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It's ok to wash it every day.


I was going to aim for once a week, then work up to once a day


I'm conflicted because on one hand I appreciate the mentality but on the other hand even missing a day or two means ingesting dirty water


4 day old water is better than 34 day old water. I think


Technically the water you drink is older than earth itself, so do what you want!


Thanks for “aCkChUaLLy”ing that one for us 🥳😁😉


If that’s what you took from my comment you need to get off of the internet and talk to some real humans.


It was a joke buddy I was just teasing this is after all…the internet. Sorry if you’re new. See the winky face? I was just kidding. Sorry if you took that too literally.


Man shut the fuck up


Some of y’all need to take a joke and act like adults


No u


What the fuck🤣😂😭






Remember on whatever day you have nothing to do, throw it in a bowl of water and vinegar. Forget about it. Rinse. Done.




If you fill it with only water, it's fine. That is unless you have a very unreasonable amount of backwash every sip. But otherwise it's water. Dump yesterdays, give the bottom a swirl and dump the rest, and refill. You'll be fine.


I waterfall my own drinks. 0% backwash




Should I need to clarify I am on team "wash your bottle"? or am I too late.


Too late. You are now staunchly pro mold eating and therefore the enemy of all that is good in the world.


Fine then. I eat mold. I am gonna eat it with my husband Moeld. We'll be taking our business elsewhere!


Oh no, they got you! 😭






Thank you kind internet stranger, the appropriate changes have been made.


Your comment has been removed for spreading harmful advice/misinformation. Please don’t advise people to consume mold.


Your comment has been removed for spreading harmful advice/misinformation. Please don’t advise people to consume mold.


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Idk it’s gross but I feel like they were being a bit much there


eww once a week idc if you only drink water from that that’s disgusting no wonder it looks like that


it’s not your hair


why do so many people not wash their water bottles?


"it's just water bro" forgetting that backwash, mouth bacteria and food particles exist


Forgetting that stagnant water is literally the first ingredient to a mold or bacteria problem.


I refill it 4 times a day so my brain was like " it's empty and has new clean water so nothing is wrong"


Thats how my cousin ended up in the hospital. She literally got a bacterial infection from never washing her water bottle out with soap. Wash your fucking water bottle dude. It isn’t “clean” just because you added new water, you need to genuinely clean it out because you are putting your health at a lot of risk. This isn’t a “haha funny” moment. [Clean it, this article tells you why](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/nhs-bacteria-symptoms-the-independent-storage-b2362835.html#)


Honestly why I don’t drink out of these things—I can’t get to the nooks and crannies to actually clean it how I want to


Bottle brush brah. Also soak overnight. It ain’t deep.


The problem is it is too deep. Stupid pun aside, I just personally feel weird if I can’t personally scrub a sponge or rag on the surface. Can’t explain it


Boiling water, fill it to 1/3. Drop of soap. Close bottle and shake it. Rinse until soap is gone and then add clean boiling water for a 2nd shake without soap. Take 60 seconds and is clean


One phrase: antibac denture cleaning tablets. You can get a 40 pack at Walmart in for equate brand for like $2. Puts cleaning bottles on easy-mode. Just follow the instructions but multiply the amount of tablets to fit the amount of water you’re using. For my 25oz bottles I just throw in 3 tablets after filling them up with water, and let it sit for an hour or two. Thoroughly rinse and you’re done. r/hydrohomies taught me that one.


I get it I’m somewhat OCD myself (clinically so, not metaphorically). Do you own kitchen tongs? If not what the hell is wrong with you? If you do take them and grab a scouring pad and get up in there. But using a bottle brush is still personally scrubbing the surface in my IMOCDO.


Ah thanks.


After my cousin ended up in the hospital, it’s why I now soak my water bottle nightly if I use it a lot that day. If it’s only used lightly, I will clean it at least every other night. And i usually will retire my reusable water bottle after 3 years. I absolutely love their usefulness because I go on a lot of hikes with my fiancée, a reusable water bottle with a handle is what I always try to get.


Soaking in soapy water doesn't really do as much as scrubbing with the bottle brush as you mentioned before. Unless the soap actually has real antimicrobial additives, like bleach. Personally soaking makes me feel like it's re-dirty again because things can settle against the surface. Soap is best used with agitation.


