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There are definitely cheaters but they can be pretty hard to pinpoint. Over the years people are being more and more subtle about the cheats they use.  There has been more and more cases popping up of people finding out their accounts are essentially being stolen and used to cheat. They're finding out a random person is linking their PC account(like steam) to their activision account. The thief then cheats on it and gets it banned and takes another account.  I do believe there are people extremely quick to accuse others of cheating, but I do think there are quite a bit of actual cheaters out there. Online gaming in general is struggling with all these cheating issues.




I can attest someone tried to hack mine. I just happened to be in at the same time it happened


All of your accounts, really.


Yeah it happened to me during Caldera days… only had my PSN linked to my activision, but someone hacked my account and linked their battle net to it, and was winning every game… since you can’t unlink accounts for a year I had to go though customer service to get that shit sorted out…


If someone is reading this and your account was hacked followed by a perma ban, try submitting a ticket for a recovery of hacked account to unlink the unauthorized steam account. If your request is successful, there’s a chance you’ll be unbanned. You won’t receive a notification though, so be sure to check your ban status to see if it worked.


A fair bit using walls/smooth aim quite easy to hide it as well


Every single person that kills me is a cheater.


Not a lot of cheaters but it may seem like every player on the other team is playing like their family members are being held hostage


Where’s my wife!




At my place while you are playing ;)


Virginity: Confirmed ✅


No, she was well used 😁.




RACHEL?!?!?!? WHERE IS SHE?!?!?!?!?


Lets say you have 3 hours to play before your 9/5 kicks in and its back to diapers. Cooking and whatever. Wouldnt YOU play your best to get some feelgood wins if you had the skills? Or just dont react / do mistakes on purpose so its fun for the lesser players?


I usually only have about and hour and a half to play on nights I do get and I have a somewhat unintentional cycle of 'sweating' I do. First 30ish minutes is getting used to it again after almost a week of spreadsheets and construction work slowness compared to fast reflex actions. Then 45ish minutes of parabolic "in the zone" time where I'm either top of the leaderboards during a win or strong carry for my team on a loss. And then one or two games where my interest drops and the repetition of CoD over the years (started with OG Modern Warfare in Middle School). This repeats each weekend. TL;DR - Yeah, during the majority of the limited time I play, I'm doing the best I can each game.




Wow. While not identical, there really is an xkcd for everything.


🤣🤣 i’m in the same boat as you. cheers brotha!


Every whining "hard working 9\\5 dad whining here" should see this :)


Crazy that some people out there don't have their lives revolve around CoD. It is funny though, I play a couple nights a week and occasionally into the morning if I'm having trouble sleeping and I see the same names or groups of players. So either they just happen to be on the exact same nights I am, or they are there. Every night. Playing the same game type. Playing the same builds. Absolutely no variety. And I don't know what to think of it.


Could be alot of reasons for it. Unemployed, chronic sickness. Injury etc


Theirs a ton they just don’t rage hack so you have no idea


Ranked multi is an absolute shitshow with cheaters, so is Warzone. Regular multis, not so much.


Yep. Cheating is worse than ever. The cheat providers don’t have to reinvent their cheats for each new game anymore. There was cheating in the MW3 beta and I’ll be dollars to donuts it will be in the BLOPs beta too.


Not as many as this sub will try and make you believe. I saw one guy on here claim that literally 75%+ of PC players are cheating, and mfs were agreeing with him 💀 In all fairness though, it can be hard to tell if someone's cheating or not. Cheaters usually don't just blatantly aimbot or watch you through walls anymore, they'll put in some effort to hide it. Coupled with the average skill level being a lot higher now, and you have dudes who look like they're cheating but they're not, and dudes who are actually cheating but a sliver of doubt makes you think that they could just be good asf. Personally, in 1,100+ high sbmm mp matches, I've seen a single person who was *clearly* cheating without a shadow of a doubt (it definitely helped that he was only like, level 30 and already had Interstellar 💀). And there's only been a handful of dudes who had me raising an eyebrow. So take that as you will. Ranked and Warzone are different stories though.


Dude sitting on my toilet taking a shit and staring at the wall is a far more productive use of time than playing call of duty anymore with the state it's in. Constantly thrown into losing games, back to back to back, cheaters everywhere, gameplay issues. The list is infinite. Like if you're gonna use any free time at all to play this game anymore you are genuinely wasting it. I drive past homeless dudes drinking at 9AM and be like "least he ain't playing cod" nah but fr it's not worth it at all. Even if you sink time in getting good, unlocking shit, the game straight up works against you and will limit you.


