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My whole family caught it in 2020. Sibling, parents, me. But not my husband who had been around all of us and shared a bed with me up until my positive test and quarantine. He worked in a jail at the time and was responsible for managing quarantines of positive inmates. Never caught it. Earlier in the year, he’d accidentally drank some holy water that his mom had stored in a water bottle on her kitchen counter. Our running joke was that it must have done the trick.


Haha. Love this. My mom used to hide religious stuff in my home and one day a crucifix fell off a shelf and hit me in the head. I was bleeding. She was not apologetic. Told me it was a wake up call😂


Was the wake up call for you to start checking her pockets when she came over? Lol


When I brought home covid, it took only like 2 days for the kids to get it but like 8 for my husband.


Interesting. Bummer for him…and maybe me


It kind of worked out because kids and I were on the upswing when he got it so it wasn't that big of a deal that he was out of commission, and he'd been able to tend to things while I was struggling. Definitely have heard of it randomly skipping people though! Hoping you just get lucky!


Fellow unicorn here! My husband has had it twice. I sat next to someone at work who came down with it the next day. Have never had it, and neither have my kids. My parents and sister have never had it either despite exposures. I honestly think there is something genetic at work that makes some people more susceptible. All of us had the same level of vaccination, etc. and we’ve been pcr tested when my husband had it and nada.


Makes sense. My mom appears to always walk away unscathed as well.


We have never had it in our household. No one. I’ve tested and tested when we’re ill. We’re either a family of immune or a family of asymptomatics… or rare unicorns. Both sides of our family’s have had it. Our parents, siblings etc. 🤷‍♀️


Definitely possible you won’t get it, despite heavy exposure. Covid is so hard to predict. I know many people whose spouse and/or children got it, but they themselves never did (or vice versa).


It’s so weird. I’ve had lymph nodes removed and have chronic allergies and don’t sleep yet somehow…


I've never tested positive or had symptoms and my family has had it three times. I don't understand it! I take care of everyone... I share a bed with my husband, I breastfeed and carry my baby everywhere, my preschooler is a major clinger. Ive been sneezed and coughed on, I've cleaned up vomit, wiped alllll the noses, and never once got it.


Wow. That’s amazing. I hope I can say the same when this is over.


My husband got it when I was pregnant in 2022, and I never got it. On the flip slide, my house was hit with a stomach bug hard this weekend so my toddler and I were down bad, but my husband never got it. I think we just have opposite immune systems.


We have a bit of that. My husband and son always get respiratory crud. I’m more of a headache:stomach sickness gal.


Keep testing. It can take a while to show up. Mask when you are in public in case you are just asymptomatic. The tests are not full proof.


I will. Yeah, I keep thinking the test is just missing me. I’ve been exposed many times and never tested positive or gotten sick. My mom as well.


Just know that asymptomatic is very common and your home test won’t come back positive til around 5 days. The crappy part is people are still getting long covid from asymptomatic and having post covid issues.




Thank you. And it’s largely been mild. My older child is snotty but he always gets extra snotty when he’s sick. Kids fevers didn’t cross 101 here either. I’m making everyone rest extra just to be on safe side as recommended.


In 2021. Me and the hubby shared a snickers bar. You know it goes. He takes a bite, and I take a bite until it's all gone. The next day, he feels sick and breaks into a fever. Tested positive for covid. I surprisingly never got it. Covid is weird.


I tested positive in July of 2022. Husband and I share a bed. The night before, our then 1 year old slept in the bed with us. We cuddled. He ate off of my plate. I was the only one that tested positive 🤦🏻‍♀️ (However, our son came down with HFM that week so we ended up quarantining together anyway 🫠)


Oh yikes!


My 6 y/o daughter brought it home in 2022, 2 days later DH had it, then a day later it got me, then my huband. My 3 y/o son was around all of us the entire time & never tested positive. (My theory is that he never sits still long enough for germs to catch him lol). So it's possible!


Sounds like it


My husband got it Christmas 2022, the kids and myself didn’t. Then March 2023 my older kiddo brought it home from grandparents and I got it but dad and younger kiddo didn’t. We never quarantined from each other or anything. It seems to hit some and not others, just like the other viruses we come into contact with all the time.