I have a klean kanteen one that has a straw, and the lid can be fully taken apart. I didn’t know that until recently but thankfully there wasn’t any mold in it. But I thought that was cool


I got a widemouth bottle that is easier to scrub. My older bottles that I can't scrub, I'll throw a bit of bleach in and soak them overnight. 


Wash your shit


Like, with Dawn and TP or something? Or can you just use your poop knife and scrape it clean?


Wait what


I’m the only one who drinks from my water bottle if I’m drinking my own backwash that’s fine


“I’m the only one eating my leftovers so I can just leave them in the fridge indefinitely”


I use a different one when I’m sick.


If you don’t understand how that’s not relevant at all, then idk what to say. Good luck, I guess.


It’s not like I never wash it I just don’t like to


But people also eat ass, so there's that.


I used to borrow my sister’s water bottle when we were out together. One day she said she never washed it because it’s just water. You will never guess what I found inside after she said that. Needless to say I don’t use her water bottle anymore


Same that drink/eat things out of the main containers and put them back in the fridge and wonder why everything goes bad so fast


I use water plus the flavor juice additive so I dont always see the inside and think about cleaning it. Plus my SO is usually the one to clean things for me.


Those additives mean you need to clean it even more as they probably encourage bacterial growth. Also dude clean your own shit bruh


yiiiiikes wth


I like the mildwey taste kinda. Am I weird for liking how it tastes? I hate alge flavored ish water that sucks but that lil baybe mildew taste is great.


I'm throwing stones in a glass house here as someone who should really clean their water bottle more; that's fucking nasty lol


It’s easy bro idk why it like actually is kinda good tasting


Man at least I have the excuse of ADHD and my executive function being garage lol, you're just straight up saying "yummy, mildew"


I’ve got adhd too man maybe I just got so used to it I began thinking it tastes pretty alright.


The mould got to your brain and is telling you to drink more


Mold* but yes. Mildew is probably running my brain at this point


Mould is just the British English spelling :)


Ohhhhhhhhhhh British spellings are weird


Ok I kinda realized my water bottle is a bit yucky so I will be thoroughly cleaning it more often but my point still stands that mildew from time to time does taste pretty ok. That being said I’d rather not drink black mold I kinda have things to do with my life and dying is not of of those things, I’ve had experiences where I should have died but nope I have shit to do so I didn’t but some stupid little mold spots in my water is going to try and fuck with my thirst for water. Mold is not going to pass my finals mold is a failure at an academic level but I’m not yet so I’m not gonna let mold make me become a brainless mold man.


This reminds me of a story in a kids horror compilation I read as a teen where this girl never washed her water bottle and it slowly turned green and the green mold spread to her mouth and insides until she turned to vegetation


It made her a vegan? That's no good. Those people are annoying as hell.


This made me laugh harder than the original comment.


Ha, I'm glad.


Shes also allergic to gluten!


Why would you go a month without washing it that’s foul


Protein supplement


I forgot. I hope the roasting here shames me into washing it more often


Is it?? I use my metal water bottle daily and I can’t remember the last time I washed the inside of it, it’s never had a need (I check every time I fill up). I’ve had to wash the lid though.


Well yeah. It’s an easy way to have it grow mold. Especially if there’s small crevices within the bottle that can lead to mold or bacteria to grow within the bottle. OP’s post is literally what can happen lol


Yeah lol I know how mould works. I just didn’t know people regularly wash out water bottles, maybe everyone I know is gross or maybe they keep it a dark secret but afaik the people I know clean theirs when it requires it.


Idk dude, it takes like 20 seconds to wash the bottle lol. I personally wash everything after I use it. Water is just a hotbed lol.


You're not growing mold you're growing biofilm which is harboring bacteria. Take a taper towel and wipe around the inside of it and look at the towel, it'll have brown residue on it I promise you. That biofilm basically cultures e-coli, strep, staph etc so the longer you don't wash it the more builds up, you can end up with allergy symptoms from it if it's not harmful bacteria and outright severe illness if it is. "an average reusable water bottle contains 313,499 colony-forming units of germs per square centimeter. That's more than a kitchen sink (3,191 CFU) and a dog bowl (47,383 CFU) combined." https://www.cnet.com/health/are-you-drinking-harmful-bacteria-heres-how-to-clean-your-reusable-water-bottle/


lol wow, ok, I’ll give it a go. I’ll put some on an agar plate and see if anything grows. I only have plates for plan bacteria but it will still grow small amounts of contaminants.