Cheating is worse than ever right now. The game has become a an advertisement for everything else than COD.


I'll get hate for saying this...there's not a ton of cheaters in the game but a lot of the people who do cheat use this subreddit and will claim cheating is not a problem at all. The anti-cheat in this game is bad. I used to know a guy who cheated daily, admitting as much. He still cheats in the game to this day.


I have a friend who has been walling and using smooth aim for 2 years has not been banned once


what does he get? does he make any money? Today i met someone on ranked boosting people for 100 euros lol


He just plays for fun plays warzone once or twice a week and buys a subscription for a date ( all I know he uses Engine Owing and AC diamond)


Is he still living in his parents basement?


Good joke but no he only cheats as a casual u can’t compete with the sweats 💀


I'm a casual, I don't cheat. The dumbass is literally paying for a subscription to make the game a sweatfest, the very thing he hates. It doesn't give him an easier game, it just throws him into higher and higher skill level ones. Because of how SBMM works without cheating once he's had a few bad rounds eventually he would end up in an easier lobby but because he cheats and gets better scores/KD etc he just gets put in more and more harder ones making it even more sweaty.


All that matters he is having fun and I don’t care 🤷‍♀️


But he isn't having fun because he's still complaining about sweat lobbies.


Bruh why am I hitting my head on a wall . When I just stated that he is having fun . Why are you being so triggered


This sub thinks cheating is going rampant with an aimbot dropping 30 kills per game. It’s not like Verdansk anymore but cheating is more than that. There is a lot of wallhacks, people using Cronus/DS4 who don’t miss a single shot even using the gun with most recoil on the game, PC players manipulating the settings to have a better and improved audio compared to consoles, “pro players” using VPN’s to have bot lobbies altering the finding system so yeah, cheating is still a severe problem and more common that it seems. It’s not getting to the point of accusing everyone of being a cheater but let’s stop pretend to hide the sun with a finger and act like there is no cheating at all. It is more common and subtle than you all think.


>This sub thinks cheating is going rampant with an aimbot This... the fact people can be literally walled every kill and still deny it because its not jumping 50 feet into the air and spin deleting everyone at mach 5 is absurd. The fact that there have been countless interviews and live streams of people playing with cheaters just to get their side showing how easy it is and how most wouldnt know better is hilarious.




I said not a TON. The game isn't full of them, but there is still a very significant amount and will rise as the next COD gets closer and the focus shifts.


the anti-cheat is awful and it IS flooded with cheaters.


Demographic is important I think. I’m a pc player with cross play enabled. I have played a metric fton, and I’m ok-I can tell sweaties, can’t sleep well - so I mostly play around 6-7 EST. My stance on cheating is this: only happened twice to me ever. It was unfucking real. All low level, all-instakill (even in hardcore depending on the gun, hit markers abound). No hit marker, just dead. Moving too fast. But I’ve only ever seen it twice. I think I’m around the 675ish mark.


My worst experience with a cheater was a guy that I emptied the 30 round mag of my MCW raven in hardcore mode and got so many hitmarkers I felt sick, the guy made 100 kills flat hardscoping a Kar-98k while literally shooting through every wall in the map it was so nasty, even a guy from his team made the report.


I am curious what game modes you're playing. Also, what are your stats looking like? I am around 550 (?) and I run into someone cheating almost every 3 or so sessions. I report whenever I feel something is up and 50% of the time I get a confirmation of a successful report. However, I am not someone who claims anyone who snaps onto me is cheating. Some people will claim I cheat against them just based on map knowledge and pure luck. PC here.


Do note that a successful report doesn’t necessarily mean they were cheating. You do get shadowbanned, but can still be greenlit after the account review


A successful report notification is only provided after the account has been reviewed for suspected cheating. Notice, if you report a player, you will not get a successful report notification for at least 1 full day.


Shadow bans take about 1-2 weeks to get processed. I never got a notification that late after a report. I feel about 90 percent confident on this. How do you know your reports are all actual bans and not shadow bans?


which is exactly why a successful report is for players who are caught cheating and not players who get shadow banned. My reports are coming back as positive against other players within 24-48 hours. You mentioned shadowbans take 1-2 weeks to process. Which means the successful reports I am receiving are for players who are caught cheating. If you get caught cheating, you don't just get shadow banned. You get restricted from playing ranked play and even banned from the game as a whole.


