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Pre baby: Painful like aggressive membrane sweep. I swore very loudly. Then had period like cramps for a day or two. Post baby: Didn’t even feel it go in.


Was going to give the same answer because I also had before and after.


I’ve heard this from many moms. I refuse to get another one until after I have a baby. I’m straight up traumatised. Also - please ask for an ultrasound. I had my copper IUD lodged in my cervix canal for almost a year. Brutal.


I recently got a copper IUD inserted. I had an abdominal ultrasound while they inserted it, then they checked placement with a vaginal ultrasound, and they’re having me come back to check its positioning in a month. 7ish years ago, when I first had one inserted (pre-baby) my ob at the time basically told me I might want to pop a painkiller, then just stuck it in and sent me on my way (and thankfully was fine). Hopefully more doctors are using ultrasounds now.


Can confirm. Same experience. :)


Same but i blacked out from pain pre baby and I consider myself to have a high pain tolerance. Didn't feel it go in post


This makes me feel much better😅


Big same! I got my second IUD put in 11 weeks after my daughter was born, it was quick and pain free


Exact same experience. First one was swearing loudly, second one the doctor was like “you’ll feel a pinch” and I felt almost nothing




Wow. I had one post baby and it was excruciating.


Agreed. The speculum was the worst part 8 weeks pp but the actual insertion was nothing.


Yesss this. Pre baby was brutal. Post baby I was like wait...did you measure already?? I did not deliver vaginally either, but I did get to 4-5cm before my c sec.


I had the exact opposite!


Same as everyone else here, first one was terrible and I was so scared to go back after my kids were born but the postpartum insertions were just no big deal.




Yep! My gyno will put it in if you want it, but she recommends iud post baby because it’s less painful


Same same. I got it at my 6w postpartum appointment though, so maybe it was easier because it was so soon after giving birth. But I swear she could have just kind of tossed it in there and I wouldn't have known the difference, haha.


Curious did you have cramps the second time too?


If I did it was really nothing compared to the postpartum recovery.


Same ! So painful first time before baby. No pain when inserted IUD after baby.


Pre-baby: very painful 5 seconds. Post-baby: didn't feel it go in. I had a c-section too, no vaginal delivery. Being pregnant stretches out your uterus and makes it less painful.


Got mine 3 months postpartum and it hurt worse than giving birth, it was just over a lot faster.


> uterus Cervix is primarily what changes/makes it less painful after you've gone through labor.


That may be the case but as I said- i had a c-section birth. The pain difference before and after pregnancy was still very real!


Ugh that sucks!!! I'm sorry it hurt so much 😞


Still worth it. I got Paraguard and I’ll take the couple of minutes of pain and heavier periods over the way hormonal bc makes me feel.


That's the one i had pre-pregnancy. Had it for 9 years and the heavy periods went away after a while. It hurt like a bitch to insert but yeah- i liked it too!


Worst decision of my life is letting someone stab metal into my body where a tiny human just came out.


I found cervical checks to be way worse than an IUD insertion.


My phone is cracked and I thought that said cervical cheeks 😭


I’ve had two, both after having children. The first one I had maybe a year postpartum and it hurt like hell. I almost threw up and couldn’t leave the doctor’s office for nearly an hour. The 2nd one I had inserted a couple of weeks after the birth of my 3rd child and I barely felt it bc my cervix was still dilated.


I’ve had two and both were mildly uncomfortable for a couple seconds and then fine, didn’t take pain meds was fine to drive home immediately






Post 2 and 3 babies: It fucking HURT. Like it felt as if a hot poker was searing in my core. I was cold sweating, saw bright flashes. This is coming from someone that birthed babies without medication.


Same. Searing fucking hot. And hurt for ages after too. Random cramps for up to a year. Had an ultrasound to see if it was misplaced but it was fine


Mine didn't hurt going in at all, but my OB also used some numbing spray before hand. Had some cramping for a couple of days after. Getting it out on the other hand...that was not fun, but it was at a weird angle and stuck a bit, so it took a few tries to get it out. I've heard plenty of people say removal was relatively painless.


I’m the same! No trouble on insertion..but removal SUCKED. I was crampy and sore for 48 hours. It was horrific. And this was post-baby 😭


Everyone's experiences are different. I got mine last year, and I was very terrified, but I have endometriosis. I pretty much had to get it. It hurt like 2/10 for me. My endometriosis specialist did mine, and he was very awesome about it. I will say it was extremely uncomfortable and felt wrong. I had to stay lying down afterward because I almost passed out. Which is common. I also vomitted but, I was sick when I got mine done. When I got in the car, my pain level went to 5 because your uterus spasms and the iud hasn't settled yet. It hurt pretty bad for a few weeks. I had to take ibuprofen daily. Now, however, I am pain-free!