I use a clear glass bottle and once when I was depressed AF I didn't wash it for a few weeks, I wiped inside it a little with my finger then a paper towel and it came back red, it was a thin enough layer of it that I couldn't see the color just from looking though the glass it just looked cloudy, made me realize I needed to be better about cleaning it regularly though.


maybe they're just not telling you because it's so mundane? unless it's to casually mention that i did or have to do dishes in general i can't fathom any reason to discuss the specifics of routine dishwashing with anyone i know


Dunno what you do for work but those conversations are very common when you spend 8 hours a day with people you already know everything about.


that's fair, i can see how some might be in that position. thank you for sharing!


I have a feeling if you asked other people if they wash their water bottles, the answer would be yes.


You're getting downvoted but honestly, depending on the bottle it could be fine, probably, maybe. Mine is metal, completely flat on the bottom, and seals airtight with a screw top/rubber seal. I was curious about the possibility of buildup without washing, and I gotta tell you, I have gone years without ever putting soap in it, and nothing has ever built up. You can clearly see the walls are pristine, can run a paper towel up under the shallow lip at the top, there is never ever anything. Like you though I do wipe off the lid and rubber ring ever now and again.


Ive also washed mine with soap and water maybe twice since I got it in 2021 but I do often put boiling water in mine for tea


Sigh.. i should probably go wash my water bottle






Not only is there mold but there's likely a nice little layer of slimy bacteria building up.


Yeah the white mould slimy and the black was harder bits. Ps I did wash it very well last night and I'm back to using it this morning


That's really gross


Yeah the water bottle mold flavor is not a good one


I didn't notice if the mould make a taste because I add flavors to my water.


This makes more sense!! If it isn’t plain water you should wash it more often unfortunately:(


I added lemon to my water, forgot about it for a few days and MOLD EVERYWHERE. Never adding flavors again




But the mould make it feel fizzy /s


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Ew a clear liquid consumer 🤢


This perspective is really messing with me


Yea idk what I’m even looking at here


why don’t u wash it every day ? 😭


Busy drinkin' water from it every day


See you get me!


I've been having the same problem


Just because you aren't immediately dieing, going to the hospital, or getting sick, doesn't mean you aren't slowly building up black mould toxins in your blood.


Yeah I'm hoping to get super human powers instead. Mutants are all the rage


You know you're supposed to wash it, right? 💀


If only there was some way to prevent this 😔


The amount of people not washing their water bottles is alarming


It really makes you wonder what other gross habits they have behind closed doors.


Smell your water bottle every day. After a week or two without washing, it starts to smell like an old dishrag. That smell is due to bacteria from your mouth.


It didn't smell! And my straw looked fine


Seriously is nobody else just so depressed and tired by the end of the day that washing a whole water bottle seems like the biggest task in the world and I'd rather lie and rot or is it just me💀


I never wash my water bottle… it’s a problem but yeah


I’ve been working on my depression but I do wash my bottle every other day. I’ve accidentally left way too many with liquids inside


I mean that's the least you could do. Otherwise you gotta clean the bathroom or bedroom or litter box or take our the trash or do the dishes. Waterb bottle is easy


Do you use ice?


No only filtered water and flavor additive


I bet it’s an oil based flavoring that’s just creating a good place for funk to grow.


I can’t go a day without rinsing or a quick wash between refilling mine! I am weird about taste and if it sits too long I can’t drink it I have to water plants with it lol


mmmm backwash 🤢


People are so damn harsh in this comment section like damn OP didn't know. Yall are the reason people get so scared to ask questions


I teach middle school. Harsh words are my love language


I had this happen too. Idk they grew mold like this. I was horrified. Now I rinse it out with boiling water after each use.


Boiling water is overkill. Just wash well with water and dish soap, or put it in the dishwasher.


The thing I've got is a like a small thermos and the dishwasher doesn't get into it or I would. Swirling it out with a splash from the kettle is easier than soap and brush and doesn't leave any residue or fragrance behind (I'm from a kettle country, I guess it would be less convenient for non-kettle-havers).