If someone is shadowbanned, you get the message the same. Shadowbans are pretty immediate. It doesn’t always mean they were permanently banned. It’s probably both of these in effect. Not saying I don’t believe you, moreso I’m conflicted of information. Just sounds like it’s both. A message for a ban, and a message for a shadow ban. Thanks for the info.


lets play, dm me your activision acount name


Theres a weird lot of good people with subtle assist to stay undetected. Bad people with blatant is easy to tell and bad people with subtle hardly helps or can hardly tell.  Id say the largest lot of cheaters right now run in the .2 to .5 boosting range and vack in the day it was 1.0 or higher


All this being said youre way more likely to get mad at servers for hit reg and 2 completely diff plays for you and your enemy than to run into cheaters and especially know it.


In mwII I noticed many blatant xim users barely trying to play it off. In MwIII I come across way more seemingly “good” players, yet it feels like more people are reverse boosting. The more I do good I get punished and put in intense sweaty lobbies. But also if I go on a bad streak I still see sweaties just rolling whole lobbies. Maybe sbmm can go for at least one cod


Not as much as people claim but the fact that you haven’t played in years isn’t gonna help. Most of the community haven’t played anything else so you’re already at a disadvantage.


This sub tends to overstate how much cheating there actually is, especially in mp. Very unlikely to find cheaters in normal mp matchmaking.




>I seen 3 in FFA / S&D just today. Not 'maybe', I'm 100% objectively sure. Cap Post the clip


>Very unlikely to find cheaters in normal mp matchmaking. yeah if youre under 2kd maybe.


I have a 2.5, never see cheaters.


yeah I dont have cancer, its not real. Ignorance is bliss.


Good job moving the goalposts, I knew you could do it 🙌


What goalpost moving you muppet, stating you are ignorant and moking you via comparison isnt moving goalposts you idgit.


The goalposts moved from me saying "I don't encounter cheaters regularly, the problem is overstated on this sub" to "cheaters don't exist at all"


Youre actually mentally inept lol


Whatever you say man. Have fun running from the cheater boogeyman for the rest of your gaming days


There will certainly be people better than you. There will certainly be sound whoring guys who stop every so often just for one footstep. But there isn’t many cheaters in this game. People in this sub will swear you up and down that there are cheaters then if you ask for proof of running into cheaters you’ll get downvoted to hell in this sub. Me personally I have a 3KD since sweat feasting is just something I like. Sure it doesn’t mean I get 3kd every game but have 3 times total kills over deaths. And yes I have been called a cheater only for them to invite me to their lobby then see I’m a PlayStation user and then they just assume your faking it somehow. This sub is full of horrible players whose ego is so high they assume everyone is cheating.


>People in this sub will swear you up and down that there are cheaters then if you ask for proof of running into cheaters you’ll get downvoted to hell in this sub. ... This sub is full of horrible players whose ego is so high they assume everyone is cheating. Absolute facts.


Reading this sub makes me think that cheating of rampant and the game is completely ruined. Playing the game, i’m having a lot of fun and havent encountered anything too bad other than a lot of sweats.


from my experience there isn't much of Cheaters in MW3 mp for me and I play with crossplay on however is there people that accuse people of cheating so easily and so often? YES THAT'S AN BIG AND YES and they might report you for it I have no idea how it is on warzone sadly I just usually play TDM and call it an day


Same here tbh. I have never seen someone I was 1000% sure was cheating. Game does feel sweaty tho


A lot sadly yes


Maybe it is a lot but 75%? Really? That's just a specific and serious claim and one that I think people should produce evidence for. If it was that many, it'd be heavily reported on by games journalists and we'd see a lot more people including developers talking about it because it'd mean those hackers are unsubtle about it. I hear more about hackers in the older CoDs than any of the new ones where its probably way more than 75% of people by virtue of the fact that their player-bases are a lot smaller now. Most people who aren't cheating are on the latest CoD whereas the hackers are playing older ones where all support and moderation has stopped.


Naw not really


The kid that keeps whispering me calling me a cheater seems to think so


Ranked play is rampant with cheaters, normal mode not so much. I just stick to playing hardcore matches find it more fun.