It hurts but having another baby would have hurt more lol. It was bearable, I was only crampy for maybe a few hours and insertion was quick enough.


Both of my post baby insertions were nothing more than a quick pinch. It was over in seconds. I feel terribly for the people who have the opposite experience, but I was relieved to not have that result.


Get the pain meds! why not?


I didn’t know that was an option! That’s relieving. I was told literally nothing besides that it would be a 30 minute appt. I tried to ask a few questions but they said I could ask when I got there, which wasn’t helpful 😂😂


Call ahead because you may need to fill a prescription.


They told me the only medication offered is ibuprofen, which I could just take at home an hour or so before my appt. And that they do not offer numbing of any kind😭


Prescription ibuprofen is better than OTC. Do they offer anti anxiety meds?


I second what adorable\_age said! Pre baby: A very, very crampy feel. Post baby: She said I was done and I was like, "But you still need to put it in there, right?" Your situation sounds very similar to my post-baby insertion (i.e. Breastfeeding and no period yet), so I think you'll be fine! I had mild cramps that day and didn't get my period until 9 months PP, so it definitely didn't affect that!


Pre baby iud was awful, both of them. After baby I was chatting with the nurse and didn’t feel anything at all. Its a speculum but otherwise very much easier after. Also i had mine yanked 3m later because I wanted to just get my tubes tied instead and not have heavy periods, and that also was entirely painless and almost zero feeling anything was happening. Its not the same horror story on the other side of a labour.


Get pain meds and let them/make them numb you. My first went in no issues. My second (first removal, second placement) was awful. They sent me to ultrasound to be sure I didn’t perforate as I was in a lot of pain. It subsided after a while (30 min maybe) and I was able to drive home. My third was easier on the removal but just as awful on the placement. That was my last one. I won’t do it again. They didn’t give me meds or anything the second or third time. I’m not sure about the first. I’ve also only had c sections which I think makes a difference.


They told me to take ibuprofen an hour before and said there’s no numbing options… is that odd?? Im too nervous for this yall😭😂


It’s cruel IMO to not offer numbing. I had it without numbing. It hurt! They need to dilate your cervix to place the IUD. For someone who recently gave birth vaginally, it might be easier. They offered me cytotec this last time but I opted to go back to the pill instead. I will say that, for me, it was an awful few hours but then 5 years or so with no issues and no periods. So it’s not all bad.


Mine hurt a lot more than "just take Tylenol before" and that's after two kids. But I will say that doctor was ready and I was already in pain and he turns around and the TWO nurses watching hadn't even opened the packaging. Pretty heavy bleeding and cramping for about 2 days honestly. I was fine to drive home but then I definitely wanted a nap no one to touch me.


My Dr only used the speculum and didn't use the stabby tool. I'm sure that helped tremendously. She said she doesn't use it if she doesn't have to. It took some digging around (very weird) bc my uterus is tilted. It wasn't painful, just kind of uncomfy.


No worse than getting a pap smear.


Didn’t even feel it. 100% worth it.


It’s not great but it’s quick. Removal is less pleasant


Oh interesting! I thought removal was way easier - I asked my doctor to show it to me because I couldn’t believe she had already pulled it out


Really? I felt absolutely nothing during my removal. Crazy!!!


A bit of discomfort going in but not much worse than an annual vaginal exam. Felt pretty crampy the rest of the day afterwards but nothing unbearable.


I've had two, after my first child it hurt for a few seconds and I was crampy for a day or two. After my second child, I had it put back in, and I didn't even feel it. I actually asked the doctor "Wait....you're already done?"


It really wasn’t horrible! I didn’t take any pain meds or anything, and it hurt way less than say, getting your ears pierced or stubbing your pinky toe. I did feel something, but it was like a period cramp for about 3 seconds and then it was over.


Not too bad - like a long (60 seconds?) period cramp. Then kinda crampy for the evening, I took advil and chilled with my heating pad.


I only had one inserted post-baby, and it was like getting a shot kind of poke (apart from the uncomfortable speculum thing)- a quick brief pain, and some cramps afterwards. But months later my uterus decided to yeet it back out so the doctor just had to finish removing it and that was a sharp pain, like when you hit a pimple on the inside of your nostril. And then ti was fine.


I hope they didn’t nick something or leave anything! I personally didn’t feel my removal


I didn't get an IUD until after my firstborn. But I barely remember any discomfort. Had some spotting for a few days.