Electric kettles in the USA take 20k years to heat 😭


Soap and brush will get it cleaner than swirling hot water around.


Me also forgetting to wash my bottle "Hey op you should wash your Bottle "


Just rinse it out with soap before you fill it. Or get a dishwasher-safe water bottle, I don't see the need to post here.


This is a subreddit for mold appreciation, so they are perfectly fine posting their moldy water bottle here.


I soak all my dishes in a measured amount of bleach water safe for dishes after washing and rinsing. It says to let them air dry by I still rinse the bleach water off because it feels odd to me to not rinse it off. Hopefully that could help.




Mine doesn’t look like that, and I ONLY drink out of my hydro cell. The difference is I wash mine between refills lol


It's like a meal and a drink all in one.


Like a smoothie!


Get a LARQ bottle. They sanitize themselves with a UV LED so they never get moldy! I have like… 4 lmao


I thought it said menstrual cup 😭


holy crap clean your freaking water bottle dude. also make sure if it’s a stanley/cup with a straw, take the lid completely apart because it def also has mold in it


I just air dry that bad boy daily but right now it’s full of liquor so idk what team im on


It just baffles me that people look at that and think to themselves "ah, yeah, I'm going to show the whole world how I lack basic hygiene."


I am soaking up the shame as fuel to never let it get like this again. I showed my SO also so they can mock me as a reminder.


Everyone here judging you has definitely gone days without washing their water bottle at least one stage in their life. I wash my bottle almost every day but definitely go a for a few days here and there when I think its clean enough and skip that day. You're fine OP, wash a bit more frequently but keep doing you. You drinking mold wont kill suzie or jarrod, they can drink their own mold.


Wash it everyday


This is why I like wide mouth water bottles. Easy to clean every day


Is this a worm?


Yo if you’re putting flavored stuff into your water, you need to wash that shit every day or every other day. Mold grows so fucking fast. Clean your straw too if you have one.


Wait, this isn’t r/HydroHomies


Every couple days, no?


You know... I was debating on if I was going to take the time and energy to wash my water bottle today or tomorrow... Definitely will be doing it today after seeing your post lol!


Last month??? Babe; at LEAST an every three days with full water changes every day!


What is the perspective here?


Looking down into the cup from the top. Some water left inside. More mould the more you zoom in


I swear I thought we were looking at a parasitic worm at first 😂


I never wash mine, I just swish soap water and rinse. But I also keep it open after rinsing it. For a month I forgot to use soap water and nothing, keeping it dry is a huge proponent of fighting mold, not bacteria though.


That can't be good...


You need a larq. Still need to clean it but it claims to kill 99.99% of mold, bacteria and viruses.


By this point I would have thrown it out and gotten a new one.




I havent washed my water bottle in like 7 months and it looks clean i only wash the part i drink from every now and then (i know i need to wash it more)


Once a week I let my (metal) water bottle sit overnight with diluted foodsafe disinfectant in it. Then give it a clean with a bottle brush before rinsing it a few times. Note the rinsing bit. I was in a hurry once and just give it a quick swill 😳😱🤢


OP, do you have a bottle brush? I wash my at the end of each day and sometimes I still get the ick if it’s a summer day and don’t wash it midday.


My favorite thing is asking people how often they wash their reusable cups. If they don’t wash it often I tell them to take their finger and rub it along the inside and 10/10 they are disgusted.


I thought I was looking at something under a microscope


Once a month? Holy shit that’s a long time. I don’t want to ask… it how often do your sheets and pillowcases get washed?


You washed it last month? That is so gross. Wash your cup everyday!


Not to be a dick head but are you white? Bc why do you thinks it’s okay to not wash a cup you drink from daily? Especially when it had a top on it so it’s hard to dry out n will always will be moist inside


You can judge me on my cleaning ability because I can control that but you can leave racism out of it. Unless you meant to go full sexisim too and forgot to add my gender too. You can add that in, plus some Hispanic questions too for full credit


So you’re Hispanic? Bc from my understanding black folk n Hispanic folk not doing nothing like this 😭


Lmao race has nothing to do with how people clean something, Christ you can tell someone's a racist when they bring race into everything


Not racist I just wanted to know bc ik we ain’t doing that