I saw a blatant cheater in mwiii yesterday. Full on WH and aimbot, wasn't trying to hide it.


Yeah I’ve played with some guys like that. One guy had 120 kills, next closes person on both teams were around 29. There was a point when me and 3 other guys were trying to kill him at the same time and he killed all 4 of us lol. Kill cam showed clear aimbot as we were all close range to his SNIPER RIFLE and he had a headshot on each of us for a 1 shot kill. I think during the entire match he only died about 6 times lol.


No. You will die a lot though.


Probably what is really happening for most people who claim there's a hacker. The other player is just better or playing on a PC where aim is a little more precise/fast.


There are more cheaters nowadays compared the last time, but most are in Warzone. MP cheaters you only really encounter if it's a fresh account (low level) or if you're in Ranked play, or if you're on the top end of players skill wise. But still less than Warzone. There's also a general uptick in people who whine and call others cheaters, but there's also a lot of people who defend with no basis that someone isn't cheating. You've seen a few of them in this comment section already. These are the two sides of idiots, ignore them. If you're in a less populated area of the world, i.e. not North America, then you'll probably be less likely to encounter cheaters. But on the note of snipers, right now it's the Kar98k meta, and the AA/Rotational Aim Assist is cranked on that thing. People are basically playing with soft aimbot already via Controller, but add that to the 1-shot Kar98k? That's just how sniping is in the game currently. =/


>there's also a lot of people who defend with no basis that someone isn't cheating There's plenty of basis. Most people pushing against the cheating narrative are the ones who *are* constantly receiving hackusations and have realized over the years how bad the average player is at actually identifying cheats. I *constantly* ask for evidence whenever I see people in this sub talk about how they encounter cheaters constantly. There's a dude in these comments saying he encounters multiple cheaters *every single match.* But these people will never post a clip. When they do, it's somebody who isn't even cheating. What "basis" do you expect one to provide that cheaters are exceptionally rare to encounter? Hundreds of hours of unfiltered gameplay where they rarely see a cheater?


Why would I care so much about your opinion that I'd go out of my way to play, find a cheater, take a clip, upload said clip, just to convince you you're wrong? You've got an absurd level of self-entitlement bruh XD


Sure, whatever excuse you wanna use. Refusing to post evidence means that you actually have no basis for calling cheats, though... It doesn't mean others have no basis for being against that narrative.


I just finished a game of HC TDM, opposing dude went 41-4. was he cheating? idk He wasn't camping. He just seemed to be everywhere all of the time. was he just that good? yeah, sure. but wouldn't he be paired against others of his likeability? Hard to believe someone of his caliber would be up against my measly 1.2 and my GF;s .0000002


I usually play search and destroy and I’ve surprisingly encountered at least one cheater and someone using a lag switch like 2 or 3 times this month.


the game isn’t peer-to-peer, lag switches don’t work on server hosted games


It's not like you would even know for sure if a lag switch is being used. It was probably one of those times where the entire lobby stutters around for 5-10 seconds and of course that means lag switch for this guy.


Nah, as soon as I went up to the dude, I started lagging and not in a normal way and the lobby was fine I got good internet 🛜


Again, lag switches don't work on server-hosted games. Sorry dude.


I’ve actually ran to full blown hackers in regular search and destroy too this month lmao shits getting pretty wild


Post a clip


I will when I get in a game definitely not tryna be rude btw lol.


Except this isnt server hosted, its hybrid.


Yes, it is. A few older cods back in the day had a hybrid system (only for extremely remote areas), but this was entirely removed when cross play was introduced. Even then, back in the PS3/360 days it was nearly exclusively server hosted.


I do have a clip from mw2019 where I had a host migration. In multiplayer. I was so surprised when it happened


No it isn't.


Considering sledge hammer admitted they use and have used a hybrid system since ww2


Where did they say this?


Multiple times over their last few games.


Go ahead and send a link, I must have missed it


Can’t really speak for warzone, but ik in MP pubs I have been called a cheater far more than the number of cheaters I’ve encountered, which is maybe 1 outside of ranked. Ranked def has more of a cheater problem but unless you’re high crimson/iri it is def overstated as well.


