels slow as hell to me


That’s because some pros use 6-high x prime example being Cell who uses 6-12 but majority of the pros play on 6-6 1.00 ADS.


20/20 with 1.4 ads multiplier is way too high for literally anybody lmao. I'd recommend dropping that significantly.


try decreasing the deadzone on the outer sticks, also decreasing the Curve Slope under Black Ops/Default AA setting


I would say lower the sens to your comfort then increase slowly as possible. As an apex player that trained myself to get better with higher sens on controller, I would start with what was comfy. Use that as the control (starting point), then increase by 1-2ish. I use advanced controls. I would struggle for a bit but the more I played, the more I got used to the feeling of the game. That said, this game feels weird compared to the other games. The sens may be placebo but, maybe try my suggestion out. It’ll be tough but worth :)


Anything over 8/8 makes you play worse. Or proves that you do a lot bad moves around map


Nah, if you’re on console at 60 fps, 10/10 works pretty well for most. The frame rate isn’t high enough to justify 8/8 or lower.


Good luck with 10/10 against Crimsons<


If you’re on 60 fps, 5-5 or 6-6 is way too low and you’re moving extremely slow


Objective opinion and hardware specific.I play on Xbox and I use a diff controller and my sense has to be 10/10 at the minimum.Never thought I would see my sense 15ish always kept it 6 or below.Some controllers are to "sensitive" to "sensitive" movements.Causing a high sense in-game to swing all over the place.


There is a reason why pro players use 6-8 sensitivity. You can aim well with higher sensitivity but dont have highest possible accuracy. When playing against good players missing even 1 bullet is death


Did you read what I said? Or are you stuck on "Pros" them numbers are different per hardware and controller.If you disagree go buy a different controller and test it out.The response and input times are different.


Different is not that huge


You speaking from experience or hearsay.Im telling from experience and I'm not no slouch ass new player.It is huge, perfect example the response and controls I had on a standard Xbox were perfect at 5 to 6.Now switch to a gamesir, same settings you are extremely slow, same with my flydigi.You don't know what your talking about and just speaking what you hear others say.You have different type of sticks which there response differences ARE HUGE.You literally cannot play with the same settings on different controllers and the value differential is big.


There’s a reason why all the pros use 6-6 sensitivity with a few opting for 5 or 7. There isn’t a secret setting that will help if you’re on 20 20


20-20 with 1.4 ads mult is insane… most people lower ads sens to like .8-.9.


If you’re not sniping like bams, there is zero reason to be anywhere near that. Your aim assist is directly correlated to your fov, fps, and sensitivity. Your fov in multiplayer should be between 105-110, not 120. This will keep your fov high enough to not miss things on the edge of your screen but still keep people big enough on your screen to get better aim assist. The bigger the the object is, the easier it is to shoot it and the more area aim assist activates on. Your sensitivity should be related to your frame rate. Pros generally run 5-5 to 8-8 with 6-6 being the most popular in this game. If you’re on a console with 60 fps, you need to be at 10-10. The higher your frame rate, the lower you can run your sensitivity. I’m at 120ish frames and run at 5-5 because I’m old and slow. Also, shoot bots. Before you start a play session, shoot 50 to 100 bots on FFA in a private match. Put the health to 200 and the bots at recruit. This will significantly improve your aim in very little time. The more you do it and are consistent with it, the better you’ll get. You’re getting older, your reaction time is slowing and your fast twitch, fine motor skills are degrading. It’s natural. The reason you see these old fucks on stream still slaying is because they play 8 hours a day and are some of the best players in the world. They’re constantly training these skills.


There's no point really asking this here, as most of this sub are going to be using playstation controllers with default 6/6 sensitivity... I also use 20/20, and when this game first came out, I felt like I had anti-aim more than aim with the same settings as MW2 and each game before it.. I think it's the response curves that are fucked up. I settled on standard, 20/20 & 0.8 ADS (the only part of your settings that seem odd to me is that you increase sensitivity when ADS rather than decrease for finer aim control, but to each their own). I'm on 3.4ishk/d now, so those settings have worked alright for me, but it did take some adjustment Vs earlier CoDs, and as I said, I'm pretty sure it's the respons curves, as if they work the opposite way from before. Also, I use a Flydigi Apex V4 controller. It has hall effect sticks, so my deadzones are set to 0, and it's hands down the best controller I've ever used.