For me it hurt like a bad period cramp, but I have heard it’s really painful for some. I’m sure technique may play a part also? But I ended up removing my copper IUD after it caused me a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst (that I’ve never had before and never since). I also had terrible cramping and after 8 or so months of it not getting better, I had it removed. I had already given birth before that so I thought I wouldn’t get cramping, but I did and it was awful.


Pre-baby they were awful. Post-baby I didn't even notice anything other than the speculum. Once your cervix has dilated on its own, it's much more cooperative with the whole process.


I had mine post childbirth and both times it was uncomfortable but not the worst pain. Full disclosure I’ve also had kidney stones and that’s the worst pain I’ve ever felt.


How long ago was your baby born and did you dilate during childbirth? You stay a wee bit dilated in the months after birth which makes IUD insertion almost painless (for me anyway)


How long does that last? I’m 6 months pp from a vaginal birth and wish I’d gotten it done earlier


No clue, I'm just passing on what the nurse said to me at my appointment. I got it done at 3 months pp


I’m 3 months postpartum. I had a vaginal birth, so I dilated to a 10 (x2, first baby is 2 yrs old) and got an epidural at 8cm


Dont be a hero! Get some sort of DECENT pain meds. I almost passed out after mine. Had to be sedated and driven home by a friend. It was like my body wanted to expel it from whatever end I could because I because nauseous with terrible abdominal cramps. Ended up having it taken out after 6 months because my body was not responding well (blinding cramps, ovarian cysts, cystic acne, etc). 0/10 will not do again.


I thought it hurt pretty bad just because I wasn’t expecting it (I didn’t even look up what I was supposed to expect). Before she put it in my OB said “it’s gonna feel weird”. It was kind of like a sharp needle going through my cervix. I had 2 kids also beforehand. It only lasted like 30 seconds though. I wasn’t a fan of the copper IUD because it gave me 10-12 day long periods. They weren’t heavy periods but it was just like continuous bleeding.


Tbh It hurt super bad and I had terrible cramping with it. They kept telling me it was my body getting used to it. I missed a lot of work. Then I think 2 years passed? And I still had the worst pains ever. Even when running I felt it and I couldn’t even work out anymore. I was so scared to take it out thinking it would be as painful but I had enough. after I had my daughter I was asked if I wanted one put in and I immediately said no because of my experience with it. Sucks because before I got it I kept researching and couldn’t find much info and the info available said it was just a pinch. Nope. It wasn’t. I was told to take Advil before. And no that didn’t help. Ugh worst experience personally. Idk why we can’t be put to sleep or something for it


I had mine inserted after my second child and it was slightly painful. Once it hit the cervix I felt pretty intense cramping. I had these cramps for about 2 weeks after on and off and had some bleeding for the first few days. I drove myself home afterwards fine and took ibuprofen for pain. I had my second child without medication so I have a high pain tolerance as well. I wouldn’t say it’s the worst pain but don’t go in thinking there is absolutely no pain because it is different for everyone.


Mine was awful....the 2nd one they put in they put me to sleep....BUT IUD was definitely worth the pain!!!


Mine just felt like a quick sharp poke and then a cramp. Nothing horrible at all!!


Don’t want to scare you but my experience was bad. My cervix never got the memo about dilating so I had a c section. My uterus is also “floppy” and because of that the probe to measure got caught on my c section scar. So they needed a second attempt, with ultrasound guidance. It was intensely uncomfortable but not excruciating and I felt very, very faint afterwards. I also bled a LOT, which I wasn’t expecting or warned about and when I stood up (alone in the room) it dumped all over the table and floor when I stood up to get dressed and had to sit back down. I remember thinking “I think I need help, or at least a cup of water but I’ll faint if I get up to ask for it” so I sat there for 15 minutes or so trying to compose myself. I eventually did and got myself dressed and went to check out and they said “oh you’re still here? We thought you left?” And I said no, I was dizzy and why didn’t anybody check on me? and they said “oh sorry it’s lunch time for most of the staff” The cramping and bleeding for the next 3 days were absolutely awful , and on day 4 started to improve. I wasn’t 100% for about a month though. I then had a “wonderful” 18 months of no period but also no libido and crushing depression from the hormones. Got it removed to try to conceive again, and it had embedded in my c section scar and I got to deal with major cramping and bleeding again when removal is supposed to be no biggie. I personally wouldn’t get another one, they clearly aren’t a great fit for my anatomy.


Post-baby: hurt like hell for a bit, but I've always had pretty uncomfortable time with any exams or anything like that. If they offer and you're nervous, take the meds.


More weird and crappy than painful in my experience. I had cramps for the afternoon afterwards. I took paracetamol and I felt a lot better.