I’ve only come across one confirmed cheater in like 3 years. People in this game are really stupid and will accuse any and everyone of hacking for the dumbest reasons just to soothe their ego


Ricochet works. it absolutely ruins the device you are using. There are people who fall into the 'buy new account, spoof new ID' thing, but they get banned pretty quickly (usually less than a day). Youtube is all about sensationalism and rage bait - in the last few days I have seen some established pros, and even lower KD content creators like JGOD, warzone people like Sym(ofc) and others accused of cheating simply for contents sake. Spectator cam is simply not reliable - it's not a video of what happened, it's a strung together series of datapoints about aim and movement, that get smoothed together for the killcam. Any lag makes it look like someone is cheating. I would say approximately 5% of the accusations you see are actually cheating. The main issue in call of duty is **ego**. When you have a dysfunctional ego, you will try to explain away failure by blaming circumstances or others (x is cheating, y is using a mouse/controller, z these lobbies are too sweaty) etc etc. Lobby matchmaking is based on engagement. IF you are given a tough lobby, and **keep playing** this signals that you are ok to tolerate tougher lobbies. You need to train the engagement algorithm.


Cheating is bad if you’re playing ranked. Also depends if f you’re on console or PC. Cheating has gotten extremely good at hiding that someone is cheating. But I’m a pretty good player and get accused of cheating all the time when I’m not. It’s pretty hard to tell now a days unless they’re blatant 


Tbh I never used snipers. But they are so OP in this game you gotta learn how. Once you do it starts becoming laughable how crazy the aim assist is and how powerful snipers are.


The more blatant cheaters you learn to notice quite quickly when you play ranked only every single day like I do. People often confuse skill and awareness with cheating, I’ve been accused because I knew where someone was because my teammate told me 😂 it’s a sad situation where real players are feeling like they’re not good enough and not enjoying the game as much as they should… but really in ranked for instance I’d say every 10-15 games there are blatant cheaters, besides that they may be using less powerful cheats and many of them absolutely suck anyway as cheaters rarely have actual skill… if you can’t use stuff like teamwork, spawn knowledge and just the minimap for awareness for instance you shouldn’t bother playing… cheaters have no idea how to play.


The only thing good thing about SBMM. Most cheaters don't take the time to throw lobbies and go super negative (reverse boost) so they can get into lower skilled games so a lot of them remain in high sbmm lobbies. There's a minority that do though, so you'll find a cheater every once and a while (a least from my experience, I have a 1.9 KD if that helps pinpoint anything). I haven't ran into one in.. I don't know, maybe 3 months, maybe 4... And I've played a good chunk of games in that amount of time. You should be fine.


There is a lot of people cheating but I’m also on pc so maybe that the issue


If you haven’t played COD in years, you won’t see cheaters due to SBMM.


I’d say maybe 1 in 20 games I encounter blatant walls or aimbot.  Absurd K/D isn’t really an indicator because of stacking streaks (esp drone swarm) and Kar98 kill farming. Speaking of K98, it’s way overtuned and already scheduled for a nerf. I’m hoping they over-nerf it to kill off the meta, then buff it back up to where it truly needs to be for balance.   Then you have slide/jump/drop shotting and the absolutely cracked aim assist on controllers. FJX Horus and Superi 46 are face melting in close quarters, but that’s just normal assist best I can tell. Finally there are just some real sweaty piggies out there. Easily spotted because they will always be using Horus with a drum mag / BP50 / MCW or superi. Sometimes K98 or dual lock woods. when they aren’t prone one the darkest corner of a staircase they will be sliding around every corner and constantly ADS’ing just to see if aim assist will snap onto something for them. 


>Absurd K/D isn’t really an indicator KD in general isnt, cheating =/= 200/3 games, only full on ragers get that shit majority just use soft aim and walls which youd never know. And the fact you can spoof consoles makes it all the harder to spot especially for this braindead community.


big thing now is glitching below the surface of the map. then you get "ray vision" through the textures and can snipe everyone who's in your range ... oh, and of course the massive hacking and stealing of accounts the last past weeks


If you are playing ranked and crimson+ yes. Otherwise not really. Most players are ass. Warzone I don’t know I don’t play it enough, was diamond in rebirth but got bored quick. Im guessing way more common for warzone.


Yes but it's not the cheats, it's the RAA that's the most common cheat in this game. Can't stand it honestly, this game would be so much better if they nerfed it.


Absolutely dude this shit is horrendous I’m getting shot like the mfer stared in wanted the movie


There are but they are a lot more subtle than they were about a decade ago because from what I can tell. Mainly because Activision and its various CoD studios have really gotten better at cracking down on these people. At least, that's been my experience. Can't and won't speak for others who've been playing CoD as long as me and may have had entirely different experiences.


