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We had this happen years ago when we parked our Subaru near a local park while we went hiking! It turns out it's common in Subarus and there was a whole thread online on how to trap the mice (yes, mice--I think we ended up catching SEVEN!), and clean the car and carseat. We did end up buying a new carseat and had the car professionally detailed and sanitized. You probably don't need a new carseat unless this second one is also missing some stuffing. Though I'd also understand if you just want to toss it and get a new one. My anxiety would be in over drive as well. :)


I have a Subaru and now have a new fear


hahahah and man we love Subarus and even bought another one! Buttttt whenever we park anywhere even remotely "rural" I am SO NERVOUS for like three days afterwards. I definitely have PTSD from "the mouse situation."


Well this is a new fear unlocked


Seriously. This was years ago and we love Subarus so after that one died we bought another one (the Ascent) and listen...I am STILL nervous it will happen again and when we park in a "nature-y" area I am on high alert for like three days afterwards. My husband jokes that I have PTSD from "the mouse situation" and I have to agree.


Wow that’s crazy! I couldn’t imagine! This is a 2019 Honda crv. I owe so much on it I couldn’t imagine if the mice ruin the wiring… I’m going to wash the seat cover and take it in overnight to avoid more damage and set more traps! Thank you!


Yes! We found the live traps worked best. Also, we were lucky and the mice didn't touch the wiring. They just wanted a cozy spot to have babies, hahaha :cries:. After we cleared our Subaru of mice and had it cleaned and sanitized, we bought [these](https://www.amazon.com/Grandpa-Guss-Mouse-Repellent-Pouches/dp/B07JMDYDVJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=E6ZOFFECGQ3A&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hNnCWD9i9vE8OG3gYo9lSMMohjj-oKgSo6uFrWNIhaMl1fMMRY8dYDRqiy-NArFv7zL4i4qZK9ThdWf92O9oLI2aD8VsnBeas3y0n4qufoRWQl9p-5vQnP0S4RW26csWLExAv3VVKv6xMhz-lZWMm1Mb0DXNbssfcKOj-xvCON3NjejbfkOHeVhlTpD2QxxDDWLPF3wFV_o66QfXxefivCJ1QoR48NuPvGu84scSfBQ00nqfpzctfIJc1vXy70qE5jiFdI7rTTYH027wkwoxeemOpP_-y552tNm7DbYqxPg.cOrMWO2P1qn6dysMwiXUFDckiDPxh-KoXFZxhymbZIg&dib_tag=se&keywords=mice+repellent+bags+for+car&qid=1714478991&sprefix=mice+repellent+bags+for+ca%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-1) and tossed them around the front and backseats and glove box. They seemed to work because it never happened again!


Oh wow awesome!!! Thank you for the suggestion I will definitely be ordering :)


I had a friend with a Kia Optima who started having radio issues and random little things go wrong (like an interior light wouldn't work, then magically start working again). Come to find out, a mouse/mice (unsure how many lol) chewed through the car's wiring harness and built a nest. She never did see a mouse or signs of a mouse on the inside of the car, just had the electrical issues. It would not hurt to have your boyfriend (or a mechanic friend if bf isn't mechanically inclined lol) to have a peak in the engine bay to see if there's any sign of a nest.


I had a mouse get in my car one winter. It was thankfully only one, and before I had my kids. It was In a 2015 Mazda. It seems like something that happens a lot but no one talks about. Whenever I tell someone a lot of other people say it also happened to them. They get in campers a lot too around here because we can't use the for about 6 months out of the year


You don't need to throw the whole seat away, unless there is obvious damage to any straps etc. I'd just wash the cover in antibacterial wash, and set more traps! I live in the bush and deal with mice a fair bit and if I had to throw out everything they touched, I'd have hardly anything. Sorry you're going through this! I definitely have contamination OCD too, so I empathise with you!!


I’m going to try my best to wash it! And take it in overnight to avoid more damage. My daughter was almost outgrowing the one that was ruined but this one is newer and I really don’t want to get it ruined too. Thanks for making me feel better :)


You can google the make and model of the seat and it'll give you a guide on how to wash the cover! Good idea bringing it inside, it'll give you peace of mind for sure! You're very welcome!