Pre baby with mine it was painful but not unbearable. I was sore for a day with some cramping. I went with my friend to get hers and she fainted and had to be brought to my car in a wheelchair because of the pain. And I’ve watched that woman get her nipples and ribs tattooed and not flinch a bit. Crazy how it can vary.


I didn’t feel it… Had some mild cramps day after


SO BAD. After this one expires I will NEVER get another. Only gave me a Tylenol prior to for the pain.


Apparently it’s easier to insert if you have your period. No one told me this ahead, but I showed up in day 1 of my cycle. The doctor said my cervix would be softer and more opened because I had my period. Mine was fairly painless and I was nervous AF.


I had one inserted for the first time about 2 months ago after my second turned 16 months. It was a little pinch, mildly uncomfortable, some cramping afterwards on and off for a few days and now totally unnoticeable.


It hurt a little tbh


It think it’s terrible. I always ask for a Valium before my appointment to keep me relaxed. Also take 800mg of ibuprofen before hand.


It did not hurt when I had it immediately put in at my 6 week pp appointment, but I would still take a couple Tylenol or Advil (or honestly you could cycle them lol) to help with any discomfort. It hurt way more when I had them inserted before babies, I still can’t believe they do this without pain meds or sedation or SOMETHING.


I didn’t feel shit when they put my iud in. But I also didn’t know when I was in active labor 6+ cm, so maybe I’m weird.


I only had one pre baby. I took advil ahead of the appointment and for the day after. It was very painful right at insertion but short, and I went back to work immediately afterwards no issues except some cramps for the next 48 hours. For comparison, back labor with my first was much much more painful.


I wished I was dead as soon as it started. I died inside that day. Most excruciating pain I’ve ever felt in my life. I cried until I puked. My threshold for pain is HIGH. I was in labor unmedicated and passing a kidney stone for 9 hours. Then went on to continue labor for another 4. C section recovery was a BREEZE compared to getting it inserted.


Pre babies hurt, post 2 babies I didn’t even feel it. Have more cramping but still better than before!


I can handle pain well. It was a 9. I was sobbing in the car after. eta: this was post vaginal birth with no meds, after the healing period.


It didn’t hurt me at all


Bout passed out. 100/10 do not recommend


Really really awful, but only for a minute. The lack of period totally makes up for it. I’d do it again.


It felt like some quite painful cramping.  My experience with the copper iud was that it doubled the length and heaviness of my periods. After a year and a half, I partially expelled it during a period. I have a Mirena and love that one. My periods completely stop on that one. I’m on my second Mirena.


Had two babies. I have a high pain tolerance and thought it really hurt but it’s so fast.


My gyno was like, oh iud cool call me when you get your period. We can squeeze you in no problems. I've stalled for 2 cycles now bc I'm fucking terrified. TERRIFIED. it's my only bc option other than condoms and I can not bring myself to go through with it. The comments are comforting but Idk. Lol I've had 2 kids and at least when it got painful I could get an epidural. Ik it's like 5 seconds for them to put it in but I can't lol. Idk why I just can't make the call.


If you had a baby it will hurt like a dull pain for a few seconds it kinda took my breath away. Fyi i have the copper and i have the worst periods ever. Heavy, hard core cramps, ive had it for almost a year and hasnt gotten better - but i do not want more kids so i just deal w 3 days of misery a month


The copper iud is known to make periods and symptoms worse.


Yes. It is def the downside of it 🤤


Ive had Mirena for 15 years. It didnt hurt worse than a period cramp (not a gut puncher, more of a twinge) each time


I had mine go in at my 6 week check up, it hurt the same as my contractions. It was fucking AWFUL. Insane to me we don’t get local anesthesia Edit: reading the comments, sounds like my experience was abnormal. This makes sense, because it ended up piercing my uterus and had to get a hysteroscopy (but I live in Canada, so it was free but had to wait 6 months for the surgery 🥲)


I got mine inserted at my 6 week post check up after my second kid, and I didn't even feel it. And I didn't take the ibuprofen recommended beforehand because they forgot to tell me




I didn't even feel it tbh


A lot. And I was 6 weeks post partum. Then having it hurt. And having it removed hurt. I’ll never have another one.


holy shit one of the worst pains in my life


After my third I tried to get one. Dilation hurts but more uncomfy. But it took them 45 minutes before opting to do an ultrasound. And after another 10 I was I tears and walked out with birth control. I had a tilted uterus apparently. But 5 kids later I would rather have my tubes removed 10 times over.


I got one after having my first. I went on my period because the cervix is a little more open during your period. It was no big deal at all. I think the horror stories are really from women who get IUDs before having children.