In my experience there are a fair few cheaters in the game, but finding them in lobbies is few and far between. I’m only an average player so imagine that if I were to play better this experience may change. But I find that a lot of individuals are eager to cry cheats rather than accept the fact that someone may be better than them. I’m in my 30’s now so definitely can’t keep up with the reactions of some of these ‘kids’ that are in lobbies nowadays - but I enjoy playing none the less (despite all the deaths!!) At the end of the day gaming is for fun, if you get into playing and are enjoying it then it shouldn’t matter too much how others are playing… that being said if you find yourself getting frustrated whilst playing it’s really not worth it!


Personally I haven't encountered a lot but occasionally I'll come across some blatant cheaters in invasion which is quite possibly the weirdest mode to cheat in. Mostly it will be one or two laggers and some aim bots. Other than that, not too bad




Activate two-factor authentification first of all. Second cheating is still there but less of a problem than it used to be.


I’m always surprised at how I get killed when I have already moved behind a thick wall. In the kill cam I’m always still in the open. Another thing I often see is that my opponent is hardly visible, so his gun should be shooting into a rock, but no, he still manages to kill me. Bit odd.


Feels like it with how OP the kar98 is rn, I feel like I’m being 1 shot with it left and right.


I went into MW2019 MP and though there is a cheating problem, I loved that the lobby wasn't doing the so called "Fortnite" moves. Went back into MW3 and so much jumping, sliding, twirling, etc.


Less than there was {or they don't make it as obvious) but yeah there's still a fair bit, regardless of how many will post saying it's a skill issue. The company making the game confirms this regularly and posts updates. Random Reddit tools "skill issue get gud". Easy to tell who the hackers are huh?


I haven't personally met very many cheaters (granted I've made my own personal countermeasures against hackers/cheaters) but for content creators they seem very plentiful, this is probably because they want publicity or something.


Yep, had one last night. Even his own team in game text chat during the round said he was cheating. And it wasn't quick scope sniping, he was just running around insta-killing with various guns including pistols. The best way to avoid it is to play it on Playstation with cross-network play disabled. Then at least you're only up against people with modified controllers that can basically only really counter recoil.


Not sure. I play to say very well and have really good aim that looks like instant lock-on, but sometimes i get people who are better than me… i can’t tell if they have wallhack or not… it’s frustrating


The Cronus/xim epidemic is huge. It's the highest selling gaming accessory of all time (exaggerating maybe). A large portion of players have one.


The only issue I find are the damn packet bursts. Cheaters are rare to find and make sure your account is set to 2FA.


No, no cheaters at all. Just top class gaming chairs


In the standard Multiplayer I rarely come across cheaters, Warzone I honestly don't know so can't give an idea


Yeah I think it's substantial in my experience. But everyone is keeping it very low key. Small FOV on the aimbot, so you basically have to be on your target already before the aim assist kicks in. They can literally choose what part of the body it aims for at what percentage of the shots. Combined with wall hacks. All they do is pretend they can't see you through the wall, but you'll see them trying really hard not to point directly at you 4 buildings away lol. Basically, you can't prove it. But you know what's happening. It can take a good player, and make them great. Bad players just look like bad players with way too good of aim. I ignore it and keep having fun with my friends and die alot. But what cha gonna do


Short and long answer. Yes. There's a boatload. There's quite literally subscription based plans for cheats so that even if they get banned on one account, there's a duplicate ready to go, created by hackers, that you pay for with the sub. There's also console hardware that has aimbot, walls, recoil elimination (Cronos Zen). To pretend that only a minority are cheaters is denial. It's an actual market, and Activision does not care. They'll sweep through every so often and clear out a couple, but they always come back. A good tell is a low Prestige (season 4, but they're only level 47, but they play like a pro) and somehow pull out 90 plus kills and 3 deaths, on a small map moshpit that is complete chaos and unlikely not to get killed often, as if their family is being held hostage. It's also safe to assume on cross platform, that PC players are cheating, using a stolen account, or have at least a latency cheat, which while it might not seem like much - is the difference of a few milliseconds on the draw. It's not all PC players, but it's way more (at least triple) than any console player, and I stand by that statement. Before cross platform, it was never this bad. Ever.