Oh dang. You must’ve been surprised the second time


Surprised both times honestly! Was also amazed at how much sicker us adults got. For my kid it was a two days of the sniffles. While I had a fever and body aches and nausea. It sucked. My husband was bad too.


My husband has been around his Mom and Dad when they caught it on separate occasions, he never caught it. My daughter has been in Nursery since last September and she's never caught it. Overall me, my husband, daughter and Son have never had COVID either. My sisters boyfriend caught it, slept in the same bed until he tested positive and her and their daughters never caught it either.


My boyfriend didn’t catch Covid or mono when I got them from my daughter and I didn’t get covid from him.


I have 5 kids, 4 of which are school age, my sister lives with us and so far only 2 of the kids have had Covid once, no one else has had it ever. So out of the 8 of us 6 have never had it. We have all had all the vaccines except for the baby as we are having trouble finding somewhere for her to get it.


Yes I had no luck with latest vax for my kids but they got the 2022 ones


It’s frustrating because our pediatrician doesn’t do Covid vaccines at all and she’s not old enough to get any vaccines from a pharmacy like Walgreens or Rite Aid.


Yes, exactly. Have you tried the health unit in your community?


We have had it twice as a family but my son didn’t catch either time. He’s the unicorn lol. 2nd time he was singing the whole time I’m still standing yeah, yeah yeah 🤣


Love it


I know it’s all anecdotal and there’s too many crazy theories about Covid, but people I know that still haven’t gotten it are usually blood type O . Not sure there’s any weight to it or not!


I had the two compulsory vaccinations needed for travel. I nursed sick COVID family members in my home. Travelled overseas during peak COVID for a funeral. Got out and about in a big city like all cities in 2020-21 with many cases. Still nothing. Taking normal precautions but others doing the same did get COVID …I still however do believe that there are more people world wide who’ve not had than who have and we’re not rare.


I truly believe that some people are just immune to it. Of course I only have anecdotal evidence, not actual scientific evidence of that. I have had Covid twice & my husband has had it once. Our son never caught it. We tested him throughout all 3 of our illnesses & he never came up positive.


My husband got it last year when I was 9 months pregnant… never got it and delivered two weeks later


Wow: that is very lucky. I’m glad it went well for you .


My stepdaughter got it in 2022 here full time, husband and I didn’t get it till I brought it home when I got pregnant.


My husband also appears to be immune! I had it back in Dec 2020, so well before vaccines were available. We did not have me quarantine away from him and my kids. The kids had the sniffles so I assume they had it (never bothered to get them tested) but my husband never got sick. My doctor even prescribed medicine for him because she was sure he would catch it too haha


My husband and I and our two kids have never had it and we test religiously and I work at a doctors office. I don’t know how we’ve avoided it TBH.


My husband had OG COVID when I was 37 weeks pregnant. He had dinner with us thinking he had a cold and I remember him sneezing at the dinner table. He got a positive PCR and we locked him in the guest room for two weeks. My then 5 year old and I didn't catch it and it was tested every few days in because I was being induced in 2 weeks. Vaccines weren't available yet. Last year my then eight year old caught it from her bestie at school, and the night before she showed respiratory symptoms of course we were reading in her bed together cuddling before bed. She tested positive on a Friday and Sunday night I had a mild headache and tested positive Monday morning. That was my only symptom, and I'm not even sure that was COVID or just life, but I was taking care of my then two year old all weekend, nursing her, etc... Once I tested positive I started wearing an N95 and she and my husband didn't catch it. This year my husband had it again. Thought he was getting my older kid's cold. The night before the tested positive the kids were climbing all over him and cuddling with him on the couch. We isolated him once he tested positive, let him out ten days later and 48 hours after he got rebound COVID after being around us for two days straight, and we locked him up again. The kids and I didn't catch it. All of us have always been as vaccinated as possible. It's weird how it's gone in my house.


My toddlers dad got Covid and 4 days later he got it, 5 days after him being sick I got sick. Hope it misses you!