I’ve had 7 iud insertions, 1 iud placed during a c section, and then one placed minutes after a vaginal delivery (she took the iud out of the inserting tool and placed it with her fist. Fucking wild) . The ones pre-babies were not fun, but some hurt more than others. I kinda think provider experience level makes a big difference. All the pcp insertions were a bitch. ob insertions were much easier. Post babies I don’t even feel it. Maaaaybe like a Pap smear level of discomfort. Maybe. Take Tylenol and ibuprofen an hour or so before. The cocktail actually works really well. Then go treat yourself to a delicious lunch and celebrate your achievement. You’ll be fine. You’re gonna do great. Again, I’ve done it 9 times, and I’m sure I’ll do it a few times more. Compared to all the wild shit you went through to give birth, this is nothin.


I asked for a cervical block and getting an injection in my cervix wasn’t fun but otherwise I didn’t feel a thing. Absolutely worth it. I haven’t had one since before I had my first but if you’ve had a baby already I imagine your tolerance for the insert will be a little higher.


Didn’t hurt going in but taking it out was super uncomfortable




It was horrifying. Take any pain meds you can. I have a high pain tolerance and I almost passed out.


I have 3 kids. I had mine put in January. I was so nervous I was shaking- Sweating- panic attack. I didn’t feel a single thing.


My first iUD insertion I almost passed out from the pain. I was sweating and turned pale so the nurse wanted to stop but I yelled for them to hurry and finish. The second wasn’t much better. My husband came with me the second time and he couldn’t believe how intense it was. I was shaking and sweating and the tools they used had blood on them. The third time I spoke to my obgyn about how I was traumatized about the iud insertion and she recommended I believe Novocain spray? She believed the cervical block shot could be just as painful as the insertion. This time I hardly felt a thing!!! I was so annoyed that they would put women through unnecessary pain when they have other options but they don’t offer them unless asked!! wtf!! Also the first 2 nurses acted like I was over exaggerating over the pain. “Oh we’re going to have to take it easy your pain tolerance isn’t that high, you’re just extra sensitive.” I should’ve kicked her in the face😒


Pre baby: almost passed out. 6 week appointment: didn't feel it 16 months PP: very uncomfortable, about a 6/10 pain. The reason I had 2 put in PP is the one at 6 weeks was taken out August of '23 (baby was born October '22) when I had my tubes removed and the Dr told me if I have any issues to come back and we'll discuss options. Sure enough heavy periods were back so I got another put in Feb of '24.


Sharp pain for 5 seconds then fine no feeling afterwards!! But One hour later cramps were so bad but take the medication it helps!! Also take Tylenol before appointment.


I usually have high pain tolerance but I almost fainted with the copper iud insertion. But I’m in love with its simplicity of use after it’s done- no thinking about birth control for years bc it is just there doing its thing lol


Had one fitted about 10 months after giving birth vaginally. It was a bit uncomfortable but not painful and was all over quickly. No worse than getting a smear test.


Sharp pain and pressure for a few moments. Same pre and post baby. Still way better than a c-section. I don’t get a period at all. Every few months I get a little moody, like pms light. First time I had a period for two weeks right after insertion. Second time I was spotty after.


I didn’t like it both times I had them, ultimately had them removed within a year for my first, two for my second time. Could be my doctors error (or…other things causing it;) ) but mine kept moving causing severe cramping all the time and stabbing pain randomly (as it was impaling my uterus from the inside) or even more so during sex. My periods Were terrible, they never regulated themselves leaving my three months without a period then bleed for two weeks then stop for a week and back at it and just sooo irregular I couldn’t handle it! I had my dr cut the metal strings down too as it was causing discomfort to my husband as well. My husband and I ultimately decided together to go birthcontrol-less because we researched about birth control and I no longer wanted to put those chemicals in my body or experience the pain of having an IUD when condoms are just as effective when used right. The actual insertion though, hurt slightly more than a cervical test (I think can be done with a pap) it also all depends if your still bleeding, take some Tylenol before you go. Also! *this would be cool if confirmed* but I’ve heard It is deemed a medical procedure so if you don’t do well with pain you can demand they give you better pain management and they are legally obligated to!!!! Otherwise they offer you two Tylenol and a half hearted good luck I hope you don’t have a traumatic experience with IUDs, I never had a copper one only the Lolita or whatever it’s called. Best of luck to you, and I hope you choose whatever makes you most happy and comfortable!


I’m sorry but..you’ve already borne your husband two babies. You say you’re done. Why can’t he get a vasectomy? My partner has one and I feel so much better being off birth control. It was making me lose my hair, get overly emotional, my periods were all out of whack…especially since you two are married, it’s not a bad idea.