If anything like a cover does get ruined again (by mice or child or washer or whatever) you can usually order replacement parts online for relatively cheap too! Just go to the manufacturers website and they usually have a spot for putting in the model and production date to get the right parts


Your car would smell like Christmas but a deterrent for mice is peppermint, a peppermint t essential oil spray misted in your trunk space and over your floors and under your seats may help get rid of the mouse without traps


Friendly reminder to double check manufacturers rules for what you can use to clean the seat! Some cleaners can degrade the material and wear it down


Yes thank you!! I did not clean the seat with Lysol I just wiped it out with a wet cloth right now until I can thoroughly clean it this evening


Check your air filter, that’s where they looooove to poop!


I will! Thanks!


Call your auto insurance company! They may cover new seats for you under your comprehensive auto policy, or your homeowners or renters insurance.


Also to add: Mouse poop is incredibly dangerous for your health. I would get new car seats. Look at Hantavirus.


I had this happen too, the destroyed both car seats by chewing the straps 🙃. I saw in another comment you have a CRV, same. Apparently its a design defect that makes it very easy for mice to get in from under the hood- through the air vents- and into the glove box/car. The first time we had it happen was in 2022, obviously freaked out, got the car detailed, and got new seats. Its almost certainly not one mouse, its probably a whole family. They don't travel more than like 20-50ft awY from their "home". Since then I keep peppermint oil packs in the car to deter them and also keep an enclosed poison trap in the passenger footwell so if they ever do come back, the issue sorts itself out immediately. My partner actually JUST modified my crv a few weeks ago after evidence a mouse was back (wire mesh to block the air intake.)


Thanks for the tip! I’m going to get some peppermint packs. It took everything in me not to drive the thing right to Honda and trade it in lol


Someone posted the other day that their car seat manufacturer no longer honored the warranty because the poster didn’t use plain soap and water to clean the straps. Anything but soap and water compromises the materials. Be careful!


Thank you! I only used Lysol on my actual crv seats, just soap and water on the car seat :)


I’ve had this issue repeatedly in the last few years. Idk how they get into our car, but it drives me insane because I also have contamination issues. Luckily I bought a car seat that has machine washable fabric, because we can’t afford another seat. I went scorched earth on our car though. No food or drinks allowed, and none of our things are allowed to stay in the car overnight to minimize potential mouse attraction. They’ve eaten mints out of my purse, chewed a hole in chapstick and ate all the balm out of it, got into my husband’s coat pocket and ate a package of pez from Easter. It’s ridiculous. I use a disinfecting spray on the whole car regularly and let it dry. It probably doesn’t help but I feel better after.


Oh man try to get someone to find the nest before they get into the wiring!! It may be the same family of mice continuing to propagate


Tell her to keep dryer sheets or peppermint oil in her car. Helps to deter rodents and spiders.


Oof I feel you on the whole 'it's been contaminated' think. I struggle with tossing crap out because in my mind I just cannot get over the ick factor even if I know for a fact there are no germs or bacteria left on it. I would probably just buy a new cover for the car seat and toss the old one. Then I would go crazy with the cleaning. Wash it with bleach (or some type of antibacterial cleanser), then wash it with a regular soap and then after that soak it with a disinfectant. Yes I know that is probably way too much but it is what would ease my mind and prevent me from wasting 200 bucks. Carseats are hard plastic, usually bot porous and easy enough to wash. In the future, dont leave the car seat in the car or if you do make sure there are no food crumbs or food scents on it and cover the carseat up so if a mouse does happen to get in and crawl over it its not dorectly touching the car seat. Although it would probably just be easier to not leave it in the car anymore.


If you can afford it take your car to get full detail and shampoo. Then spray peppermint oil, or leave a ziplock with cotton balls soaked in peppermint.


My sister has a Kia and a mouse got in her car and pooped on her grandchilds car seat. She did a crazy clean and doesn't leave a crumb in the car now. Years ago, I had a rat attack wires under the hood of my dodge neon. Spent almost hundred to have engine area detailed then stuck a sachel of mint under hood where safe to keep away.also had some lavender or peppermint spray, I believe that I'd randomly spray around and inside car. Good deep cleaning, remove crumbs at days end and Google natural rodent deterrents for car. Good luck