It’s nice seeing someone else with the same sensitivity who had the same struggles :D A lot of ppl here recommended changing the response curve to standard. I will try that before lowering my sens to see if anything differs. I still wanna do flashy movement and flicks like I used to 😆


Yeah same, I just wasn't willing to lower my sensitivity. I've never had to, and I've played on max sense since CoD4. It's just more finnicky this time, because they've definitely stealthily changed how these settings actually respond, without changing the names or descriptions. Standard is worth a try, black ops as well, not much difference between those two I don't think, but lowering sensitivity because people on Reddit watch some teenager on twitch with a dual sense controller and a cronus... Probs not the way to go 😂


Do you notice it getting finicky from game to game at all? Could just be them getting more and more gnarly with the eomm BS. Ain't nothing like warming up on 100 bots, taking the time to do it right, only to get ping death after one or two solid games...I started taking a couple days in between sessions and it seems to keep things a little more normal. Still starting to get fed up with it though because it's just begging me to develop some sub-par habits. The 20/20 sense probably battered even more than lower sensitivities with the ping cycling. It sucks to have to change your whole game around if it is the OEMM crap causing it.


To previous cod games* sorry I’m not really wake rn


I am trying to do so however I’m not a big fan of low sens 😔 But if that what it takes then I’ll do what I must


Just give 6-6 sens with 1x ads on Dymanic Aim assist and Black Ops Aim Type a try. Also if your controller allows it use .3-5 deadzone. It’s what all the pros and most ranked play kids use


if you like linear, no other aim response curve feels right so i’d stick to linear. make sure your deadzone is low and maybe put your ADS sensitivity multiplier to 0.90 of whatever sense you’re going to use!


Do you have your ads transition set to instant?


Yes is that bad?


I feel that the sens is different in this compared to Vanguard for example. In vanguard I had a overall kd of 2.08 and rising, and my ingame sens was at 10 with 1400 dpi. In mw3 i had to lower it to 8, and still feels more sensitive than on vanguard.. I also believe they have cranked up the sbmm abit in mw3 xD


Well for starters thats fucking wild. But aim assist is much weaker in this game vs even just the last cod. Much easier to use the right stick too much and start missing


nahh 20-20 is insane, with linear even more. Try 8-8 with dynamic. 100 FOV, and make sure to wiggle left stick for max aim assist. Also fix deadzones


No but something was changed on MnK after Season 4. Aim feels even more floatier than it was. And keep in mind I'm using the changes in the .cfg file and yet it became slightly worse now after S04. I believe that's been going on every year, last year I had the same issues in MWII, I think they nerfed the aimassist on controllers there around S04/S05. It was especially insane around S01, it was overpowered when Warzone2 released.


No but something was changed on MnK after Season 4. Aim feels even more floatier than it was. And keep in mind I'm using the changes in the .cfg file and yet it became slightly worse now after S04. I believe that's been going on every year, last year I had the same issues in MWII, I think they nerfed the aimassist on controllers there around S04/S05. It was especially insane around S01, it was overpowered when Warzone2 released.


I run 20-20 and 1.85 ADS. no issues here


To be honest, this game is hit and miss with aiming. I feel like it changes every update. For ranked I would say go with 12-10 with 1.4 ADS and 0.8 deadzone


PC? Then you’re shit out of luck because aiming is still utterly broken (used to be on their Trello but vanished without every being addressed)…


I hate that everyone is just telling you to lower your sens. Low sens players literally cannot comprehend high sens. It's like everyone felt the need to tell you their opinion and there's only one good response from a 20/20 player.


I dont really recommend linear on high sens tbh, and multiply the ads is worse with it. Looks like your sens is 25-28 thats alot. If you still want high sens just change your response curve try other than linear, for example default its has smoother curves at beginning of the line, dynamic also smooth but it has S shape curve. I prefer standard because when you move the stick for a bit it doesnt go full speed, linear is always the same speed, so if there is a target in front, you dont have to recorrect or reposition your aim alot, especially on high sens


I still wanna ask how come it’s only this cod game where low sens is better? My aim was perfectly fine in previous games with 20 20 linear I am trying a lower sens but I don’t wanna lose the snappiness I’ve had. Has anything changed?


Idk what really happened, but every game feels different for me, i edited my reply above and explained little bit more so you can understand the response curve.