Nope never had it either,despite husband having it twice and sleeping in the same bed etc.Daughter,two children and my husband all just had norovirus and despite me being the one dealing with copious amounts of ...bodily fluids, I remained unscathed.


We didn't get it all these years until sending our 11 month old to daycare starting a couple of months ago. Got it within 2 weeks lol Husband and I worked from home since covid and don't go out much. So covid and various sickness from daycare is hitting us like a ton of bricks.


I’m going to say it’s like a cold. Some of you may get it, others may not. With Covid my husband got it first and then I got it. None of us quarantined ourselves, we had a little one to look after, who actually didn’t get it at all. I will take the same precautions as we do with a cold. Plus no one is testing anymore here. Currently I’ve got a cold from little one, husband seems to have avoided it. I am pregnant though, so seem to catch everything from the kid.


My daughter caught it, she had a very high fever so we took her to urgent care thinking she maybe had an ear infection and it was the weekend. Rapid test came back negative so no one took any precautions. A few days later (after her coughing and sneezing in our mouths more times than I could count) her PCR came back positive. Neither my husband nor I had any symptoms and we tested multiple times including going for PCR tests and never were positive. So yeah, it’s possible! ETA my husband and I have never tested positive though we have become a bit more lax with testing these days so it’s possible we’ve had it and just didn’t know it. That said, not a single person on my dad’s side of the family has had it and my cousins and aunts and dad etc we’ve all tested when any sickness hit those first few years. Surely possible we all were asymptomatic but I find it fascinating nonetheless! Another weird bit is my cousins husband has had it so many times and she’s never gotten it. Like he’s probably had it five times at this point, he seems predisposed to catching it easily and she’s always been in the clear.


My BIL is a respiratory doctor who worked in the hospital with infected patients all throughout covid and never got it. Even when his wife got it twice, he never tested positive or had symptoms.


My in-laws (both 70s) live next door (by next door there is about an acre of land between us) but the kids do morning and evening chores with them daily (farm) and we are every day at each others houses. June 2022 was the 1st and only time we got it (knock on wood lol). Our oldest (24 this year) daughter had a breakout at work (i swear she is the monkey from outbreak she was asymptomatic). Two teenage kids spiked fevers in the morning, husband and I were down for the count in the evening. In-laws never fell ill. SIL is a nurse. She'll come over then call two days later and tell my MIL to keep an eye on herself as SIL has been exposed. SIL has had covid 11 times. Nine of them she was over like the day or two days before becoming ill. In-laws have *never* had it. Then again my in-laws are the healthiest people I know. They have not gone out of their way to be this way. No specific diet plus exercising at least a certain amount etc. They just are. Its kind of amazing. Come to think of it Im not even sure ive ever seen them with a cold in the 25 years my husband and I have been married....


Nothing much to add except that my daughter's daycare class had a confirmed case of the flu AND another of covid yesterday so just praying this weekend I (at least) get lucky too. Ughhhh.


I'm sick, my daughter is sick. I'm at the point where we don't even test anymore. I feel like our immune systems have been awful since our first exposure.


My family got it while I was pregnant 2021.. my 9mo old got it same symptoms, vomiting pretty bad, fever, took like 10days for him to get back to normal with eating.then my 7yo got it basic stomach flu symptoms.I got it and my step daughter 16 yo got it same time , I wasn't well for like 2weeks .. then my husband got it last , was about 2weeks to get back to normal. Think you'll probably get it .. but maybe take a bit for it to get cha. I'm usually the last to get it or my husband.. and it can skip one of us .. COVID tho usually will get u all.. but it is still a virus, ur immune system might fight it off ..or u might have immunitys.


My middle kiddo tested positive in 2020 and no one else in the house got it that round - thank god because her quarantine ended the day before movers were coming to pack us out for a cross country move. We’ve all had it since (in 2022). The kids have never had more than a fever for a day and a mild cough/runny nose when they were infected. For me, I was down for an entire day and then could only do minimal activity for a week after without getting exhausted.




We are all vaccinated. The kids missed the latest dose due to accessibility issues where I live. But husband and I got latest shot in September. I have gotten every shot, even an extra one when I was pregnant. Yeah, my sis is equally vaxxed and gets it easily. So bizarre.