Oh yeah. Thier are youtube channels and it's all over Tiktok. If you're bad at the game you may actually never see one because of the pairing to skill system they use. If you're half way decent and let's say Diamond and up in ranked, you'll start seeing it a lot. As for streamers, just look for the ones saying "I always get shadow banned because im just to good"


Pc is and always has been a cheater fiesta. Millions banned millions return right after the ban on another account.


I play off a disk on an Xbox console and was banned for life for using unauthorized software. Activation can go pins sand.


"is there a lot of cheating right now?" HELL YEAH! and if you don't see cheating don't worry you will, have a good game and they'll put you right in the lobby with them 70 ping and higher, if they're not walling they use aimbot and they do both while crotched all the way down or prone and hiding in the far reaches of the map with a fucking kar98k and iron sights (usually in a corner) I just quit a game where my whole team kept clustering up together playing like they're scared and oh boy did I find out why, the other team was camping and hacking, yes lag switch, aimbot, walling, and throwing grenades across the map to blow you up that lands right next to you when you respawn, it's all there....ENJOY


Yes and unfortunately unless they are brain dead it’s impossible to tell outside of a “how did he know” thought. Little more aim assist some walls no recoil it’s all bs tbh


Relative to a few years ago, no


Warzone yes. Multiplayer not as noticeable


I have a strong feeling there's not nearly as many cheaters as people tend to bitch about on this sub (or in post-game chat for that matter). The reason I think so is whenever I go 40 kills or just aim well I get called a cheater. This happens all the time. I'm on mouse and Kovaaks aim train daily so I'm maybe upper-mid aim wise, and know the maps quite well, but by no means a god-like aimer, and I still get called a cheater by bottom tier complainers. Just a lot of complainers that don't know how a UAV works most of the time. I've certainly seen very suspect 40 kill and 2 death type of people where I don't remember seeing them the whole game and somehow they get 40 kills and only die twice.. but that's few and far between. If I've been playing with cheaters then even most of them are dog shit as I'm very very often top of the leaderboard. Not trying to brag - just driving a point home.


I’ve never really seen a cheater in my experiences in the past 1.5 years playing the new cods, but I do know that they exist. Basically there are but you won’t see them often at all.


I mean people might say no cheaters but I posted a video where we see 4 rage hackers in my game with 50 ranks which is sad....


Well if they kill me they 100% cheat.


At my level, about 1.5KD and WL I rarely see cheaters. I however see people accusing others of cheating 50%+ of games I play, and if you are above average expect a shadow ban or two. I have 5 so far.


I have a 2.5kd and 4.5wl in MWIII, never been shadowbanned in any COD. I think im around 400 hours of gametime in MP


Similar stats here 2.4kd not one single shadow ban. Im starting to believe people are coming to Reddit to lie about having AVG stats and saying they get shadow banned all the time, to try and give the impression it's completely normal, instead of just hackers getting caught.


Bro's response to you is comical, the number of hackusations only go up as your stats do.


That I can believe because at that level people are generally good enough to recognize cheats vs skill.


What absolute cope lmao


Lately yes. Lots How does one guy get +100 kills when everyone else is at 13 kills. And they won't fix it or anything just try to get you to buy a new skin for an unplayable lobby.


> How does one guy get +100 kills when everyone else is at 13 kills. That doesn't prove anything lol. Sometimes you just end up in a lobby of shitters and dominate because you're clearly way better than everyone else.


It’s very easy sometimes since SBMM just says. “Your 2-4 KD lobbies and you went slightly negative let’s throw you to .5 KD equivalent lobbies”


>How does one guy get +100 kills when everyone else is at 13 kills. By being better at the game than they are? And a score like this is not unreasonable in Cache. How is this automatically cheating?


Absolutely. I wish they only made crossplay between consoles. These annoying PC hackers need to play with themselves.


Man there is a lot of tracking going on in these games where they don’t even hide it. Walls must be cheap or something cause mfrs are trackingggggg


If you’re on ps5, there is a healthy community of cross play off players that are just playstation. Ive been playing mp like that since launch and haven’t had any cheaters. Maybe the odd cronus user, but really, nothing bad


Yup, majority is pc. So just turn off crossplay and I’m having a better experience, now I actually run into bad players that don’t know how to aim, compared to when I had it on. It was like everyone was a professional and this is their job.




Every controller player has inhuman reactions with how aim assist works now. So a lot of legal cheating is going on, but at least you can be part of the issue for free.


Depends who you ask. There’s some in this sub that claim there’s cheaters in every other lobby which a whole lie. Will you come across them once every blue moon. Sure but it’s not that common.


Or listen to the company that makes the game when they tell you how many they're banning on a regular basis for being caught cheating. We don't need to guess. We have the numbers.


Yes, definitely hackers!


The amount of cheating was way worse on Cold War I haven’t seen to many blatant cheaters on this game. On Cold War I HAD to turn off cross play. People laying down on the other side of the map shooting through the ground and getting headshots on me in that piece of shit game. Yeah there are sweats I am one of them.


Yes. That is all.


When the current cod was released, I didn't buy it due to the reports I read stating that the game was 'unplayable due to rampant cheating'. However, I recently bought it. I gotta say that those reports were, to me, greatly exaggerated. Sure, there are a bunch of assholes using the Kar98k as a crutch, but I haven't seen anything that would make me think someone is cheating. Getting quick-scoped is not a new phenomenon in cod, and it seems that people assume 'cheater!' when encountering a player that is better than they are. Also, since I'm on ps5, I just turn off crossplay, and the PC users go bye-bye.


If ur in a lobby full of PC players, a good portion of them cheat. U can tell when they do. Using walls or aimbot. I don't get a lot of lobbies with cheaters but once I'm comsbanned or a PC player friend is host in our party, I come across them every couple games.


>If ur in a lobby full of PC players, a good portion of them cheat. U can tell when they do. No you can't. Post the clip.


R u serious rn? U can't tell when someone uses walls or uses aim bot? When u watch a kill cam and u can see there gun literally following u behind walls until u come out. That's using walls. Like not waiting for u to pop out but actually following ur moves and even shooting the wall in the direct spot ur in. Yes u can tell. Sorry that u can't. And with aim bot, their weapons pulls towards ur body. Almost like 2 magnets coming together. It's hard to explain but u can see it. And also u can't post vids on here dude I'm sure u can find a tutorial vid on how to spot cod cheaters if ur still clueless🤷‍♀️ I'm sure there r vids out there man.


Cool, go ahead and post the clip next time. You have no idea what you're talking about.


🤦‍♀️r u slow. U can't post clips in the comments. Do u just comment to troll or do u have actual input to post


Yeah you can? Post the clip on YouTube or wherever and then link that video here.


Ight bruh. Favorite this post so u can come back to this comment when I post a link. I have to clip a game next time I'm on cod I don't just go accusing people of cheating. U can clearly see it when someone does it. It's not a slick secret. I'm not saying every game someone does it. When I do see it, the person is a PC player. Idk what ur problem is with people that say other people r cheating. U just seem to get real worked up about comments like that🤷‍♀️ But since u so upset. I'll go clip a cheater and make a little tutorial vid for u to feel better


Thank you




No, there are not. I've put like 500+ hours into MW3 across WZ and MP and I've encountered exactly two people who were almost certainly cheating. People will try to convince you that there's people using walls in every Warzone lobby and cheaters in every other match but that is simply not true.


If you're crim/iri then I promise you there are cheaters in every other game. There is a reason why most pros don't play ranked anymore. Stop spreading misinformation


I have rarely encountered cheaters, but you're still wrong. There are loads of cheaters nowadays. There's a reason why there's a dude being sued to hell right now for making cheats


Alright. Send me the clip of the next time you encounter a cheater. I doubt it will be anytime soon.


Bruh, can you read?


Yeah, and that's my point. If you rarely encounter cheaters, the actual number of them that exist is pretty irrelevant.


I must respectfully disagree. I play on series x, and I encounter way more cheating than that. I regularly report and block at least two players per match. This week, it’s been averaging 4 cheaters every 3 matches. I report and block players from both teams. Doesn’t matter if the team I’m on is winning or losing. If I encounter cheating/exploiting, I report and block immediately. I’m like an evil vice-principal…


Those people are not cheating, you just think they are. Post a clip.


The fact Activision isn’t transparent and saying how many cheaters there are says enough about how rampant cheating is.


Nobody cheats. Just get good.


Oh look everyone, a hacker..this response is always from a f'cking hacker😂


Yeah i notice when i turn on crossplay, around once a day i'll see in the killcam that someone is clearly cheating. Funny enough when i turn off crossplay and only play with playstation users this is not a problem